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Limited Time Award for August 2024
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The Birth of Venus

By Sandro Botticelli

Painting Information
Beyond themes of Christianity, classical mythology was one of the most popular inspirations for Italian Renaissance art. "The Birth of Venus" is perhaps the most famous painting in this category. The painting shows the Roman goddess Venus emerging from the sea, born as a fully-grown adult.

The larger canvas of the painting was created by sewing together two smaller pieces of canvas before starting. Art historians disagree about who commissioned the painting, with some positing that a Medici was responsible, while others argue it only came into their possession later in its life.
Create quizzes, earn paintings, build your gallery!
+1 Prestige per unframed, +2 Prestige per framed painting

August's Requirements
  1. Author a quiz in one of the following sub-categories:

    Roman Myth (Humanities)
    Norse Myth (Humanities)
    Egyptian Myth (Humanities)
    Irish Myth (Humanities)
    Aztec Mythology (Humanities)
    Chinese Mythology (Humanities)
    Winds (Sci / Tech)
    Bodies of Water (Geography)
    Mollusks (Animals)
    Our Solar System (Sci / Tech)

    Quiz must reside precisely in one of these; not in a sub-category of one of these

  2. Author an old is new quiz. Get started by creating a quiz using this page.

  3. Author a quiz using one of these formats:

    1. Photo Quiz
    2. Match Quiz
    3. Photo Match quiz

Earn August's Painting
Get one quiz online this month meeting at least one of the requirements above and you will get an unframed version of this painting added to your Authoring Gallery!

Get at least two quizzes online this month, meeting all three requirements amongst all of your submissions to get a framed version of this painting added to your gallery.

Timing & Grace Period
  • Only quiz templates created during August are considered for this award.
  • Since editing timing is uncertain, eligible quiz templates placed online during August OR next month count. In other words, if you start work on a quiz in January, but after some back-and-forth with editors it ends up delayed and goes online in February, you will still earn January's painting award.
  • You must return to this page to claim your painting! There will be a link here to claim last month's painting.

  • Your Quiz Templates That Will Be Considered
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