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The increasing use of computers and mobile devices as a medium for communication has led to a whole new 'dialect' which is useful for conveying information (including adding emotional context to replace the body language of face-to-face conversations) efficiently. :)
11 Technospeak quizzes and 125 Technospeak trivia questions.
  Chat Acronyms   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a quiz on chat acronyms. Good Luck!
Easier, 20 Qns, lanire, Oct 30 20
Oct 30 20
16141 plays
  Not To Be Confused   top quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the internet lingo with the best option. You'll make an adjustment for the confusing answers. Take the quiz and you'll pick it up quickly! Good luck!
Very Easy, 10 Qns, linkan, Oct 11 21
Very Easy
linkan gold member
Oct 11 21
521 plays
  1337 - Leet and Loving It   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Used in online communities since the rise of the Internet, 1337's alphabet is a hybrid of numbers, symbols, and letters. Here's a quiz on the basics of 1337's history and use in its many varieties, as well as some translations. 3//j0'/ (that is, enjoy)!
Average, 10 Qns, darthrevan89, Sep 26 09
5171 plays
  Punctuation Pictures    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Emoticons are little pictures made by using your keyboard. How many emoticons do you know? See if you can match these with their meanings. Please note, you have to look at them sideways to see what's happening!
Easier, 10 Qns, invinoveritas, Mar 19 17
invinoveritas gold member
476 plays
  Internet Terms, A Whole New Language    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This should be an instructive quiz for those who do not use the Internet every day.
Easier, 10 Qns, lmoodie101, Oct 07 24
Oct 07 24
962 plays
  Put On a Happy Face    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Emoticons are text-based ways of expressing emotion in emails and on social media. In this quiz, match the emoticon with the emotion that it is supposed to express. Western emoticons are used throughout. Good luck! :-)
Average, 10 Qns, Trivia_Fan54, Sep 22 21
Trivia_Fan54 gold member
Sep 22 21
183 plays
  The Culture and Language of 1337    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
`//31(0|`/|3 70 ^^`/ [,]|_|12! If you could read that without even thinking, this is the quiz for you. Even if it took you a second to figure out or are still in wonder, I invite you to come venture to "teh" wonderful world of internet slang called leet
Tough, 10 Qns, biohazard930, Jul 24 09
798 plays
  Textual Healing    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is all about texting acronyms.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, luvcretia, Apr 23 23
Very Easy
Apr 23 23
1456 plays
  Netspeak Acronyms    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
OMG! lol i made this kewl quiz 4 u! cya!
Average, 10 Qns, damital2hl, Jun 07 19
Jun 07 19
1896 plays
  4 TXTing Out Loud!    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
You love texting, and your family does too. Can you answer the questions that follow the scenarios?
Average, 15 Qns, KHFan5, May 01 18
502 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What does BTW stands for?

From Quiz "Chat Acronyms"

  Internet Acronyms 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
More Internet acronyms for you to solve.
Difficult, 10 Qns, rmillar, Mar 03 24
Mar 03 24
6296 plays

Technospeak Trivia Questions

1. What does "lol" stand for?

From Quiz
Textual Healing

Answer: Laugh out loud

"Lol" is a very common thing to say when texting to indicate laughter. It is also sometimes used as an abbreviation of "Lots of love".

2. When texting your best friend you receive a message saying "BRB" and her next text comes about 10 minutes later. What does BRB mean?

From Quiz 4 TXTing Out Loud!

Answer: Be Right Back

According to the Urban Dictionary, BRB can mean that the person sending the message is going to be away from their device, whether for 20 seconds or even an hour. It just simply means they will not be able to text you for an amount of time.

3. 1337 (leet) is an Internet dialect that was first used for the purpose of encryption. "Leet" is a shortened form of what word, and why was it so named?

From Quiz 1337 - Leet and Loving It

Answer: "Elite," denoting the elite class its users placed themselves in

Because of the access 1337 (shortened from 31337) gave its users in early days of its use, they considered themselves as having an "elite" status. Encouraging creativity with its highly personalized alphabet and vocabulary, 1337 is now primarily associated with "Generation Y" or "millennials" - those born in the 1980s or '90s. It is a point of some debate whether 1337 is actually a language in and of itself, or simply a dialect.

