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Napoleonic Wars Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Napoleonic Wars Trivia

Napoleonic Wars Trivia Quizzes

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54 Napoleonic Wars quizzes and 618 Napoleonic Wars trivia questions.
  Napoleon at War: Defeats   great trivia quiz  
Collection Quiz
 12 Qns
It would be correct to say that when it came to battles, Napoleon had a winning record. Many sources say he fought at least eighty battles; let's have a look at his win-loss record by reviewing his losses.
Average, 12 Qns, ponycargirl, Nov 29 23
ponycargirl editor
Nov 29 23
281 plays
Soldiers of My Old Guard
  Soldiers of My Old Guard    
Fun Fill-It
 16 Qns
Napoleon Bonaparte's Farewell
This is Napoleon's farewell speech to those soldiers remaining loyal to him after the 1814 fall of France. Though not as well-known as others there is only one way in which it all makes sense.
Easier, 16 Qns, Midget40, Mar 06 24
Midget40 gold member
Mar 06 24
177 plays
  Wellington's Battles in Europe: A Timeline    
Ordering Quiz
 15 Qns
Arthur Wellesley, later Duke of Wellington, fought a number of battles in Portugal, Spain and Belgium between 1808 and 1815. Can you put them in chronological order? Sieges and actions in which Wellington took little or no part are not included.
Average, 15 Qns, Southendboy, Jul 24 24
Southendboy gold member
Jul 24 24
71 plays
  Napoleon at War: Identifying Battles   great trivia quiz  
Collection Quiz
 10 Qns
Bonjour! Napoleon is credited with participating in at least eighty battles over the course of his military career. Your task is to choose which battles on the list were fought by Napoleon and his men. Bonne Chance!
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Sep 26 23
ponycargirl editor
Sep 26 23
371 plays
  Napoleon at War: Sorting Battles   great trivia quiz  
Classification Quiz
 15 Qns
Napoleon was a military hero, leading his army into at least 60 battles during his career and earning a 90% winning record. This quiz focuses on four of his battles; your task is to sort the information given and match it to the correct battle.
Average, 15 Qns, ponycargirl, Sep 05 23
ponycargirl editor
Sep 05 23
242 plays
  The Battle of Trafalgar   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson inflicted a crushing defeat on Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar. Take this quiz to see how much you know about this epic engagement at sea.
Average, 10 Qns, cryppie, Aug 20 10
2353 plays
  The Battle of Borodino   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about this crucial battle on Russian soil? Have fun.
Easier, 10 Qns, shvdotr, Jul 26 17
shvdotr gold member
494 plays
  Waterloo Quiz Challenge    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
June 18, 1815. Near the village of Waterloo some mighty armies confronted each other. What do you know about the Battle of Waterloo?
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Jun 19 12
JanIQ gold member
748 plays
  Tough Stuff for the Waterloo-Buff   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Waterloo is still today remembered as one of the great Battles in History.- Scenes from the Battle are still annually enacted by amateurs of military history.- If Napoleon or Waterloo are among your favourite history subjects, try this quiz.
Tough, 25 Qns, flem-ish, Jul 01 20
Jul 01 20
2643 plays
  The Battle of Austerlitz   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These questions deals with the Battle of Austerlitz fought in 1805, widely regarded as Napoleon's most brilliant tactical victory.
Tough, 10 Qns, waremblem, May 15 16
1061 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of the fortification where the King's German Legion could resist French attacks until they ran out of ammunition?

From Quiz "Waterloo"

