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9 Thematic Hands quizzes and 100 Thematic Hands trivia questions.
  Generally Speaking of Hands   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hands have popped up in different categories of Quizzyland. Raise your hand and take this quiz if you'd like to know more.
Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Jun 04 22
zorba_scank gold member
Jun 04 22
631 plays
  All Thumbs   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
As the title suggests, this quiz is all about thumbs and how they are used idiomatically, figuratively and literally.
Average, 20 Qns, Bigwoo, Oct 11 21
Bigwoo gold member
Oct 11 21
2475 plays
  The HANDy Man    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My name is Han Handy. I am trying to find a job and I like jobs that are related to the word HAND. See if you can answer these job questions all with the word HAND involved in some way.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, Ilona_Ritter, Apr 06 24
Very Easy
Ilona_Ritter gold member
Apr 06 24
2149 plays
  Better Dead Than Left -- Left-Handed That Is   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Since the earliest times the left-hand has been portrayed as a sign of evil, bad-luck and/or weakness. This quiz looks at all things associated with the left-hand. Go on take this quiz using your left-hand ... if you dare.
Average, 10 Qns, adam36, Oct 11 21
adam36 gold member
Oct 11 21
541 plays
  Give Me a Hand   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All the questions in this quiz have something to do with our wonderful appendage, the hand. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Oct 11 21
Oct 11 21
722 plays
  Thumbs Up!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I was very pleased to receive a "thumbs up" badge after two recent offerings were picked as editor's choices. To mark that, here are 10 questions related to that vital (for humans) digit.
Tough, 10 Qns, darksplash, Oct 11 21
Oct 11 21
498 plays
  A Handy Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You know them like the backs of your, how much do you know about your hands, and about hand-related topics?
Tough, 10 Qns, jamesf, Sep 16 24
Sep 16 24
769 plays
  All That's Left   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is a celebration of left-handedness.
Tough, 10 Qns, stardaisy, Oct 31 21
Oct 31 21
1095 plays
  Life With Long Fingernails    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Craig Glenday, an Editor-in-Chief at the Guinness World Records, says long fingernails are interesting as "it's something the record holder has elected to do". Come and see a history of record breaking fingernails and how the owners might live with them.
Tough, 10 Qns, harbilked, Oct 11 21
Oct 11 21
132 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Of all the songs that feature the word "thumb" in the title, one of the most famous is "Under My Thumb". Which band first recorded it?

From Quiz "Thumbs Up!"

Thematic Hands Trivia Questions

1. Animals: Which animal is commonly measured in hands?

From Quiz
Generally Speaking of Hands

Answer: Horse

The hand is a non-standard measurement unit used in earlier times and based on the breadth of a human hand. It has now been standardized to a measurement of 4 inches. It is commonly used to measure horses especially in countries like the US, UK, Australia, and Canada. Horses are measured from the ground up to their withers, the ridge between the shoulder blades.

2. Who was unveiled in 2018 as the Guinness World Record holder for the longest fingernails on a pair of female hands?

From Quiz Life With Long Fingernails

Answer: Ayanna Williams

Ayanna Williams is a nail technician from Houston, Texas, who has been growing her nails for over 20 years. When measured by the official Guinness World Records, they were an eye-watering total of 576.4 cm. All the incorrect options are also people who are skilled at using their hands; Jennifer Pike is a British classical violinist, Ariann Black is a Canadian magician who is now based in America, and Jamie Genevieve is a Scottish make-up artist who has her own Youtube channel, to which she uploads make-up tutorials.

3. One job I applied for was as a sales person for sporting events. I needed something to put the hot dogs, cracker jacks, soda and popcorn on. Do you know of the device that I used in this line of work?

From Quiz The HANDy Man

Answer: handcart

These types of carts have been around since 2000 BC. At the National Museum of New Delhi, India there is a cart from 3000-1500 BC on display. Some handcarts require more than one person to help pull them.

4. What did Julius Caesar have done to the hands of captured warriors before returning them back to their home countries?

From Quiz Give Me a Hand

Answer: Amputated their thumbs

During the Gallic wars, Julius Caesar apparently amputated the thumbs of captured warriors. When these men were released, they became examples of what would happen to you if you dared to fight the Roman Army. These men were unable to use weapons again. The repercussions of losing their thumbs followed them all their lives. This practice was known to be used in other wars and occasionally in the slave trade where it was not as popular as it could inhibit the ability of the slave to perform certain tasks.

