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Subject: Childhood's End on ScyFy

Posted by: MiraJane
Date: Dec 15 15

I had been looking forward to this SO much!

Yesterday, I forgot the first part of it was on. Tonight the first part was repeated & I was unable to watch it except for the last five minutes. What I saw in those five was was great!

Well, except for one annoying plot change made. It wasn't even necessary to make that change for TV! But what I saw made me happy about what I thought I would see in the second part.

Then I began watching it. There were more and more major variations from the book. There was nonsense tossed in. There's still a few minutes left and what I just watched is ridiculous. It's not in the book at all. It's a major deviation from the book & incredibly unnecessary. It's more than that, it's stupid to throw this scene in at all and change the story so much.

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