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McSkimming Geoffrey Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Australian author Geoffrey McSkimming is the creator of stories about the adventures of Cairo Jim (an archaeologist working in Egypt) and mysteries featuring Phyllis Wong.
3 Geoffrey McSkimming quizzes and 30 Geoffrey McSkimming trivia questions.
  "C. Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hold on to your pith helmets! This is the second swashbuckling part of my quiz on the book by Geoffrey McSkimming. I hope you like it.
Average, 10 Qns, ellabell, Jun 24 07
136 plays
  "Cairo Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well do you know the book "Cairo Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" by Geoffrey McSkimming? See if you can complete part one of my swashbuckling quiz on this exciting book.
Average, 10 Qns, ellabell, Jun 24 07
147 plays
  Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Cairo Jim is the quirky hero of the "Cairo Jim and Jocelyn Osgood Chronicles" by Australian author Geoffrey McSkimming. How much do you know about the characters in this great and entertaining series?
Average, 10 Qns, ellabell, Jun 24 07
147 plays
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Geoffrey McSkimming Trivia Questions

1. At Gurna Village Post Office, Cairo Jim is shown a huge ball of string by a rather eccentric elderly gentleman. This gentleman needs to find the end of the string. Who is this eccentric but energetic gent who runs the Post Office?

From Quiz
"Cairo Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 1

Answer: Quentin Turhan-Bey

Mr Turhan-Bey has been collecting the string for seventy-three years and is obviously aware of the motto of the Old Relics Society ("You never know when you'll need a good bit of string!") As retirement approaches, Mr Turhan-Bey feels he must return the string to the Egyptian Postal Service. His conscience causes some problems for Jim!

2. Cairo Jim, that "well known archaeologist" has an interesting hobby. What is it?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: writing poetry

Cairo Jim, that "well known archaeologist and little known poet", finds that his poetry is not always well received. Most of the people who hear Jim recite reach the conclusion that he is a very good archaeologist! Brenda seems to enjoy it though!

3. What is Cairo Jim's surname?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: We are never told.

Cairo Jim is always referred to as "Jim", "Cairo Jim" or "Jim of Cairo". His surname appears to be another "Mystery of History".

4. Fortunately, Unique has great ideas and remembers a friend whom she can contact who might be able to "shed some new light" on what the hieroglyphics mean. She walks into town to "phone a friend". After several hours Unique has not returned. Why not?

From Quiz "C. Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 2

Answer: She has been kidnapped by the dastardly Neptune Bone

Neptune Bone is holding Unique captive at the Old Winter Palace Hotel. This man will stop at nothing! Poor Unique.

5. Cairo Jim has two animal companions who join him on his adventures. What types of animals are Brenda and Doris?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: Brenda is a camel, Doris is a macaw.

Brenda is a Bactrian camel from the wonder camel herd of Thebes. Doris is a macaw who Jim met on an archaeological expedition in the cloud forests of Peru.

6. Although Jim, Doris and Brenda are a little concerned about Unique's absence, they are reassured when a note arrives requesting they meet Unique at the Tomb of Sennefer. Where is this tomb located?

From Quiz "C. Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 2

Answer: In the Tombs of the Nobles, south of the Valley of the Kings

These tombs are not far from Cairo Jim's campsite. There are about 400 tombs here. Important Egyptians were buried here, according to Geoffrey McSkimming, including viziers, scribes, astronomers, inspectors, governors and priests.

7. The hieroglyphs at the Temple of Hathor are important as they shed light on the Equation relating to the Transilient Sceptre of Rameses. According to the hieroglyphs Jim and Doris translate, what can the Transilient Sceptre of Rameses do?

From Quiz "Cairo Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 1

Answer: Turn all objects to gold

The interesting part is how to make it all work! The translation by Jim and Doris doesn't tell them how - they need the help of an expert to solve that mystery!

8. Jocelyn Osgood appears in many of the Cairo Jim Chronicles. What is her relationship to Jim?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: They are "just good friends"

They are "just good friends" although Jim always shaves more often if Miss Osgood is visiting. Jim seems to admire Jocelyn's auburn curls and well-cut and stylish jodhpurs.

