5. What do the Andalites call someone who has become trapped in a morphed body?
From Quiz Andalite Terminology
The morphing ability allows anyone to turn into any animal that they "acquire". There are rules to becoming an animal, including the rule to never stay in morph for more than two Earth hours. After the two hour time limit, the person is trapped in the animal's body, becoming a nothlit. Throughout the series there are several characters that become nothlits. Arbron was an Andalite that got trapped in a Taxxon body. Elfangor deliberately trapped himself in a human body until the Ellimist returned him to his original Andalite body. Tobias, during the first Animorph battle at the Yeerk pool, became trapped as a red-tailed hawk. The Ellimist also helped him; he didn't return Tobias to being a human, instead Tobias remains a hawk with the ability to morph. Aldrea, an Andalite and Prince Seerow's daughter, made the decision to become a Hork-Bajir nothlit. Alftran, a member of the Yeerk peace movement, would have died from Kandrona starvation if the Animorphs hadn't allowed her to become a humpback whale nothlit. David is the only one that was deliberately trapped in a morph. He became a nothlit rat. After the Animorphs won the war against the Yeerks, the Taxxons were permitted to become nothlits. They chose to become anacondas and other large snakes and were relocated to the rain forest. Some of the Yeerks were also allowed to become nothlits, as a means to escape their parasitic existence as well as their dependency on the Kandrona.