  Napoleon - Spilling the Beans   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz that spills the beans (and a whole lot more) on old Napoleon Bonaparte. Think you know about Boney? Maybe you do, maybe you don't!
Tough, 10 Qns, Trouble325, Jun 27 07
1245 plays
  Napoleonic Wars    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a fairly hard quiz about Napoleon and the wars he fought.
Tough, 10 Qns, magicbadger, Apr 20 10
3872 plays
  Wellington, The Iron Duke   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Part One of three quizzes dealing with the British military hero Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington. This quiz covers the years 1769-1808.
Tough, 15 Qns, elbereth_03, Aug 21 09
650 plays
  Napoleon Test    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A general quiz about the life of Napoleon I of France.
Average, 10 Qns, Napoleon_lover, Jun 19 11
1898 plays
  The Old Guard   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Imperial guard inspired fear on the battlefield. They marched across Europe undefeated for the majority of their time in service. This quiz only explores a small part of their history.
Average, 10 Qns, Fred0518, Jul 14 09
1094 plays
  The Battles of Horatio Lord Nelson   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Everyone knows something about Britain's greatest naval hero. How much do you know about the battles he took part in?
Average, 10 Qns, LillianRock, Dec 20 09
1044 plays
  Napoleon and His Marshals    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A baton in every knapsack! That was the proud boast of the Napoleonic army. Former NCOs and members of the 'Old' Regime rose to be Marshals.
Average, 10 Qns, trojan11, Nov 14 13
681 plays
  Napoleon Test Your Knowledge    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you have read about Napoleon, you should do pretty well on this basic quiz! Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, JsusFreak, Jul 02 10
4663 plays
  The Hundred Days    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A clash of the titans in Napoleon's Europe.
Average, 10 Qns, deadmeat, Mar 19 15
4836 plays
  Battle of Waterloo    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you really know about the famous battle?
Tough, 10 Qns, whatever111, Dec 21 05
2653 plays
  Napoleon's Marshals    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quick quiz about Napoleon's Marshals. I give you their title and a few brief details and you try to guess the name.
Tough, 10 Qns, deadmeat, Sep 16 06
1572 plays
  The Congress of Vienna    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Congress of Vienna set the contours of peace in Europe for 100 years.
Average, 10 Qns, skipp1, Aug 24 18
Aug 24 18
680 plays
  Those Troublesome Bonapartes    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Napoleon said to Metternich, "My relations have done me more harm than I have done them good". This is a quiz about that troublesome family.
Tough, 25 Qns, tripeuro, Jun 17 14
805 plays
  Truths and Untruths about Napoleon    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All statements are 'either True or False'. So statistically speaking you cannot go far wrong. All questions to be answered with: T or F .
Average, 10 Qns, flem-ish, Aug 17 11
3561 plays
  Napoleon Crossing the Alps   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Charlemagne and Hannibal led grand armies across the Alps in their times. The great Napoleon was determined to follow in their footsteps.
Average, 10 Qns, trident, Mar 18 20
trident editor
Mar 18 20
192 plays
The Uniforms of the Napoleonic Era
  The Uniforms of the Napoleonic Era    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Probably at no time in history did fashion and war intersect as closely as they did in the Napoleonic Wars (1805-1815). Here are a few questions about some of the national uniform colours during that time period.
Average, 10 Qns, spaceowl, Oct 22 22
spaceowl gold member
Oct 22 22
270 plays
  Ligny and Quatre Bras   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We all know of the heroism and chaos of Waterloo. But how much do you know of the battles that took place beforehand? This quiz tests your knowledge of Ligny and Quatre Bras, two battles that greatly effected the Waterloo campaign.
Average, 10 Qns, Fred0518, Feb 17 22
Feb 17 22
723 plays
  The Duke of Wellington    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Sir, when a man puts his foot in a Wellington he'd better watch out. A short quiz about the Iron Duke and the War Years.
Tough, 15 Qns, deadmeat, Jun 14 20
Jun 14 20
1746 plays
  Napoleonic Wars Year by Year    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This quiz follows the Napoleonic Wars year by year. I give you a year and some information to make you able to find out what really happened this year.
Tough, 20 Qns, author, Jul 20 18
Jul 20 18
1766 plays
  Napoleon's New Nobility    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
After a Great Revolution which was to put an end to many monarchies and aristocracies a Corsican adventurer proclaimed himself Emperor and created a new nobility and even new kingdoms ...
Tough, 10 Qns, Oblomov, Mar 07 06
762 plays
  Life in Nelson's Navy    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Life for a seaman in the sailing Royal was hard. Perhaps this quiz will show you just how hard it was!
Average, 10 Qns, philipgrae, Sep 22 20
Sep 22 20
534 plays
  Ships and People in Nelson's Trafalgar Fleet    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz look's at the Ship's and key Player's and event's in Nelson's fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Average, 15 Qns, funtinca, Feb 10 24
Feb 10 24
274 plays
  The Black Brunswickers    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Formed in 1809, this volunteer force from the tiny German state of Brunswick fought in three seperate campaigns ending with their contribution to the Battle of Waterloo. How much do you know about them?
