Question #149727. Asked by
Last updated Aug 31 2023.
Originally posted Aug 30 2023 8:08 PM.
Tucked away in the eastern Andes Mountains, about 5,000 meters (3 miles) above sea level, the town of La Rinconada is the highest permanent settlement in the world. The Peruvian town does not have running water, a sewage system, or garbage disposal. Yet 50,000 people live here amidst the thin air for one valuable resource: gold.
dizziness, headaches, ringing ears, palpitations, and even heart failure and death.
Under the cachorreo system they work for 30 days without payment and for one day they are allowed to work for themselves. At this day of the month, the miners are allowed to take with them as much ore as they can carry on their shoulders. Whether the ore contains any gold or not is a matter of luck.