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766 quizzes and 10,724 Harry Potter Books trivia questions.
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Harry Potter quiz on information released by JK Rowling since publication of the final book. Some questions will be tricky for casual readers! (All information taken from the Pottermore website, extracts of which can be found in various places online)
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What is the name of Neville Longbottom's pet toad?

From Quiz "The Magical Pets of Harry Potter"

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Harry Potter Books Trivia Questions

1. Which character uses a magically-enchanted flying motorbike to bring an infant Harry Potter to the Dursleys' House at Number 4, Privet Drive in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"?

From Quiz
Getting Somewhere With "Harry Potter"

Answer: Rubeus Hagrid

The first book in the "Harry Potter" series commences with Harry's delivery at Number 4, Privet Drive as he's left with the Dursleys after his parents' death at the hand of Voldemort's underlings, the Death Eaters. Hagrid's motorbike, seen in the first novel, is later discovered to have been given to him by Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, on that fateful night when Harry became 'The Boy Who Lived' for the purpose of bringing him to his Muggle family. The motorbike made a reappearance in "The Deathly Hallows", again piloted by Hagrid, during the Battle of the Seven Potters. It would later be repaired by Arthur Weasley after taking damages in said battle.

2. Which spell can be used to stop movement?

From Quiz Harry Potter's Latin

Answer: Arresto Momentum

In "The Deathly Hallows", Hermione uses the spell "Arresto Momentum" to save Ron, Harry and herself from a deadly fall. But it does not mean they remain floating in air: they thump on the ground, without too much harm. Cicero has two remarks about this spell. First of all, "arresto" is the first person - so "I stop". To use this phrase as a command, one should use the imperative "arreste". Secondly: "momentum" is the force of movement, while the movement itself is called "motus" in pure Latin. So Latin purists such as Cicero would prefer "Arreste Motum". "Accio" is a shortened form of the true Latin "adducio" which means "I bring to me". Once more, Cicero insists on the use of the imperative "Adduce". Harry uses this spell in "Goblet of Fire" to summon his broomstick. "Arania Exumai" is Potter's Latin for "Aranea exue", which means "put away the spider". Harry uses this spell in "Chamber of Secrets" to escape from the acromantulas (offspring of Aragog). "Aguamenti" is short for what Cicero would call "aqua incremente", true Latin for "grow water" or "increase water". Harry uses it in "The Half-Blood Prince" to quench Dumbledore's thirst after he drinks the potion hiding the locket in a secret cave.

3. Arthur Weasley was admitted to St. Mungo's in 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' after being bitten by Lord Voldemort's snake. Where was he when he was attacked by Nagini?

From Quiz Harry Potter - A Trip to St. Mungo's

Answer: A corridor outside the Department of Mysteries

At the time of Arthur's injury, Harry was unaware of the location of the corridor, but he eventually recognised it as the one leading to the Department of Mysteries during his first Occlumency lesson with Professor Snape. The Order of the Phoenix had been guarding the corridor in order to prevent Lord Voldemort from retrieving a record that was being kept in the department's Hall of Prophecy. Arthur Weasley was the unfortunate Order member on duty on the night that Voldemort possessed his snake, Nagini, and slithered into the Ministry. Arthur would likely have died from the effects of the snake bite (or at the very least had some extremely awkward questions to answer about why he was there) if Harry hadn't witnessed the events via his mental connection with Voldemort and raised the alarm. Although St. Mungo's had been mentioned in previous novels, this event gave both Harry and the reader their first glimpse of the hospital and the vast range of magical diseases and accidents it dealt with. After a stay of a few days, the Healers of St. Mungo's managed to find an antidote to Nagini's venom and cure Arthur's snake bite wound, but not before he'd persuaded one of them to have a go at applying a good old muggle remedy - stitches!

4. The Deathstick or Wand of Destiny is the only Deathly Hallow to be made of wood, but what type of wood is it?

From Quiz Harry Potter - 'Wood' You Know the Answer?

Answer: Elder

The Deathly Hallows is a set of magical objects said to be capable of giving their possessor mastery over death. Harry, Ron and Hermione learned of the power of these objects from a copy of 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' and a trip to the home of the somewhat eccentric Xenophilius Lovegood in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. However, Lord Voldemort learned only about the most prominent of the Hallows - the Elder Wand (otherwise known as the Deathstick or the Wand of Destiny), which had become famed as the most powerful wand in existence. The fate of both the Elder Wand and the wizard to whom it had given its allegiance were critical factors in Voldemort's downfall.

