The World Quiz - Rules and Game Details
Schedule: A new game starts daily and runs 24 hours.
Difficulty level: Intermediate to Difficult
Number of questions: 20
Score Comparisons: To prevent the sharing of answers, we run with 15 distinct question sets per day, randomly assigned to players as
they play. Players are scored against those
players who have identical questions to them, so that we have an absolutely fair playing field.
Geo Points: You will earn between 1 and 100 Geo Points daily for playing, depending where you finish relative to other players in your
set. Geo points will allow you to earn a long-running cumulative badge.
Standings: Unlike other games that reset monthly, this game will have a sliding standings window of 3 months. That means
that our standings never reset -- they simply reflect who has the best cumulative score over the last 3 months at all times.
Badges: 1. A
daily winner badge is awarded to the top scoring player in each question set daily.
2. An
achievement badge is awarded for a score of 18/19 in 200 seconds.
3. A
Geo Point badge will be awarded for earning a certain number of cumulative geo points.
FunTrivia Points Awarded: This game awards your score divided by 6 points as bonus FunTrivia
Points each day in each question set. Bonuses (*): +250 for winner, +150 for 2nd, +100 for 3rd, +50 for 4th/5th, +30 for
A total of 6
Challenges can be completed here...
World Victor - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to a player scoring 20,000 cumulative points in the World Game. This is a gold member challenge
- Winners So Far: 754. Last
The World Quiz - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to the player with the highest score in each Daily World Quiz question set. This is a gold member challenge
- Winners So Far: 1629. Last
World Champ - World Game - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to a player who scores a cumulative 5000 Geo points in the daily Gold Member World Geography Game. This is a gold member challenge
- Winners So Far: 1778. Last
Achievement: World Quiz - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to all players who score 16+ within 200 seconds. This is a gold member challenge
- Winners So Far: 2777. Last
World Quiz Champ - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to the player with the highest score overall in the World Quiz game. This is a gold member challenge
- Winners So Far: 67. Last
World Game Mastery - Go To Challenge Page
Awarded to a player scoring 50,000 cumulative points in the gold member World daily game. This is a gold member challenge
- Winners So Far: 450. Last