10. The village of Chamarel in southwestern Mauritius is noted for a particularly unusual and surrealistic land formation that is not completely understood. What is it called?
From Quiz Mauritius, Land of the Dodo
The Seven-Coloured Earths
The Seven-Coloured Earths are a spectacular sight. Seven different colors of sand (red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and brown) settle into layered stripes spontaneously, like rainbow sherbet. The hot, humid climate encourages volcanic rock (basalt) to decompose into clay, which through chemical weathering loses most of the silica and is left with aluminum (blue/violet) and iron (reddish). The different shades come from molten rock cooling at different rates, but the spontaneous stratification remains a mystery. Also puzzling is how the dunes never erode away, despite torrential rains.
The Red Beach is in China, the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, and Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, USA.