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Trivia Questions and Answers
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70 Jetsons Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

How much do you know about Jetsons? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Jetsons (Television). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
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1 In the opening sequence of Hanna-Barbera's 1962 cartoon "The Jetsons", what does George hand Elroy?
Answer: lunchbox and hat

The first known licensed character lunchbox was Mickey Mouse in 1935. The first licensed TV character was Hopalong Cassidy in 1950. In 2009, the top ten collectible lunch boxes included the Jetsons at number six for $1,650. (Source: Krause Pub.)
  From Quiz: "Right, Reorge!" - A Jetsons Tribute
2 The first few questions refer to the main song. "Meet George Jetson.... His boy ____"?
Answer: Elroy

Elroy comes first and belive me, he's cute.
  From Quiz: Meet the Jetsons
3 What is The Jetson's telephone number?
Answer: VENUS-1234

At least they don't have to worry about crank calls!
  From Quiz: The Jetsons
4 George, Jane, Judy, Elroy, Astro, Rosie, Cosmo, Petunia, Arthur, Orwell

George Jetson and his family live in the Skypad Apartments, which are based in Orbit City, in the future. This future provides the family with all sorts of mod-cons such as robots that act as servants, flying saucers instead of cars and sidewalks (or footpaths) that transport people in a similar fashion to conveyor belts.

George is your typical (average) man who, despite living in the future, is still beset with similar problems that you and I may encounter. These would include problems with his work, issues with his boss, and tribulations with his children. The poor man is constantly stressed out by his massive workload... I mean, he has to push the same button five times for three whole hours for three days... and that's every week. George is regularly fired by his boss but, invariably, he is usually called back before the episode is over.

His wife Jane is a homemaker though, she too, constantly complains about the amount of work she has to do... such are the pains of having an automated apartment where all the work is done with the simple push of a single button. This proves too difficult that, even with the employment of a robot to assist with the domestic duties, Jane is required to take regular vacations. Jane loves to shop and she is regularly seen at Mooning Dales where she indulges in new gadgets and fashions.

Their fifteen-year-old daughter is Judy who spends a lot of time talking on the phone. She also has her mother's habit of being attracted to the latest fashion trends, records her daily events into a robotic diary called Di-Di and has a massive crush on a rock star named Jet Screamer, to whom George takes an initial dislike.

Their boy Elroy is six and a half years old and is an absolute whiz at science craft. He is the family's little angel, and he attends the Little Dipper School where he studies astrophysics and star geometry. The rest of the household is made up of Astro, the family dog, who had runaway from a cruel millionaire owner and was taken in by the Jetsons and Rosie, the abovementioned domestic robot, who rolls around on casters and has a habit of calling George "Mr J.". A character that was not sought for in the answers is Orbitty, another family pet, who has legs that are made of springs and suction caps for feet.

The Spacely family is headed by Mr. Spacely, or Cosmo to some. Cosmo is George's demanding boss and the owner of Spacely Space Sprockets. Despite being money-driven and giving George a hard time, he is not without a heart. He represents something of an anti-hero in the series and is a man who is short in both stature and temper. Petunia, whom he calls Stella, is his wife. Cosmo loves her dearly, but he is also terrified of her, while his son Arthur is a lazy sod with the nasty habit of looking down on people. Finally, there is Orwell, Cosmo's nephew. Orwell is also a bit of a genius and he has the happy knack of creating gadgets that prove extremely useful and profitable for Spacely Sprockets.

"The Jetsons" is an animated comedy created by the team at Hanna-Barbera Productions. It was designed to be the counterpoint to their stone-age comedy "The Flintstones" (1960-66). "The Jetsons" aired on the ABC from 1962 to 1963.
  From Quiz: Meet "The Jetsons"
5 Name the characters as they are listed in the theme song.
Answer: George, Elroy, Judy, Jane

'Meet George Jetson, his boy Elroy, daughter Judy, Jane his wife...'
    Your options: [ Jane, Elroy, Judy, George ] [ Judy, Jane, George, Elroy ] [ Elroy, Judy, Jane, George ] [ George, Elroy, Judy, Jane ]
  From Quiz: Meet George Jetson
6 Who is the first person mentioned in the song?
Answer: George

Meet George Jetson.
  From Quiz: The 'Jetsons' Theme Song
7 What is the name of Elroy's school?
Answer: Little Dipper School

