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Zombie Movies Trivia Questions

Zombie Movies There are 77 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 03 2025.
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26 Which 1990 film was about a nanny who would steal infants and feed them to a tree in the forest?
Answer: The Guardian

Jenny Seagrove starred as an evil nanny who would take on jobs in order to steal infants from their families and feed them to a Druid tree that she worshiped. The tree came alive when she brought the babies to it, and even killed for her when she was in danger. It turned out this ritual was done to keep her in human form, since she was actually a tree herself.
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What performer from "Modern Family" fought zombies in "Dawn of the Dead" (2004)?

27 Actor Ving Rhames is in the 2004 remake of George A. Romero's 'Dawn of the Dead'. He is also in another Romero remake. Which one?
Answer: Day of the Dead

Rhames plays two very different characters in both films. In 'Dawn of the Dead' he plays the role of Sgt. Kenneth Hall. In 'Day of the Dead', which came out in 2008, he plays Capt. Rhodes. Both are remakes of films by zombie film master George A. Romero. 'The Crazies'(2010) is also a Romero remake. The original is a 1973 classic. Rhames also stars in the 2011 Syfy film, 'Zombie Apocalypse', which is NOT by Romero. In this one, he plays the role of Henry.
28 Frank Agrama, director of the long-forgotten 'Queen Kong', also directed a zombie-esque movie. Name it.
Answer: Dawn of the Mummy

And it only got interesting at the very end. At which point it finished, which was really annoying.
29 What was advertised in 1964 as the first monster musical?
Answer: The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies

Director Ray Dennis Steckler played a man who went to the carnival and went back stage to meet a stripper, but instead he met her sister, a fortune teller who was jealous. He didn't know that the carnival freaks were previous victims which the fortune teller had turned into zombies. Soon he was another victim, who was hypnotized to murder. Songs were included in some of the scenes as an audience watched people dance on stage.
30 Who played the lady who became a zombie in "White Zombie" (1932)?
Answer: Madge Bellamy

Madge Bellamy (June 30, 1899 - January 24, 1990) was born Margaret Derden Philpott in Hillboro, Texas. Her films began with "The Riddle: Woman" (1920) and ended with "Northwest Trail" (1945). On January 1943 she was charged with assault when she shot at her former lover, lumber executive Albert Murphy.

In "White Zombie" Madeleine Short (Madge Bellamy) was planning to marry Neil Parker, until Charles Beaumont hired Murder Legendre (Bela Lugosi) to turn her into a zombie with a potion. Charles thought this would make her fall in love with him.
31 Without me, there would not have been three George Romero zombie flicks. I am the chief make-up man that cemented the image of the modern zombie into all your psyches. What is my name?
Answer: Tom Savini

Thomas Vincent Savini (b.1946) is a Vietnam War veteran who became interested in makeup while serving in the Army, often frightening the Vietnamese with monstrous self-applied gore. A Pittsburgh native, he was given his first cinematic break by Romero. He has acted in dozens of movies, playing one of the bikers in Romero's "Dawn of the Dead." He also directed the 1990 color remake of "Night of the Living Dead."
32 Name the 2004 film, featuring the talents of Simon Pegg, which revolves around the main character trying to turn his life around, while fighting off the local population who have mostly turned into zombies.
Answer: Shaun of the Dead

Half the film takes place in the characters' favorite locale, a local pub. Despite his girlfriend's misgivings, this turns out to be a great place to defend themselves from the zombies, as it is a sturdy structure. My favorite part is at the end, where survivors are shown finding ways to live with the remaining zombies. All the incorrect answers are other films Simon Pegg has appeared in.
33 Bruce Campbell resumes his role as Ash in the third film of a series. In what film does Ash take on a hoard of living skeletons?
Answer: Army of Darkness

The "Evil Dead" series is one of the more popular horror comedy movies out there. Ash's never ending battle against the "deadites" takes him back in time to 1300 A.D. in England for "Army of Darkness".
34 In the 2007 film 'Ahh! Zombies!(Wasting Away)', what was it that the four friends ate that wound up turning them into zombies?
Answer: Green soft serve ice cream

