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43 Howl's Moving Castle Trivia Questions & Answers

Howl's Moving Castle
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Howl's Moving Castle, as asked by users of

There are 43 questions on this topic. Last updated Oct 16 2024.
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1 "I am a powerful fire demon".
Answer: Calcifer

Calcifer said this shortly after Sophie arrived at Howl's house.
trivia question Quick Question
Where does Lettie work?

2 What is the name of the female lead role?
Answer: Sophie

Sophie is the lead female in the film. Sophie was dowdy and worked in a hat shop. Because of involvement with Howl she was turned into an old lady by the Witch of the Waste. She sought out the witch to turn her back. She then stumbles into Howl's castle where they grow a closer bond, ending with romance.
3 What was the name of Madame Suliman's dog?
Answer: Heen

While Sophie did refer to him as "Dog", his name "Heen" was mentioned a couple of times. The first time Sophie went into see Madame Suliman, Sophie asked her if he was her dog, and Madame Suliman said yes and mentioned his name.
4 What repeatedly goes past the window of Sophie's hat shop?
Answer: A steam train

An old-fashioned steam train, billowing smoke, goes past Sophie's window at the beginning. When Howl redecorates the castle and Sophie ends up in a room similar to her hat shop working room, it goes past again. At the start, we can see Howl's castle in the distance but it doesn't actually go past the window.
5 What is Miss Hatter's first name?
Answer: Sophie

Sophie Hatter is the eldest daughter of the deceased owner of a hat shop in Market Chipping. She's the heroine of the story. She is turned into a ninety year old woman by the Witch of Waste because the Witch thinks she's in league with Howl. The character Sophie is voiced by Emily Mortimer.
6 Howl has a missing organ. What is it ?
Answer: His heart

Howl is a wizard who goes by many names to keep his freedom. He ends up getting in trouble with the wizard world but makes a bond with Sophie who helps him through it. Throughout the film, it is said that Howl had his heart stolen by a demon. This demon turns out to be Calcifer.
7 What was the name of Howl's fire demon?
Answer: Calcifer

Calcifer was actually a fallen star. Voiced by Billy Crystal, his name was Cal for short. "I'm a scary and powerful fire demon named Calcifer!"
8 What do the soldiers call Sophie, when she bumps into them on her way to visit her sister?
Answer: Mouse

The soldiers try and chat Sophie up but she just wants to get around them. They call her "mouse" because she's being quiet. Just as she starts losing her temper with them, Howl arrives. He casts a spell and sends the soldiers marching away. He then tells Sophie that he's being chased and when the monsters appear, he and Sophie escape by flying up into the air.
9 How many aliases does Howl have?
Answer: As many as he needs

It's never really explained why Howl doesn't use his own last name. We see he uses Jenkins and Pendragon, but Howl tells Sophie that he has as many names as he needs, when she asks him. He says he uses them to get out of messes and hide.
10 "How would you like it if I poured a bucket of water on you?!"
Answer: Sophie

Sophie then found out that if Calcifer died that Howl would die too.
11 What is Howl's apprentice called?
Answer: Markl

Howl's apprentice is called Markl in the film but in the book he is called Michael. Markl very much idolises Howl, and has a close bond to Sophie. He is only young so very dependent. When Howl has a tantrum and calls the dark spirits he asks Sophie for help.
12 Who or what did Howl disguise himself as when he went to the castle?
Answer: The King

Madame Suliman's assistants looked like Howl might have as a child, and until she got in to see Madame Suliman, Sophie thought that Heen (who was actually Madame Suliman's dog) was Howl. Howl did disguise himself as the King. However, the real King came in shortly after Howl arrived.
13 The Witch of the Waste arrives at the hat shop and insults Sophie. What does she call her?
Answer: The tackiest thing here

The Witch of the Waste thinks of herself as beautiful and is very scornful of Sophie's hat shop, calling everything in it "tacky". She knows that Sophie has recently met Howl and wants to know where he is.
Sophie, who doesn't even realise it was Howl she met in the first place, gets understandably angry and demands that the Witch leave. She does, but not before putting a spell on Sophie that changes her into an old woman. How mean!
14 What is Howl's assistant's name?
Answer: Markl

Markl is Howl's apprentice who, when dealing with customers, disguises himself as an old man to practise his magic. Markl is studing to become a wizard like Howl.
15 "Howl's heart is finally mine!"
Answer: The Witch of the Waste

The Witch said this as soon as she found out that Calcifer was Howl's heart. She then grabbed Calcifer out of the fireplace and held him in her hands.
16 Where does Lettie work?
Answer: A bakery

Lettie is Sophie's sister; she works in the bakery. You see her only briefly in the film. In the film Lettie has a lot of attention from the men and she is obviously a hard worker. In the scene you see her in she is rushing about serving customers.
17 What was Sophie's sister's name?
Answer: Lettie

Her sister was the woman Sophie went to see at the bakery. Her name was mentioned more than once.
18 Sophie sets off to find the Witch of the Waste to make her remove the spell. On her way, she helps a scarecrow, who brings her a walking cane in thanks. What does the top of the cane look like?
Answer: A bird

The scarecrow, or "Turnip Head" as Sophie likes to call him, brings her a walking stick with a handle that looks like a duck's head. This is just what she needs as, being an old woman now, she's finding it hard to climb up the hill. Turnip Head pops up all over the place during the film. Initially, Sophie tries to get rid of him by sending him off to find her a place to stay, but he returns with Howl's moving castle! It seems that he too has a spell on him.
19 What color is Sophie's hair at the climax of the movie?
Answer: Silver/ Starlight

It starts out an ordinary brown. When she is placed under the curse, her hair turns silver. She complains about her ordinary appearance in the beginning, but we aren't told why it stays that color. Howl calls it "Starlight".
20 "Oh, by the way... The best part of this spell is that you can't tell anyone about it."
Answer: The Witch of the Waste

The Witch said this quote after she put a spell on Sophie. This spell turned Sophie into an old woman.
21 What is Calcifer?
Answer: A fire demon

Calcifer came down to the earth as a shooting star but he tells Sophie that he is a fire demon. He helps Howl with his work by moving the castle and frequently running hot water for Howl's bath
22 Who was Madame Suliman?
Answer: The King's Head Sorceress

When she introduced herself to Sophie, at the castle, Madame Suliman said, specifically that she was in fact the King's Head Sorceress.
23 Sophie soon settles in to the castle and makes friends with Markl and Calcifer, the other inhabitants. There are two portals from the front door that open into wizard's shops. What two wizard names does Howl use?
Answer: Jenkins and Pendragon

These are just two of Howl's aliases. When Sophie asks how many he has, he replies "as many as I need to keep my freedom". He gets in a bit of a fix when both wizards are requested to report to the Palace! Sophie ends up going in his place, as his mother, Mrs. Pendragon!
24 What color on the portal leads to Howl's "secret garden"?
Answer: Pink

Howl's uncle gave it to him as a gift to practise his wizardry. He goes there when he needs to think and to practise his magic. That's also where he meets Calcifer.
25 "I'll need something from you... How about your eyes?"
Answer: Calcifer

Calcifer said this when he needed to move the house without Howl's help.