Average, 10 Qns, spaceowl, May 12 12
spaceowl gold member
199 plays
  The Peninsular War    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Napoleon called the Peninsular War his "Spanish Ulcer" and it competes with the invasion of Russian as his worst major decision to pursue. For Arthur Wellesley, however, it was the main chance.
Average, 10 Qns, cyeomans, Dec 10 19
Dec 10 19
202 plays
  France! The Army! Josephine ...   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz deals with the exile of Napoleon on St Helena. Far away from his lost empire, on this small mountainous rock, Emperor Napoleon would spend his last days.
Difficult, 10 Qns, fred0518, Jul 19 09
510 plays
  The Battle of Nations & the Campaign for Germany    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In 1813 Napoleon mounted one last defence of Germany after the disaster in Russia the previous year. This was to be the largest campaign of the Napoleonic Wars. Test your knowledge of this epic campaign and its climax at Leipzig, the Battle of Nations.
Tough, 10 Qns, Findlay, Nov 06 10
653 plays
  Horatio Nelson, England's Most Famous Sailor    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Nelson sailed many thousands of miles in the service of his country and is Britain's most famous admiral. See what you know about him.
Average, 10 Qns, funtinca, Mar 29 13
344 plays
  Charge of the Imperial Guard at Waterloo   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The battle is in the balance. After six hours fighting it is time to commit the elite - the French Imperial Guard! Test yourself on this, the final pahse of one of the greatest battles in history!
Difficult, 10 Qns, ajax23, Apr 15 08
572 plays
  The Imperial Military Nobility    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about the titles Napoleon gave to his most deserving soldiers?
Tough, 10 Qns, Swanchika, Jan 27 14
186 plays
  Finding Your Way Around a Warship - 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the age of fighting sail the most important factor of all was the men (and some women) that manned the fleet. But the warship was the most technologically advanced machine of its day, and tough to master.
Average, 10 Qns, cyeomans, Jan 08 20
Jan 08 20
181 plays
  Where Do They Come from ?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Surely you know about these Napoleonic marshals' and generals' battles and military feats, but how much do you know about their origins and their early years?
Tough, 10 Qns, Swanchika, Jan 09 14
202 plays
  'A Near Run Thing' - Waterloo    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
One of the key battles in world history, it shaped the nineteenth century. Test your knowledge of the the Battle of Waterloo.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Ajax23, Dec 04 06
1578 plays
  What do you know about Waterloo?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
The Battle of Waterloo! A German victory? This quiz is about the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 and the German contribution to the Allied victory.
Difficult, 15 Qns, Pappy84, Sep 17 08
909 plays
  Canine Capers Co-Starring Napoleon    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Listen to the sad saga of a man oft defeated by the slings and arrows of outrageous Fortune ... and other dogs.
Tough, 10 Qns, DR.NO, Sep 01 08
361 plays
  Waterloo - Hougoumont    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Duke of Wellington himself declared that the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo depended on the closing of the gates at Hougoumont. Test your knowledge on the events at the chateau that day.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Ajax23, May 24 11
529 plays
  Wellington's Soldiers    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Under Wellington, the British Army became a force to be reckoned with during the Napoleonic Wars. Here are a few questions about the finest fighting force in that period.
Average, 10 Qns, beterave, Apr 29 11
451 plays
  Life in Nelson's Navy 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is the second quiz I've created on this subject - there may be more if I can think of any more questions!
Average, 10 Qns, philipgrae, May 30 11
379 plays
  Nelson versus Napoleon (1798)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The year is 1798 and the world is about to witness Napoleon's Egyptian expedition and Nelson's first great victory. Through several events major and minor history was changed.
Tough, 10 Qns, Mortifer, Feb 04 11
697 plays
  Nelson's Last Victory    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
On 21st October 1805 two fleets clashed in one of the last major actions fought under sail. The result confirming the (British) Royal Navy's mastery of the seas, although at a cost.
Average, 10 Qns, Mortifer, Aug 28 12
917 plays
  Horatio Nelson    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the life and naval service of Horatio Nelson, one of England's most heroic seamen.
Average, 10 Qns, funtinca, May 24 16
299 plays
  Finding Your Way Around a Warship - 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Your nautical adventure continues. The learning curve remains steep but you are getting more comfortable. Not physically, of course, but at least you know a bit.
Tough, 10 Qns, cyeomans, Jan 08 20
Jan 08 20
165 plays
  Napoleon in Egypt    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is about Napoleon's expedition to Egypt in 1798-1801.
Tough, 10 Qns, mikedodd, Nov 17 06
582 plays
  Napoleon in Italy 1796-7    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz focused on Napoleon's Italian campaign which raised his profile enormously.
Tough, 10 Qns, mikedodd, Nov 27 06
525 plays
  Do You Know Napoleon?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz based on the life of Napoleon. We know of his victories, like Austerlitz and Jena, and his defeats, like the invasion of Russia and Waterloo. But what about his life behind that?
Tough, 10 Qns, TheJay, Jan 19 16
2147 plays

