22. What is the middle name of a famous author of the poem "Old Ironsides," a writer who is famous for his ability to present authentically basic conflicts in mid-nineteenth century America?
From Quiz Fill Me In (#1)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. was famous for these poems among many, "Old Ironsides," "Chambered Nautilus," and for his book, "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." He combined the life of a poet-writer with that of being a doctor. He was famous for writing "The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever" (1843) which argued in behalf of improved sanitary techniques in obstetrics and surgery. His life reflected many of the tensions of his times. He was born the same year as Charles Darwin, 1809.
Along with his friend who also had three names, James Russell Lowell, he was one of the initial editors of the prestigious journal, "The Atlantic Monthly."
His son, who fought in the American Civil War, is named, not surprisingly, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Incidentally, he and his son had many personal battles.