looney_tunes Moderator 19 year member
3326 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
The Hungarian is beyond me, so I cannot read the story to see what it is about and look for some kind of link to these, but linguistically it could be a reference to a follower of Achaemenides, who was mentioned in Virgil's 'Aeneid' as a member of the crew of Odysseus who was left behind on Sicily, before being collected by Aeneas and taken to Italy.
Alternatively, it could be one who lived in the Achaemenid empire (in Persia) founded by Cyrus the Great around 550 BCE and conquered by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE.
If you have Chrome, just right-click on the story & in the popup it will say, "translate to English", click on that. In the story, there is an explanation. I would have provided the translation here but I'm not sure if there is a size/word limit.
Response last updated by hypatia415 on Dec 11 2021.
Dec 11 2021, 6:47 PM
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