5. Which Minister for Magic suggested the Hogwarts Express as a means of travel to school?

From Quiz More Potter

Answer: Ottaline Gambol

Following the imposition of the International Statute of Secrecy in 1692, a safe and secret mode of transport was required to and from school. Ottaline Gambol, who had a keen interest in Muggle inventions, suggested the steam train.

6. In 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix', Luna found that people had been hiding her belongings all year. She missed the feast because she was trying to find them, but what spell could she have used instead?

From Quiz Mystifying Moments in Magic

Answer: Accio

That's right! Using Accio for all her items would be the best way, as they would all zoom towards her, just like when Harry summonsed his firebolt the same way in 'Goblet of Fire'.

7. In 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone', Hagrid bought Harry his pet owl, Hedwig, when he took him to Diagon Alley to equip him for starting school at Hogwarts. What was the name of the 'Owl Emporium' from which he purchased Hedwig?

From Quiz The Magical Pets of Harry Potter

Answer: Eeylops

Hagrid bought Hedwig in Eeylops Owl Emporium as a present for Harry's 11th birthday. She is a Snowy Owl. Flourish and Blotts is the wizarding bookshop, and 'Fortescue's' refers to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. The Magical Menagerie sells magical creatures and also gives advice on their wellbeing. Other shops and businesses in Diagon Alley include Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Ollivander's, which makes and sells wands, and of course Gringott's Wizarding Bank and the pub, The Leaky Cauldron, among others.

8. How many functional horcruxes were created by Voldemort?

From Quiz The Horcruxes and Other Parts of Voldemort's Soul

Answer: 7

He wanted to create six originally, so that his soul would be in seven pieces. He believed that seven was a powerful, mystical number. He had created five horcruxes at the time that he attacked the Potters. He was planning to use the murder of Harry to create his sixth. But when the Avada Kedavra curse backfired, it killed his body. But the act of *trying* to kill Harry tore his soul nonetheless, and that piece of his soul attached itself to Harry, making Harry functionally the sixth horcrux, although he was not made one by use of the spell in the dark magic library book. Voldemort used the murder of Bertha Jorkins in Albania to create a horcrux of his pet snake Nagini.

9. This creature is the most commonly used form of communication throughout the series. Notable types include brown, snowy, and screech.

From Quiz Harry Potter Communication

Answer: owl

Communication by owlpost is the Muggle equivalent of sending a letter through the mail or post. Notable owls in the series include Harry's owl Hedwig, Ron's owl Pigwidgeon, and the Weasley family's exhausted owl named Errol.

10. This is the most common form of magical transportation for children under the age of 17, and it involves an object which is also part of a popular game called Quidditch.

From Quiz Harry Potter Transportation

Answer: Broomstick

Broomsticks are very prevalent throughout the entire Harry Potter series. Broomsticks are the magical equivalent of a Muggle car, and some of the more popular models of broomsticks include the Comet, Cleansweep, Nimbus, and Firebolt.

11. The incantation Morsmordre is French. What does it mean?

From Quiz The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter

Answer: Take a bite out of death

This is very fitting as the Death Eaters are the ones who cast it.

12. What do Draco Malfoy, Horace Slughorn, Severus Snape, and Blaise Zabini have in common?

From Quiz From Aragog to Zabini

Answer: All are Slytherins

Draco and Blaise are Slytherin students. Snape is Head of Slytherin House, a position that Slughorn formerly held. When Snape kills Dumbledore and flees, Slughorn takes over as Slytherin head.

13. In mythology, a character was stabbed in the eyes (he had more than just two) and that character's name is used in Harry Potter as well. Who is it?

From Quiz "Harry Potter" vs. Mythology

Answer: Argus Filch

In this story, Jupiter (or Zeus) impregnates Io in the form of a swan. After Juno (or Hera) finds this out, she tries to kill Io. Jupiter decides to protect Io and turns her into a cow so that he may fool Juno. However, Juno is not fooled and sends her watcher Argus to watch her and make sure that Io is not able to turn back into a human and give birth to the baby. Argus makes the perfect guard due to the fact that he has 100 eyes. Jupiter, furious, sends Mercury (or Hermes) down to get rid of Argus. Mercury stabs Argus in the eyes with his caduceus and Io is able to turn back into a human and give birth to her child.

14. The Greco-Roman underworld is guarded by a three-headed dog. The mythological creature is not named Fluffy. What is its name?

