9. Jordan is known for its city of Petra (carved directly into the rock), and Egypt is known for its pyramids. Macedonia is known for its "stone town" made of natural "earth pyramids" near what village?
From Quiz The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Stone Town of Kuklica is a striking natural formation of natural stone pillars, some over 30 feet high, which have eroded out of the surrounding hills. The 120+ pillars look, to the romantic eye, somewhat like people, giving rise to legends telling of a bigamist's wedding party turned to stone for their disrespect, or an invading army flash-frozen in the wasteland they created. In more geologic terms, the pillars are a result of uneven erosion. The volcanic hills surrounding Kuklica were formed by volcanic activity. Portions of the hill cooled very quickly, resulting in a soft outer composition of glass and ash known as ignimbrite. Within the ignimbrite, more solid granite bodies formed as the lava cooled more slowly. Over time, the soft ignimbrite has worn away, leaving the more durable columns.