I have seen the movie and read the book a couple of times. It's been a few years since I have seen the movie, so I would have to watch it again to find out exactly which scene you are talking about. However, to answer your question, just because the woman's parents were in one of the camps, does not mean they were Jewish. Yes most of the people sent to the camps were Jewish, but a lot of other people were sent who were not, for a variety of reasons. Including political prisoners, homosexuals, Gypsies and other undesirables. The Nazis had their own definition of who was an undesirable, depending on which day of the week is was, and what hour of the day. In other words, if you were not a card carrying Nazi, anyone for any reason could become an undesirable. Some POW's were even sent to one camp in error, giving even more credibility to what had happened, to the sub-species human wanna be's of today, that spew their rhetoric, that it never happened at all.
The parents could have been hiding or helping someone and were either caught or turned in. The father could have been Jewish, but not the mother. Children of so called 'mixed marriages' were only considered Jewish, if the mother was Jewish. That may have been the case with this woman's parents. Her father would have been sent to the camps if he was Jewish and her mother would have been sent for being married or having relations with a Jewish man. Their daughter, not considered Jewish, would not be sent to the camps, unless she did something the Nazis considered wrong. Which of course, could have been any little thing that she may not have even been aware of. Some women prostituted themselves to get extra food and clothing or were chosen by the Nazis running the camps as their little toys.
The man or men would want her to look as nice as possible, which may explain her appearance. Who knows what she looked like under those clothes. I could go on and on about this, but won't, though I am sure most of you think I already have. I do hope this helps you understand that things are not always as they seem. Never assume anything, it only makes an ass out of u and me. My source for this is the dozens and dozens of books I have read about the Holocaust and World War II.
Response last updated by gtho4 on Oct 17 2017.
Jul 07 2001, 6:00 AM