5. Charles Sherwood Stratton was one of the most celebrated entertainers of his time. What was his stage name?

From Quiz Thumbs Up!

Answer: General Tom Thumb

Charles Sherwood Stratton was born on January 4th 1838 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and died there on July 15th 1883. Although of normal size when he was born and in his infancy, he reached the height of 25 inches after six months, and stopped growing. (He later did start growing again and reached 2ft 11ins). The showman P.T. Barnum, who was a relative, encouraged Stratton's parents to teach him to sing and dance and, at the age of five, he was put on the stage in Barnum's touring show and was a huge hit in both the USA and Europe. This exposure made Stratton a rich man. In 1863 he married Lavinia Warren, who was of similar height, and they were met by President Abraham Lincoln at the White House. They were also guests of Queen Victoria.

6. The title of this quiz is "all thumbs". What does this idiom mean?

From Quiz All Thumbs

Answer: A person who is awkward and clumsy with their hands

In the US and other western cultures, this idiom usually refers to someone who is having difficulty holding on to or picking up an item. It can also refer to someone who may not be talented in a particular area. The point of the saying is obvious. A hand with all thumbs and no other longer phalanges would make working with other objects most difficult. For example someone who is having trouble picking up a knife or spoon is said to be "all thumbs".

7. The phalanges are the bones in the fingers and thumbs. Assuming that you are blessed with two hands and the usual number of fingers, how many phalanges are there in your two hands?

From Quiz A Handy Quiz

Answer: 28

"Phalanges" is the plural of "phalanx". On each hand, there are three in each finger (3x4=12) plus two in the thumb, making 14 in all. So, the two hands have a total of 28 (2x14). (The toe bones are also called phalanges, so there are 56 phalanges in the whole body).

8. Approximately what percentage of the population is left-handed?

From Quiz All That's Left

Answer: 10 percent

Estimates indicate that approximately one in ten people is left handed. Studies also indicate that left-handedness is more common in males than females.

9. What is the main polymer that is used to make nail varnish?

From Quiz Life With Long Fingernails

Answer: Nitrocellulose

Nail polish typically consists of nitrocellulose dissolved in a solvent of either ethyl acetate or butyl acetate. After applying nail varnish, the hands should be kept still until the nail varnish has dried. During this time the solvent evaporates to leave a hard glossy finish. The incorrect options are all toxic chemicals which were once present in nail varnish but are now not used or at least only in small amounts.

10. While we are talking about the Christian Bible, in a famous parable what animals are associated with being on the left hand of Christ?

From Quiz Better Dead Than Left -- Left-Handed That Is

Answer: Goats

Apparently Matthew was not a fan of the left hand. Before his Gospel comes right out and says that to be on the left hand is to be "evil", he alludes to the fact with verses 24:31-25:34. These verses are often referred to as the "Parable of the Sheep and Goats". As translated in the New International Version (NIV), these passages go: "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left". As parables go, the "Sheep and Goats" reference is one of the more accessible lessons to common understanding. A goat is often capricious and single-minded. Goats are horned and can be dangerous to herd. Sheep follow the shepherd and like to be led. Sheep are compliant and generally docile. Christianity is replete with references to God as a "shepherd", and the righteous as the "flock". It is consistent with dogma that the compliant sheep is "good" and the willful stubborn goat is "bad". To make matters even worse, the goat has been often been associated as a herald or servant of the devil in Old Testament lore. For example, there is the reference to the sacrificial goat (scapegoat) that was sent away to represent and expurgate the sins of the congregation as part of the Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) ritual. Also, there is the "goat-like demons" mentioned in both Isaiah and Leviticus. So allow me recap: goats are like demons, goats are sent to the left at judgment, and those on the left are cursed. Therefore, if I remember my logic course from college, to be on the left (handed) is to be cursed - or you will look like a goat. Either way, it is not good.

11. If someone says that the palms of your hand are glabrous, what do they mean?

From Quiz Give Me a Hand

Answer: They have no hair

Glabrousness is a technical term that indicates that something has no hair. While many people, most often men, have hair on the back of the hands, it is very unusual for someone to have hair of any kind on their palms.

