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31 Despicable Me Trivia Questions & Answers

Despicable Me
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Despicable Me, as asked by users of

There are 31 questions on this topic. Last updated Dec 21 2024.
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1 Rumor has it that someone has stolen the Great pyramids in Egypt, committing the crime of the century. Who breaks the news to Gru and influences him to steal the moon?
Answer: Dr. Nefario

When a boy falls into the pyramids, the world is shocked to see him bounce off an inflated replica. Nations around the world scramble to protect their landmarks when they realize the real pyramid has been stolen.

When Gru's assistant Dr. Nefario tells him the crime of the pyramids has made other villains look lame, Gru snaps into action! As a villain, Gru could not let this happen. He decides to steal a shrink ray and steal the moon. Gru tells his minion henchmen it will top the crime of the pyramids and make the world do whatever they pleased. His plan is that with the moon, the world will offer to do anything to get it back.
trivia question Quick Question
Who is Vector?

2 Who is the main character?
Answer: Gru

Gru is an evil genius who stole the Time Square Jumbotron, and a mini Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower from Las Vegas. His next plan is to steal the moon.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
3 Where did Gru steal the Eiffel Tower from?
Answer: Las Vegas

He stole the Jumbotron from Time Square in New York. He also stole the Statue of Liberty, the 'small one from Vegas'. Gru is played by Steve Carrell.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
4 Who is the oldest orphan sister?
Answer: Margo

Margo is the oldest. Agnes is the youngest, then Edith, then Margo. Margo has to keep the others in line.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
5 Which minion prematurely fired the rocket launcher in celebration?
Answer: Dave

He was announcing that they were going to steal the moon, but for dramatics he kept pausing in his speech. This led to the minions getting over-excited and firing various cannons in celebration. Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud voiced the minions.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
6 Unfortunately, money is a big necessity for committing Gru's crimes. What is the name of the bank Gru planned to get the money from for his ultimate scheme?
Answer: The Bank of Evil

The Bank of Evil is not impressed with Gru because he is an older villain and his plans have never had any big results. The Bank of Evil agrees to help Gru only if he can obtain the shrink ray needed for his plan. To help Gru get the picture of what happens if he fails, the bank manager crushes an apple with his bare hands.
7 Who is Dr. Nefario?
Answer: Gru's assistant

Dr. Nefario is Gru's assistant and has a very slow scooter. He is also hard of hearing, which leads to some rather funny inventions.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
8 What was Vector's real name?
Answer: Victor Perkins

We saw that the Loan Officer in the Bank of Evil was called Mr. Perkins. The receptionist buzzed him and announced that his son was there, when Vector walked in. Mr. Perkins then addressed Vector as Victor. From this we deduced that Vector's name was Victor Perkins. Vector is voiced by Jason Segel.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
9 Vector, the villain who stole the pyramids, steals Gru's primary weapon for his plan. Gru tries to get it back, but fails with numerous booby traps. What does he discover is Vector's weakness?
Answer: Girl Scout cookies

After numerous failed attempts to break into Vector's house, Gru watches as three orphan girls approach Vector's house. He hopes to see some action, but to his shock Vector invites the girls into his home because they are selling his favorite Girl Scout cookies. Gru gets an idea!
10 Who are the little yellow funny 'people'?
Answer: Gru's minions

The little yellow funny 'people' are Gru's minions. They do whatever Gru asks without question, and they love bananas.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
11 What animal was the shrink ray being tested on when Gru's minions stole it?
Answer: Elephant

It was then stolen by Vector as Gru flew home in his ship. As they fought to get it back, Vector shrank Gru's ship with Gru and the minions inside.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
12 Gru decides to adopt some girls and make them part of his master plan. What does he disguise himself as when he goes to the interview at Mrs. Hattie's home for girls?
Answer: a dentist

Gru pretends to be a dentist and his minions type his resume while he is at the interview. When they fail, Gru tells Mrs. Hattie that he has had a gap in his heart ever since his wife Debbie died. That gap can only be filled with children. Mrs. Hattie does not take him seriously until he gives her a compliment in Spanish. She calls the girls down immediately and lets Gru take them home.
13 Who owned the orphanage where Margo, Edith and Agnes lived?
Answer: Miss Hattie

