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12 Pyramids quizzes and 135 Pyramids trivia questions.
Pyramid Scheme
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 15 Qns
Pyramids of Egypt
Pyramids weren't just limited to ancient Egypt, yet this quiz is going to ask you to focus on exactly that civilization. See if you can avoid the pyramids other civilizations have constructed and identify the ones built solely in Egypt.
Average, 15 Qns, trident, Feb 02 24
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Feb 02 24
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  The Pyramids on the Giza Plateau   great trivia quiz  
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Did you know that there are an estimated forty pyramids in Egypt? Built during the Old and Middle Kingdoms, they are a testament to the skill of the ancient people. See if you can sort information about the three largest pyramids on the Giza Plateau.
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Sep 02 23
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Tales of the Funeral Mask
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The funeral mask of King Tutankhamun is one of the most recognizable artifacts in the history of the world. What do you know about this treasure?
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The Riddle of The Sphinx
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One of the oldest statues in the world, an air of mystery has always surrounded the Great Sphinx. Who built it? Why? Experts still debate these questions.
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Tales of the Pyramid
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A step pyramid was built in ancient Egypt approximately 4700 years ago. What do you know about the oldest pyramid in Egypt?
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In November, 1922, the most famous archaeological find ever made was discovered - The tomb of Tutankhamun. This quiz is about that discovery and the famous boy pharoah.
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When Lord Carnarvon asked Howard Carter if he could see anything, he said, "Yes, wonderful things."
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Join Abdullah al Mamun, who made the first recorded expedition into the Great Pyramid, in his quest to find out what's inside!
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Sep 10 20
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  Wonderful Discovery in the Valley   popular trivia quiz  
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With Lord Carnarvon as benefactor and Howard Carter as archaeologist, the almost intact tomb of pharaoh Tutankhamun was discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 1922.
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So, you wish you lived in another time and place and had a different job? Play this quiz to walk a mile in someone else's ancient Egyptian sandals.
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  Egyptian Pyramids    
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Some are big, some are small and some barely there at all.
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  The Temple of Luxor    
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The Temple of Luxor lies just opposite of the Valley of the Kings and is just as interesting. So forget about the Pyramids for a moment and take this quiz to expand your knowledge of another Ancient Egyptian wonder.
Average, 10 Qns, Play3Away, Mar 02 13
306 plays

Pyramids Trivia Questions

1. Where in Ancient Egypt did king Amenhotep III build a temple? It was built over an earlier pre-existing temple and dedicated to the great god Amun-Re, the god's wife Mut, and his son Khonsu.

From Quiz
The Temple of Luxor

Answer: Thebes

If you picked Luxor you would be wrong as Luxor was not an Ancient Egyptian town or gnome. Modern day Luxor was known in Ancient Egypt as Thebes. Thebes was known as a major religious center of the Eighteenth Dynasty. The Temple of Luxor was built there and was known as the temple dedicated to the god Amun-Ra.

2. In what year did Abdullah al Mamun begin his pyramid adventure?

From Quiz Abdullah's Pyramid Adventure

Answer: 820 AD

Abdullah began his scientific survey of the Great Pyramid in 820 AD. Actually, it was the Greek, Strabo, who visited in 24 BC. He claimed there was an entry door that was flush with the wall of the pyramid when lowered. Abdullah's men did find the door - but only after tunneling through about 100 feet of solid rock, finding a passage, and working their way back to it!

3. In 1905 the tomb of two individuals was discovered in the Valley of the Kings. Although Tutankhamun's ancestry is still disputed, the couple may have been his great-grandparents. What were their names?

From Quiz Wonderful Discovery in the Valley

Answer: Yuya and Tuya

Yuya and Tuya were the parents-in-law of pharaoh Amenhotep III, who may have been Tutankhamun's grandfather. The revered couple was buried in tomb number 46. When James Quibell discovered the tomb in 1905, it was still crammed with magnificent burial goods despite having been robbed at least three times in antiquity. The three other couples named were buried in the mummy cache known as DB320, located just outside the Valley.

