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Subject: Big Brother (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 17 15

Is anyone else watching this season? If so, who do you like, dislike, etc? Note -- Do NOT read further if you don't want any spoilers that may be discussed in this thread.

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briarwoodrose star

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Wow! Yay!!
I missed the first 15 minutes of the show. I was at an appointment and thought I would be finished with time to spare...but it didn't happen. I was almost to the point of standing up and yelling "PEOPLE,LESS CHIT CHAT... MORE WORK", but I managed not to!
Anyway, zoomed home and turned on the TV just in time to see Johnny in the Diary Room holding up the Veto! I was so happy!
I don't know what kind of deals had been bandied about, but, there was mention that Austin and Liz thought that he would throw the Veto to them??? And why would he have done that???? Could not figure that one out at all.
Vanessa was P.O.'ed for sure. Like you, I am certain that those tears were ONE HUNDRED PERCENT genuine. ("you just don't understand"..blah blah blah, sob sob) Apparently Johnny is a jerk for foiling her plan to send him home.
So then she has to make a decision...THE decision of the game. Lots of tears then. And boy oh boy, was Austin upset. He kept saying "you can't win you know, you don't have the votes". So, unless she does something now to maybe save Liz or something...Austin and Julia (and Liz) will never vote for her. Jeez, what, a few days ago she was all into Austin, "Oh Bro, I've had your back since day 2, I will never go against you...yadda yadda yadda"...and then she has to send him home. It was beautiful. Really. Beautiful.
So, I imagine that Steve will put up Vanessa and Liz. Unless Vanessa does a number on him. Convinces him to keep her as Liz will have a lock on at least 2 jury votes and played a good social game etc. Still I think she will go up, just maybe, not home. If Johnny and Steve don't win the Veto, poor Johnny may have had it.
I would love to hear what Austin is saying to the jury now. I would guess none of it is flattering to Vanessa. He is no doubt telling them all she she targeted each of them and made alliances with everyone. EVERYONE. (I am almost certain that I had an alliance with her at some point.) Should be interesting to see if he sways any votes from her.
I cannot wait to see the veto and eviction. Hang in there Johnny Mac!!!! Win that Veto!! If you don't win the Veto, convince whomever comes off the block that they need to vote for YOU to stay. Hopefully if it is Liz, she would still be so mad at Vanessa that she would vote her off. After all, it is Vanessa who indirectly and directly sent Julia and Austin to Jury. But, she has wanted Johnny gone since he came back.
If Vanessa wins...who knows. She does know that Liz has the 2 jury votes for sure...but if she sends Liz home, she'll have lost 3 votes for sure. I am surprised that her head has not exploded all over the diary room.
Anyway, a few more hours and we will know what has happened.
Fingers crossed!!

Reply #81. Sep 16 15, 2:49 PM
briarwoodrose star

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It was too funny, Steve walking around and talking out loud like an evil scientist..."That's right Vanessa, cry, cry, cry those tears..BAH HAHA...Now you know...BAH HA HA...those tears are real now...BAH HAHA"....I was laughing so hard!
As you said, this show brings out the nasty side of me! (BAH HAHA!)

Reply #82. Sep 16 15, 2:56 PM
themonarch star

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I honestly didn't know what Vanessa would do until she did it tonight. My predictions on finals,

-If Steve wins HOH he takes Liz and wins

-If Vanessa wins HOH she takes Steve and wins

-If Liz wins HOH she takes Vanessa and loses

I thought it was funny when shoeless Austin tries to convince the jury not to vote for Vanessa and how she is playing some awful game and Shelli just shut him up. Like Judas has that kind of influence. Although Vanessa played the best game by far and deserves to win over anybody, I wouldn't mind seeing Steve win. He went from the awkward kid who no one would talk to except for Vanessa and midway through JohnnyMac, to becoming this "sneaky" comp beast and aligning with the right people. I just wish he wasn't so cowardly but if he becomes HOH I believe he will make his best move and evict Vanessa. In any scenario a logical jury will vote for Vanessa, an emotional jury (Austin/Julia) will vote for Liz, and a surprised jury would vote for Steve.

Reply #83. Sep 16 15, 7:26 PM
jasa9092 star

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I agree with everything you said. Neither can win if they take Vanessa. I think Liz would take her (Liz has said she wants a girl to win this year), but I think Steve is smarter than that.

I knew the veto results, but I didn't know who Vanessa was going to vote for. I stayed off the feeds today so I could be surprised. I was happy to see that everyone dressed nice, because usually one person is dressed nice and the other is in casual clothes. That makes it too obvious who is leaving. So tonight I had no clue until Vanessa voted.

LOL, yep, Shelli shut Austin up. I don't think he is going to sway many people to vote against Vanessa. If it was Vanessa vs Steve, the jury vote might be pretty tight, but if it is Vanessa vs Liz, the only votes for Liz will be Julia and Austin.

Reply #84. Sep 16 15, 11:52 PM
briarwoodrose star

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If Vanessa wins, she should also get an Oscar.

Reply #85. Sep 17 15, 12:24 AM
jasa9092 star

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Maybe an Emmy, lol.