4. What does LOL stand for?

From Quiz Chat Acronyms

Answer: Laughing Out Loud

One of the most commonly used acronyms that represent laughter.

5. What on earth is a "cybersquatter"?

From Quiz Internet Terms, A Whole New Language

Answer: A domain name profiteer

Cybersquatters in the early 1990s recognised the potential to make a fortune in years to come by registering many domain names containing popular words or phrases. This is done by either selling the names to interested buyers for a premium, or generating "advertising clicks" on websites. In 1999, a law was passed giving the owners of trademarked entities the legal right to own the domain name. This law is the "Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act" or ACPA.

6. What does "brb" stand for?

From Quiz Textual Healing

Answer: Be right back

"Brb" is another very common thing to say. This means the person is leaving for a bit.

7. Can you tell me the actual form of internet community that had its heyday in the 1980s and helped cradle the birth of "leet"?

From Quiz The Culture and Language of 1337

Answer: Bulletin Board System

The Bulletin Board System (BBS) was the most successful precursor to the World Wide Web version of the internet most of us use today. Much like today, some BBS users were trying to download and share software (termed "warez"), ofttimes illegally. To help prevent such activity, some BBS servers implemented keyword searches in conversations in an effort to catch culprits. Thus, the well-versed and notable members of the community, the "Elite," began to form a language similar to 1337speak to circumvent these filters.

8. A chatter responds to your comment of "kewl fade" with "tyvm". Wishing to reply in kind you type:

From Quiz Netspeak Acronyms

Answer: yw

To be brief, tyvm = thank you very much, yw = you're welcome, bbl = be back later, ttfn = ta ta for now, ltns = long time no see.

9. What does ROFL stand for?

From Quiz Chat Acronyms

Answer: Rolling On Floor Laughing

Another acronym that indicates laughter. Sometimes it is written ROTG+FL, for 'rolling on the floor laughing'.

10. What term is given to someone who uses a social networking site to harass, circulate false information, post lewd or inappropriate comments, or post unflattering pictures another person?

From Quiz Internet Terms, A Whole New Language

Answer: Cyberbully

Cyberbullying is one of the darker sides of social networking sites, instant text messaging, chat rooms and e-mailing. Cyberbullying can cause low self esteem and suicidal tendencies in adolescents, due to the numbers of people who have access to the technology. It is, however, not limited to the youth. Adults and even companies have reported incidents of cyberbullying. In cases where an adult is the individual being bullied, it is referred to as cyberstalking or cyber-harassment.

11. What does "asap" stand for?

From Quiz Textual Healing

Answer: As soon as possible

"Asap" is also very commonly known in texting.

12. Though not "hardcore" 1337, the acronyms, emoticons, and abbreviated slang commonly used on the Internet are considered by some a part of the same dialect. What is this informal branch of Internet communication called?

From Quiz 1337 - Leet and Loving It

Answer: Chatspeak

Although the two have blended together in recent incarnations, there are some key differences between chatspeak and hardcore 1337. Whereas chatspeak alters standard English words based on their sounds (e.g., "great" becomes "gr8"), 1337 usually rewrites words using characters that give a similar appearance to the original letters. Chatspeak users seek convenience and speed, but 1337 was originally about encryption and can be much more complex than the original word.

13. What does BRB stand for?

From Quiz Chat Acronyms

Answer: Be Right Back

Another very popular acronym.

14. Have you ever heard of a "Moodle"? What is it?

From Quiz Internet Terms, A Whole New Language

Answer: Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

Developed by Martin Dougiamas, "Moodle" is an acronym for "Modular Object-Orientated Dynamic Learning Environments", used by educational institutions around the world for e-learning. "Moodle" enables learning institutions to create online courses, which students can access as a virtual classroom in their own time, which makes it an attractive alternative to full time studying.

