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Greek and Roman Myths Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Greek and Roman Myths Trivia

Greek and Roman Myths Trivia Quizzes

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The ancient Greeks and Romans wrote myths in order to explain things they did not understand, such as the origin of the universe, natural occurrences, and human nature. While some of the stories may be similar in content, it is always necessary to know the Roman counterparts of the Greek deities.
12 quizzes and 155 trivia questions.
  Greek vs Roman   popular trivia quiz  
Classification Quiz
 10 Qns
There are many similarities between ancient Roman and ancient Greek religion and mythology but also some key differences. In this quiz you are given the names of 10 gods and goddesses and have to categorise these as being Roman gods or Greek gods.
Average, 10 Qns, Stoaty, Apr 20 23
Stoaty gold member
Apr 20 23
571 plays
  Roman Names of Greek Gods   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
See how many of the Roman names for Greek gods YOU can remember! But be careful -- spelling counts!
Tough, 20 Qns, CellarDoor, Oct 02 20
CellarDoor gold member
Oct 02 20
9305 plays
  Greek and Roman Mythology   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a quick, fun quiz on some of the stuff I've been learning in a Greek and Roman Mythology class at school. Enjoy!
Tough, 20 Qns, KatidydWM, Jun 02 18
Jun 02 18
6826 plays
  Easy Greek and Roman Gods.    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I will give you the name of a Roman God or Goddess and the area they governed and you must select the Greek God or Goddess that they were often associated with. Simple.
Average, 15 Qns, Phoenix101, Oct 04 18
Oct 04 18
5431 plays
  Ultimate Mythology    
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 15 Qns
This mythology quiz will really test your knowledge of the Greek and Roman stories. Some questions are easy, some are difficult. Good luck!
Average, 15 Qns, myth_god, Jan 16 21
Jan 16 21
5700 plays
  Roman and Greek Gods    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quick quiz about well known gods and goddesses.
Average, 10 Qns, IndianPainter, Apr 23 22
Apr 23 22
7371 plays
  Roman/Greek Name Match!    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the word to the god it is inspired by -- but I'm not making it that easy. Match the word inspired by a Greek or Roman deity with the deity in the OTHER culture. Example: Mercurian=Mercury, so you would match "mercurian" to Hermes.
Average, 10 Qns, FlameDragon12, Oct 02 18
Oct 02 18
380 plays
  Up To No Good   great trivia quiz  
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In Greek and Roman myths, we often see people, heroes, and gods acting in ways that prove they are up to no good at all. Here are ten such times!
Average, 10 Qns, merylfederman, Jun 14 13
merylfederman gold member
595 plays
  Who Are We Thanking?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Olympians controlled many things. Here are some of them.
Average, 10 Qns, Penguinfan911, Jan 18 18
985 plays
  Three of Myth's Tragic Romances   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz looks at three stories of love and lust in Greek and Roman mythology with not so happy endings.
Difficult, 10 Qns, doublemm, Jan 05 24
doublemm gold member
Jan 05 24
900 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Zeus is equal to what Roman god?

From Quiz "Roman and Greek Gods"

  Who's Who: Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I'll give you what they do. You give me the name of the God or Goddess
Tough, 10 Qns, ThirdDay1, Apr 17 19
Apr 17 19
3322 plays
  Myths- Greek to Roman    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I say the Greek God (or Demi-god) - you say the Roman equivalent. To make things interesting, one of them DOES NOT have a Roman equivalent-in that case, just put none.
Average, 15 Qns, Zargo, Jan 03 20
Jan 03 20
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Greek and Roman Myths Trivia Questions

1. Farmers grow crops and provide us with their crop. Which god would we thank for this?

From Quiz
Who Are We Thanking?

Answer: Demeter

Demeter is the goddess of agriculture. Her daughter is Persephone, goddess of springtime and wife of Hades.

2. Jupiter was the leader of the Gods in Roman myth but who was his Greek equivalent?

From Quiz Easy Greek and Roman Gods.

Answer: Zeus

Easy one - Zeus the leader of the Gods and god of weather.

3. God of flocks and shepherds:

From Quiz Who's Who: Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses

Answer: Pan

The Satyrs were minor gods of the woods and fields, Plutus was the god of wealth, and Momus the god of laughter

4. Diana is the goddess of the hunt in Rome. Who is the goddess of the hunt in Greece?

From Quiz Roman and Greek Gods

Answer: Artemis

5. In Greek mythology, who was the goddess of Wisdom?

From Quiz Ultimate Mythology

Answer: Pallas Athena

According to some stories of her origin, Pallas Athena sprang from Zeus' head in full armor. This goddess is also sometimes referred to as Pallas or as Athena - they're all the same thing, although the variations in detail can be pretty confusing.

6. Who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Demeter?

From Quiz Greek and Roman Mythology

Answer: Ceres

Both Demeter and Ceres were goddesses of ripe grain, vegetation, and agriculture.

7. Do you have a perfect family in your eyes? If so, do you know whom to thank? If not, don't curse him/her, as she/he is very vengeful.

From Quiz Who Are We Thanking?

Answer: Hera

Hera is the goddess of marriage and families. She is the wife of Zeus and mother to several gods and goddesses. However, she can't keep her husband from having affairs. One of his famous children whose mother is not Hera is Perseus.

8. Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, war and victory, is commonly associated with what Greek goddess?

From Quiz Easy Greek and Roman Gods.

Answer: Athena

Both Minerva and Athena were goddesses of wisdom, each associated with a sacred owl - in fact, some scholars believe that the earliest version of Athena was in fact an owl, not human in form. They each had multiple other specialties - classical gods were a busy lot.