9. In the meantime, Neptune Bone has found out about Jim's expedition. Who has given him this information?

From Quiz "Cairo Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 1

Answer: The repulsive twins, Kelvin and Abdullah Rhampsinites.

Kelvin and Abdullah Rhampsinites, whom nobody can tell apart, were eavesdropping when Cairo Jim read aloud Gerald Perry's letter. Repulsive as they are, the twins provide quite a bit of comic relief when they appear in the Cairo Jim books.

10. Captain Neptune F. Bone and his raven companion also figure prominently in many of the Cairo Jim books. What does the "F" stand for?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: Flannelbottom

What was his mother thinking?

11. Neptune Bone sends Desdemona to the Temple of Hathor to find out more information about Jim's discoveries. What does Desdemona bring back for him that exceeds his expectations of her (and gets her into Bone's "good books" for once)?

From Quiz "Cairo Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 1

Answer: The film from Pyrella Frith's camera with pictures of the hieroglyphics so Bone can see them for himself

It's not often that Desdemona does such a good job! Bone is quite amazed but is not overwhelming in his praise. Instead he sends Desdemona to the all night film developing shop.

12. What is the name of Captain Bone's raven companion?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: Desdemona

Desdemona has throbbing red eyes and a terrible flea problem.

13. After their interesting interlude in the Tomb of Sennefer, Cairo Jim, Brenda and Doris travel back to Luxor. What does Brenda see that worries her as they approach the city?

From Quiz "C. Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 2

Answer: Glintings and flashings from a window of the Old Winter Palace Hotel

The flashings are made by a mirror reflecting the sun. They are spelling out a message in Morse code. This message says "Help". This message galvanizes our brave trio into action!

14. Captain Neptune Bone is wanted by the police in many countries. Which branch of the police is particularly interested in Bone's activities?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: The Antiquities Squad

Neptune Bone tries to get to every archaeological dig before Jim in order to make a profit selling antiquities illegally. Bone is a power-crazy, money-hungry "baddie" - and those are just his good points!

15. Cairo Jim arrives at the Old Winter Palace Hotel. Which room does he believe the signals have been coming from?

From Quiz "C. Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 2

Answer: Room 316, the Agatha Christie Suite

Agatha Christie was a famous writer of detective and crime stories. Her second husband was an archaeologist. One of Agatha Christie's most well-known books is called "Death on the Nile". The signals were, in fact, made by Unique. She was kidnapped by Neptune Bone.

16. Cairo Jim has membership of an Archaeological society. What is its name?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: The Old Relics Society

One of the main mottos of the Old Relics Society is "You never know when you'll need a good bit of string!"

17. Apart from being a very talented archaeo- metallurgist, Unique is a very talented musician. Which instrument does she play though the night, keeping Jim, Doris and Brenda awake?

From Quiz "Cairo Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 1

Answer: Double Bass

For someone as petite as Unique, she chooses a pretty large instrument to play - and play and play...

18. What is the name of Cairo Jim's patron who funds his excavations with the profits from a chain of takeaway pigeon restaurants?

From Quiz Who's who and what's what in "Cairo Jim"

Answer: Gerald Perry Esquire

Edmund Horneplushe is a member of the Society but not Jim's patron. Mrs. Amun-Ra owns the tea-shop in Gurna village. (Shergolds are a specialty!). I just made up Sir Mortimer Flavius.

19. Brenda enjoys Unique's nocturnal music-making so much that she finds it very hard to get one song out of her mind. All day she flutters her luscious eyelashes and swings her hips to its rhythm. What musical number is it?

From Quiz "Cairo Jim and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia" 1

Answer: Stop, in the Name of Love

Ah, the lovely Brenda. So talented. So beautiful. So full of Wonder (as one would expect from a Wonder camel!) I hope you enjoyed this quiz on the first part of Geoffrey McSkimming's "Cairo Jim and the rorting of Rameses' regalia"!

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