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What was the name of the historical novel about cathedral building in the 13th century? Who was the author and is a sequel or movie planned?

Question #66801. Asked by teash.
Last updated Aug 21 2016.

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Answer has 8 votes
20 year member
4170 replies avatar

Answer has 8 votes.
Perhaps you mean Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth," which is actually set in the 12th century and is rather entertaining:

Apparently, both a sequel and a film are in the works:


Jun 11 2006, 6:40 PM
Answer has 3 votes
21 year member
145 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
yep. sorry my mistake on the century! The sequel's working title is "World Without End" due out 2007.
"The cathedral and the priory are again at the centre of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge. But at the heart of the story is the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human race: the plague known as the Black Death, which killed something like half the population of Europe in the fourteenth century." I can't wait!

Jun 12 2006, 10:27 AM
Answer has 4 votes

Answer has 4 votes.
I read this same novel and it really made me think. The stone mason was building a cathedral in France I believe. I thought the book was written by James A. Mitchner, but when I went to Amazon, I could not find it.

I have been searching as I many my ideas about how society is structured (or mal structured) today was based on that book. I may have a copy of what I am looking for, packed away somewhere, but I am not sure of the title or author also.

In searching for this book, I came across your question, and I too am a bit confused that I can not find it. Are we the only two that read this long but very interesting novel? :-)

After I spent some time searching, I do believe that the book you are searching for is Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth," which is actually set in the 12th century:


Aug 19 2009, 11:49 PM
Baloo55th star
Answer has 4 votes
Baloo55th star
22 year member
4545 replies avatar

Answer has 4 votes.
A book no-one's mentioned yet is William Golding's 'The Spire', not about astari's French cathedral, but about the erection of the spire of Salisbury Cathedral in the 13th century.


Feb 08 2011, 1:12 PM
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Answer has 9 votes.

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@astari. Wow, I was just trying to find the same book. I don't think any of the books mentioned are the one I am searching for. If I remember correctly, there was subtle hints that the masons were part of the Freemasons and that the main character invented the flying buttress. I do believe it was set in France and maybe it was using Chartres as the unnamed cathedral. I ordered The Pillars of the Earth, but really don't believe that is the book I read many years ago.

Apr 22 2011, 9:05 PM
Answer has 4 votes

Answer has 4 votes.
Sarum by Edward Rutherford is te novel you are thinking of.

Aug 21 2016, 4:25 AM
Answer has 4 votes

Answer has 4 votes.
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