The ice cream became infected with a biological chemical, which was the reason for it turning green. The two couples were in the bowling alley when they ate it. At first, they were not even aware that they had become zombies. The scenes of them in their true zombie form were shown in black and white instead of color, making the film unique.
35 What do the films 'Shock Waves'(1977), 'Zombie Lake'(1981), and 'Dead Snow'(2009) all have in common?
Answer: Nazi zombies

'Dead Snow' is a Norwegian horror/comedy that involves seven students being chased and attacked by zombies in Norway. 'Shockwaves' and 'Zombie Lake' involve our undead stars attacking their victims in and out of the water. In 'Zombie Lake', a little girl and her father (who winds up becoming a zombie) recognize each other and have a few tender moments together. This is not very common behavior in zombie movies.
36 (2004) In 1978, George A. Romero released a movie about a group of strangers gathering in a shopping mall in order to wait to be rescued from a horrible zombie plague. The 2004 remake has the same name. What is this movie?
Answer: Dawn of the Dead

Overall, the remake of this movie is quite well done. As a densely populated town starts to become overrun with zombies, people band together to save themselves. Soon, the group of more than ten people (and one dog) are trapped in a shopping mall, a seemingly safe haven, and they spend their days waiting for their rescuers. When their rescuers don't come, they plan their escape across the destroyed city.
37 Who played Captain Rhodes in 'Day of the Dead'?
Answer: Joe Pilato

Great turn as the psychopath Rhodes. Also turned up in Dawn of the Dead as one of the motley crew at the docks.
38 What part did Arnold Schwarzenegger play in the movie "Maggie"?
Answer: Maggie's father

In the movie "Maggie", Arnold Schwarzenegger played the father of Maggie, who was bitten by a zombie. They knew that she would eventually turn into a zombie herself, and Maggie thought about committing suicide. She told her father to kill her, but he didn't know what to do about it.
39 What performer from "Waterworld" appeared in "Land of the Dead"?
Answer: Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper played Kaufman, who ran the big city which was temporarily safe from zombies in the George Romero film "Land of the Dead". The ending was similar to the Sean Connery movie "Zardoz", in which the savages invaded the city and killed almost everyone.

Dennis Hopper also played Deacon in "Waterworld", which at the time was the most expensive movie ever made, concerning people living on ships after a worldwide flood. Dennis Hopper said this was the third time he did "the most expensive movie". The others were "Giant" and "Apocalypse Now".
40 George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" set standard operating procedure for how to deal with zombies who are attacking you. You should know the drill by now. Uh-oh! A couple of 'em are comin' toward ya! What do you do?
Answer: A bullet or a sharp blow to the head ought to do it. Or set 'em on fire.

How do you kill 'em? One of the humorous bits in "Night of the Living Dead" goes thusly: a field reporter (played by Bill "Chilly Billy" Cardille, local Pennsylvania DJ) asks Sheriff McClelland (played by George Kosana), "Chief, if I were surrounded by eight or ten of these things, would I stand a chance with them?" McClelland replies, "Well, there's no problem. If you have a gun, shoot 'em in the head. That's a sure way to kill 'em. If you don't, get yourself a club or a torch. Beat 'em or burn 'em. They go up pretty easy." And don't forget this line, which always makes me grin: The field reporter asks, "Are they slow-moving, chief?" Sheriff McClelland replies, "Yeah, they're dead. They're all messed up." [From "Quotes from Sheriff McClelland," on the Internet Movie Database website.]
41 A zombie western? Yes, which horror comedy features Chris Kattan in the wild west trying to survive an Indian curse that brings the dead to life?
Answer: Undead or Alive

Chris Kattan's character is the unlikely hero in this film who teams up with the descendant of the Native American chief who placed a curse on the "white man" and an AWOL soldier. They have to find a way to end the curse, or continually be on the run from ravenous zombies.
42 Where was it that Danny was attacked and infected by a zombie, in the film 'Zombie Honeymoon'?
Answer: On the beach