One thing is certain about the Little Dipper School. Nobody there was praying for a safe landing at school. 1962 was a significant year in American education, marked by the Engel v. Vitale Supreme Court case. This finding banned public schools from offering prayer on the basis of the "Establishment Clause" of the U.S. Constitution which effectively prohibits the state from establishing a state religion. Many see 1962 as the beginning of the modern 'home schooling' movement.
  From Quiz: "Right, Reorge!" - A Jetsons Tribute
8 What is Mr. Spacely's first name?
Answer: Cosmo

He is George's boss but fears his own wife.
  From Quiz: Meet the Jetsons
9 Astro was a 'speaking dog', what letter did he begin each word with before he said it?
Answer: R

He would probably make a pirate very happy!
  From Quiz: The Jetsons
  From Quiz: Meet "The Jetsons"
11 Who is George's boss?
Answer: Mr. Spacely
  From Quiz: Meet George Jetson
12 Who is the second person?
Answer: Elroy

His boy Elroy.
  From Quiz: The 'Jetsons' Theme Song
13 What does Jane, his wife, do before jettisoning to the Shopping Center in the opening?
Answer: She takes George's wallet.

Penny Singleton, the voice of Jane, also played 'Blondie' in the 1940's. Singleton starred in 28 films from 1938 to 1950 as the wife of Dagwood Bumstead (played by Arthur Lake). The movies were based on the Chic Young cartoon strip "Blondie". Later, Singleton provided the voice of Jane Jetson in Hanna-Barbera's 1962-63 cartoon.
  From Quiz: "Right, Reorge!" - A Jetsons Tribute
14 Who is mentioned last in the introduction song?
Answer: Jane

Jane is very pretty, don't you think so?
  From Quiz: Meet the Jetsons
15 What 'age' were they associated with?
Answer: Space-Age

You could really see stars when if you live during this time!
  From Quiz: The Jetsons
  From Quiz: Meet "The Jetsons"
17 Who is the robot maid?
Answer: Rosie
  From Quiz: Meet George Jetson
18 Who is the third person?
Answer: Judy

Daughter, Judy.
  From Quiz: The 'Jetsons' Theme Song
19 George, after dropping everyone at their destinations, reports to work at Spacely's Space Sprockets. Who is Spacely's principle competitor?
Answer: Cogswell's Cogs

All four possible answers are fictional enterprises. The Acme Corporation is featured in 'Looney Tunes' cartoons, especially in 'Roadrunner' episodes, when Wiley E. Coyote sends away for numerous fanciful contraptions in his never ending quest to capture the Roadrunner. Stark Industries is a Marvel Comics corporation which is owned by "Ironman". Globex is a fictional company featured in "The Simpsons".
  From Quiz: "Right, Reorge!" - A Jetsons Tribute
20 Who is George's boss?
Answer: Spacely

Spacely is very strict and grouchy.
  From Quiz: Meet the Jetsons
21 What was the robot maid named?
Answer: Rosie

I wonder if she was always up for a game of Ring Around The Rosy!
  From Quiz: The Jetsons
  From Quiz: Meet "The Jetsons"
23 What is the dog's name?
Answer: Astro
  From Quiz: Meet George Jetson
24 Who is the fourth person?
Answer: Jane

Jane, his wife.
  From Quiz: The 'Jetsons' Theme Song
25 What does George's space car transform to when he lands it at work?
Answer: briefcase

Interestingly, even though transforming into a briefcase is a feature of 21st century cars, there are car parks depicted everywhere. George Jetson's car was the de facto "Transformer" prototype. Transformers, from Hasbro toys, debuted in 1984 with the release of "Autobots" which transformed from robots to compact autos.
  From Quiz: "Right, Reorge!" - A Jetsons Tribute
26 What does George's son want to be?
Answer: Scientist

He often tries various experiments at home.
  From Quiz: Meet the Jetsons
27 What is the speed limit on the show?
Answer: 500 mph

Thankfully, they don't have to worry about receiving a ticket!
  From Quiz: The Jetsons
  From Quiz: Meet "The Jetsons"
29 Who is the repairman in the building?
Answer: Henry
  From Quiz: Meet George Jetson
30 In the episode "A Visit From Grandpa" (aired December 2, 1962), the Jetsons get a visit from George's energetic grandfather, who causes some problems that, thankfully, get straightened out in time. What is George's grandfather's first name?
Answer: Montague

