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Quiz about What Happened Next  Return of the Jedi
Quiz about What Happened Next  Return of the Jedi

What Happened Next? - "Return of the Jedi" Quiz

"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" continues immediately after "The Empire Strikes Back" left off. Can you place the events in the film in order? May the Force be with you.

An ordering quiz by LeoDaVinci. Estimated time: 3 mins.
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3 mins
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Quiz #
Sep 02 24
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Mobile instructions: Press on an answer on the right. Then, press on the question it matches on the left.
(a) Drag-and-drop from the right to the left, or (b) click on a right side answer, and then click on its destination box to move it.
Place these events in the order that they happened in the movie.
What's the Correct Order?Choices
After a duel which Luke wins, the Emperor uses Force Lightning to torture Luke.
Luke surrenders to the Empire and is brought before the Emperor.
The group are discovered by Ewoks and they revere C-3PO as a god.
In the Dune Sea, Boba Fett is eaten by a Sarlacc.
The droids arrive at Jabba's palace as gifts.
Anakin Skywalker dies looking at his son with his own eyes.
The strike team lands on Endor and are discovered by Storm Troopers on speeders.
The Battle of Endor begins with losses for the Rebel Alliance.
The Death Star is destroyed and the remaining Rebels escape, barely.
Luke returns to Yoda to complete his training, but finds that Yoda is dying.
Darth Vader and the Emperor discuss Luke's strength and how they will overpower him.
Han Solo is rescued from the carbonite, but the escape goes awry.

Most Recent Scores
Sep 27 2024 : Guest 136: 10/12
Sep 26 2024 : blackavar72: 11/12
Sep 22 2024 : dj144: 10/12
Sep 17 2024 : DotSnoopyFan: 10/12
Sep 17 2024 : Shadman11: 12/12
Sep 14 2024 : Guest 174: 10/12
Sep 12 2024 : Guest 107: 10/12
Sep 11 2024 : goodreporter: 9/12
Sep 11 2024 : Guest 162: 11/12

Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. The droids arrive at Jabba's palace as gifts.

In "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", C-3PO and R2-D2 arrive at Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine as part of a strategic plan to rescue Han Solo. The droids are presented as gifts from a mysterious master who seeks an audience with Jabba. R2-D2 is carrying a hidden message from Luke Skywalker, demanding the release of Han, who is imprisoned in carbonite. Jabba, however, dismisses the message with amusement, showing no intention of complying. He says that he would not give up his "favourite decoration".

The intention behind this move is actually to gain access to Jabba's heavily guarded palace.
2. Han Solo is rescued from the carbonite, but the escape goes awry.

The rescue mission to retrieve Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt is a critical and action-packed sequence. The plan is carefully orchestrated by Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and their allies. Princess Leia, disguised as a bounty hunter named Boushh, and Chewbacca are sent to Jabba's palace with the goal of negotiating Han's release. Leia presents a false bounty on Chewbacca, as well as a thermal detonator, hoping to use this as leverage. However, Jabba, always suspicious, sees through Leia's ruse. At night, Leia frees Han from the carbonite only to be discovered by Jabba. She is captured and forced to become one of Jabba's slave-girls.

Luke arrives at the palace later and uses the force to get in. Luke tries to reason with Jabba but falls into an underground chamber which contains a rancor (a fierce creature) along with one of Jabba's guards. The guard gets eaten but Luke kills the rancor with the gate to its cell.
3. In the Dune Sea, Boba Fett is eaten by a Sarlacc.

Despite Luke's attempt to persuade Jabba to release Han, Jabba refuses and instead plans to punish the group. The punishment involves taking Leia, Han, and Chewbacca to the Dune Sea aboard his sail barge. The sail barge is a large, floating vessel used by Jabba for his travels and is heavily armed. It's here that Jabba intends to execute his prisoners by throwing them into the pit of the Sarlacc, a fearsome creature residing in the Dune Sea.

Aboard the sail barge, the tension mounts as Jabba and his entourage prepare for the execution. Luke Skywalker, who has secretly followed them, waits for the right moment to spring into action. Luke uses his Jedi skills to fight Jabba's guards and ultimately disrupts Jabba's plan. He engages in a fierce battle aboard the sail barge, freeing his friends and turning the tide in their favour.

In the heat of the battle, Boba Fett, the bounty hunter, is knocked off his feet and inadvertently falls into the pit of the Sarlacc. This creature, which resides in the Dune Sea, is known for its ability to devour its prey and slowly digest it over a thousand years. Boba Fett, clad in his distinctive Mandalorian armour, is unable to escape the Sarlacc's grasp. The scene is quick but impactful, serving as a grim and fitting end for the bounty hunter who had previously captured Han Solo and played a key role in his imprisonment.
4. Darth Vader and the Emperor discuss Luke's strength and how they will overpower him.