9. Roman God of landmarks:

From Quiz Who's Who: Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses

Answer: Terminus

Liber is the latin name of Bacchus, Bacchus better known as Dionysus, the God of wine, and Cronos is the father of Zeus

10. Zeus is equal to what Roman god?

From Quiz Roman and Greek Gods

Answer: Jupiter

11. What was the Roman name for Apollo?

From Quiz Ultimate Mythology

Answer: there was no Roman name

Apollo was the archer god, and often displayed as the sun god.

12. What is the name of the most famous of the rivers in the Underworld, the river of 'Hate' which dead souls must cross over?

From Quiz Greek and Roman Mythology

Answer: Styx

After crossing the Styx, the dead faced the gate guarded by the three-headed hound of Hades, Cerberus.

13. The world is mostly in balance. Which god is responsible for this?

From Quiz Who Are We Thanking?

Answer: Nemesis

Nemesis is the goddess of balance and revenge. She is minor, not having a seat on the Olympian Council. Since she is the goddess of revenge, you call your worst enemy your nemesis.

14. The overwhelming lust caused Apollo to pursue Daphne. As Daphne became tired, she prayed to her father to change her shape. As everyone on Funtrivia must know by now she became a laurel tree. Who was her father who fulfilled her wish?

From Quiz Three of Myth's Tragic Romances

Answer: Peneus

Oceanus was the father of Peneus and Hypseus was Peneus' son. Zeus was of course the god of gods and father of Apollo. So there, poor Apollo was rejected as his first love became a tree. He did later say to Daphne that "since you cannot be my wife, you shall assuredly be my tree. I will wear you for my crown".

15. The miniature Roman god of love, Cupid, whom we still use to celebrate Valentine's Day, is the counterpart of which Greek God?

From Quiz Easy Greek and Roman Gods.

Answer: Eros

Eros is possibly the son of Aphrodite and Ares. He has great beauty and was said to have followed Chaos therefore ranking as one very old god.

16. Roman Goddess of childbirth:

From Quiz Who's Who: Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses

Answer: Lucina

Pomona presided over fruit trees, Lachesis and Atropos are part of the 3 Fates

17. Cronus is similar to what Roman god?

From Quiz Roman and Greek Gods

Answer: Saturn

18. Who was the 'king of the gods' in ROMAN mythology?

From Quiz Ultimate Mythology

Answer: Jupiter & Juppiter & Jove

19. What type of a creature has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail?

From Quiz Greek and Roman Mythology

Answer: a Chimaera

The Chimaera was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna. It was killed by Bellerophon, the man who tamed Pegasus.

20. In Roman myth the messenger of the gods was Mercury and in later Greek myth it was the god Hermes but before him there was another. Who was it?

From Quiz Easy Greek and Roman Gods.

Answer: Iris

Iris is also the goddess of the rainbow and can be found in many other traditions (If you said Isis that is the Egyptian goddess of motherhood and magic).

21. Greek goddess of hearth and home:

From Quiz Who's Who: Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses

Answer: Hestia

Vesta is the Roman god of hearth and home, inuus is god of flocks,sheep, and Priapus is the god of fertility

22. Mt. Olympus is the house of the Greek gods. What mountain is the house of the Roman gods?

From Quiz Roman and Greek Gods

Answer: Mt. Olympus

23. What is the Greek name of the Roman god Bacchus?

From Quiz Greek and Roman Mythology

Answer: Dionysus

Bacchus and Dionysus were gods of the grape and the vine, irrationality, music, dancing, intoxication, and ecstasy.

24. Do you have a high IQ? Are you wise? Do you always win in Stratego and that strategy game you get a kick out of? Are you the top student in your art class? Who might you thank for that?

From Quiz Who Are We Thanking?

Answer: Athena

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, arts, and war. She is a brain baby (literally!). She came out of Zeus's head in armor and as a full grown woman. Her mother is not Hera but she is no demigod child.

25. Not satisfied with seeing each other so little, Pyramus and Thisbe decided to sneak out in the night and meet under a tree. Which kind of tree was the meeting to take place under?

From Quiz Three of Myth's Tragic Romances

Answer: White mullberry

It was agreed that the first to arrive should wait under the tree for the other. How about some information on the white mulberry? No? Here I go... The tree is native to China and so it seems odd how it appears in this Roman myth. Also, despite its name, in the wild the berries produced are a deep purple colour.

26. The collective title for the Roman goddesses personifying fate was Parcae but in Greece what was their name?

From Quiz Easy Greek and Roman Gods.

Answer: Moirai

Clotho spun the thread of life, Lachesis assigned each person with their destiny and Atropos cut the thread of life.

27. Roman Goddess of Spring:

From Quiz Who's Who: Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses

Answer: Proserpina

Persephone and Kora are names for the Greek goddess of spring, and Ceres is the Roman goddess of corn, harvest, and earth.

28. Hercules is equal to what Greek demi-god?

From Quiz Roman and Greek Gods

Answer: Heracles

29. What is the Greek name for Vulcan?

From Quiz Ultimate Mythology

Answer: Hephaestus

Hephaestus was the god of the forge and the fire. He was the only god with a deformity. Aphrodite was his wife. He was a kind god.

30. Who was the mortal son of Helios and Clymene who attempted to drive his father's sun chariot for one day, with disastrous results?

From Quiz Greek and Roman Mythology

Answer: Phaethon & phaethon & Phaeton & phaeton

When Phaethon lost control of the horses Zeus struck him down with a thunderbolt. A lesson to mortals: do not try to rise above yourself.

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Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:50 AM
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