12. What two US movie critics popularized the phrase "two thumbs up", when reviewing movies?

From Quiz All Thumbs

Answer: Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert

Gene Siskel, a Chicago native, was a film critic for the Chicago Tribune. Roger Ebert wrote reviews for the Chicago Sun-Times. In 1975, the two teamed up on a local PBS station to do a movie review show. In 1982 the popular duo left PBS to begin a syndicated show. Their thumbs up/thumbs down system of showing their approval or disapproval of a movie has become a part of American pop culture. Their show was very popular and it was nominated for an Emmy on seven different occasions. Unfortunately Siskel died in 1999 and Ebert left the show in 2008 due to health reasons.

13. What is the name for the five bones that you can feel running through the back of the hand?

From Quiz A Handy Quiz

Answer: metacarpals

The metacarpals connect the wrist bones (carpals) to the finger bones (phalanges). In the foot, the metatarsals connect the tarsals (ankle bones) to the phalanges in the same way.

14. On what date is International Lefthanders Day celebrated?

From Quiz All That's Left

Answer: August 13

Lefthanders International designated August 13 as International Lefthanders Day. International Lefthanders Day has been an annual celebration beginning in 1976. One aim of the day is to raise awareness of left-handedness and the challenges faced by lefties living in a right-handed world.

15. Who was awarded a Guinness World Record for the longest fingernails on a pair of male hands in 2009, the same year this person sadly passed away?

From Quiz Life With Long Fingernails

Answer: Melvin Boothe

Melvin Boothe was an American man who had his fingernails measured at a combined length of 9.85 cm. His record still stands at the time of writing, 2019. The incorrect options are all people who have also sadly passed away; Dennis Avner was also an American man, he modified his face to resemble that of a tigress and legally changed his name to "Stalking Cat". This earned him a world record for "most permanent transformations to look like an animal". He passed away in 2012. Dede Koswara was an Indonesian man who became known as "The Tree Man Of Java" due to a condition he couldn't fight off which caused warts to sprout all over his body. He passed away in 2016. Rick Genest was a Canadian model who held a world record for most tattoos of insects, and he featured in Lady Gaga's music video for her hit "Born This Way". He sadly committed suicide in 2018.

16. Several religions and cultures have a problem with left-handedness. Why is it considered unclean to use your left hand by Muslims?

From Quiz Better Dead Than Left -- Left-Handed That Is

Answer: the left hand is supposed to be used for bathroom clean up

To understand why the left-hand is considered unclean, we need to get some statistics. Anthropologists have stated that the percentage of right/left handedness has remained stable over human history. While there is little agreement as to what is the exact percentage of right to left handedness, the range seems to suggest that no more than thirty percent of humans are natural left-handers. Other studies suggest the number is as low as five percent. Either way, most people are right-hand dominate, so they use their right hand for most public functions (like eating, shaking hands, etc). Once we get to this point, you can see why it makes perfect sense that the left-hand would be used for more "unclean" purposes (at least until you invent some way to clean your hands, like soap or hand sanitizer). There is, as in everything, a debate as to whether Islam prohibits the use of the left hand to eat or whether it is a best practice or a way of life, sunnah. Either way, it is considered offensive to eat with your left hand, and in most Middle East countries tourists are strongly advised to be careful or risk offense.

17. Of all the songs that feature the word "thumb" in the title, one of the most famous is "Under My Thumb". Which band first recorded it?

From Quiz Thumbs Up!

Answer: The Rolling Stones

"Under my thumb The girl who once had me down Under my thumb The girl who once pushed me around..." Written by Keith Richard and Mick Jagger, "Under My Thumb" was first recorded on the 1966 Stones album "Aftermath".

18. Including the metacarpal how many bones are in the human thumb?

From Quiz All Thumbs

Answer: 3

There are 27 bones in the human hand including the metacarpals. The thumb is made up of the distal phalanx, proximal phalanx and the first metacarpal. The proximal phalanx is the bone located nearest to where the thumb is attached to the body (between the distal phalanx and first metacarpal). The distal phalanx is located on the end of the thumb furthest from where it is attached to the body. The first metacarpal bone is shorter and stouter than the metacarpals on the other fingers and attaches the thumb to the body.

19. One of Henry VIII's wives is said to have had six fingers on each hand. Which wife?

From Quiz A Handy Quiz

Answer: Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn was the second of Henry's six wives (after Catherine of Aragon). She married Henry secretly in 1532 and officially in 1533. She was beheaded in 1536. The idea that Anne had six fingers may just be a popular myth, as there is no good contemporary evidence referring to it.

