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Roman Myth Trivia Quizzes

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Roman mythology developed from a complex mixture of earlier myth systems of the Etruscans and other tribes of the Italian peninsula, as well as integrating many aspects of the myths of the Greek culture which had heavily influenced the area.
21 Roman Myth quizzes and 245 Roman Myth trivia questions.
  Roman Gods in the Solar System    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Half planets and half other celestial objects, can you match up these bodies in the Solar System to their namesake's role in Ancient Roman mythology?
Easier, 10 Qns, AdamM7, Sep 09 24
Sep 09 24
450 plays
  The Lesser-Known Gods of Rome    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Although we are more or less familiar with the gods that the Romans borrowed or modelled after equivalent Greek ones, there were also some lesser-known deities. See what you know about them. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Feb 08 25
DeepHistory gold member
Feb 08 25
106 plays
  Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 3    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome to the last quiz in my three-part series on the minor Roman Gods and Goddesses!
Average, 10 Qns, griffinjones2, Nov 29 10
461 plays
Who Let The Gods Out
  Who Let The Gods Out? editor best quiz   best quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Jupiter, the king of the gods, is in a terrible temper. After Castor & Pollux pulled their last practical joke on him, he had them confined to the dungeons, but SOMEONE set them free. The question is, which god did it?
Easier, 10 Qns, reedy, Apr 24 17
reedy gold member
1569 plays
Pluto of the Depths
  Pluto of the Depths    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
A deprecated planet, a canine companion, but first a grim though not evil god, Pluto the Lord of the Underworld and Giver of Wealth inspired both dread and admiration. Today he arises to challenge you to test your knowledge of him in ten categories.
Average, 10 Qns, gracious1, Apr 16 20
gracious1 gold member
Apr 16 20
314 plays
Gods and Goddesses Who Are Roman not Roaming
  Gods and Goddesses Who Are Roman, not Roaming   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Using the picture provided, identify the Roman god or goddesses.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, bernie73, May 04 17
Very Easy
bernie73 gold member
997 plays
  Sibling Rivalry: The Story Of Romulus And Remus    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten questions on the story of twin brothers, Romulus and Remus.
Average, 10 Qns, pennie1478, Jan 18 18
pennie1478 gold member
2311 plays
  Cupid   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Cupid is often shown in popular culture wearing a diaper and holding a bow and arrow. How much do you know about the actual Roman god Cupid?
Average, 10 Qns, AdamM7, Feb 24 14
829 plays
  So You Married a Roman Goddess    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You fell in love, had a beautiful wedding, and then you discovered that your blushing bride is really a crazy Roman goddess. Crazier things have happened! Based on her crazy traits, we'll figure out who you married!
Average, 10 Qns, sarahcateh, Dec 26 12
sarahcateh gold member
1122 plays
  Who Am I? Roman Mythology Edition!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on all the major gods and goddesses of Roman mythology! And remember, I'll be using ONLY the Roman names of the gods and goddesses, not the Greek names!
Average, 10 Qns, BlueCheer, Apr 13 20
Apr 13 20
632 plays
trivia question Quick Question
In Roman mythology, she is the personified deity of crossroads. She was represented with three faces, and sometimes identified with the Greek Hecate.

From Quiz "Uncommon Roman Mythology"