In the Emperor's throne room aboard the second Death Star, Emperor Palpatine expresses his confidence in Luke's potential as a powerful Sith apprentice. He acknowledges Luke's strength in the Force and believes that Luke is capable of becoming a formidable ally or tool for the Dark Side. Palpatine is keenly aware of Luke's potential and aims to corrupt him, seeing him as a valuable asset.

Darth Vader is somewhat conflicted but still loyal to the Emperor. He understands Luke's strength and is aware of his son's potential to resist the Dark Side. Despite his internal conflict, Vader is committed to bringing Luke before the Emperor and ensuring that he is either turned to the Dark Side or eliminated as a threat.
5. Luke returns to Yoda to complete his training, but finds that Yoda is dying.

Luke Skywalker arrives on Dagobah, the remote swampy planet where he previously trained under Jedi Master Yoda in "The Empire Strikes Back". He desperately wants to complete his Jedi training as he feels that there is more he needs to learn to confront Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.

However, upon arriving, Luke finds Yoda in a frail and weakened state. The once-energetic and wise Jedi Master is now old and nearing the end of his life. Yoda is lying in his modest hut, showing signs of severe illness and exhaustion. Despite his weakened state, Yoda's mind and spirit remain sharp. He speaks to Luke with a mixture of wisdom and concern, acknowledging that his time is nearly over.

Yoda imparts his final lessons to Luke, emphasizing the importance of confronting his fears and understanding the true nature of the Force. He reassures Luke that he is ready for the trials ahead but also warns him of the dangers of falling to the Dark Side. Yoda also confirms the identity of Luke's father and the truth about his own family's connection to the Dark Side.

Yoda's death is a quiet and dignified moment. As he passes away, he becomes one with the Force and leaves behind a legacy of wisdom and guidance. His final words to Luke emphasize the need for balance and the continuity of the Jedi teachings.
6. The strike team lands on Endor and are discovered by Storm Troopers on speeders.

The strike team, which includes Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, arrives on the forest moon of Endor. Their objective is to locate and destroy the shield generator located on the moon's surface to enable the Rebel fleet to attack the second Death Star. They land their ship and make their way into the dense forest of Endor.

On the way to the shield generators, they are discovered by Storm Troopers on speeder bikes, a type of floating, fast-moving, agile vehicle designed for reconnaissance and rapid response. They initiate battle and the high-speed chase is dynamic and fiery.
7. The group are discovered by Ewoks and they revere C-3PO as a god.

On the surface of the moon of Endor, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO encounter the Ewoks, a small, primitive species of forest-dwelling creatures. Using primitive weapons and traps, the indigenous creatures capture the entire group. However, the Ewoks come to believe that C-3PO is a god and should be revered, perhaps due to his golden outer shell and his command of languages.

Han, Leia, and Chewie are all being held captive as well. Han and Chewbacca are bound and placed on a sacrificial altar-like structure. The Ewoks intend to perform a sacrificial ritual, believing that offering these captives will appease their gods or ensure their own safety. Fortunately, C-3PO uses his newfound status to influence the situation and the group is released. The Rebels are able to forge an alliance with the Ewoks, something that strengthens the Rebels' position.
8. Luke surrenders to the Empire and is brought before the Emperor.

Despite the Rebel forces determination and their ongoing assault on the second Death Star despite the perilous situation they face, Luke chooses to confront his father, Darth Vader, and the Emperor directly. This decision is motivated by Luke's desire to save his father from the Dark Side and his belief that the Emperor's defeat will ultimately bring balance to the Force. Also, Luke knows that his presence is felt by anyone who is Force-sensitive, and he is putting his friends in danger just by being with them. Luke then surrenders to the Imperial forces.

Luke, accompanied by Vader, is brought aboard the second Death Star. Vader escorts Luke through the imposing corridors of the Death Star, and they eventually arrive at the Emperor's throne room. This room is characterized by its dark, foreboding design and the Emperor's central throne, from which he observes the proceedings of the battle. Luke is met by Emperor Palpatine, who is seated on his throne, and whose objective is to seduce Luke to the Dark Side and use him as a pawn in his ultimate plan for domination.

The Emperor reveals his intention to turn Luke to the Dark Side. He attempts to goad Luke into anger and hatred by showcasing the imminent destruction of the Rebel fleet and the impending doom of the Rebel forces. Palpatine's end goal is to break Luke's spirit and force him to give in to his emotions, something which would make him more susceptible to accepting the Dark Side.
9. The Battle of Endor begins with losses for the Rebel Alliance.

The Battle of Endor is the major conflict in the movie and it unfolds as the Rebel Alliance attempts to destroy the second Death Star and defeat the Galactic Empire. The battle, which takes place on the forest moon of Endor and in space around it, begins with significant setbacks for the Rebels.