Napoleonic Wars Trivia Questions

1. Which country has these uniforms? The infantry coats are predominantly white or undyed wool, the cavalry the same or dark green, and the artillery are in brown.

From Quiz
The Uniforms of the Napoleonic Era

Answer: Austria

Although the Austrian infantry were long known as 'The Whitecoats', the coats themselves were made from undyed wool and could be anything from dark tan to mid-grey. White was saved for officers, and then only for parades. The heavy cavalry mainly wore white or dark green coats, usually with grey overall trousers on campaign. The light cavalry regiments were much the same except for the Hussar regiments, who were a wide range of colours.

2. Searching for a way to conquer Italian lands in the north, Napoleon brought his forces to Martigny, Switzerland. Sharing its name with a breed of dog, which pass did Napoleon use?

From Quiz Napoleon Crossing the Alps

Answer: Great St. Bernard Pass

The Great St. Bernard Pass connects the Swiss city of Martigny with the Italian city of Aosta, and this is the exact path that Napoleon used. Though developed today, there was very little infrastructure available to aid the French army's passage. The pass was the steepest and most dangerous, but it was the shortest route and would bring his armies closest to the Austrians once they arrived. The dog breed St. Bernard is actually named after the St. Bernard Hospice, which is located on this path. Bernard of Menthon, an 11th-century Italian monk, created the hospice.

3. Fleeing French General Junot, to where did Prince Regent Dom João of Portugal escape?

From Quiz The Peninsular War

Answer: Brazil

Junot was ordered by Napoleon to occupy Lisbon, which he did on November 30, 1807. Prince John, anticipating his arrival, loaded 35 vessels with nobility and treasure and left in frantic haste for Brazil, a Portuguese colony, where the court remained until April 1821.

4. The Battle of Borodino on 7 September, 1812, was a key battle in the French invasion of Russia. Who led the French?

From Quiz The Battle of Borodino

Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

Louis XVIII was not in Russia, but he became King of France in 1814. The other two incorrect answers were commanders at Borodino. But of course, the invasion of Russia was probably Napoleon's worst decision.

5. How many of his Marshals did Napoleon integrate into his Imperial nobility ?

From Quiz The Imperial Military Nobility

Answer: 24

Although all of the Marshals died as nobles, not all of them were ennobled by the Emperor. Jean-Baptiste Jourdan was only made a Count under the Restoration, while Prince Jozef Antoni Poniatowski had already enough titles on his own and did not need more from the Emperor of the French; not only that, but he was only a Marshal for three days before he died in battle.

6. HMS Bellerophon was fondly known by her nickname. What was it?

From Quiz Ships and People in Nelson's Trafalgar Fleet

Answer: Billy Ruffian

HMS Bellerophon was named after a hero in Greek mythology. Four ships in the Royal navy have sailed under the name of HMS Bellerophon. Our Trafalgar HMS Bellerophon was launched in 1786. She had fought in two other fleet actions; the Glorious First of June, and the Battle of the Nile. She was commanded at Trafalgar by Captain John Cooke, who was killed. She sustained heavy losses. She was finally broken up in 1836.

7. What did Horatio Nelson famously instruct his officers about Frenchmen?

From Quiz Horatio Nelson, England's Most Famous Sailor

Answer: You must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.

There were lots of sayings current at the time about 'death to the French' and so on. The same probably goes for every conflict throughout history: commanders incite their men to hate the enemy possibly as a way of motivating them to fight, rightly or wrongly, but that is history for you.