20. Religion: In which Biblical book does a hand appear in the middle of a feast and write something on a wall?

From Quiz Generally Speaking of Hands

Answer: Daniel

In Chapter 5 in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament, the Babylonian king, Belshazzar, holds a grand feast. After destroying the Temple of God, the king and his guests use sacred vessels from the temple to drink and celebrate. In the midst of the feast, a hand suddenly appears and writes on a wall. Neither the king nor any of his courtiers were able to decipher the writing. Daniel is then called to interpret the writing. He informs the king that God has sent a message noting that the king's days are numbered and his kingdom will pass into the hands of other neighbouring empires. This event led to the phrase 'writing on the wall' which means signs of an impending catastrophe.

21. What is the key active chemical in nail varnish remover?

From Quiz Life With Long Fingernails

Answer: Acetone

Acetone is a powerful chemical and thus has a variety of uses, for example as a cleaning agent and a superglue remover. It can even dissolve some plastics. When removing nail varnish it basically works by getting in between the chains of nitrocellulose and thus bringing it back into its liquid state so that it can be easily wiped off. Isobutane is the simplest alkane with a tertiary carbon atom and has uses in the petrochemical industry, and also as a refrigerant and an aerosol propellant. Cinnabar is a deep red form of mercury sulphide which can be toxic to humans, and is known for its use in decorating lacquerware in many ancient civilizations. Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane is a colourless, viscous liquid that has wide uses in cosmetics.

22. What common English word for evil comes from the Latin word for left?

From Quiz Better Dead Than Left -- Left-Handed That Is

Answer: Sinister

The Latin word "sinistra" originally meant "left", but as time went on it took on the meanings of "evil" or "unlucky", consistent with the pattern of equating anything for the left side as evil. In addition, the Latin definitions of right and left found their way into Medieval heraldry. "Dexter" (Latin for right) came to mean the symbols on the right side of a shield or coat of arms, while "sinister" was associated with the left. A diagonal strip along the coat of arms starting from the top right and ending on the bottom left was a "bend sinister". As heraldry is ultimately about family, there was a convention that appeared in English coats of arms in the 15th or 16th century to add a bend sinister to a child that was recognized by the father but not from the father's wife. This mark of illegitimacy did not carry the same negative consequences or implications of morality on the child that it did in later years. Later, the bend sinister became the "barre" sinister in French and the "bar" sinister in English. While spelled differently, "barre" and "bar" are pronounced the same. English historical fiction writers in the 18th century, most notably Sir Walter Scott, adopted the term "bar sinister" to mean a bastard child. By this time there was both a connection between left and evil and illegitimacy and evil, so the "bar sinister" became a mark of evil. Moreover, it would not have escaped Scott and his peers that "bar" also meant "son of" in Hebrew, thus adding emphasis to the point that the illegitimate child is literally the "son of evil". It is thus no small wonder that the most wicked villain of all, the sworn enemy of Underdog, was named Simon Bar Sinister. Of course, this being a cartoon from the early 1960s, you could not call the villain by his real name --"Simon the Bastard".

23. When I completed police academy I was given an item by my bosses. They told me that I have to be careful with this item as it has the ability to kill. Do you know what "hand" item I was given?

From Quiz The HANDy Man

Answer: handgun

There are various types of handguns including: derringers, single-shot pistols, revolvers, automatic pistols, pepperboxes and machine pistols. Some gun experts distinguish between pistols and handguns however. Handgun laws in Australia make it legal to own a gun for work, target shooting or collecting. However, it is not legal to own one for self-protection. In the Czech Republic, guns can be concealed; this is part of the registration and licensing of a gun in that country. In Israel, a person is allowed to have one gun and 50 cartridges and guns can be concealed as well. In parts of Pakistan, the only way a person may own a handgun is to carry a concealed handgun.

24. How did Ashly Covington, Steve Altes, and Ellen Sirot use their hands to make over a million dollars each?

From Quiz Give Me a Hand

Answer: They are hand models

These three people are among the elite hand models in the world. Ashly Covington has clients that include Maybelline, Target, and Miller Lite. Her hands have been used for Charlize Theron and Brooke Shields. Steve Altes is one of the few male hand models in the world and his hands have graced advertisements for Folgers, Mitsubishi, and multiple beer companies. Ellen Sirot is a hand and foot model who has made millions selling hand and foot beauty treatments.