Miss Hattie was not a very nice woman. She sent the three girls out to sell cookies all day and made them clean when they got back. Miss Hattie was voiced by Kristen Wiig.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
14 The girls are excited to have a new dad! They start sharing what they want their new parent to be like. What does Agnes, the youngest girl, hope her new parent will have?
Answer: a house made of gummy bears

Margo, Edith, and Agnes all scream and run for their belongings when Miss. Hattie tells them that they have been adopted. They start talking about what they think their new parents will be like. Margo hopes the mom is beautiful. Edith thinks the dad's eyes will sparkle. Agnes hopes they have a house made out of gummy bears.
15 Who is Mr. Perkins?
Answer: Vector's father

Mr. Perkins is Vector's father and he works at The Bank of Evil. He wants to be paid back for all the money Gru borrowed from the bank.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
16 Finsh Gru's quote. "You are a beautiful woman, do you speak...?'
Answer: Spanish

He then proceeded to say 'You very face... como un burro.' which translates as 'Like a donkey'. She later looked it up and hit Gru with her Spanish dictionary.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
17 The three girls are shocked when they arrive at Gru's home, which is nothing like they expected. When Margo meets the minions, what does Gru tell them they are?
Answer: his cousins

Margo is upset at the house and asks Gru if he thinks it is a safe environment for children. When they discover Gru's laboratory and Margo sees the minions she freaks out and asks Gru what they are. Gru, trying to come up with a response on the spur of the moment, tells Margo they are his cousins. The minions end up being friends of the girls and become their new babysitters.
18 What does Miss Hattie own?
Answer: A home for girls

Miss Hattie is a mean person who owns a home for orphans. When orphans don't behave Miss Hattie puts them is The Box of Shame.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
19 What was The Nefario Principle?
Answer: The larger the mass of an object, the quicker the effects of the shrink ray wear off.

This was discovered when both the shrunk minion and Gru's ship returned to normal size. Dr. Nefario decided that they had to warn Gru, but he was already in space and thus unable to be contacted until he returned to the Earth's atmosphere. Vector had kidnapped the girls and stolen the shrunken moon, which he took onto his ship to keep away from Gru. The moon then began to return to normal size.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
20 What is guarding The Great Wall of China?
Answer: Tanks

There are seven tanks guarding the Great Wall of China. They are guarding it because The Great Pyramid of Giza was stolen, so they want to make sure it is safe.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
21 What was Agnes' favourite creature?
Answer: Unicorn

She carried a cuddly unicorn around with her until Edith disintegrated it with Gru's laser. She then found one that she desperately wanted when Gru took the girls to Super-Silly Funland. Gru blew up the stand when he found the game was rigged and it would have been impossible for the unicorn to be won.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
22 At the amusement park, Agnes tries to win a unicorn at one of the game booths. She succeeds in hitting the space ship to win the prize but the man will not give it to her. What does Gru do to win the unicorn for Agnes?
Answer: He blows the booth up.

Agnes succeeds in hitting the space ship but the man will not give her the prize because it is not knocked over. Gru decides to play. He pulls out one of his guns and blows the place up! The man, scared to pieces, hands Agnes her unicorn. The girls think what Gru did was totally awesome! Agnes grabs her unicorn and tells Gru, "Let's go blow up another game!" For the first time, Gru starts to enjoy the girls. They end up having fun at the rest of the park.
23 Who is the old person who does karate in the movie?
Answer: Gru's Mother

Gru's Mother is an old women who does karate and she never appreciates what he does.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
24 Who voiced Dr. Nefario?
Answer: Russell Brand

Danny McBride voiced Fred McDade, Gru's neighbour. Dr. Nefario was portrayed as extremely hard of hearing. Instead of Cookie Robots, he made dancing Boogie Robots. He of course corrected his mistake, but you can imagine what he made when Gru asked him to build a dart gun.
Question Reference: Quiz: Despicable Me.
25 Gru finally has the weapon for his master plan! However the bank denies his loan and tells him they love everything about the plan except him. What does this failure remind Gru of from his past?
Answer: his mother

Gru has always wanted to go to the moon. He tried hard to impress his mom by telling her it was his ultimate dream someday. His mom told him she was sorry he was too late and NASA wasn't sending monkeys to the moon anymore. He tried to change her opinion by drawing a plan, creating a model out of macaroni, and building the rocket ship his self, but his mom always put him down with every attempt.