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Subject: In the briefcase

Posted by: MiraJane
Date: Aug 10 14

From yesterday's Daily Game:

In the film, "Pulp Fiction", what was in the briefcase that Jules and Vincent retrieved for their boss?
Your answer: No one knows.

The contents of the briefcase was never revealed. Quentin Tarantino has been asked about this, but has said that he will never tell. Several theories exist about this mystery, including: The jewels stolen in Tarantino's film "Reservoir Dogs", and the gold suit worn by Elvis in "True Romance". The fan favorite theory involves the soul of Marcellus Wallace being in the briefcase.

How silly. It was obviously a jar of Grey Poupon.

12 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
1nn1 star

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You are not meant to know. It is a theatrical device called a McGuffin popularised in Hitchcock movies. There was a similar plot device in Ronin. There are FT quizzes on the topic

Reply #1. Aug 10 14, 12:58 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
Thank you. I realized that. I was attempting silliness.

Reply #2. Aug 10 14, 2:10 AM
daBomb619 star

1nn1's head

Reply #3. Aug 10 14, 2:57 AM
blindcat78 star

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I have never seen te movie, but I would liketo thik it was the crown jewels of ondon.

Reply #4. Aug 10 14, 8:43 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Actually, the suitcase was stolen from the Fun Trivia vault. It contained ideas for new quizzes and games. When everyone realized their value, they all agreed to never disclose any information about the contents.

Prove me wrong..... :)

Reply #5. Aug 10 14, 10:00 AM
alexis722 star

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It's obviously the lost city of Atlantis, and we will never know what it looked like because it got stored in warehouse 13.

Reply #6. Aug 10 14, 12:38 PM
alexis722 star

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But if it was the grey poupon it has passed through my refrigerator and escaped thence to Parts Unknown.

Reply #7. Aug 10 14, 12:40 PM
varnish star

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It's actually a small piece of one of the aliens from repo man.(Marcellus Wallace stole it when he was 21 years old, and gave him mysterious powers that enabled him to build his criminal empire).

Reply #8. Aug 10 14, 3:16 PM
13LuckyLady star

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On second thought, the briefcase contained a Royale with Cheese. Travolta mentions this sandwich in other movies as well. The sandwich is also known as a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

Reply #9. Aug 10 14, 5:09 PM
boxjaw star

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Of course it was Marcellus Wallace's soul. How do you explain the bandage on the back of his neck?

Reply #10. Aug 11 14, 8:18 PM
rockinsteve star

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I think it was the multitude of Oscars this movie SHOULD'VE won!!

Reply #11. Aug 31 14, 9:41 PM
rockinsteve star

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OR a thank-you note from John Travolta to Quentin Tarantino for resurecting his career!

Reply #12. Aug 31 14, 9:43 PM

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