The battle begins with the Rebel fleet launching their attack on the second Death Star. The Death Star is protected by a powerful shield generator on the surface of Endor, one which the Rebel forces must destroy to make the space station vulnerable. The Rebel fighters on the surface are aware that the shield generator is their top target, and their mission is to take it down to allow their fleet to strike at the Death Star itself.

The Imperial fleet, led by the newly appointed Emperor and his officers, puts up a fierce resistance. The Imperial fleet includes numerous Star Destroyers and TIE fighters, creating a formidable defensive screen around the Death Star. The Rebels find themselves outnumbered and outgunned, struggling to penetrate the Imperial defences. Several Rebel ships are quickly destroyed or heavily damaged.

On the ground, the Rebel strike team, consisting of Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and a group of Ewoks, faces difficulties in their mission to destroy the shield generator. Initially, the team encounters strong resistance from the Imperial troops stationed at the shield generator bunker. The situation is precarious as the Ewoks, although courageous, lack military experience and face significant challenges in fighting against the well-equipped Imperial forces.
10. After a duel which Luke wins, the Emperor uses Force Lightning to torture Luke.

Aboard the Death Star, a fierce duel ensues between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in the Emperor's throne room. During the duel, Vader reinforces the truth about Luke's parentage, confirming that Vader is indeed Luke's father. This revelation is a crucial emotional turning point for Luke, further complicating his feelings and increasing his determination to resist Vader's attempts to sway him to the Dark Side.

As the fight progresses, Luke's emotions become more intense. His anger and fear are evident, and at one point, he channels these emotions into a fierce offensive. At a critical moment, Luke gains the upper hand and manages to disarm Vader, severing his hand in the process. Vader, now defenseless, is at Luke's utter mercy. However, Luke, still guided by the principles that have been drilled into him, refrains from killing his father, demonstrating his commitment to the Jedi Code and his belief in redemption. This act of mercy is in line with his belief in the possibility of redeeming Vader. After the duel, the Emperor, who has been watching from his throne, seizes the opportunity to taunt and manipulate Luke.

The confrontation then shifts from Vader to the Emperor himself. The Emperor seizes the opportunity to attack Luke with Force lightning, aiming to destroy him and break his spirit.
11. Anakin Skywalker dies looking at his son with his own eyes.

Throughout the film, Luke is determined to redeem his father - once Anakin Skywalker, now the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader. Despite Luke's efforts to persuade Vader to turn away from the Dark Side, the Emperor continues to manipulate and torment Luke, aiming to seduce him to the Dark Side. When the Emperor unleashes a torrent of Sith lightning on Luke, Vader makes a crucial decision. Anakin Skywalker, who has been buried under the persona of Darth Vader, is awakened by his love for his son and his desire to protect him.

In a moment of redemption, Vader turns against the Emperor. He lifts the Emperor, who is cackling triumphantly, and throws him into the Death Star's reactor shaft. This act of bravery and sacrifice signifies Vader's return to the light side of the Force, redeeming himself in the eyes of his son and the galaxy. However, Vader is mortally wounded and his suit is broken. Anakin, now freed from the mask and helmet, looks at his son with his own eyes for the first time in many years. His dying words are expressions of love and pride, and he acknowledges Luke's efforts and expresses his hope for a future of peace.
12. The Death Star is destroyed and the remaining Rebels escape, barely.

After the Rebel Alliance successfully destroys the shield generator on the forest moon of Endor, they are able to launch a full-scale assault on the second Death Star, which is still under construction and partially completed. The final battle takes place in space and involves an intense confrontation between the Rebel fleet and the Imperial forces. The Rebels, led by Admiral Ackbar and other commanders, coordinate a massive assault on the Death Star, which is heavily protected by a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers and other warships.

As the battle progresses, the Rebels face numerous challenges, including fierce resistance from the Imperial fleet and a countdown to the Death Star's activation. The space battle is chaotic, with starships weaving through heavy fire and engaging in dogfights. The tension is heightened by the fact that the second Death Star is fully operational and poised to unleash its destructive power on the Rebel forces.

Lando and his co-pilot eventually navigate through the Death Star's interior, finally reaching the core reactor. Lando successfully fires the crucial shots that trigger a chain reaction, leading to the explosion of the Death Star. The massive space station is destroyed in a spectacular explosion, which sends shockwaves through the surrounding space. Many of the remaining Rebels have to make a hasty escape from the debris and remaining Imperial forces. The escape is narrowly achieved, with many ships sustaining damage and the surviving Rebels narrowly avoiding further attacks from the remnants of the Imperial fleet.

The movie concludes with the Rebel forces celebrating their hard-won victory on the forest moon of Endor, where the destruction of the Death Star marks the effective end of the Galactic Empire's reign. This final victory underscores the theme of hope and triumph over tyranny, wrapping up the original trilogy with a satisfying resolution.
Source: Author LeoDaVinci

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