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What is the most calories consumed by a person at a single meal?

Question #150013. Asked by elvislennon.
Last updated Oct 26 2023.
Originally posted Oct 25 2023 9:57 PM.

elburcher star
Answer has 3 votes
elburcher star
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Answer has 3 votes.
Not sure of the calorie content, but the following is the largest documented meal one person has consumed in a single sitting.

Edit* I figured the calorie content to be approximately 7,726 calories.
According to the record book, in 1985 the medical journal The Lancet published a story about the largest meal eaten in modern history. Eaten by a 23-year-old woman, the meal was made up of one pound of liver, two pounds of kidneys, eight ounces of steak, two eggs, one pound of cheese, two large slices of bread, one pound of mushrooms, two pounds of carrots, one cauliflower, 10 peaches, four pears, two apples, four bananas, two pounds of plums, two pounds of grapes, and two glasses of milk, reaching 16 pounds in total.

The woman "later died following attempts to have the undigested food surgically removed," the journal noted.


Response last updated by elburcher on Oct 26 2023.
Oct 26 2023, 8:16 AM
Answer has 4 votes
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Answer has 4 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
While there may be some contention over what constitutes a meal, competitive eaters like Joey Chestnut, have been known to eat more than double the calories figured in elburcher's post during the Nathan's hotdog contest. In 2023 he consumed over 18,000 calories to win. I found a different post saying the number may have been over 20,000. So, depending on if you consider an eating contest a meal, it seems likely that is where the most calories are consumed.

According to Pompliano-who regularly posts "business breakdowns" on the platform-that number is around 18,414 calories. He also notes that it also translates to 1,129 in total fat, 1,488 carbohydrates, and 682 grams of protein.



Oct 26 2023, 9:03 AM
elburcher star
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elburcher star
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Answer has 0 votes.
maripp2002 got me thinking...
While I personally wouldn't consider a contest a meal, there are people who travel and complete "Food Challanges". One may have seen "Beard Meets Food" YouTube Channel. He travels the UK, Canada and the United States to various eateries and takes on various food challenges. I don't know where or how to determine the caloric value but I'm sure there is a good chance they can exceed what I posted above.

Some examples below:




Oct 26 2023, 1:57 PM
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