From Quiz Mythological Names in Harry Potter

Answer: Cerberus

"These regions echo with the triple-throated bark of the giant Cerberus, who crouches, enormous, in a cavern facing them." ("The Aeneid" of Virgil, Book 6.) Charon is the pilot of the boat across the River Styx. The Hydra is a beast with 50 heads. Tisiphone is one of the Furies, bearers of frenzy and madness.

15. Where does Severus Snape's Potions class take place in the castle?

From Quiz Harry Potter Quiz: Hogwarts

Answer: The Dungeons

Icy water flows from a gargoyle's mouth in a basin in the corner of the dungeon. Another detail, is that in the winter months it's so cold down there you can see your breath.

16. This character arrived at Hogwarts in 'The Chamber of Secrets'. He was thrilled to meet Harry and insisted on taking photographs of Harry. Who was he?

From Quiz Alliteration in Harry Potter Character Names

Answer: Colin Creevey

Colin Creevey was in Gryffindor, and so was his younger brother Dennis. Colin was petrified by the basilisk in 'The Chamber of Secrets'. Bertie Botts was the inventor of the famous 'Every Flavour Beans'. Dedalus Diggle was a wizard who had once bowed to Harry in a shop, years before he began at Hogwarts. Archibald Alderton had blown up a whole village whilst trying to make a birthday cake.

17. How many staircases does Hogwarts have? ("Sorcerer's Stone")

From Quiz Hogwarts O.W.L. -History & General Knowledge

Answer: 142

Not only do the staircases sometimes lead to a different room on Fridays, but they are constantly in motion, have vanishing stairs, and will sometimes capture your foot like quicksand.

18. Clearly the most practical lessons are held by Professor Lupin. Which is the one creature the students never meet in his class, but only write about?

From Quiz Harry Potter - The Dark Arts

Answer: Vampire

Lupin asks Ron and Harry for a word on his Vampire essay after Snape called him to have a look at the Marauder's Map. Don't forget, Lupin himself is a werewolf and Snape takes good care everybody finds out about that!

19. Boggarts, in the Harry Potter books, are creatures that transform into an apparition of your greatest fear. In Northern England, where the boggart legend originated, what were boggarts?

From Quiz The Real Harry Potter

Answer: Malicious house spirits

Boggarts looked something like the house-elves in the books, except that they were hairy. They delighted in the types of acts that Peeves the Poltergeist would find amusing- blowing out candles, spilling food, pinching babies and the like. It was almost impossible to get rid of them- the only cure for a Boggart infestation was moving!

20. What does the spell "Accio!" mean?

From Quiz Harry Potter:Spells for Witches and Wizards

Answer: to summon an object

Harry used this charm to summon his Firebolt in the Triwizard Tournament.

21. What group, in particular, has been most critical of the Harry Potter books?

From Quiz Harry Potter and the Storm of Controversy

Answer: Fundamentalist Christians

As you will see in the following answers, most of the anti-Potter hysteria has been promoted by fundamentalist Christian groups.

22. This spell stops an object or slows it down.

From Quiz Charms and Spells

Answer: Impedimenta

Harry learns this spell to use in the Third Task. Ron also learns it, using it to stop a bee in midair. Harry uses it to good effect on the giant spider and on the huge Blast-Ended Skrewt.

23. A bitter man who hates students and wants to punish them for things like "breathing loudly" and "looking happy".

From Quiz Name the Character

Answer: Argus Filch

Filch is a "squib". That means that he is wizard-born but doesn't have any magical powers. He is like the opposite of Hermione, who is a brilliant muggle-born witch.

24. In "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", what is the name of the three-headed dog who guards the trapdoor?

From Quiz The Animals of Harry Potter

Answer: Fluffy

Hagrid has a way of seeing everything in a positive way, so the monster dog is named Fluffy. Play him a bit of music and he'll go right to sleep. Hagrid let that bit of info slip, and probably regrets it dearly.

25. A purplish plant with magical restorative properties, uprooting this can be fatal, as 'the cry of a fully-grown one can kill, and those of little seedlings can knock one out for hours...' In "The Chamber of Secrets", what does this refer to?

From Quiz Pottermania - Beastly Tails

Answer: Mandrake

The class must wear earmuffs to protect themselves while re-potting Mandrakes!

