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Rabat was the capital of which tiny unrecognised state that existed between 1798-1800 during the French Revolutionary Wars?

Question #151242. Asked by pehinhota.
Last updated Jun 13 2024.
Originally posted Jun 12 2024 2:36 PM.

gtho4 star
Answer has 2 votes
gtho4 star
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Answer has 2 votes.
The island of Gozo (part of Malta) was an independent state between 1798 and 1801.
Many of us probably can never imagine this but between the 28th and 29th October of 1798, Gozo gained independence from Malta and was declared as its very own nation. It remained liked this for three whole years until 1801. This was due to the French revolutionary wars that were spreading across Europe at the time. When the Knights left Malta and the French took over, they established fortifications in both Malta and Gozo but the Maltese were not happy. They soon revolted against the French but the Maltese were not as successful as the Gozitans. The archpriest of Rabat, Gozo at the time, Saverio Cassar led the Gozitan rebellion. With the help of Sir Alexander Ball, a British Naval officer who was very loved in Malta as he aimed at preventing the French from taking control of the islands, the French conceded from Gozo without a fight on the 28th October, 1798 ... On the 29th October, the British transferred the control of the island to the Gozitans.

The people of Gozo decided to make the King of the Two Sicilies, Ferdinand III as their monarch while a government led by the rebellion leader and archpriest, Saverio Cassar was set up. His official title was Governor General. The government involved both Maltese and British representatives and their first call of action was to give back all the food to the islands inhabitants that was captured by the French.The Neapolitan flag from Naples, which fell under the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, started being used as Gozo's flag as King Ferdinand praised his faithful Maltese subjects .. The French finally surrendered from Malta in 1800 as the British took over and established the Malta Protectorate. Saverio remained ruling over independent Gozo till 1801 when the British removed him from his position and Gozo fell under their rule.

Jun 13 2024, 12:25 AM
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