Oxygen = Element not Mineral.
"To be classified as a "true" mineral, a substance must be a solid and have a crystal structure. It must also be an inorganic, naturally-occurring, homogeneous substance with a defined chemical composition."
"From a computation based on 1672 analyses of all kinds of rocks Clarke arrived at the following as the average percentage composition:
Silicon: SiO2=59.71,
Aluminum: Al2O3=15.41,
Iron(III) Oxide: Fe2O3=2.63,
Iron Oxide: FeO=3.52,
Magnesium: MgO=4.36,
Calcium: CaO=4.90,
Sodium: Na2O=3.55,
Potash: K2O=2.80,
Water: H2O=1.52,
Titanium: TiO2=0.60,
Phosphate: P2O5=0.22,
(total 99.22%). All the other constituents occur only in very small quantities, usually much less than 1%[1]
H20 not a mineral.
The three most abundant elements in the crust, in order of abundance, are
1. O - oxygen (not a mineral)
2. Si - silicon
3. Al - aluminum
The other five most abundant element in the crust are
* Fe - iron
* Mg - magnesium
* Ca - calcium
* K - potassium
* Na - sodium