4. In the Pre-Dynastic Period and Early Old Kingdom (before the Third Dynasty) where were kings, queens and nobles buried?

From Quiz Egyptian Pyramids

Answer: Mastabas

Pit burials were for the simpler folk throughout ancient times in Egypt. Pyramids were not used till the start of the Third Dynasty with King Zoser/Djoser. Rock cut tombs started to be used when the burial areas moved to Southern Egypt.

5. Who is credited with finding the tomb?

From Quiz Tomb of Tutankhamun

Answer: Howard Carter

Carter uncovered the steps leading down into the tomb on November 4, 1922. The others are all famous Egyptologists who explored the ancient land.

6. Abdullah's father held an important title. Translated from Arabic into English, it means "successor." What title did he hold?

From Quiz Abdullah's Pyramid Adventure

Answer: caliph

The caliph is the successor (for the time being) to Mohammad. Unfortunately, Mohammad did not name his successor before his death, and that caused a controversy which still exists in the Islam religion. Sunni Moslems believe the caliph should be elected by the people. When Mohammad died, his best friend, Abu Bakr, was chosen to be caliph. Shi'ite Moslems believe Mohammad wanted the caliph to be a member of his family. They chose his daughter Fatimah's, husband, Ali, to be their leader. Both Abdullah and his father held the position.

7. Which archaeologist wrote in 1912, "I fear that the Valley of the Kings is now exhausted" and in consequence gave up his licence to dig there?

From Quiz Wonderful Discovery in the Valley

Answer: Theodore Davis

Davis had a licence to dig in the Valley, while Carnarvon and Carter worked in the nearby Deir el-Bahri. In 1907 Davis had discovered a cache with items featuring Tutankhamun's name. While Carter did inventory work for Davis, he became interested in locating the little-known king's tomb. When Carnarvon took over Davis' digging licence in 1914, Carter started searching for the tomb.

8. How many bracelets were found on Tut's arms under the mummy wrapping?

From Quiz Treasures of Tuntankhamun

Answer: 13

A total of thirteen bracelets adorned Tut's arms, seven on the right and six on the left. Many of them were similar in appearance. Some displayed the symbol of the scarab, while others appear to have been decorative in nature. Four of the thirteen bracelets show the udjat eye, which consists of a human eye and eyebrow. It is symbolic of the sky god, Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, and represented either as a falcon or as a man with a falcon's head. The udjat eye protected against sickness and restored the dead to life.

9. What King enlarged his Mastaba and then had five more placed on top to form the first step pyramid?

From Quiz Egyptian Pyramids

Answer: Zoser/Djoser

The architect was Imhotep, one of the few known architects in ancient times. Djoser's pyramid is located at Saqqara.

10. Which English nobleman financed the expedition to find the tomb?

From Quiz Tomb of Tutankhamun

Answer: Lord Carnarvon

Carnarvon, concerned that he had spent so much money without any substantial find being made, had withdrawn his funding of Carter's expedition. However, Carter pleaded with him, and obtained funding for one final winter season.

11. Even though the Temple of Luxor was built over a previous temple, the building that is seen today was believed to be created by the Pharaoh Amenhotep III. During what Ancient Egyptian period did the king reign?

From Quiz The Temple of Luxor

Answer: New Kingdom

King Amenhotep III (c.1390-c.1352 BC.) was from the Eighteenth Dynasty of the New Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt.

12. Abdullah's father ruled from the most important city of the Abbasid Dynasty. Which city was it?

From Quiz Abdullah's Pyramid Adventure

Answer: Baghdad

Abdullah's father, Harun al Rashid, was the seventh caliph of Baghdad. His caliphate is well known, and the stories of "Thousand and One Nights" are said to be fantastical works about his reign and court. His influence was so far-reaching that he even received envoys from Charlemagne and exchanged gifts with him. Although Abdullah was older than his brother, Amin, he was not his father's heir. Amin's mother was the Queen Zubayda, while Abdullah's mother was a Persian slave girl. After his father's death, Abdullah defeated Amin and became caliph in his own right.