Reply #86. Sep 17 15, 2:41 AM
I am all for Steve winning all this. So disappointed that Vanessa evicted Johnny Mac, my favourite of the whole show.

Reply #87. Sep 18 15, 8:55 PM
jasa9092 star

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Me too, shiningstar. I bet Johnny Mac will win America's Favorite Player... but it could be close between he and James.

Reply #88. Sep 19 15, 1:34 AM
MiraJane star

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Are you saying you wouldn't watch a weekly reality show starring Vanessa?

Reply #89. Sep 19 15, 1:58 AM
briarwoodrose star

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She's in one...World Series of Poker. According to Wiki she has made over $3,500,000 so far playing poker. Read her very, very smart woman.

That being read and said, I still do NOT like her method of playing the game. Her poker nickname should go from Lady Maverick to Lady Svengali.

I am sad that Johnny is gone. So now I am hoping Steve will win it. I would like to see someone win the money, that it would make a big difference in their life.
If Vanessa does win, I would like to see the reactions of the people who vote for her...after they watch the whole show and see just how they were played.
Anyway, Johnny will probably win the award for ...darn, forgot the name of it...well, basically it's "Miss Congeniality" to the masses. Either Johnny, maybe James?
I don't think I am allowed to vote. (sad face)

I guess we will find out on Wednesday night. Right after the series premiere for "Survivor".
So please tell me that you watch Survivor!!!!!!

Reply #90. Sep 19 15, 9:33 AM
jasa9092 star

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I wouldn't hate Vanessa's game play so much if she had allowed the viewers to know what she was doing via the Diary Room. Other players such as Dr. Will and Dan Ghessling played dirty too, but the viewers felt like they were in on it and it made it more exciting. We would think, "Oooh are they going to get away with it today?" instead of "Oh I hate her game play!". She never owns it. We all know what she is doing. Does she think we are stupid? Just tell us in the Diary Room that your crying is fake. We'd probably laugh along with her. That was like when Steve cried he said most of that was an act. He owned it.

I haven't watched Survivor since the 2nd season (Australia).

Reply #91. Sep 19 15, 12:11 PM
briarwoodrose star

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I agree, own it and people will wait and see what you are going to do and if you can pull it off. I didn't start to watch Big Brother until about 3 years ago, when I started to watch Big Brother Canada. Therefore I missed a lot of the legendary players that people are always referring to in the game.
I guess I am on my own with "Survior"!! It is the one TV show that my daughter will watch (seriously, she does not watch TV at all...what an anomaly) We have Mom/Daughter night on Wednesdays when it is on and never miss it. I make everyone in the family (5 of us) ante up $3.00 and then we pull names from a hat to make our "teams". If you have the winner's name you win the pot. Yep. Fifteen dollars...high stakes!!

Reply #92. Sep 19 15, 2:13 PM
jasa9092 star

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Lol, how fun! :) Big Brother is our Mother/Son show - and my daughter also, but she lives in another state. Of course, we're always texting, calling, etc after the show. :)

I should watch Survivor this year so we can have another thread to discuss. :)

Reply #93. Sep 19 15, 2:16 PM
jasa9092 star

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Forgive me if this a really stupid question, but do you get our Big Brother on your tv or do you have to watch it online? I'd love to see Canada's version. I bet I could watch that online if I looked it up. (note to self- next summer check it out!)

Reply #94. Sep 19 15, 2:17 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Yes, we get USBig Brother on regular cable, through US stations. I am in Nova Scotia so we get all our US stations coming from Boston...i.e. ABC NBC CBS PBS and many more. We get Big Brother Canada on Global (Canadian) but the episodes can be viewed on-line too (which I use if I miss one). I am sure you will Find BBCanada different from the Us BB. There are plenty of twists...such as 2 hidden Vetoes (the finder had to keep it a secret and could decide whether to use both, one or none.) They have plenty of "Canada Votes" as to what the twists could be etc. The house guests never know what is going to happen. For instance this year, they entered and there was nothing in the furniture, no food...nothing. They had to work together and figure out the combination to a vault room to get in and get the missing stuff. (first night spent on the floor of the living room) There are also lots of challenges issued in secret in the diary room, such as, someone has to get everyone to do something together or believe a wild rumor that has to repeated at least 6 times etc. If it gets completed, there is some sort of reward and the other people are now told about it. OMG, one challenge in the first season had a guy, Andrew, volunteer to make dinner. He had to say it was in memory of his Dad (or something like that) and it was his birthday and he wanted to make this special dish that his father had loved. Of course he had to fill it with everything imaginable (I cannot remember the ingredients, but it would have been disgusting). Anyway, Andrew made it, baked it and served it. The look on the faces of the houseguests as they tried to choke it down and not insult him...OMG too funny! (BTW Andrew's Dad is fine as far as I know!) They were quite relieved to find out it was a secret challenge and there was a reward after.
So, hopefully you will be able to get it on-line when it starts again. I have enjoyed the first three seasons and am looking forward to the next one.
If you start up Survivor let me know and we can get a Chat going on it. This season it is all returning contestants that were voted on by America to pick who they wanted to come back. Should be interesting for sure.
I have already invested in a bag of Lays Chips for Wednesday night. Butter Chicken Flavour. Game on.

