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Subject: Big Brother (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 17 15

Is anyone else watching this season? If so, who do you like, dislike, etc? Note -- Do NOT read further if you don't want any spoilers that may be discussed in this thread.

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jasa9092 star

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This HOH should be very interesting. Only two people get to vote and the HOH gets to break the tie. Pretty much whoever is HOH gets to decide who is going home, because any of them can persuade one person to vote the way they want. I was thinking of scenarios (yep, another commonly used word there, lol).

Vanessa - Most interesting, because I don't think she even knows who she will put up. I think she will not throw it. It is too late in the game to take that big of a risk.

Johnny- I think he will put up Austin and Liz. Steve will vote how Johnny wants (and I'm sure he wants Austin gone to break up he and Vanessa). Vanessa will vote whoever, but Johnny can break that tie. If one of his noms win veto, Vanessa will go up. You know Austin will vote to keep Liz and vice versa. Steve will vote how Johnny wants, so now he has to break the tie. In that case, I think Vanessa will definitely go home.

Austin or Liz- (they share a brain at this point) I think they will both put up Steve and Johnny. I know Austin made a deal with JM, but he could just say Steve is his target and JM will be safe. If so, that leaves the other half of Liztin and Vanessa to vote. Since Steve got rid of Julia I am sure Steve will go home unless he wins VETO. I think even if Vanessa ends up as a replacement nom that the remaining Steve/JM will get evicted.

I can't wait till tonight!! This HOH better be finished by the end of the show, because if I find out on feeds, I will be so tempted to spill the beans here, lol.

Reply #61. Sep 10 15, 11:44 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Okay, so I've held off posting here because I was trying to wait and see who HOH tomorrow!
Jasa, did you manage to resist temptation and NOT look at the feeds??
I did, so I will be surprised on Sunday night. The last thing on Thursday was Austin in the lead. That is a difficult, LONG, game...and if you get tired and drop an egg, back you go to the beginning. It should be interesting because they know that if any one of them does not win, he/she is in jeopardy. Austin was leading, so in fact he is playing for Liz and himself, and she also, for both of them. If one or the other (same thing/one brain) wins then I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (channeling Vanessa here) sure that Vanessa will make the case NOT to put her up. However, if Johnny and or Steve go up and win Veto, then she goes up...BUT, the HOH breaks the tie vote. I know that she can convince whichever HOH...Austin, Liz, Steve or keep her....after all...she is just looking out for their best interests. If she puts her big, sad, boo hoo face on again, I may need to cover my eyes and scream into a pillow. ..."Omg Omg...I just can't believe that you think I don't have your best interests at heart, all I've done is look out for you...OMG you guys...seriously...i am so upset right now, that you would believe that...OMG you hoo boo hoo boo boo...I am so upset right hoo boo hoo...did ya hear me...BOO HOO BOO HOO????"
Johnny M seems to be the only one that sees directly through all that. Although, during the show Thursday night, Austin and Liz seem to be catching on. FINALLY.
I know you probably already know who won HOH, but I can't wait to see.!!!
It's getting serious now...time to upgrade from popcorn to Kettle Chips.

Reply #62. Sep 12 15, 11:47 PM
themonarch star

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I really want to let the cat out of the bag but I'll just say that this week should be the most exciting since James put Clelli on the block, there will be blood. As for that luxury "reward" I wouldn't punish war criminals with that kind of "prize" as I think it would violate the Geneva Convention :)

Reply #63. Sep 13 15, 6:32 AM
briarwoodrose star

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OHHHH...that sounds interesting!!!! Can't wait for tonight!

Reply #64. Sep 13 15, 8:13 AM
jasa9092 star

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LOL the monarch! I didn't like that luxury either.

I've been staying away, because I knew I would be tempted to spill the beans. I'm hoping tonight they show the POV, because I really want to talk about that. I don't know if they will have time since they will have to show the luxury.

Reply #65. Sep 13 15, 11:36 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Okay, they are following the usual game plan...the HOH pretends that she/he will put up Liztin, and of course, does not.
It was too funny though, when Vanessa goes into her uber-paranoid mode and demands information from everyone. She is aghast that people have actually been talking to other people and MAYBE have tentative alliances. Just like she does. Apparently, no one is allowed to have an alliance, except with her. Lord knows, she has an alliance with every single person there.
I do believe she is going to need therapy after this show. I know I am.
So, Johnny and Steve are on the block. Hopefully Johnny will pull off the Veto and save himself. If not it is going to be a very predictable ending to the show.
And to think I broke out the Kettle chips tonight and now I feel they were kind of wasted.
Anyway, I am going to patiently wait until Tuesday night to watch the Veto comp. So don't BLAB it to me!!!!n Lol!

