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Subject: Seeing movies in theaters

Posted by: daBomb619
Date: Jun 16 16

The current state of movies is going in a worrying direction.

Currently, there are a lot of movies being released to theaters (at a rate of about two or three wide-release films a week). Most people don't make time to go to the movies more than a few times a year, which means that the only movies that make lots and lots of money are the big-budget franchise ones (your Jurassic Worlds, your Star Warses, your Avengerses, and so on). Because of this, studios are leaning more and more towards franchise films and adaptations of popular works and less towards original or smaller-budgeted pictures. The fact that the international market is becoming more important also puts more weight towards big-budget franchises because the majority of them are action-based, which don't require complex plots or characters and thus are easy to transfer to a foreign audience.

So this post is my way of imploring everyone who likes movies (even a little bit) to please, PLEASE go see movies in the theater. If there's any movie that catches your eye, go see it! Don't wait for DVD! It's the best way to support the filmmakers! If a movie makes money, more movies like it will come out. I'm not even necessarily referring to indie films, which might not come to a theater near you if you don't live in a major city. If you want them to make more movies like "Keanu" or "The Nice Guys" or "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping" (all wide-release movies that came out within the past couple months that weren't big-budget blockbuster action movies and that I really liked but which have greatly underperformed at the box office), and if you roll your eyes every time you see yet another stupid action movie or young-adult novel trilogy adapted into a four-part movie series, go see the movies you like IN THE THEATER! I understand that not everyone has the money or the time, but to everyone who does, please go!

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The high movie prices do stop a lot of people from going to theaters but there may also be other factors. For example, what stops me from going to the theater are rude, obnoxious people! I'm talking about the ones who talk loudly through the entire movie, play with their cell phones, let their kids run around screaming during the movie, etc. I'm sure we have all encountered these people at one time or another in the theater. If I am going to shell out good money for a movie, then I expect to be able to hear what is going on!I prefer waiting until the movies come out on DVD so I can watch them in peace.

Reply #1. Jun 16 16, 6:51 AM
13LuckyLady star

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As sitting for more than 20 minutes at a time is difficult, I don't want to disturb the other viewers by walking the aisle until I am able to sit for another 20 minutes.

Waiting for the DVD isn't a piece of cake. Avoiding spoilers can be entertaining

Playing with their cell phones? The worst I remember were jaw breakers being rolled down the aisles, contests to see who could pop a bubblegum bubble the loudest and others thinking it was an x-rated feature and acting accordingly.


Reply #2. Jun 16 16, 8:43 AM
wwe84 star

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I rather sit at home & watch either a DVD or movies on Pay TV.

Going to the movies is not worth it.

Reply #3. Jun 16 16, 8:59 AM
daBomb619 star
I'm at the movie theater most weeks seeing something (I do love me some movies), and I think I honestly luck out because I very rarely have problems with people with cell phones or children. I do have a few tips to avoid that kind of thing, based on my experience:

1. You can't see people texting on their brightly lit phones if they're behind you. Sit far enough forward in the theater that most of the audience is behind you. I don't mean so far forward that you have to crane your neck to see the screen, of course. Most major theaters have rooms that are divided into a front and a rear section. Practically nobody sits in the front section, and the very first row of the rear section is usually at a comfortable distance from the screen (plus, you can put your feet up on the railing, which is nice).
2. If people with cell phones really are enough of a problem, you can typically report them to a manager. Theaters tend to be strict about that sort of thing because there's a chance that people might be recording the movie on their phone, which is patently illegal.
3. If the audience is just too much to deal with, you can usually exchange your ticket for a later showtime at most theaters (if you're within the first half hour or so of the movie, by which point you should have a good gauge of how your audience is acting).
4. Try to go earlier in the day, if you can. There's usually nobody at the 11:50 AM showtimes (especially on weekdays, but even on weekends, too). The earlier it is, the fewer people there are, ESPECIALLY for kids' movies.
5. Wednesday is the slowest day for movie theaters (people tend to have either Mondays or Fridays off, Thursdays are the new-release days for late-night showings, and Tuesdays are often discount ticket days at many major theater chains). It's always a delight when I go at 2:00 PM on a Wednesday and the place is DEAD. If you're watching a movie in an empty theater, you can talk all you like! :)
6. If there's a movie I want to see, I'm always at the theater opening week, but of course this isn't a requirement. Obviously, there will be fewer people at a movie that's been out for a while than at a new release, but be VERY careful with this! Due to the high volume of movies being pushed out now, they typically last only a month or two before they're gone, so just blindly waiting and hoping for the best is a risky plan. Most theaters have their movies for the coming week planned out by Wednesday, so check Wednesday or Thursday if the movie you want to see will still be there the following week. You can check Fandango or Moviefone for this, but if all else fails, call the theater directly.

