Answer: The 13th Amendment, outlawing slavery
Did you pick the Emancipation Proclamation? That document only declared the freedom of the slaves of the states in rebellion during the Civil War. Not until the ratification of the 13th Amendment were all the slaves in the USA freed. Although not constitutionally necessary, Lincoln signed the amendment on February 1; however, it had to go through the ratification process among the states and was adopted on December 18.
Major Richard Robert Wright Sr., a former slave, originated the idea for National Freedom Day. He formed the National Freedom Association to push for this holiday in 1942.
On June 30, 1948, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming February 1 as National Freedom Day. While this is in fact an official observance, it is not a federal holiday on which government offices, banks, and post offices are closed. Remembrance ceremonies include the laying of a wreath before the Liberty Bell.
As Lincoln himself said, "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy."
From Quiz: It's a Jolly Holiday in February!
Answer: Bal de neige
Bal de neige means "Snow Ball" and is the official French name for Winterlude, although Fete d'hiver ("Winter Fest") would make more sense.
From Quiz: All About Winterlude
Answer: Boar
Some countries use the term 'boar', while others prefer the more common word 'pig'. Being called a 'pig' might be insulting to some
people, but Oriental societies ascribe many positive qualities to this fascinating animal.
From Quiz: Lunar New Year
Answer: Six more weeks of bad weather
Unfortunately for most of the country six more weeks of winter is pretty typical, and here in Minnesota it would be a blessing!
From Quiz: Groundhog Day Trivia
Answer: the new moon on the first day of the new year
The Chinese have adopted the Western solar calendar but still use the old lunar calendar for festivals and celebrations.
From Quiz: The Chinese New Year
Answer: 36 million
This figure comes from the Chocolate Manufacturers Association.
From Quiz: St. Valentine's Day Trivia
Answer: The Keeper of the Stars
"The Keeper of the Stars" can be found on Tracy Byrd's album, "No Ordinary Man", which was released in the U.S. on June 7, 1994 on the MCA label. Other songs on this album include, "First Step", "Lifestyles of the Not So Rich and Famous", "Watermelon Crawl", "Redneck Roses", "Right About Now", "Pink Flamingos" and "You Never Know Just How Good You've Got It".
From Quiz: Romantic Song Lyrics for Valentine's Day
Answer: Hosay
Hosay is an East Indian festival that was incorporated into Carnival much later.
From Quiz: Trinidad Carnival
Answer: During the 1st century
It originated sometime during the Han Dynasty which lasted from 206BC to 221AD. There is another school of thought that says the festival started around the time of Emperor Jui Tsung of the Tang Dynasty, in 710AD.
From Quiz: The Lantern Festival
Answer: February 3rd and March 9th
It is always 47 days before Easter Sunday, and is governed by the Catholic Church calendar.
From Quiz: Louisiana Mardi Gras
Answer: Phil
That has been his name for over 75 years!
From Quiz: Groundhog Day!
Answer: Lupercalia
During this feast, the Romans called on one of their gods, Lupercus to keep them safe from wild wolves.
From Quiz: Valentine Hearts And Flowers
Answer: Ancient Romans
Lupercalia took place on February 15. Young men and women drew names to find their partners. Later the date was changed to February 14, and the name changed to honor one of the many Saint Valentines. It is not known for sure which one.
From Quiz: St. Valentine's Day
Answer: Romans
Legend has it that around 700BC Numa Pompilius added January and February to the end of the ten month Roman calendar. In his calendar reforms in 46B.C. Julius Caesar added a day to make January 31 days in length.
From Quiz: The Month of January
Answer: Festival of Aesculapius
January is named after the Roman God Janus, who was always shown with two heads, or two faces. He looked back to the last year and forward to the new one.
From Quiz: Should Auld Quizzes Be Forgot?
Answer: Snoopy
Snoopy tries to hit Charlie Brown with arrows, but keeps on missing.
From Quiz: A Charlie Brown Valentine
Answer: February is bird-mating season.
Here is where I need to give you the entire quote from "Parlement of Foules":
"For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make".
Apparently people in the 14th century believed that birds choose their mates during February. While some birds like doves do mate for life, all birds do not follow this practice. Lovebirds, for example, do not mate for life, but they do like to sit close to their mates like people in love sometimes do. Did you know that ravens, the birds that guard the Tower of London and protect the Crown, also mate for life? And they also nest in February - but they never leave. Miss Alice had to get some Science and Nature into our lesson and distracted me from making valentines for a time!
