4. In a classic 1984 story, a young boy named Mortimer would not go to sleep. He continued to make noise in his bedroom long after he was told to go to bed. Who did NOT thump-thump-thump up the stairs to tell Mortimer to be quiet?
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At the beginning of the book, simply titled "Mortimer", Mortimer's mother was the first one to take him upstairs to bed and tell him to be quiet, and Mortimer said that he would be. As soon as his mother got back downstairs, he started yelling, "Clang clang, rattle bing bang, gonna make my noise all day. Clang, clang, rattle bing bang, gonna make my noise all day!" His father, hearing this, went upstairs to tell him to be quiet, but of course, as soon as he got back downstairs, it started again. Next, his 17 brothers and sisters went up the stairs and told Mortimer to be quiet, but the noise started up again. The family phoned the police, and two policemen came and went through the routine of telling Mortimer to be quiet. When that didn't work, they were out of ideas. They spent so long figuring out who should go upstairs next that Mortimer fell asleep waiting.