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Subject: Star Trek to Return to Televison in 2017

Posted by: 13LuckyLady
Date: Nov 03 15

January will be its launch.

The location of production is America.

You'll have to pay to receive it.

It's timing in on purpose. It follows the 50th anniversary of the original show (2016).


Had enough trekking?

Think it could work?

Spill the beans and tell us if you believe this Star Trek has any possibility of deserving the title of 'STAR TREK"!

18 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
nasty_liar star

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Well initially, as with all things Star Trek my reaction was excitement but your post has prompted me to look into it and instead of excitement it is my worst fears come true. Executive producer is going to be Alex Kurtzman. This is one of the writers of the two 'reboot' trek movies. The first of which I found mildly acceptable as a starter but the second I found horrendously appalling.

I suspect it will be absolute trash but would love to be surprised.

Reply #1. Nov 03 15, 11:40 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
That's was my thought.

Hopefully, with more than just Alex Kurtzman involved, there might be a chance that another generation become Trekkies!

We can only hope!

Reply #2. Nov 03 15, 12:02 PM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
We can indeed! Even if it's no good I'll always have reruns of TNG and DS9 to keep me happy. I could watch them endlessly, along with some of the original series of course but the rest of that is simply embarrassing to watch now it's so bad.

Reply #3. Nov 03 15, 12:25 PM
MiraJane star

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Where do you watch reruns of DS9? I haven't seen that show since it went off the air.

From what I've read, the pilot episode will be on free, broadcast TV but the rest will have to be paid for. Boo!

Reply #4. Nov 03 15, 12:28 PM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
And what you say about Kurtzman is so true aswell, I mean both the original Star Trek and TNG both managed to be at times brilliant and that was despite Roddenberry!

Reply #5. Nov 03 15, 12:29 PM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
Ds9 has pretty much been a mainstay along with the other two 90's series here on some channel or other over the past 15 years. At the moment we have it on a channel called CBS action.

Even if it wasn't, I have them all on DVD, I'd watch them anyway every now and then.

Reply #6. Nov 03 15, 12:31 PM
13LuckyLady star

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I love DS9!

Does anyone remember Space 1999? It was where a metamorph was introduced as a character.

Reply #7. Nov 03 15, 12:38 PM
nasty_liar star

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Yes, I watched reruns of space 1999, it was good! I'd like to see it again.

Reply #8. Nov 03 15, 12:45 PM
I have so much to say that...I don't know where to start. But I'll keep it simple. I'm excited about a new series, but I think that it's important not to get our expectations up about what we think it should be. I feel that high expectations are one of the things that put a negative slant on "Enterprise" probably from the start. Not too unlike a child of a famous parent, trying to strike out on their own but having to struggle against the wave of being endlessly compared to their popular parent. Sometimes we need to just try to see something or someone for what it is or for who they are.

Reply #9. Nov 03 15, 1:23 PM
13LuckyLady star

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Each stands on their own merits. They cannot be compared.

I am expecting it to be better than a commercial.

That is not asking much, is it?

Reply #10. Nov 03 15, 1:32 PM
Shadowmyst2004 star

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Beyond the pilot that airs on TV, I won't watch.

I'm not subscribing to a ton of video services.

Reply #11. Nov 15 15, 12:19 AM
Creedy star

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Crawling...crawling...crawling through the sands until finally..I..make it to - Star Trek! Yeaaaaaa!

I can't wait. This is so exciting.

Reply #12. Nov 15 15, 1:20 AM
19012 star
I don't think that I'll be spending $5.99 per month to watch a TV show.

Reply #13. Nov 15 15, 12:42 PM
scorpion1960 star

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My least favorite reboot was the one with Scott Bakula.

Reply #14. Apr 21 16, 6:19 PM
Creedy star

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I love them all - except I got a bit fed up with the endless prophets etc in D79. That part was boring.

Reply #15. Jun 07 16, 11:32 PM
I love them all too. I have to agree that the prophet storyline did get a bit monotonous, but overall, DS9 had a lot of heart, I really enjoyed it!

Reply #16. Jun 08 16, 12:34 AM
Shadowmyst2004 star

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Got pushed back twice. First from Jan to mid year, and now it has no release date at all.

Reply #17. Feb 19 17, 9:19 PM
satguru star

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I could never have enough trekking. I hope after a few years it'll have paid for itself and be available on normal channels in the UK, it would be a total waste if restricted to a handful of people. One of my ambitions was fulfilled when I saw one of my two favourite actors (the other being Leonard Nimoy) in it Patrick Stewart rehearsing in the theatre. Make it so.

Reply #18. Feb 19 17, 11:08 PM

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