15. What does "IMO" stand for?

From Quiz Textual Healing

Answer: In my opinion

"IMO" is usually at the start of the sentence.

16. What does AFAIK stands for?

From Quiz Chat Acronyms

Answer: As Far As I Know

17. What does "Ily" stand for?

From Quiz Textual Healing

Answer: I love you

"Ilu" can also be used to mean the same thing.

18. What does BTW stands for?

From Quiz Chat Acronyms

Answer: By The Way

Commonly used at the start of a sentence.

19. What is a "phisher", and what illegal activity involves "phishing"?

From Quiz Internet Terms, A Whole New Language

Answer: A person/s who try to gain access to your personal information

"Phishing" is a con game used to trick unsuspecting users to divulge their personal information over the internet. It usually involves an email supposedly from a bank or trusted outlet (such as PayPal), asking them to confirm their personal details, including bank account numbers, PINs (Personal Identification Numbers, used when swiping a debit or credit card) etc., for validation and record purposes. If ever you receive such an email, do NOT co-operate. If in doubt, call the customer care center or call in at the closest office in person to verify the validity of the request.

20. What does "F2F" stand for?

From Quiz Textual Healing

Answer: Face to face

"F2F" is used when someone is talking about a conversation they had with someone face to face.

21. What does CU stand for?

From Quiz Chat Acronyms

Answer: See You

Also, used CUL (See You Later).

22. It used to be that canaries "tweeted". Not any more! What, when discussing Internet language, does "tweet" mean?

From Quiz Internet Terms, A Whole New Language

Answer: A micro-blog on the social network site Twitter (X)

Twitter was the name of a social network site, since renamed X, where an individual can post information, limited to 140 characters per entry. These entries are known as "tweets". The number of posts, however, is not limited. "Tweets" can be likened to having a conversation, only in cyberspace as opposed to verbally!

23. What does "G2G" stand for?

From Quiz Textual Healing

Answer: Got to go

"G2G" is used when someone has to leave.

24. Another non-leetspeak use for the number 1337 is as a temperature. The melting point of what precious, yellow, "first place" metal is 1337 degrees Kelvin (in leetspeak, please)?

From Quiz 1337 - Leet and Loving It

Answer: 6()1D

Gold (the correct answer, 6()1D) is measured in carats, with pure gold weighing in at 24 carats. In ancient times, gold and gems were measured using a carob seed, one carob equaling one carat. However, this method could have lent itself to dishonesty, if the measurer purposely chose heavier seeds. The other three "metal" options given as incorrect answers were zinc (Z1//c), brass (Br4$$), and tin (71/V).

25. An example of 1337speak pervading to more common culture through the gaming community is this fictional Canadian video series, begun in 2004, that features the life and adventure of such characters as "pro gamer" Jeremy and FPS_Doug.

From Quiz The Culture and Language of 1337

Answer: Pure Pwnage

Pure Pwnage (from ROFLMAO Productions) is filmed from the perspective of Kyle (Geoff Lapaire). Lapaire creates revenue through the "noobstore," which sells Pure Pwnage-related merchandise. There are at least fourteen episodes to date, each depicting a different part of Jeremy's life. The series has helped to perpetuate some phenomena such as the "BOOM HEADSHOT" slogan, thanks to FPS_Doug.

26. What does BBS stand for?

From Quiz Chat Acronyms

Answer: Be Back Soon

27. How do you, and what does it mean to, "unfriend" a person?

From Quiz Internet Terms, A Whole New Language

Answer: Remove them from your list of friends on a social network site

To allow people to have access to the personal information on your profile page, you need to allow them "friend" status. These may be people that you have never met. If the relationship with a person ends, or if they begin to harass you or your other "friends" on your page, you may need to "unfriend" them. In a nutshell, to "unfriend" someone means to remove them from the list of people who have access to your page.

28. What does "J/k" stand for?

From Quiz Textual Healing

Answer: Just kidding

"J/k" can also mean joking.

29. What does AFK stand for?

From Quiz Chat Acronyms

Answer: Away From Keyboard

It means the person is away.

This is category 19413
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:51 AM
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