25. In basketball, what is the referee signaling when he holds up two thumbs?

From Quiz All Thumbs

Answer: Jump or held ball

A jump ball, where the referee tosses the ball in the air and two players from the opposite teams jump and try to tip the ball to one of their teammates, is used to start a basketball game. A jump ball is also used when the possession of the basketball is in question. Two players from different teams may be holding on to the ball at the same time or knocking it out of bounds while both players are touching the ball. Outside of the NBA, most basketball organizations do not toss the ball in the air to settle a dispute but have alternating possessions. The team that did not win the opening tip gets the next possession to start a new period, or to settle a dispute regarding possession within the same period. However, whenever the jump ball or alternating possession is needed the referee signals the held/jump ball by sticking both of his thumbs up in the air.

26. In "The Addams Family", the household included a disembodied hand. What was the name of this hand?

From Quiz A Handy Quiz

Answer: Thing

Thing (Thing T. Thing, to give its full name) would carry out useful services in the household - such as lighting cigars, changing the TV channel or fetching the mail. Cousin Itt and Uncle Fester were other members of the Addams family.

27. Who earned a world record for the longest fingernails ever on a pair of female hands by growing them from roughly 1979 to 2009?

From Quiz Life With Long Fingernails

Answer: Lee Redmond

Lee Redmond, of Salt Lake City Utah had fingernails which reached a combined total of 8.65 m at their maximum recorded length. After spending 30 years growing them, she sadly lost them in a car accident in 2009. Her record still stands at the time of writing, 2019. In an interview she maintained that although it seems like they become a part of you, and she wouldn't want to cut them off, she also said she would always say to people who commented "there's more to me than my fingernails" adding "so maybe it's time for me to prove that". She has been photographed with Melvin Boothe, the equivalent male record holder who she referred to as "my brother". Kanchana Ketkaew is a Thai woman who earned the title "Scorpion Queen" for her feats involving scorpions, including living in a glass room containing 5320 scorpions for 33 days in 2008 and 2009, being allowed a fifteen minute toilet break every eight hours. During the course of this she was stung 13 times, and this feat earned her a world record. Cathie Jung is a world record holder for the shortest waist on a living person which at the time of measuring was 38.1 cm. Her interest in Victorian dress and corsets helped her to achieve this. Brittany Mcglone is an athlete and winner of a significant high heel race that took place in 2008 to raise money for breast cancer awareness. At the time was the world record for the largest stiletto sprint, however this has since been broken.

28. Why did the Incas loathe left-handedness?

From Quiz Better Dead Than Left -- Left-Handed That Is

Answer: They didn't; left-handedness was actually considered positive.

Yes, I know it is hard to believe, but the Incas of South America not only didn't hate or fear left-handedness, but appeared to revere those "afflicted" with the trait. Among Incas, left-handers were called by the name "lloq'e", which refers to good fortune. Many of the Andean cultures, due in no small part to Inca expansion in the pre-Columbian 13th-15th centuries, considered left-handers to possess special abilities, including speaking to ancestors, performing magic and miraculous healing. One of the great Inca kings of this period, Lloque Yupanqui, was left-handed. His name, when translated from Quechua, means "the glorified left-hander". Lloque was reputed to have lived a hundred years. Unfortunately for him, Lloque was also known as "The Unforgettable Left-Handed One" because he was reportedly really unattractive. Other indigenous American tribes also held positive opinions of left-handers. Eskimos and other Inuit cultures thought the rarity of left-handedness was linked to an affinity for magic and the propensity to be a sorcerer. The Zuni tribe of Native Americans in the US southwest also considered left-handedness to be a sign of wisdom. Also, those rumors that left-handers are smarter than righties ... well they might true. Tests conducted by scientists in New York found that there were more left-handed people with high IQs (Stanford-Binet above 140) than right-handed people. We will never get to another question if I list all the famous left-handed intellectuals, but let's just start with Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Benjamin Franklin.

29. While I look for work my wife gets a job working in someone's house by cleaning for them, preparing their meals, and performing other domestic services. Do you know what job she has?

From Quiz The HANDy Man

Answer: handmaiden

Handmaidens can be traced back to Ancient Egypt. Often, handmaidens were slaves owned by royalty or nobility. In the Bible, handmaidens are mentioned as well. For example, Leah (one of the women who Jacob had children with) had a handmaiden.

This is category 24208
Last Updated Mar 29 2025 5:53 AM
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