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115 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Trivia Questions & Answers

SW: Episode IV - A New Hope
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, as asked by users of

There are 115 questions on this topic. Last updated Dec 21 2024.
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1 What is Princess Leia Organa's father's name? (She thinks it's her father and he lives on Alderaan?
Answer: Bail

He served on the Galactic and Imperial Senate and lost a vote to Palpatine to become Grand Chancellor after a vote of no confidence was voted upon for Chancellor Vallorum. The vote of no confidence was from Queen Amidala of Naboo, which was really Leia's mother. Alderaan is blown up by the Death Star, which results in the death of Bail Organa. In even more irony, this was due to her real father, Anakin Skywalker who was Darth Vader at the time. Bail Antilles is different from Bail Organa however.
trivia question Quick Question
Where does Princess Leia tell Grand Moff Tarkin the rebel base is at?

2 What was the name of the Star Destroyer that is persuing the Tantive IV at the very beginning of the movie?
Answer: Devastator

It was the Devastator. The Avenger was under the command of Captain Needa in "TESB", the Executor was Darth Vader's Super Star Destroyer in both "TESB" and "ROTJ", and the Chimaera was Grand Admiral Thrawn's personal Star Destroyer.
3 What type of mission do the rebels *say* they are on in the beginning of the movie?
Answer: diplomatic

The guy Vader chokes says 'We are on a diplomatic mission'.
Question Reference: Quiz: A New Hope.
4 Who are the stormtroopers in Mos Eisley looking for?
Answer: R2-D2

'These aren't the droids you're looking for.' Obi-Wan is cool!
5 What is the name of Lucas' sound company (named after his first film, partly)?
Answer: THX

THX is the first part of Lucas' first film, THX-1138. He created it after becoming frustrated at how studios altered that film without his asking.
Question Reference: Quiz: Episode 4!.
6 Where does Princess Leia hide the Death Star plans?
Answer: In R2D2

She puts them in R2D2 and then she is hit with a stun gun and taken prisoner by the stormtroopers.
7 Darth Vader held me captive. Who played me?
Answer: Carrie Fisher

Fisher, a native of Los Angeles, CA, landed the part of Princess Leia. Princess Leia was a member of The Rebel Alliance and they had plans to blow up The Death Star. Right before Princess Leia was captured by Darth Vader's men, she hid the plans in R2-D2 and delivered a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi, asking him for his help. Darth Vader told Princess Leia she would be released if she told him where the plans were located. Princess Leia refused to cooperate. Midway through the film, she gave the wrong location of where the rebel base was. However, Princess Leia's home planet of Alderaan was blown up anyway. At one point, Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca were in a garbage compacter that was about to squish them to death, but R2-D2 managed to stop this from happening. Fisher reprised the role of Princess Leia for "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi". She was also in the film, "The Women".
8 In escaping from the detention block, the gang discovers an incredible new smell by sliding down a garbage chute. Who is the last to enter the chute?
Answer: Han Solo

You know the old saying, 'Ladies and Wookiee's first'? Okay, I made that up, but it sounds convenient. Princess Leia is the brains behind the idea of jumping into the garbage chute, and she takes the first plunge. Han Solo kicks Chewie into the chute, announcing that he 'doesn't care what [Chewbacca] smell[s]'. Luke follows Chewie in, with Han Solo bringing up the rear.
9 At the dinner table, Luke chats with his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. After having seen R2's hidden message, Luke inquires about Obi-Wan Kenobi. According to Uncle Owen, what has happened to Obi-Wan?
Answer: He died around the same time as Luke's father.

Luke is, of course, not aware that Obi-Wan and Ben Kenobi are one and the same person, but he suspects that this might be the case. Uncle Owen sets Luke straight by telling him that Ben is just a crazy old wizard, and that Obi-Wan does not exist any more, having died about the same time as Luke's father.
10 What did Luke bullseye, back at Beggar's Canyon back home? This gave him confidence that he could shoot his proton torpedoes into the small ventilation shaft on the Death Star.
Answer: Womprats

He says this with such confidence while the rebellion was showing how small the chance was that they had in hitting their target. They do say, "Let the Force be with you" though. :)
11 What creature's skeleton lay near C-3P0 when he was picked up by the Jawa Sandcrawler in the Dune Sea?
Answer: A Krayt Dragon

It was a Krayt Dragon skeleton. Krayt Dragons are feared on Tatooine, and young Tusken Raiders prove their bravery to their clan by finding and fighting one of these huge beasts.
12 Who does Princess Leia give the Death Star plans to?
Answer: R2-D2

