8. "Hominans habitating vitreous domiciles should refrain from the forceful projection of petrescent missiles." In this cliche, there is a construction material cited. Which construction material is it?
From Quiz In Other Words
This pedantic sentence simply means that "People living in glass houses should not throw stones."
Glass occupies a unique niche in our understanding of materials in that there is no clear scientific consensus on whether it is a solid, or a liquid with an extremely high viscosity. For a long time, antique glass (particularly that on old European churches) seemed to provide proof that glass was a liquid. The glass at the bottom of the panes was always thicker than that at the top of the panes on the old glass, but this was not seen in newer glass. This led people to believe that over time, the glass was flowing toward the lowest point, just as a liquid would. This was debunked, however, when panes of glass began being discovered with the heavier side toward the top, rather than the bottom. After investigation, it was shown that the glass on the old churches was made in a process that made uniform thickness very difficult to obtain. Since the heavier side was safest to put at the bottom, that's what they did, and the thicker part at the top was probably a result of improper installation by the workmen. Today, there is a movement to declare glass another, distinct state of matter known as the "vitreous state." This, too, though is still being debated.
Hominan=member of the zoological family Hominidae, this branch of which only modern humans have survived.
Vitreous=glassy, glasslike
Petrescent=rocky, rocklike, rock