13. Carter searched for the king's tomb for many fruitless seasons. By 1922 Carnarvon was unwilling to keep funding the project. Carter pointed out to him that there was still one area they had not explored. What was the area being used as?

From Quiz Wonderful Discovery in the Valley

Answer: Access to another tomb

Tomb number 9, belonging to Ramesses V and VI, is cut into the cliff face with an entry ramp. Although the tomb had been accessible since ancient times, it was only mapped in 1738 by Richard Pococke.

14. How many rooms does the tomb possess?

From Quiz Tomb of Tutankhamun

Answer: 4

From the entrance steps, they are: the antechamber; the annex; the burial chamber and the treasury chamber.

15. What was the main purpose of the Temple of Luxor?

From Quiz The Temple of Luxor

Answer: To celebrate the Opet Festival

Images of the gods Amun-Re, Mut, and Khonsu where placed on boats and taken on a procession from the Temple of Karnak to the Temple of Luxor to celebrate the Opet Festival.

16. Abdullah intended to make a survey of the Great Pyramid. Which Egyptian pharaoh is credited with building the Great Pyramid?

From Quiz Abdullah's Pyramid Adventure

Answer: Khufu

Also called Cheops, Khufu is given credit for building the Great Pyramid. One of the Seven Wonder of the Ancient World, and the only one still mostly intact, the Great Pyramid took approximately twenty years to build. It was completed about 2560 BC. Khafre, the son of Cheops, built a second pyramid nearby, along with the Great Sphinx. Menkaure, the grandson of Cheops, also built a pyramid that shares the same plateau.

17. Carter had his workmen record and then remove the foundations of ancient huts on the site. On November 4th 1922, what was discovered under them?

From Quiz Wonderful Discovery in the Valley

Answer: A stone step

The ancient huts belonged to workers who tunnelled out KV9. The top step of the stairway of sixteen steps was only a few feet away from where Carter had stopped digging in 1918. The steps led down to a plastered doorway. Carter immediately sent a telegram to Carnarvon in England, famously reading, "At last have made wonderful discovery in Valley."

18. A few years ago, you arrived at Giza to haul stone. It was backbreaking work. Since that time, you've been promoted to overseer. You stride over to where your work gang strains to move one of the blocks. What is the block likely to weigh?

From Quiz A Pyramid Builder in Egypt (2450 B.C.)

Answer: 2. 5 tons

Although it is impossible to see inside a pyramid to calculate how much bedrock and filling were used, it has been calculated that the huge pyramids at Giza used around 2,3 million limestone blocks, the average weight being 2,5 tons. Some blocks were much heavier. Some of the limestone was quarried right from the bedrock on the plateau, considerably cutting down on cost and transport.

19. What scene is depicted on the back of King Tut's Golden Throne?

From Quiz Treasures of Tuntankhamun

Answer: King Tut with his wife

This throne is one of six found in the tomb. Appropriately called "The Golden Throne", it is made of wood and wrapped with sheets of gold and silver, and inlaid with semiprecious stones, faience, and colored glass. King Tut and his wife, Ankhesenamum, are shown in an intimate pose on the back of the throne. It is crafted in the Amarna style, when art became more realistic and less formal.

20. What pyramid looks to have collapsed?

From Quiz Egyptian Pyramids

Answer: Medum

It was enlarged as a step pyramid twice and then to a true one, but had many flaws in construction through all its phases. For a picture of this pyramid see:

21. Why had the tomb never been discovered earlier?

From Quiz Tomb of Tutankhamun

Answer: It lay directly underneath the tomb of Ramses VI, and the steps had been filled with debris

Due to Tutankhamun's early death at a young age, the normally lavish tomb was nowhere near completed and a new tomb was hurriedly prepared. The spoil from the excavations for Ramses VI's tomb completely filled the steps.