8. When and where was Nelson born?

From Quiz Horatio Nelson

Answer: 1758, Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk

Nelson was born into a large family in the small village of Burnham Thorpe, close to the North Norfolk coast about 35 miles north-west of Norwich. His father was the village parson. (There are a number of villages called Burnham near Brancaster Bay in North Norfolk, the largest being Burnham Market).

9. Who was responsible for raising the Brunswick Corps in 1809?

From Quiz The Black Brunswickers

Answer: Duke Friedrich Wilhelm

The Black Corps was raised by the Duke of Brunswick, Friedrich Wilhelm, who in 1809 was in exile in Austria. Austria did supply uniforms and equipment, and a subsudy from the British government financed it, but the idea for the Corps was The Duke of Brunswick's own. Prussia, reeling from the defeat of 1806, took no part in the war of 1809.

10. During Nelson's day, what was the left hand side of the ship called (looking ahead from the stern)?

From Quiz Life in Nelson's Navy 2

Answer: Larboard

The current term, "Port" was not officially adopted by the Royal Navy until 1844. Starboard was (and still is) the right-hand side of the ship, and using the term "left" would probably have got you thrown overboard!

11. What did to 'take the King's Shilling' mean?

From Quiz Wellington's Soldiers

Answer: to agree to join the army

Taking the King's Shilling was an agreement to join the army. This was often done with a degree of trickery or coercion. This included going to debtors and alehouses to enlist recruits.

12. Nelson participated in four major fleet actions. In which battle did he NOT take part?

From Quiz The Battles of Horatio Lord Nelson

Answer: Camperdown

At both Cape St Vincent and Copenhagen he ignored orders and got away with it because he saved the day. The Battle of Camperdown was fought in 1797 between Britain and the Batavian Republic (The Netherlands).

13. When did the Congress of Vienna take place?

From Quiz The Congress of Vienna

Answer: 1814/15

The final peace treaty was signed June 9, 1815 and was in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars. The Versailles Conference was in 1919 and followed World War I. The San Francisco Peace Treaty signed in 1951 was between 49 Allied powers and Japan (the USSR and Czechoslovakia declined to participate). The Peace of Westphalia occurred in 1648, concluding the Thirty Years War that ravaged central Europe.

14. What percentage of the soldiers in the Allied armies in action against Napoleon in 1815 were German?

From Quiz Waterloo

Answer: 73%

153,971 German soldiers took part in the actions against Napoleons forces in 1815, along with 32,418 British soldiers (15%) and 24,501 Dutch/Belgian soldiers(12%).

15. On their wedding night how were Napoleon's amorous attempts thwarted by Josephine's dog, "Fortune"?

From Quiz Canine Capers Co-Starring Napoleon

Answer: Fortune attacked and bit him.

As a memento of this wedding night Napoleon would bear both a grudge against dogs and a calf scar for the rest of his life.

16. Where was the birthplace of Napoleon?

From Quiz Napoleon

Answer: Corsica

Of course it was Corsica! Corsica had just been purchased by France from the then bankrupt Genoa the previous year - in 1768.

17. What were the Guard known as before they became officially recognised as the Imperial Guard in 1804?

From Quiz The Old Guard

Answer: Consular Guard

In November 1799, the guards of the Directory and Legislature were reconstituted as the consular guard. In January 1800 its strength was fixed at around 2,089 infantry, cavalry and artillery. Its horsemen were eventually renamed "Horse Grenadiers". They were commanded by Bessières who was to have a long association with the guard. The guard became officially recognised as 'Imperial' on the 10th May 1804. (For purposes of the quiz I will call it the Imperial Guard throughout.)

18. What action caused the British to retreat from their positions at Quatre Bras?

From Quiz Ligny and Quatre Bras

Answer: The defeat of Blücher at Ligny

The British held their positions well on the field of Quatre Bras. They were extremely upset to know that their fighting had resulted in no decisive victory as Wellington risked exposing his army. Quatre Bras was fought on a section of crossroads moving south-east towards the Prussians along the Nivelles-Namur road at Ligny. Napoleon realised that it was most important to prevent the two armies from meeting, which is why an attack on the British at Quatre Bras was urgently needed.

19. Upon approaching the island of St Helena Napoleon, peering out of his field glasses at the island's steep cliffs, is reported to have said what?

From Quiz France! The Army! Josephine ...