Reply #4. Jun 16 16, 9:07 AM
daBomb619 star
For me, being in a theater honestly makes the experience better, especially because, if I'm at home, I always have the temptation of my computer to distract me, and it takes away from whatever I'm watching. Mostly, though, I LOVE the big screen and the surround sound of a movie theater. An HDTV can't even come close. I'm all about atmosphere.

Reply #5. Jun 16 16, 9:10 AM
13LuckyLady star

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You are making me miss it even more....darn it!

Being in the very front row, sliding down to see the whole screen....

The aroma of the popcorn, the butter. The colors of Jujubes, Dots and......licorice!

Watching "Sleeping with the Enemy" when something amazing happens and hearing someone yell "alright" and everyone laughing and not getting upset but agreeing!

Does anyone else stay for the credits? The employees often try to shoo everyone out so they can clean. The credits just have to be there....

Sigh........daBomb619, going to a movie with you would be awesome!

Reply #6. Jun 16 16, 9:42 AM
13LuckyLady star

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In Colorado, there are Elvis movie houses which cost less. I don't know if they have current movies.

There are also drive in movie theaters.

Reply #7. Jun 16 16, 9:46 AM
nasty_liar star

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Reply #5 is exactly how I feel and for the same reasons why I used to see so many films at the cinema before child number one arrived, just too busy for the time being.

I have more comment but don't have time to write it just now.

Reply #8. Jun 16 16, 10:51 AM
daBomb619 star
I always stay through the credits, even if I KNOW there isn't anything after. The employees are often standing over by the door, patiently waiting for this ONE GUY who JUST WON'T LEAVE (I imagine). Half the time, they just start cleaning the theater everywhere around me. :)

Reply #9. Jun 17 16, 12:06 AM
There are two things that bug me when I go to my local cinema: parents who let their kids treat the cinema like a playground and people who seem to have exceptionally large heads as they always sit right in front of me (it's difficult to watch a movie when you've got someone else's head in the way).

Reply #10. Jun 17 16, 12:39 AM
daBomb619 star
"...people who seem to have exceptionally large heads as they always sit right in front of me..."

If you have a major theater near you, they all have stadium seating, so that shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Reply #11. Jun 17 16, 2:17 AM
MiraJane star

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I love seeing a movie at the theater. I love sitting in the first five rows. Like lucky lady said, sit in the front row and slink way down low ....

Yes, I stay to read the movie credits! I love the scenes that happen behind the credits and sometimes after the credits. Think of all the little extras we have watched because we didn't want leave early to "avoid the traffic" and then get caught in the crush of people leaving.

Ah ... The three of us need to go to a movie together in some perfect world and lose ourselves in the story. And let the staff start the clean up as we read the end credits :)

Reply #12. Jun 17 16, 1:20 PM
13LuckyLady star

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You also learn what 'best boy' and 'gaffer' and 'key grip' mean.

Reply #13. Jun 17 16, 1:33 PM
13LuckyLady star

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The front row had the most leg room too!

Reply #14. Jun 17 16, 1:35 PM
Skyflyerjen star
Seeing movies is one of my favorite things to do!
I've had more than my fair share of loud kids, bright phones, and talking in theaters. And don't get me started on the prices of concessions!
That being said, I think it's one of the most fun experiences I can have,
Recently my theater began to show older movies. I've gotten to see "The Princess Bride" on the big screen. And last week I got the honor of seeing a movie my parents got to on the big screen: the legendary "JAWS"!

Reply #15. Jul 11 16, 7:23 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Bruce (the shark from Jaws) is much more impressive on the big screen!

Reply #16. Jul 11 16, 8:30 AM
Skyflyerjen star
Bruce stole the show!

Reply #17. Aug 25 16, 1:54 PM
CmdrK star

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My wife and I like going to the movies but for many years now there haven't been many we wanted to see. We usually go about once a year. But this year - we've seen one (Yes, Nasty, it was Star Trek and it was great!) and there are three more coming up we want to see. Holy cow, a banner year for us! Plus, all the theaters near us are relatively new, with stadium seating and killer sound systems, so when we go we really enjoy it.

Reply #18. Aug 25 16, 3:35 PM

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