  Ovid's "Metamorphoses"    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Ovid's "Metamorphoses" is one of the main sources of Roman mythology that we have today. Some of the myths in it are obscure, while others are common. How many do you know?
Difficult, 25 Qns, athena6557, Sep 20 11
1139 plays
  Uncommon Roman Mythology    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
How familiar are you with the lesser-known Roman gods and characters? This is really in-depth stuff!
Difficult, 20 Qns, kitipurr, Mar 22 21
Mar 22 21
3325 plays
  An Alphabet of Roman Goddesses    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
How well do you know the many Roman goddesses? I've made an alphabet (or nearly) of them, with each one introducing herself, and then you must guess her name. Good luck!
Average, 20 Qns, GreenGal, Aug 11 10
1222 plays
  The Leading Ladies of Roman Mythology    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Although ancient Rome was governed and seemingly run by the toga-wearing sex, women (both mortal and immortal) feature prominently in Roman mythology. Here is a quiz about some of these important leading ladies.
Tough, 10 Qns, kittencinco5, Nov 03 11
701 plays
  Elissa Dido    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten questions on the myths and legends surrounding the Phoenician princess, Elissa Dido.
Average, 10 Qns, helen295, Sep 16 18
helen295 gold member
Sep 16 18
1002 plays
  Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If your knowledge of Roman gods stops at Jupiter and Juno, you may want to have a go at this quiz and learn some of the gods who came before them!
Average, 10 Qns, griffinjones2, Nov 13 10
662 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on the Roman moon and hunting goddess. It's my first so I hope you like it!
Average, 10 Qns, Physche666, Mar 06 07
1060 plays
  Early Roman Myth    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Before the 8th Century BC when the Romans assimilated the Greek gods into their culture, they had various lesser-known gods of their own. Before Jupiter and Juno there were a good many others...
Difficult, 10 Qns, alkmene, Jan 04 21
Jan 04 21
1444 plays
  Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome to the sequel of Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 1!
Average, 10 Qns, griffinjones2, Nov 17 10
553 plays
  Travels of Aeneas    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz tests your knowledge of the places that Aeneas visited as he tried to establish his new homeland in Italy.
Tough, 10 Qns, aspenbelle, Dec 30 22
Dec 30 22
2034 plays
  Minor Roman Goddesses    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Every one's heard of Juno and Venus, but here are some divas you may not know.
Difficult, 10 Qns, basia_adami, Mar 12 15
1870 plays
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Roman Myth Trivia Questions

1. Pax was the goddess of peace and had her own festival. What was the major date when her festival was celebrated?

From Quiz
Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 3

Answer: January 3

The other festival dates for the goddess Pax were January 30 and July 4. Pales was the goddess of flocks and shepherds and her festival, the Palilia, was on April 21. Portunes was the god of ports and harbors. He was the guardian of storehouses and locked doors. His festival, the Portunalia, was observed on August 17. Quirinus was an old Sabine god who was assimilated into Roman culture. His festival was the Quirinalia and it was celebrated on February 17.

2. Who was the goddess and protector of children first leaving home?

From Quiz Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 2

Answer: Abeona

Abudantia was the goddess of luck, abundance and prosperity. Adeona was the goddess who guides children back home. Aequitas was the god of fair trade and honest merchants.

3. Who was Diana's Greek counterpart?

From Quiz Diana

Answer: Artemis

Hecate was sometimes said to be the same as Artemis but they were different at the beginning. Hecate was the goddess of witchcraft and crossroads. Aphrodite was the goddess of love. Iris was the messenger of Hera.

4. Who was the biological mother of Romulus and Remus?

From Quiz Sibling Rivalry: The Story Of Romulus And Remus

Answer: Rhea Silvia

Rhea Silvia was the daughter of Numitor. Rhea was made a priestess by her uncle, Amulius, so she couldn't have children. However, the Roman god of war named Mars fell in love with her and Rhea gave birth to twin boys.

5. Who was raped by her brother-in-law and afterward had her tongue cut out?

From Quiz Ovid's "Metamorphoses"

Answer: Philomela

Tereus and Procne married, although their marriage was ill-omened. Tereus went to fetch Procne's sister Philomela for a visit and ended up raping her. He cut out her tongue and imprisoned her so that she would tell no one what he had done. Finally, she wove a tapestry showing her troubles and sent it to her sister at the palace. She and her sister plotted revenge and finally fed Tereus his own son on a platter.

6. Elissa Dido was born in Phoenicia, which was part of which modern-day country?

From Quiz Elissa Dido

Answer: Lebanon

The Phoenicians originated from the Mediterranean coast of present-day Lebanon. Major Phoenician cities included Tyre, Sidon and Byblos.

7. Who is the goddess that protects children the first time they leave their parents' home?

From Quiz Minor Roman Goddesses

Answer: Abeona

The Latin prefix "Ab" means "away from." Cuba is the goddess who protects infants. Pales is the patron goddess of shepherds. Lucina is the goddess of childbirth.