In this 2004 independent horror film, Denise and Danny were laying together on the sand by the ocean when the zombie emerged from the water. She couldn't wake Danny in time, and the zombie held Danny down and spit up a black disgusting fluid into his mouth. She knew something was wrong with Danny when he soon began craving meat, since he was originally a vegan.
43 (1992) This movie is great because it shows that you can't escape zombies back in time. In the "Evil Dead" movies, Ash somehow manages to travel back in time. What is the name of the third movie in this trilogy?
Answer: Army of Darkness

In this movie, Ash is in medieval times with a car, shotgun, and chainsaw, and he needs to recover the Necronomicon in order to be taken back to present day. When he finally obtains the book, he accidentally awakens the local corpses. Soon, he's forced to battle the evil army of darkness, led by an evil double of himself. The previous two movies in this trilogy were also about the undead, but they were set in present times.
44 What was the name of Tom Savini's character in 'Dawn of the Dead'?
Answer: Blades

Nice 'tache comb
45 What odd thing did Brenda do in "Return of the Living Dead Part II" (1988)?
Answer: She let her boyfriend eat her brain.

Joey (Thom Mathews) was with his friend in the cemetery robbing graves when a chemical escaped a military canister. The chemical resurrected dead people in the cemetery. The chemical got on Joey, and he eventually became a talking zombie, who told his girlfriend, Brenda (Suzanne Snyder), that he would really love to eat her brain. As ridiculous as this sounds, eventually, Brenda let her boyfriend eat her brain.
46 What actor from "Dark Star" (1974) directed "Return of the Living Dead" (1984)?
Answer: Dan O'Bannon

Dan O'Bannon played Pinback, who argued with the computer (Cookie Knapp), got yelled at by Lt. Doolittle (Brian Narelle), and was almost killed by the alien (Nick Castle) in "Dark Star" (1974). He later wrote "Alien" and wrote and directed "Return of the Living Dead" (1984), in which Ernie got rid of a zombie but accidentally created a bunch more zombies.
47 A classic adaptation of a Stephen King novel, what movie features a grief stricken father who tries to bring back his deceased toddler son?
Answer: Pet Sematary

Zombie film by definition of dead returning to life, "Pet Sematary" features an Indian burial ground where you could bury your loved one with a prayer and have them return to you. Unfortunately, what returns to you is not your loved one at all.
48 What was the name of the mall that people took refuge in George A. Romero's 1978 film 'Dawn of the Dead'?
Answer: Monroeville Mall

In order get away from the growing number of zombies that seemed to be taking over, some of the people managed to get inside of Monroeville Mall and locked themselves in to protect themselves against the ravenous horde of the undead. This seemed to be a good idea for awhile until a biker gang managed to break into the mall, which caused the zombies to make their way in as well! This classic by Romero was the sequel to his 1968 classic, 'Night of the Living Dead'. Ken Foree and Tom Savini starred. A remake was released in 2004 which starred Sarah Polley and Ving Rhames.
49 Here are a few facts about this next film: Zombies come out of a television; mirrors can be used as a weapon against the undead; there is a small black poodle that goes by the name of "Chocolate". Which movie is this?
Answer: The Video Dead

A mysterious tv set that only seems to air an old black and white zombie film called, 'Zombie Blood Nightmare' is delivered to a man's house. The zombies in the film make their way out of the tv and kill the man. A few months later, the zombies terrorize a brother and sister in their home. The sister (Zoe) discovers that the zombies are afraid of mirrors, which works to her advantage later. Chocolate, who is owned by a girl named April, winds up getting killed by a zombie in the woods. 1987 is the year this horror/comedy came out.
50 (1982) In this Stephen King film, there's a short vignette called "Father's Day", which involves a father rising from the grave. Once again, George A. Romero is involved. What is the name of this movie?
Answer: Creepshow

"Creepshow" involves five vignettes, starring famous faces such as Leslie Nielsen, Ed Harris, Ted Danson, and Stephen King himself. The first vignette, "Father's Day", involves a father rising from the grave on Father's Day to get back at his family who share his fortunes. "Pet Sematary" is another Stephen King movie involving the undead, but it isn't completely about zombies. The movie is about a man whose son is killed by a semi-truck, so he places him into an ancient Indian burial ground known for bringing corpses back to life. Terror ensues when household pets and undead sons return from the grave. This movie also spawned a sequel.