22. Why was the Opet Festival important for the Ancient Egyptian people?

From Quiz The Temple of Luxor

Answer: The god Amun-Re would give the pharaoh divine power to rule the land.

The Opet Festival was a ritual celebration of the symbolic unification of the temples of Karnak and Luxor. The procession of the gods Amun-Re, Mut, and Khonsu ended with the king receiving the divine power of the gods for the well-being of people and to bless the land.

23. Abdullah had to travel far from his homeland to make his survey of the Great Pyramid. What is the name of the plateau upon which the pyramid was built?

From Quiz Abdullah's Pyramid Adventure

Answer: Gizeh (Giza)

The Gizeh (Giza) plateau has been found to be crowded with all kinds of structures. One area includes three pyramids, the Great Sphinx, pyramids of queens, other temples, and the mastabas of nobles, while another area is made up of private tombs for workmen and ordinary citizens.

24. Carnarvon and his daughter reached the Valley three weeks after the first discovery. Carter showed them the exposed plaster doorway. The necropolis seal was set into the plaster, featuring nine bound captives and what animal?

From Quiz Wonderful Discovery in the Valley

Answer: Jackal

The jackal was the symbol of Anubis, protector god of the necropolis. Because the necropolis seal was placed over that of Tutankhamun, it was obvious that the door had been resealed some time after the burial.

25. The work gang under your control consists of a hundred workers. You chose to call them 'The Gang of Excellence' to motivate them. The gang is divided into groups of twenty. The groups are known by what traditional terms?

From Quiz A Pyramid Builder in Egypt (2450 B.C.)

Answer: Nautical

Because the Nile waterway served as primary transport, boating was an essential skill. Work gangs were organised into Starboard, Port, Prow, Stern and Good, making up smaller manageable sections within the work gang.

26. How many pyramids exist in Egypt?

From Quiz Egyptian Pyramids

Answer: 80+

Many pyramids haven't been found or excavated since they look like small mounds of rubble. Some are also too unstable to be excavated or entered safely.

27. Tutankhamun's mummy was encased in a number of coffins, within the stone sarcophagus. How many coffins were there?

From Quiz Tomb of Tutankhamun

Answer: Three

The three coffins all fitted one inside the other, although (again due to the haste with which preparations had to be made) one of them appeared to have been roughly trimmed to fit inside the stone sarcophagus.

28. Unable to find the door that was the entrance, Abdullah and his men decided to make their own. They heated the pyramid stones until they were red hot. From what type of material was the core stones of the Great Pyramid constructed?

From Quiz Abdullah's Pyramid Adventure

Answer: nummulite limestone

The nummulite limestone came from a quarry located about 200 meters south of the pyramid. Used for the casing of the pyramid, the white limestone came from a quarry on the eastern side of the Nile. The granite came from Aswan, about 900 kilometers from the plateau.

29. The seals on the door were photographed and removed. Beyond lay a sloping corridor. What was in the corridor?

From Quiz Wonderful Discovery in the Valley

Answer: Rubble

After the burial, the corridor had been left empty. The first band of robbers broke through the plaster doorway, looking for oils and perfume. The necropolis guards filled up the corridor with stones, rubble and broken potsherds before resealing the door. The second time around, the robbers tunnelled through the rubble, searching for gold and jewelry. The tomb was resealed a second time. According to the inventories in the tomb, as much as 60% of the original jewelry were stolen.

30. Which animal was depicted on the gold collar that covered Tut's chest?

From Quiz Treasures of Tuntankhamun

Answer: Vulture

The collar was inlaid with colored glass. In the form of the vulture goddess Nekhbet, it was intended to provide magical protection. The ancient Egyptians saw the vulture as an excellent mother, with a wide wingspan and all-encompassing protective cover to her infants. Nekhbet was the mother goddess and protective patron of Upper Egypt.

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Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:53 AM
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