She makes sure no one is looking and stores the data in him.
Question Reference: Quiz: A New Hope.
13 What creature throws a Jawa off its back as Obi-Wan and Luke enter Mos Eisley?
Answer: Ronto

This wasn't actually in the Old Edition.... but no one watches that anymore...
14 Who is the first to say 'I have a bad feeling about this' in this movie?
Answer: Luke Skywalker

Han says it again later in the trash compactor.
Question Reference: Quiz: Episode 4!.
15 What type of mission do the Rebels say they're on?
Answer: Diplomatic Mission

Leia says they're on a diplomatic mission but Vader doesn't believe her.
16 Which character reels off the old 'I've got a bad feeling about this' line during the trash compactor scene?
Answer: Han Solo

After Luke is released by the snake-like creature in the garbage soup, loud creaking and cranking sounds begin to eminate from the inner machinery of the trash compactor. This prompts Han Solo to use the 'bad feeling' line, a line that is used in each of the 'Star Wars' films (first by Luke in this film).
17 Having dinner with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, Luke is frustrated. Uncle Owen intends to hold him back another year at home to help with the harvest, despite Luke's desire to go where?
Answer: To the Academy

Luke does not want to be stuck on Tatooine all his life, and hopes to eventually attend the Academy where he will learn to become a pilot.

Tatooine is a sparsely populated planet in a binary star system. The two suns are named Tatoo I and Tatoo II. The planet also happens to have three moons. Tatooine is named for the location at which 'Star Wars' was filmed in Tunisia, namely Tataouine.
18 Who is the first character to utter any kind of speech in the original 'Star Wars'?
Answer: C-3PO

Figures, doesn't it? C-3PO has a reputation for being a loudmouth. The transcript from his initial conversation is as follows:

C-3PO: 'Did you hear that?'
R2-D2: 'Bleep, Blip, Bloop, Blip, Blip' (Rough translation: 'Yes')
C-3PO: 'They shut down the main reactor. We'll be destroyed for sure. (Throws hands in the air in utter despair.) This is madness!'
R2-D2: 'Bleep, Bleep, Bleep!' (Rough translation: 'Oh, pipe down you pessimistic pile of nuts and bolts!')

(Note: Yes, I do speak R2-D2ish, in case you were wondering.)
19 Who does Obi-Wan say this to? "This little one is not worth the trouble."
Answer: Doctor Evazan

Obi Wan was talking about Luke. The guy did not like his face. The guy claims that he has the death sentence on 12 systems. After Luke says, "I'll be careful", he screams, "You'll be dead!"
The other three characters were all present except IG-88. IG-88 was a bounty hunter who was looking for Han Solo after being on Darth Vader's ship in "Episode V", but Boba Fett gets to him first. I had "Star Wars" figures of the incorrect three answers when I was younger.
20 What was the name of the sandtrooper unit that had the job of finding the droids?
Answer: Zeta Squad

It was this same squad that butchered the clan of Jawas that sold the Lars family R2 and 3P0. Later on this same squad murdered Owen and Beru Lars: Luke's aunt and uncle.
21 What is Luke's uncle's name?
Answer: Owen

'Uncle Owen! Aunt Beru!'
Question Reference: Quiz: A New Hope.
22 Why does Dr. Evanzan (in the cantina) start a fight with Luke?
Answer: he and his friend don't like Luke

Dr. Evanzan: 'I'm wanted in five star systems!' Luke: 'I'll be careful'-- Dr.Evanzan: 'you'll be dead!' (A bit of an lol on the Luke killed his father bit)
23 What is the first line in this movie?
Answer: 'Did you hear that?'

C3PO says this to R2-D2 as Leia's ship (the Tantive IV) is hit.
Question Reference: Quiz: Episode 4!.
24 Who does C3PO get caught by on Tatooine?
Answer: Jawas

C3PO calls out to the Jawas when he sees their transporter, they then take him to be sold.
25 Han Solo liked to refer to me as "golden rod". Who played me?
Answer: Anthony Daniels

Anthony Daniels got the part of C-3P0. The first line of dialogue spoken in the movie was by C-3P0, when he and R2-D2 were on the rebel ship being attacked by the Alliance. Right after Princess Leia was captured, C-3P0 and R2-D2 escaped in a pod and landed in a desert. They both made it to Luke's place where he lived with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
Later, on the Death Star, when Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca were stuck in the garbage compactor, C-3P0 answered Luke's calls for help via the com-link and C-3P0 told R2-D2 to shut down the compactor. Daniels guest starred on the TV series', "Doctors", "Holby City" and "Singles".