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9 quizzes and 125 trivia questions.
  A Look at "A Clockwork Orange" the Movie    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
One of the best films of all time, this is a small quiz on "A Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick, based on the book written by Anthony Burgess. This quiz contains many spoilers, so be warned!
Average, 15 Qns, cityrocker, Apr 09 08
5250 plays
  A Clockwork Orange    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a quiz on a very good movie, one of Stanley Kubrick's best. It's pretty tough, you'll need to use your gulliver.
Average, 10 Qns, scipio23, Feb 21 06
5229 plays
  "A Clockwork Orange" - A Real Horror Show   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Viddy well me droogies at this quiz on "A Clockwork Orange". If you thought that the language in the movie was tough to decipher, try reading the book by Anthony Burgess! Enjoy!
Average, 20 Qns, dmbfanatic, Jan 07 13
3443 plays
  "A Clockwork Orange" Peelings    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Alex is a character we fear and despise, yet we sympathize with him as well.
Average, 10 Qns, stageball, Sep 24 03
2036 plays
  "A Clockwork Orange" Language   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Viddy well my droogs at this quiz based on the nadsat (slang language) spoken in the brilliant sinny (film) "A Clockwork Orange". All questions can be referred to from the movie.
Difficult, 25 Qns, TrinityMatrix, Apr 11 12
2914 plays
  'A Clockwork Orange' Language    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the meaning of the slang-language used in the Kubrick film of 'A Clockwork Orange'. Have a great, great time, as it is the most exciting activity in the whole world.
Average, 10 Qns, holl_poll, May 30 03
3339 plays
  'A Clockwork Orange' ... Not Too Hard    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
'A Clockwork Orange' is one of the greatest movies of all time. It tells of an ultraviolent future society where rape and murder is done for fun. Still, the movie has a deepfelt theme under all the violence.
Easier, 15 Qns, aristone, Nov 28 10
3254 plays
  "A Clockwork Orange" - A Short Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Doobidoob. Time to use the old gulliver with this malenky quiz for devotchkas and malchicks alike. Viddy well my Droogies. Hope you do real horrowshow like.
Tough, 10 Qns, dmbfanatic, Dec 13 11
2395 plays
  The "Clockwork Orange" !    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Are you a fan of Kubrick's classic movie? Try this quiz and test your knowledge. You may need to use your knowledge of other movies for some questions. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, vpmatt, Jan 17 08
2621 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What does Alex refer to his friends as?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange"

Clockwork Orange, A Trivia Questions

1. What type of accessories did Alex wear on the shirt cuffs of his Droog uniform?

From Quiz
"A Clockwork Orange" - A Short Quiz

Answer: Eyeballs

The eyeballs are a nice contrast to the clean white look of Alex's outfit. None of the other Droogs wear anything, so the eyeballs may symbolize Alex's leadership.

2. Alex's gang of four meets, fights, and beats Billy Boy's gang of five. When Alex first confronts Billy Boy he offers to give Billy Boy, "one in the ______." What word completes this statement?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" Peelings

Answer: yarbles

"Yarbles" is Alex's way of saying "testicles". He then adds, "If you have any yarbles."

3. Define the slang: "Appy Polly Loggy".

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" Language

Answer: "I'm sorry"

Alex's slang term "Appy Polly Loggy" is derived from the word "Apology" and is used when he is giving his regrets.

4. What was the name of the establishment frequented by Alex and his Droogs?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" - A Real Horror Show

Answer: Korova Milk Bar

The Korova Milk Bar sounds like a very innocent place for Alex and his Droogs to hang out.

5. The milkbar in which Alex and his droogs were sitting at the beginning of the movie was "The ____?"

From Quiz The "Clockwork Orange" !

Answer: Korova

The Duke of New York is the pub in which the droogs planned the attack on the Cat Lady, Moloko refers to milk, and Velocet is a kind of drug added to the milk, causing a brief high.

6. Which actor played Alex, the main character in this story?

From Quiz A Look at "A Clockwork Orange" the Movie

Answer: Malcolm McDowell

Alex begins the story as a wild young hooligan with no respect for the law.

7. What does the word 'droogs' refer to when used by Alex?

From Quiz 'A Clockwork Orange' Language

Answer: His gang members

Alex's droogs are Georgie, Pete and Dim.

8. What type of establishment are Alex and his friends relaxing in at the beginning of the movie?

From Quiz A Clockwork Orange

Answer: a milk bar

Milk plus, that is.