Reply #95. Sep 19 15, 4:13 PM
jasa9092 star

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Your version sounds really fun. I'm definitely going to have to check it out. I was looking around the internet about it and saw that your season is actually the Spring? I wonder why it isn't in the Summer. I can't imagine that the houseguests go outside much... too cold, lol. On the plus side, I won't have to try and keep up with two Big Brothers at one time. ;)

I don't know how many seasons of US version you have seen, but it used to be better than it is now. There was more viewer interaction like America would vote on what the "have nots" could eat. There would be a houseguest that is "America's Player" and that person would have to do everything the voters said - vote how America says, start a rumor, etc. There also used to be things like the "Diamond Power of Veto" which granted the holder the power to not only take a nominated player off the block, but to pick the replacement.

This year lacked a lot of viewer participation. Too bad, because the season started out so strong. Whatever happened to "Big Brother Takeover" that they said they were going to do every week? That didn't last long.

Survivor - OK, I'm going to check it out. A season of all Fan Favorites should be very interesting. Nobody should be boring, so this should be fun to watch. :)

Reply #96. Sep 20 15, 12:52 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Yes, there has been snow when they go out to the hot tub deck! (mostly the smokers!)
I did catch a few episodes of USABB over the years, when I had no clue really as to what was going on. I do seem to recall that there were all sorts of interactive things though.
And you are right, they kept promising the takeovers and stirring up the house and the house guests had no idea what would be hitting them etc....and SPLAT! that kind of fell flat. I wonder why there are no more votes for this and that and of course, I would love to see that diamond veto. Things like hidden veto and special veto powers are so great (for us!!) because, boy oh boy, does it ever throw a monkey wrench into someone's game plan. It really gives some players a chance to keep playing and puts other players in a tail spin. So much fun to see the scramble when someone pops up with a special veto at the ceremony!!! This year it was so predictable it seemed almost scripted. You knew exactly who would be going home and no matter what anyone said in the diary room, nothing ever changed. Votes were set in stone as soon as someone became HOH.
If I had a BB clipboard, I could have checked off the names in order.
Tonight...recap show....YAWN. (I wish I could make that "yawn" in bigger letters.)
I do hope Steve wins...and takes Liz. Seriously. Then I hope he takes home the money.
BTW...Liz??? saying she was going to take Vanessa to the final two because Steve nominated Julia...and Vanessa is "her girl". How quickly she forgets that Vanessa just sent Austin packing, all by herself. I guess Vanessa must have been speaking non-stop in her ear for the last week, about how it was sooooo good for Liz's game that Austin is gone, how it was always Vanessa and Liz to the final two...etc etc.
Oh yes, again about the recap...I got to see Vanessa cry and cry and cry and rage and rage and was like all the annoying parts of the show rolled into one.

Reply #97. Sep 20 15, 10:01 PM
jasa9092 star

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I guess Steve evicting her sister trumps Vanessa evicting her "boyfriend". Yes, tonight was a huge snooze-fest. It would have been nice to at least see the HOH (part 1) tonight. Oh well.

I'll admit I got a kick out of seeing crazy Audrey again. Her all rolled up in her blanket cracks me up. Clay's mumbling cracks me up as well. I wonder what he thinks when he sees his footage. Maybe now he realizes he does that and will work on it.

Oh-- When Steve asked Johnny Mac if he had ever made out with a guy before, I about lost it, lol. His disappointed look when JM said "no" was priceless!

Reply #98. Sep 21 15, 2:25 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Yes, I kept watching to see if they would do Part One of the final challenge. At least it was started. Are the feeds still on?
Wait, don't tell me who won!!!
I have my fingers crossed for Steve. he played kind of a strange game, but it seemed to have worked.
I get a kick out of him playing Vanessa, who's only concern is that Steve and Liz "are on the same page." (pause and take drink of beer for another BB overused phrase)
That page is, of course, the "take Vanessa to the final two" page.
I laughed when he was agreeing with her and saying "final two for sure" and she was saying in the Diary Room that she would never take him. Meanwhile, he was saying he would never take her, he was just saying what she wanted to hear. He figures that the jury would respect someone who took out Vanessa, and I believe they would. Vanessa seems to think she has his vote locked down for the final 2. OMG, it would be so GREAT to have him win and take Liz. I do think he would win over Liz because I believe the jury would appreciate how he made it to the end, basically on his own, where Liz was safely in the Austwins cocoon and Austwins Angels etc etc etc.
Vanessa would probably win over Liz for sure, and I don't know if she could win over Steve. Maybe.
Should be interesting.

Reply #99. Sep 22 15, 12:01 PM
jasa9092 star

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I agree with everything you said. Yes, the feeds are still on and it is very boring in that house. They should show the jury house. That would be a lot more interesting to watch. I know who won part one and two. I promise I won't tell you. I can't wait for tomorrow night! Bring on a jumbo tub of popcorn! :)

Reply #100. Sep 22 15, 1:48 PM

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