8. Where did Aeneas first go on his Mediterranean travels to find his new homeland?

From Quiz Travels of Aeneas

Answer: Antandrus

Aeneas traveled by land to Antandrus where he and his men spent a year building their fleet.

9. They are the Roman goddesses of fate, similar to the Greek Moirae (Fates). Originally there was only one of them, a goddess of birth. The three are also called Tria Fata.

From Quiz Uncommon Roman Mythology

Answer: The Parcae

They include Decima, Nona and Morta. The oringinal one, Parca, derives her name from parere ('create, give birth') but later it is associated with pars (Greek: moira, 'part') and thus analogous with the three Greek Moirae.

10. Cupid is one of the few gods probably better recognised by his Roman name, but he does have a Greek equivalent. Who is it?

From Quiz Cupid

Answer: Eros

Eros' parentage is also up for debate: his potential parents include Chaos, Aphrodite, Ares, Hermes, Iris, Zephyrus or Nyx. Some say he was a primordial god (one of the first gods), and has no parents.

11. Another character in the 'Aeneid' is a powerful mortal woman, described as the queen of the Carthaginians. Although this woman met a tragic end after being spurned by Aeneas, she gains the upper hand later on in the Underworld.

From Quiz The Leading Ladies of Roman Mythology

Answer: Dido

Queen Dido kills herself after Aeneas leaves her in Carthage. Aeneas later visits the Underworld and sees Dido in the section reserved for suicides. Although he approaches her, Dido ignores him and refuses to even look at him.

12. Matuta was the goddess of the dawn, harbors and the sea. She was the patron of newborn babies. On what date was her festival celebrated?

From Quiz Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 3

Answer: June 11

Her festival was on June 11. Liber was the god of fertility and nature. His festival was on March 17. Juturna was the goddess of lakes, wells and springs. Her festivals were on January 11 and August 23. Meditrina was the goddess of wine and health. Her festival, the Meditrinalia, was on October 11.

13. Who was the goddess of healing and witchcraft?

From Quiz Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 2

Answer: Angita

Alemonia was the goddess who fed unborn children. Angerona was the goddess of secrecy and protector of Rome. Her festival was on December 21. Anna Perenna was the goddess of the New Year and provider of food. Her festival was on March 15.

14. What type of tree was sacred to Diana?

From Quiz Diana

Answer: Oak

Oaks were also sacred to Zeus, the king of the Greek gods.

15. Why were Romulus and Remus thrown into the Tiber river as babies?

From Quiz Sibling Rivalry: The Story Of Romulus And Remus

Answer: So their great-uncle would think they were dead

The twins' great-uncle Amulius didn't want to be overthrown so he sent one of his soldiers to slaughter the boys. The soldier couldn't, so he put them into a homemade cradle and set them afloat on the river Tiber. Amilius thought that the boys were dead.

16. Which king of Athens had a purple lock of hair?

From Quiz Ovid's "Metamorphoses"

Answer: Nisus

Nisus was fighting a war against Minos, the king of Crete. His daughter, Scylla (no relation to the monster) fell in love with Minos and cut off her father's purple lock of hair and gave it to him. Since an ancient prophesy had predicted that if the purple lock of hair was cut off, the city would fall, Minos won the war. He did, however, reject Scylla afterwards and, in her despair, she tried to kill herself but was turned into a bird

17. Dido was the daughter of Belus, king of Tyre. What was the name of her brother?

From Quiz Elissa Dido

Answer: Pygmalion

Pygmalion assassinated Elissa Dido's husband, Acherbas (referred to as Sychaeus by Virgil). According to legend, Acherbas appeared to Elissa in a dream and provided her with a ship in which she could flee Tyre and start a new life away from her brother.

18. Contrary to what one may think (given the sound of the name), Puta was not the deity of prostitutes. Over what did Puta have dominion?

From Quiz Early Roman Myth

Answer: Pruning

Obarator oversaw ploughing, while the busy Sarritor was patron of both hoeing and weeding.

