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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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pagea star

player avatar
Disappointed that Senegal have bowed out of the World Cup, but holding onto the glimmer of hope that England might not be awful...

Reply #18521. Jun 28 18, 10:39 AM
Tekka star

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I often see players state that they get this challenge often....I get it once in every three to four months, so today is the day I don't have to work for my two points!

Reply #18522. Jun 28 18, 11:05 AM
HairyBear star

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What's the matter with trees, flopsy? I object when neighbors cut their trees down.

Reply #18523. Jun 28 18, 2:15 PM
MiraJane star

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I objected when my neighbor stole my roses, pulled up my ivy, pour sand over the space, cut down my trees, and dumped the debris in my backyard. Didn't do me any good though. At least birds had places for nesting this spring. Since she hates birds too, I was happy to see the birds nesting in the debris she left me.

Reply #18524. Jun 28 18, 4:16 PM
Great news, everyone, at least from my POV! I got a job at last! Another job, really, as I was looking for one because I joined the ranks of the under-employed several months back. Now I have two part time jobs, and hopefully together I can earn a decent living. I'm so happy and relieved! I look forward to this new job! A big thank-you to everyone who commiserated with me previously on this subject! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18525. Jun 28 18, 7:35 PM
Wow, MiraJane, your neighbor sounds destructive. You have my sympathy. Hopefully she will learn to leave living things in peace. Take care. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18526. Jun 28 18, 7:36 PM
Well done in taking a first aid course, InterCity125! Let's hope you never have to put it to use, but if you do, at least you're prepared. Take care. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18527. Jun 28 18, 7:38 PM
Dear flopsymopsy, It is great to have new neighbors who are sociable and with whom you can get along. Hope you remain friends together for many years. Take care! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18528. Jun 28 18, 7:40 PM
Agnese77, I know you were joking, but it is a good idea to be careful while you're visiting other countries, especially if it is your first time abroad. It is very easy to break the law in most Asian countries, and their governments are not very forgiving. You won't necessarily have any rights over there, if you find yourself in difficulty. But as long as you're careful and law-abiding, you should have a good time. Take care! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18529. Jun 28 18, 7:43 PM
Mixamatosis, I like your jokes! Keep 'em coming!

Reply #18530. Jun 28 18, 7:45 PM

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HairyBear, these are not just any trees, they are leylandii. They're a fast growing cross between two types of N American cypress trees; they grow so fast and so tall they block out all the light so nothing else grows near them, and they even stop light getting into houses. Their roots also grow fast, spreading a long way - necessary to support such a tall tree - and they take all the moisture from the soil. And, if that were not enough, this area has clay soil; leylandii roots can dry out clay so much they cause sudsidence. If you have a lot of land, growing a leylandii hedge at the far end of the garden might seem like a good idea but this is England, few people have enough land to grow them without causing a problem, either for themselves or for the neighbours. Indeed they are such a problem there's even a law about them!

Anyway, my new neighbours don't like them either so that's a relief. Of course digging them out can be very difficult so I've suggested that for the hedge along the boundary they think about cutting the trees to between 1-2 metres, which will probably kill them off anyway. And then they could maybe turn them into wood figures in the garden, maybe totem poles or something else fun for the children. They liked that idea. :)

Thanks for the good wishes, TheQueenly1, and good luck with the new job!

Reply #18531. Jun 28 18, 8:35 PM
MikeMaster99 star

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Off to a conference in Switzerland in September. Taking a bit of time off work too - so much to see in Europe but so little time perhaps 2 weeks at most outside the conference. Only been to England before. Suggestions? Currently thinking fly in to Paris then fly home from Rome.

Reply #18532. Jun 28 18, 10:35 PM
Mixamatosis star

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Paris is really worth seeing but so are Venice or Florence in Italy.

Reply #18533. Jun 29 18, 12:30 AM
tiffanyram star

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My story for the day: My sister has started working for the Post Office. Since I am on summer vacation (I'm a teacher), and my teenage daughter is home, we have been taking care of my nieces while my sister works. My youngest niece, who will be 3 next month, wanted a banana, but she wanted me to peel it for her. My daughter peeled it instead and so my niece started crying. She later told my sister that my daughter ruined her banana...she can be a bit dramatic :)

(Mike, not trying to change the topic from your question, but I had to make my daily challenge post and I don't have any suggestions since I've never been to Switzerland or Europe! Sorry I can't help!)

Reply #18534. Jun 29 18, 12:32 AM
njbruce star

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I just was beaten in a Duel music quiz that I thought I had "aced" by two points. My opponent beat me 992 to 990. Dang.

Reply #18535. Jun 29 18, 12:51 AM
ClaudiaCat star

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A trip to Europe is always exciting - don't think you can go wrong where you choose. Therefore suggest you go with what your interest is - culture, history, castles, medieval or the like. Have a great time.

Reply #18536. Jun 29 18, 1:02 AM
xchasbox star

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Some days telling a story is not so bad. 90+ temperature for the next 10 days. We all seem to complain about the cold, that is until summer hits.


Reply #18537. Jun 29 18, 1:10 AM

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Mike, don't be confused about how close things are by looking at a map with Australian eyes - Paris may look close to Rome but it can take a long time to get there. Or not. There is an overnight train... Kyleisalive went on that last year, he may be able to give you some tips. :)

I would think about think about having an "Italian experience" this time and French next time - get invited to a conference in Rouen or somewhere! Rome, Florence, Venice. And maybe Milan. They're all worth seeing, and despite all the tourists, and the rip-off prices (do not even sniff the coffee in St Mark's Square), Venice is still one of the most magical man-made places on earth.

Or, do a long weekend in Paris; see the Eiffel, go to Montmartre, Notre Dame, and Le Musée d'Orsay, and wander round Les Champs-Élysées area to window shop all the things you can't afford. Then go to Italy and spend a few days in each place.

And eat. French and Italian food. Oh my, can I come?

Reply #18538. Jun 29 18, 7:57 AM
lonely-lady star

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TheQueenly1, congratulations on your new job. Enjoy it, you deserve it.

Reply #18539. Jun 29 18, 11:48 AM
HairyBear star

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Congrats on the new job, queenly.

Sounds like an ideal tree around here, flopsy. We have wet soil half the year, open spaces, and way more sun than we need.

Reply #18540. Jun 29 18, 4:07 PM

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