9. What is Malcolm McDowell's character's name?

From Quiz 'A Clockwork Orange' ... Not Too Hard

Answer: Alex

10. What type of weapon did Alex hide inside his cane?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" - A Short Quiz

Answer: Knife

Alex displays and uses the knife during his assault on Georgie and Dim near the flatblock marina.

11. What does Alex call out in the prison yard to get the minister's attention?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" Peelings

Answer: "You're absolutely right, sir!"

When Alex and the minister size each other up, it's a classic moment of corruption and street violence teaming up.

12. Define the slang: "Devotchka".

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" Language

Answer: Girl

Alex's slang term "devotchka" is derived from the Russian language where similar word "devochka" is literally translated to "girl". An example of when Alex uses this term is in the quote, "Laughing an govoreeting, the Devotchka was smecking away and not caring about the wicked world one bit."

13. The milk at the establishment was called "milk plus". It had drugs added to it. What was NOT added to the "milk plus" at this establishment?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" - A Real Horror Show

Answer: Percocet

As Alex explains it, "The Korova Milk Bar sold milk plus - milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old Ultra-Violence".

14. Which character said the following: "I'll meet you with chain or nozh or britva anytime".

From Quiz The "Clockwork Orange" !

Answer: Dim

Dim challenged Alex to a fight after Alex disciplined him for making fun of the Beethoven-singing sophisto in the Korova Milkbar.

15. Who is Alex's favorite composer?

From Quiz A Look at "A Clockwork Orange" the Movie

Answer: Ludwig Van Beethoven

Alex listens to Beethoven after getting back from a long evening of mischief.

16. What does Alex refer to his friends as?

From Quiz A Clockwork Orange

Answer: droogs

17. Who is the director?

From Quiz 'A Clockwork Orange' ... Not Too Hard

Answer: Stanley Kubrick

18. To where did Alex and his Droogs retire for a drink after the fight involving Alex, Georgie, and Dim?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" - A Short Quiz

Answer: Duke of New York

Alex, our humble narrator, tells the audience the following, "I had not cut into any of Dim's main cables, and so with the help of a clean tashtook, the red, red kroovy stopped. And it did not take long to quiet the two wounded soldiers down in the snug in the Duke of New York."

19. What do Dim and George do to Alex when they chance upon him after Alex is released from prison?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" Peelings

Answer: They take him to a bathtub in a field and hold him underwater while beating him with nightsticks.

When the subversive author hears that Alex has been beaten by the police, he decides to use this information to further his political agenda.

20. Define the slang: "Gulliver".

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" Language

Answer: Head

Alex's slang term "gulliver" is derived from the Russian language where similar word "golova" is literally translated to "head". One example of when this term is used is when Alex says, "Bit of a pain in my gulliver, Mum. Leave us be, and I'll try and sleep it off."

21. What was the name of the car that was stolen by Alex and his Droogs?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" - A Real Horror Show

Answer: Durango 95

"The Durango 95 purred away real horror show. A nice warm vibratey feeling all through your guttiwuts".

22. What kind of car did the droogs steal?

From Quiz The "Clockwork Orange" !

Answer: Durango 95

They sped around the countryside "playing hogs of the road" before arriving at the home of the writer for a "surprise visit".

23. Why does Alex like to read the Bible in prison?

From Quiz A Look at "A Clockwork Orange" the Movie

Answer: He likes all the sex and violence

Alex reads the Bible after he is put in prison, and imagines himself as the guard whipping Jesus who is bearing a cross, and as a lord sleeping with his wife's handmaidens.

24. What is written on the sign outside the couple's house to whom Alex and his friends pay a 'surprise visit'?

From Quiz A Clockwork Orange

Answer: Home

'It was home I was looking for, and Home I found.'

25. In the movie, what does the word 'viddy' mean?

From Quiz 'A Clockwork Orange' ... Not Too Hard

Answer: see

26. What type of story did Alex concoct to gain entry to unsuspecting houses?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" - A Short Quiz

Answer: Accident

As Alex's would say, "Excuse me misses. Can you please help? There's been a terrible accident. Can I please use your telephone for an ambulance?"

27. How does Alex react when Lardface tells him to lick his shoes?

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" Peelings

Answer: He licks them.

Lardface provokes Alex by saying, "Hello heap of dirt. You don't shower often do you? Judging from the horrible smell."

28. Define the slang: "Krovvy".

From Quiz "A Clockwork Orange" Language

Answer: Blood

Alex's slang term "krovvy" is derived from the Russian language where similar word "krov" is literally translated to "blood". One example of when this term is used is when Alex says, " with the help of a clean kashtook the red, red krovvy stopped and it did not take long to quiet the two wounded soldiers..."

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