Reply #66. Sep 13 15, 9:23 PM
MiraJane star

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I don't watch the show. But I am being amused by the comments here.

So. What was the luxury?

Reply #67. Sep 13 15, 9:55 PM
briarwoodrose star

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The luxury was...a night out (in disguise) with a former contestant, Frankie, (from last year) to go to a Ariana Grande concert at the Staples Center. They got to meet Ms. Grande before the concert and watch it from a private box. Also they were given an "Ariana Grande Swag Bag" that contained a bunch of her souvenir stuff...t-shirt, cat ear headband, fragrance, and other trinkets, available I am sure, for sale after the concert.
The former contestant, Frankie, is Ariana's brother.
If you have never heard of Ariana Grande, don't worry. Last year I had never heard of her either. A great, big deal was made of the fact that Frankie was ARIANA GRANDE'S brother. I was scratching my head and saying "WHO???" I had to google to find out just who she is and what she does, After viewing a Youtube video of one of her songs, I came to the conclusion that I am very, very, VERY far away from her demographics.
As a side note, in July 2015, she was captured on surveillance video in a doughnut shop, licking the uncovered pastries and baked goods that were on a tray on the counter, when no one was watching. At the same time on video she was recorded as saying that she hated America and Americans. When the video was released she apologized and said that it was just a comment on American obesity.
So, there you go...the luxury prize....yep.

Reply #68. Sep 14 15, 8:37 AM
jasa9092 star

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You know in JM and Austin's minds they were like, "Pleeease don't pick me to go", lol.

Although I know who won the Veto and if it was used, I'm kind of in the same boat as you. For some reason, the feeds will be shut off from 9am today until 9pm tomorrow night. So basically, I won't know anything new until after the show. I'm wondering if Tuesday's eviction will not be live and instead will be today, but taped to air Tuesday. That could be why the feeds are shut off. Then Tuesday they can do the noms and veto before Wednesday's show. That would make sense since they have to do their editing before Wednesday's show.

Reply #69. Sep 14 15, 11:40 AM
jasa9092 star

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My favorite line from last night: "Vanessa thinks Steve and I are in a showmance. As far as I know, I have never made out with Steve", hahaha.

Reply #70. Sep 14 15, 11:42 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar was so funny when Frankie announced the prize...Austin and Johnny looked horrified, especially Austin, that Liz may pick him to go. It would have been even funnier if Austin had been the one to win the prize. The look on his face would have been priceless when they announced what the actual luxury trip was. I am not sure how they would have disguised him!! haha!!

Steve and Johnny in a showmance....there you go, Vanessa at her best at justifying things. One could say she was in a showmance with Austin and the twins.
You know, it would serve her right if the final three were Austin and Liz and her....and they broke off their showmance with her.
I can't see Austin not picking Liz...even though Vanessa would try and get in his head about more people liked Liz and she would have Julia's vote etc. I think he might make some big speeches in the diary room about it, but, as usual this season, whatever is said in the diary room is just a load of crap. I can't see him picking anyone over Liz.
Liz would probably pick Austin too. Vanessa would try and do a number on her for sure....Austin has been planning to get you out, I have so much info I never told you, blah blah blah. The twins, for some unknown reason, tend to listen and believe her. But still, I think she would take Austin.
Vanessa...would take....maybe....Austin?? Julia would certainly vote for Liz and probably some of the others.

Vanessa's big selling point to take her would be...(sorry to have to say this again, it has been said so many times during the show) "I have had a hand indirectly or directly in everyone on the jury going home. They won't vote for me, so it is in your best interest to take me"
Well, I hope that is true! hah! Anyway, during the final questions and vote, I am sure she would spin it to her advantage. I don't think Liz could possibly keep up with her during that exchange.
So, Veto results on Tuesday this week. Should I break out another bag of Kettle Chips or go back to popcorn?

Reply #71. Sep 14 15, 12:50 PM
Who wins this season of BB? Call it now!
Right now, for me, I'm betting on it being Vanessa.

Reply #72. Sep 14 15, 2:17 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Johnny Mac is my favourite, so I do hope he wins.

That being said, I don't know who won the Veto as I don't watch the feeds, so I am at a disadvantage.

If Johnny didn't win, he is going to jury. If he got the VETO, then Johnny Mac!

But, if he goes, then I pick....

okay, I just can't pick Vanessa...I can', I'll have to go with
There, I picked.