Montague Jetson is a 110-year-old man whose charm and enthusiasm has a positive effect on everyone - except for a young policeman who keeps trying to get the old man to drive more slowly in his single-seat sports car. But that energy ends up creating some problems when his actions confuse the family. When he tries to get a dog license for Astro, Jane and Judy think he's getting a marriage license. To compound the problem, he brings home the baby of a woman who is going off on her second honeymoon. The cops show up after the woman tells them that she and he husband changed their minds and wanted to bring the baby with them. As he heads out of town, the police officer warns all units to let Montague go, if they know what's good for them.
  From Quiz: "The Jetsons": The First Season
31 What are the respective hair colors of George, Jane, Judy and Elroy Jetson?
Answer: Red, Orange, White, Blonde

I remember from High School genetics talking about simple cases of probability of hair color based on Mendell's research... however "In general, dark hair is dominant over light. But as with eye color, your baby's hair can turn out to be a beautiful range of shades between your hair color and that of your partner. It depends on the colors, or pigments, you both have in your hair and how they mix. Parents with similar hair color may have a baby with a hue that's slightly different, but within their color range.

But surprise colors can certainly appear from parents with different hair colors. This usually occurs when a recessive color gene in one parent comes through and mixes with another one. So a black-haired parent carrying a recessive gene for blond hair could potentially have a blond child if that gene is expressed and mixes with a blond gene from the other parent." -Denise Porretto in "Baby Magazine"
  From Quiz: "Right, Reorge!" - A Jetsons Tribute
32 Who is the robotic maid?
Answer: Rosie

They are so advanced that robots can be used as housemaids.
  From Quiz: Meet the Jetsons
  From Quiz: Meet "The Jetsons"
34 In the episode "Millionaire Astro" (aired January 6, 1963), the Jetsons' family dog, Astro, is successfully reclaimed by rich businessman J.P. Gottrockets. Gottrockets then proceeds to call Astro by what name?
Answer: Tralfaz

The wealthy Gottrockets and his attorney, Withers, go to court to reclaim custody of the Jetsons' beloved pet, which Elroy brought home in the episode "The Coming of Astro". Gottrockets wins his case by proving Astro's pedigree and begins referring to the dog by his original name, Tralfaz. Though Astro has everything he could ever want at paw's length, he longs to be back with the Jetsons in their more humble surroundings. Eventually, Gottrockets has Withers draw up the paperwork to give the dog to the Jetsons for good.
  From Quiz: "The Jetsons": The First Season
35 When George Jetson gets home from work, he hands his briefcase to Rosie the Robot and sits in his recliner. What is the next thing to happen?
Answer: Elroy puts his slippers on him.

George's work is exhausting. He puts in two hours a day, three days a week at his office computer RUDI ("Referential Universal Differential Indexer"), where he has a single button to push. If he does well, he will be promoted to Vice President, but more often than not, he makes some kind of mistake that results in his termination - at least until the next episode.
    Your options: [ Astro takes him for a walk. ] [ Judy kisses him and gives him his pipe. ] [ Elroy puts his slippers on him. ] [ Jane gives him a kiss. ]
  From Quiz: "Right, Reorge!" - A Jetsons Tribute
36 What is the family pet?
Answer: Dog

They have a huge, grey loving dog whose pedigree name is Tralfaz Gotrocket.
  From Quiz: Meet the Jetsons
  From Quiz: Meet "The Jetsons"
38 "Help! Help, Jane! Stop this crazy thing!" This is the sign off following the end credits of every episode. What does George need Jane to stop?
Answer: treadmill

Walking is the kind of exercise that promotes greater fitness and improved health in workers like George Jetson who are stuck in sedentary desk jobs. Walking helps to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce the risk of diabetes. Unlike George's romp with Astro, walking generally brings about an improvement in mood. Rorry, Reorge!
  From Quiz: "Right, Reorge!" - A Jetsons Tribute
39 What is the name of the family pet?
Answer: Astro

A strange but cute name.
  From Quiz: Meet the Jetsons
  From Quiz: Meet "The Jetsons"
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
Jetsons Quizzes