26. Which spell can protect one from foes?

From Quiz Harry Potter's Latin

Answer: Cave Inimicum

This spell is used by Hermione and by Harry in "The Deathly Hallows" as one of the many protective spells enchanted when they set up their tent. "Cave Inimicum" is real Latin, but the spell has a slightly different meaning than the true Latin sentence. Literally, "Cave Inimicum" would translate to "Beware of the enemy". Cicero has used a similar saying quite often: "Caveat emptor" means "Let the buyer beware". "Calvario" is not used in the original books, but in the later stages of the Lego video game based upon Harry's adventures. It causes the subject to lose his hair, and is derived from the Latin "calvus" which means bald. Cicero adds that the correct Latin would be "fi calvus" - "Become bald". To use it on a girl or woman, one should say "fi calva". "Confundo" is true Latin for "I confuse". If you would like to use a word that does not sound similar to the Latin, you could translate "Confundo" by "I bedazzle". Once more Cicero insists on using the command "confunde". Hermione used "Confundo" at the Quidditch practice in "The Half Blood Prince" to make sure Cormac McLaggen doesn't get a position as Keeper in the Gryffindor Quidditch team. "Crucio", the unforgivable curse inflicting agony, is derived from the Latin "crux". Both words have as a minor meaning "torture" ("crucio" for the verb, "crux" for the noun", but the first meaning of "crux" is "cross". The correct phrase according to Cicero would be "tormenta" or "crucifige" - the latter meaning "nail to the cross". It is Barty Crouch Jr. (posing as Alastair Moody) who introduces the students to this and the other Unforgivable Curses - see "Goblet of Fire".

27. Although Gringotts Wizarding Bank is primarily owned and run by goblins, it is known to employ witches and wizards as well. Bill Weasley had a particularly exciting job with the bank, working as a Curse-Breaker in which country?

From Quiz Harry Potter - A Guide to Magical Employment

Answer: Egypt

Bill Weasley is the eldest son of Arthur and Molly and had already left Hogwarts for a career with Gringotts by the time his youngest brother, Ron, and Harry Potter started their first year at the school. Clearly there is unlikely to be an equivalent muggle career to curse-breaking, but frankly 'looter' might be a reasonable description. The aim of the job is to disable and destroy curses placed on valuable treasure and bring back the gold to increase the wealth of Gringotts. Since messing about with curses is clearly a dangerous job, this career is likely to earn any successful witch or wizard significant bonuses (if the recruiting leaflet Gringotts sent to Hogwarts in 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' is anything to go by). The other bonus of the job is the chance to work abroad in exotic locations - presumably Egypt was a prime destination thanks to its thousands of years of history and abundance of archaeological sites. It also gave the whole Weasley family a good holiday destination when they used their "Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw" winnings to go and visit Bill.

28. A common saying suggests that sometimes people "can't see the wood for the trees". In the Forbidden Forest the trees might also prevent people from spotting which man-eating arachnids that live there?

From Quiz Harry Potter - 'Wood' You Know the Answer?

Answer: Acromantula

Not being able to "see the wood for the trees" is an idiom suggesting that a person is incapable of seeing the importance of something (the 'wood') because they are giving too much attention to minor details (the 'trees') rather than the wider picture. Anyone standing in Hogwarts' Forbidden Forest would be best advised to stop staring at the trees and pay close attention to anything that might be lurking between them. The forest was full of dangerous creatures, including the acromantula that were the descendants of Hagrid's old pet Aragog. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley certainly got a nasty shock when they heeded Hagrid's advice to "follow the spiders" to the Forbidden Forest in 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'!

29. Harry has no memories of his parents because they died when he was just a year old. In 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone', what magical object gives Harry his first glimpse of his lost family?

From Quiz Harry Potter - Glimpses of the Other Side

Answer: The Mirror of Erised

Harry had never seen a picture of his parents before arriving at Hogwarts because his aunt and uncle, Petunia and Vernon Dursley, hate all things magical and therefore made no attempt to teach their nephew about his family or his wizarding heritage. When Harry first encountered the Mirror of Erised, it showed him a vision of himself surrounded by his parents and other long lost family members. It was incapable of providing true communication with the dead, but did allow Harry to see what his parents looked like. The figures in the mirror also appeared to be capable of feeling the emotion of the moment - Harry's mother both smiled and cried, while his father comforted her. The remembrall belongs to Neville and warns forgetful witches and wizards when they have forgotten something, while the Philosopher's Stone grants everlasting life and money to its owner. Harry receives a magic photo album containing pictures of his parents from Hagrid, but only after he first saw them in the Mirror of Erised.

30. Where did Vernon and Petunia Dursley first meet?

From Quiz More Potter

Answer: At work

Petunia, keen to distance herself from her "freak" sister, fell instantly for this "deliciously normal" man.

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