From Quiz: A Very Victorian Valentine
Answer: Valentinus
The legend has it that Claudius II had enacted a law outlawing young men to marry in an effort to boost the ranks of his army. Valentinus disregarded the law marrying young couples in secret. His deeds were discovered and at first Claudius II took a liking to Valentinus, attempting to dissuade him from Christianity and his deeds. Valentinus refused to turn from his Christian ways, and Claudius II had him first beaten, then beheaded.
From Quiz: Why I Hate Valentine's Day
Answer: San Francisco
While the other three cities listed have colorful parades, San Francisco's large Chinese population puts on a show that has become one of the major festivals in the United States.
From Quiz: Lunar New Year
Answer: heart shaped box of candy
My favorite from See's Candies is Victoria Toffee, a milk-chocolate-covered (hard, not chewy) toffee rolled in toasted almonds. Dreamy! Condi is short for Dr. Condoleezza Rice, President George W. Bush's Secretary of State.
From Quiz: Fractured February 14th
Answer: Candlemas Day
Candlemas Day was celebrated on the 40th day following the birth of Jesus and celebrated the presentation of the baby Jesus to the Temple.
From Quiz: Groundhog Day Trivia
Answer: Lantern Festival
The Chinese celebrate with parades and night lantern displays.
From Quiz: The Chinese New Year
Answer: Up Where We Belong
This song was sung by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes. It was written specifically for the soundtrack to the film, "An Officer and a Gentleman". The writers won an Oscar at the 55th Annual Academy Awards in 1982 for Most Original Song. Other songs on this soundtrack include, "Hungry for Your Love", "Tush", "Treat Me Right", "Be Real", "Of Love" and "Morning After Theme".
From Quiz: Romantic Song Lyrics for Valentine's Day
Answer: Mumming
Competitions are held in all three forms every year.
From Quiz: Trinidad Carnival
Answer: Buddha
Once again there are differing theories as to why the festival was started. Some quarters say that the lanterns served as a mark of respect to Buddha, and still others say that Buddhists carried lanterns to help them see the deities that floated around on the night of the festival.
From Quiz: The Lantern Festival
Answer: Endymion
The Krewe was begun in 1966 and first paraded February 4th 1997. It consisted of 155 men and 16 floats.
From Quiz: Louisiana Mardi Gras
Answer: Phyllis
I don't know how you marry groundhogs, but somehow it was accomplished.
From Quiz: Groundhog Day!
Answer: Name drawing
Girls would put their names into a jar and young men would each draw a name. Each girl picked out of the jar, would be that young man's sweetheart for the year.
From Quiz: Valentine Hearts And Flowers
Answer: birds
From Quiz: St. Valentine's Day
Answer: Latin
From Quiz: The Month of February
Answer: ten
January and February became the eleventh and twelfth months of the year.
From Quiz: The Month of January
Answer: The Festival of Saint Basil
Saint Basil was famous for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fire on New Year's Day, with hope that he will come and fill the shoes with gifts.
From Quiz: Should Auld Quizzes Be Forgot?
Answer: His teacher
He buys her a big box of candy.
From Quiz: A Charlie Brown Valentine
Answer: The Super Bowl
The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL) in the USA. It is a face-off between the American Conference and the National Conference within the League. The first Super Bowl took place on January 15, 1967. The game has grown into quite a cultural phenomenon since then, with many households holding huge viewing parties. By the early 21st century it had become a day of eating in the USA surpassed only by Thanksgiving Day.
Some families also watch (or watch instead) the Puppy Bowl on the cable channel Animal Planet. Puppies play in a model stadium, and the program has a special Kitty Half-Time Show. All animals are from shelters and adoption information is provided on the air.
From Quiz: It's a Jolly Holiday in February!
Answer: February
Winterlude is usually held the first three weekends in February.
From Quiz: All About Winterlude
Answer: 12
Just as there are twelve signs of the Zodiac, there are twelve animals represented in the Lunar New Year cycle.
From Quiz: Lunar New Year
Answer: A dozen roses
If you purchase a dozen long-stemmed roses for your true love in the U.S., you're going to have to shell out lots of lettuce.
From Quiz: Fractured February 14th
Answer: Gobbler's Knob
Gobbler's Knob is a 350 square foot plot of land on the outskirts of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.
From Quiz: Groundhog Day Trivia
Answer: 12
The Chinese zodiac contains twelve animals. Each animal is active every twelve years.
From Quiz: The Chinese New Year
Answer: Lupercalia
Lupercalia was considered a purification and fertility rite.
From Quiz: St. Valentine's Day Trivia