Reply #73. Sep 14 15, 2:23 PM
jasa9092 star

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Kind of hard for me to answer since I know some of the results, so I will just act like I know nothing...

My dream final two would be Johnny Mac and Steve. JM is a lot smarter than people think he is. He knew very early on about Vanessa and that she need taken out, but the others are too dumb to realize it. Steve isn't too bad of a player, but he needs to get away from Vanessa. I love that he is the one that finally broke up the Austwins.

Austin and Liz gross me out. I'm tired of seeing those two together (and yes, there is no way that either would take Vanessa over the other for final two. Vanessa is delusional). Austin often acts like a 12 year old boy when it comes to Liz... With his jealousy of Jeff, Jessie, etc... his "does she like me?" and "will you be my girlfriend?"... Come on -- this is Big Brother, not a dating show!

Liz and her sister always talked bad about the others and acted superior. Liz can win competitions and I have to give her props for winning that one BOB all by herself when James tried to throw it.

I will admit that Vanessa deserves to win, but I don't want her to, because I hate her game play. She fake cries, she acts like the victim whenever she gets caught being the bad guy (telling Julia to challenge Austin in last week's veto), she yells at people for lying although she is probably the biggest liar in the house, etc.

My order of who I'd like to see win: Johnny Mac, Steve, Vanessa, Liz, Austin

Reply #74. Sep 15 15, 12:07 AM
13LuckyLady star

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I don't watch it.

I suspect this thread is more interesting than the actual show anyway.

Continue, please.....

Reply #75. Sep 15 15, 6:45 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I hate Vanessa's game play too. It's the hysterics (real or pretend, either way they are more than annoying), and the snotty attitude she displays to the other players...yelling at them and just basically going nuts to their faces. I , and trust me, hate this jumping on the bandwagon with the "bullying" accusations flying about these days, would have to say that she is toeing the line when it comes to that. The other players are certainly cowed by her and afraid she will go off on them.
Kudos to whomever takes her out.
I just loathe people acting like that. I don't care if it wins her the money, it's just nasty.
Hence, this is why I am not picking her to win. Wishful thinking maybe. Sending positive thoughts to Johnny Mac. I'd love to see that big goofball win!
I do think you can win and be nice about it. The other players all realize that it is a game, being played for a great deal of money, and I believe that as long as people are treated with respect, they will respect your game moves. The whole tears, screaming, accusations, load of crap....I am hoping that the other players reward that with what it should votes.
And yes, Austin is acting like a love-struck 14 year old. It is not a dating show, but he is all aglow with the dewy look of new love (LOL!) and gonna protect his woman. Yikes!

Looking forward to tonight, and please, please let Johnny win the veto. PLEASE.

Reply #76. Sep 15 15, 10:34 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Oh yes, I already ate the rest of the Kettle chips, so tonight it will have to be saltines and club soda.

Reply #77. Sep 15 15, 10:46 AM
jasa9092 star

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Let's all sing together, shall we? ~~Happy days are here again, the skies above are clear again~~ This is my favorite episode so far! I LOVED how JM made Vanessa get blood on her hands! Go Johnny Mac! I LOVED how blindsided Austin was! To walk out barefoot made it even better, lol. The only thing I would change is if Johnny won HOH, but I'll take Steve. He should leave JM off the block. Now Steve or JM needs to win Veto or else Johnny is toast. Actually, I think Vanessa is a wild card. If she wins Veto, I'm not sure if she'd vote out Liz or Johnny. I'm guessing she would keep Liz to make Austin and Julia happy.

Oh, and I don't know if you caught that at the end, but Steve said he left off a zero and meant to write 6,000 not 600. If so, Johnny would have won. :( Oh well, as long as Liz didn't win it! :)

Reply #78. Sep 15 15, 11:29 PM
jasa9092 star

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Oh, and I think we FINALLY saw some real tears from Vanessa when she was in the diary room after Johnny won Veto. Aww, poor little Vanessa. boo hoo ;) (man, this show brings out the worst in me, lol)

Reply #79. Sep 15 15, 11:36 PM
jasa9092 star

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I think you Big Brother fans will appreciate this -- Sunday, my husband turned off the gas so that we could put a new oven in and take the old one out. We got it hooked up and turned the gas back on. Well, we forgot to relight the water heater pilot. I went to take a shower yesterday before work and there was no hot water. I'm not handy, so I just had to deal with the cold water. Needless to say, I just washed my hair instead of the shower. I felt like I was a "have not" in Big Brother, lol.

Reply #80. Sep 16 15, 2:16 AM

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