Answer: 'It's not an attractive place. I would have done better to remain in Egypt'

St Helena was slightly larger than Elba but clearly Napoleon was not impressed. "This is a disgraceful island, it is a prison", Napoleon said upon landing. Despite its size it was chosen well by the British to prevent the escape of Napoleon. It was so remote the nearest land, being 1,140 miles away, was the west coast of Africa. France was a further 5,000 miles.

20. On what date did the Battle of Trafalgar begin?

From Quiz The Battle of Trafalgar

Answer: October 21, 1805

It also ended on October 21, 1805. August 22, 1805 was the day Nelson returned to Portsmouth, England after searching for French Admiral Pierre de Villenueve in the West Indies. Villenueve also commanded the Franco-Spanish combined fleet at Trafalgar. September 27, 1805 was the day Nelson arrived off Cadiz, Spain to wait for the Franco-Spanish fleet to sortie. October 19, 1805 was the day the Franco-Spanish fleet left Cadiz.

21. Who were the only civilians left in the chateau of Hougoumont prior to the battle?

From Quiz Waterloo - Hougoumont

Answer: The gardener and his family

Guillaume van Cutsem, his wife Marie-Catherine and their 5-year-old daughter meant to escape before the battle, but left it too late, and by the time they went to leave, the roads had been blocked.

22. Whose division was allocated the the vulnurable right of the ridge of Mont St Jean, which included the defence of Chateau Hougoumont?

From Quiz 'A Near Run Thing' - Waterloo

Answer: Maj-Gen George Cooke

Cooke's 1st Division was the only British Division present commanded by a Major-General. On the day of the battle, it was the smallest Division, with four battalions plus 12 guns. Greatly reduced from its initial strength of 1,000.

23. What nickname was given to Napoleon at the battle of Lodi?

From Quiz Napoleon in Italy 1796-7

Answer: The Little Corporal

The nickname was given to Napoleon as he enjoyed good camaraderie with his troops, and was able to lead them to victory. He also sighted some guns at the battle, which was usually done by an artillery corporal.

24. Which French port did Napoleon's army sail from to Egypt?

From Quiz Napoleon in Egypt

Answer: Toulon

Bonaparte left on with 34,000 troops, but also took 1,000 civilians, who were mainly administrators, but were also to compile the "Descriptions de l'Egypte".

25. Napoleon's decisive victory at Austerlitz effectively brought an end to which European Coalition which was united to bring about the downfall of France?

From Quiz The Battle of Austerlitz

Answer: The Third Coalition

The Third Coalition was formed against the French Empire in 1805. It consisted of Great Britain, Russia, Naples, Sweden and Austria. The Second Coaltion was formed against the Revolutionary French Government in 1798. The Fourth Coalition was formed in 1806 by Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, Saxony and Sweden against the French Empire. The Fifth Coalition was formed between Great Britain and Austria against the French Empire.

26. The Battle of the Nile is often referred to by the name of the bay where the action took place. Name the bay.

From Quiz Nelson versus Napoleon (1798)

Answer: Aboukir

The French chose Aboukir Bay since it allowed room for the warships to anchor and manoeuvre. Alexandria's new port would only allow access and egress to two vessels at a time. This was satisfactory for merchant vessels but not so good for a battle fleet.

27. Although some may have died in infancy, how many siblings did Napoleon have?

From Quiz Those Troublesome Bonapartes

Answer: 12

Napoleon's parents Letizia and Carlo had 13 children, however only 8 survived infancy. The survivors were Joseph (nee Guiseppe); Napoleon (nee Napoleone) Lucien (nee Lucciano); Eliza (nee Maria-Anna); Louis (nee Luigi); Pauline (nee Maria-Paola); Caroline (nee Maria-Annunziata); and Jerome (nee Girolamo).

28. 1798. Napoleon received the supreme command in the war against Britain, which was to be hit indirectly through the Mediterranean. He occupied a British stronghold. Which?

From Quiz Napoleonic Wars Year by Year

Answer: Malta

Malta was occupied by French 1798-1802, but was annexed to Britain 1814.

29. What was the date of the Battle of Waterloo?

From Quiz Battle of Waterloo

Answer: June 18, 1815

30. Where was Napoleon Buonaparte born on August 15, 1769?

From Quiz Do You Know Napoleon?

Answer: Ajaccio

His last name was "Buonaparte" until 1796, when he changed it to the less Italian-sounding "Bonaparte."

This is category 14333
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:49 AM
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