19. Who is the early Goddess of cows and horses?

From Quiz Minor Roman Goddesses

Answer: Bubona

She was an early goddess who was later replaced by the Gallic Goddess Epona after the Romans invaded Britain. Equa is a Latin word meaning, "mare." Diana is the virgin huntress goddess of the moon.

20. Whom did Aeneas carry on his back as they escaped from Troy?

From Quiz Travels of Aeneas

Answer: His father, Anchises

Ascanius was also known as 'Julus.'

21. She is the Roman goddess of the new year. In the class-struggle between the patricians and plebeians she chose the side of the plebeians.

From Quiz Uncommon Roman Mythology

Answer: Anna Perenna

Her festival was celebrated on March 15. The Romans give various explanations to the origin or her name, amnis perennis ('eternal stream'): 1, she is a river {nymph;} 2, her name is derived from annis {('year');} 3, she is a moon-goddess of the running year. She is also equated with Anna, the sister of Dido, who is received in Latium by Aeneas, but drowns herself in a river.

22. Who was the god of mowing and agriculture?

From Quiz Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 3

Answer: Messor

Veritas was the goddess of truth. Tempestes were the goddesses of storms. Virtus was the god of courage and military prowess.

23. Who was the goddess of the future?

From Quiz Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 2

Answer: Antevorte

The Camenae were the goddesses of wells and springs. Candelifera was the goddess of childbirth. Cardea was the goddess of thresholds and door hinges.

24. Who was the god of the Southwest Wind?

From Quiz Minor Roman Gods and Goddesses Part 1

Answer: Africus

Mars was the god of war. Concordia was the goddess of understanding and agreement. Fama was the god of fame and rumor.

25. The goddess of growing plants, I have a (dwarf) planet and a chemical element named after me. Oh, and a character in a Shakespeare play. Who am I?

From Quiz An Alphabet of Roman Goddesses

Answer: Ceres

The word 'cereal' comes from my name, because I'm also the goddess of grain. My festival (the Cerealia) is on the 12th of April, and finishes on the 19th. Another piece of work featuring me is the New Jersey flag. I'm the woman on the right.

26. What day was Diana's festival held on?

From Quiz Diana

Answer: 13th August

This was the day King Servius Tullius dedicated a shrine on Aventine Hill to her.

27. What kind of animal found Romulus and Remus on the bank of the Tiber river?

From Quiz Sibling Rivalry: The Story Of Romulus And Remus

Answer: Wolf

A female wolf found on the boys on the bank of the Tiber river and instead of killing them for food the wolf took them back to her pack and fed them as she did her other cubs. A woodpecker also helped feed the boys.

28. Which wife of Cephalus doubted his fidelity and was killed by his spear?

From Quiz Ovid's "Metamorphoses"

Answer: Procris

Cephalus, on the advice of Eos, disguised himself in order to test the fidelity of his wife. He returned to the palace and offered her large sums of money to sleep with him. When she hesitated, he revealed himself and accused her of being unfaithful. She, in her anger, ran off to join Diana's band of nymphs. Cephalus begged her forgiveness and she eventually returned to him, bringing with her a hunting dog and a spear that never missed. One day he was hunting and called out to the wind, which he named Aura, to lie with him. Procris misunderstood him and thought Aura was a woman. She followed him, hoping to catch them together, but when he heard her hiding behind a bush, he unleashed his spear, thinking she was a dangerous animal. He found out too late that it was his beloved wife that he killed.

29. Dido is credited with founding which city?

From Quiz Elissa Dido

Answer: Carthage

Elissa Dido and her entourage crossed the Mediterranean and settled on the shores of modern-day Tunisia. They called their new city Carthage from the Phoenician words 'Qart-Haddasht', meaning 'New Land.'

30. Janus, the god of Beginnings, had what distinguishing physical characteristic?

From Quiz Early Roman Myth

Answer: He had two faces

Vulcan, god of blacksmiths (Hephaestus in Greek myth) was lame. A little-known branch of English known as 'Janus words' deals with the very few individual words in the language which can mean opposite things, such as 'sanction' ('restrict' and 'permit') and 'cleave' ('adhere' and 'separate').

This is category 370
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:44 AM
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