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This satire of the Gothic novels that were popular when Jane Austen wrote the first of her books to be completed was not actually published until after her death nearly two decades later.
7 Northanger Abbey quizzes and 85 Northanger Abbey trivia questions.
  Questions on Northanger Abbey   great trivia quiz  
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"The person, be it gentleman or lady who has not pleasure in a good novel must be intolerably stupid," declares the sensible Henry Tilney during the course of Jane Austen's undeniably good novel "Northanger Abbey".
Average, 10 Qns, londoneye98, Dec 03 15
Recommended for grades: 11,12
londoneye98 gold member
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  "Northanger Abbey" Challenge   popular trivia quiz  
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This is a challenging quiz for fans of the Jane Austen novel "Northanger Abbey". I hope you enjoy it!
Tough, 15 Qns, alirho17, Mar 29 14
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  RR's 'Northanger Abbey' Quiz    
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This is an easy multiple-choice quiz concerning the characters in this entertaining JA book. PS--please join Friends Group #116, the Jane Austen Lovers group (see homepage).
Average, 10 Qns, robynraymer, Jun 11 04
Recommended for grades: 11,12
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  "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen    
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I have just read this novel and thought it very inspiring; I hope you enjoyed it as I did; so enjoy my quiz!...
Easier, 15 Qns, Musemaniac!, Mar 10 07
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  18th Century Literature in "Northanger Abbey"    
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The questions in this quiz are about the literature that is discussed in the novel "Northanger Abbey." Not only do you need to have read "Northanger Abbey," but some knowledge of 18th-Century English literature is a plus. I hope you enjoy it.
Average, 10 Qns, spearbritney, Jun 11 04
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  15 Questions: Northanger Abbey Multiple Choice Quiz    
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Northanger Abbey was first called 'Susan' and written by Jane Austen early in her life. It was, however, not published until after her death in 1817.
Average, 15 Qns, janefan, Jun 30 13
1257 plays
  The Ultimate Northanger Abbey Quiz    
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A quiz on Jane Austen's charming book, "Northanger Abbey". I will endeavor to make this quiz fairly difficult. All quotes are taken from "Northanger Abbey", unless otherwise stated.
Difficult, 10 Qns, SkiersDream, Mar 10 07
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trivia question Quick Question
Of what book does John Thorpe say "there is nothing in the world in it but an old man's playing at see-saw and learning Latin."

From Quiz "18th Century Literature in "Northanger Abbey""

Northanger Abbey Trivia Questions

1. "Northanger Abbey" is usually interpreted as casting a satirical light upon what specific literary genre, extremely popular in Jane Austen's youth?

From Quiz
Northanger Abbey

Answer: the Gothic novel

In seeking to define Gothic novels one cannot do better than defer to Sir Paul Harvey's magisterial "Oxford Companion to English Literature", which calls them "tales of the macabre, fantastic and supernatural, usually set amid haunted castles, graveyards, ruins, and wild picturesque landscapes." They reached the height of their popularity during the years that Jane Austen grew to womanhood, and in characteristically playing - in "Northanger Abbey" - a wickedly ironic light on human foibles and excesses, she evinces an evident desire to hold the fashionable "Gothic" romances up to ridicule. In fact, this seems to have provided the initial spur to the writing of her book. More specifically, perhaps the most obvious purpose of "Northanger Abbey" is to poke wicked fun at Mrs Radcliffe's notoriously popular Gothic extravaganza "The Mysteries of Udolpho", a lurid piece of extended fantasy which first saw the light of day in 1794 - although recent research has also discovered close thematic connections between Jane Austen's book and "The Italian", a later work of fiction by the same Mrs Radcliffe. Jane evidently intends to point the contrast between the over-heated unreality of such literary productions and the down-to-earth realities of actual day-to-day living in society. She comments acidly in "Northanger Abbey" that "charming as were all Mrs Radcliffe's works, it was not in them perhaps that human nature, at least in the midland counties of England, is to be looked for." Jane Austen disapproves of melodramatic gestures as a substitute for fidelity to one's true feelings, and she usually dispenses too with the need for Romantic landscapes as a backdrop to her human drama. In the words of Olivia Manning, the admirable editor of my Pan Classics edition of the novel, Jane "never describes scenery and sets her drawing rooms and social gatherings...her tone is the opposite of what we call 'theatrical'." Her characteristic tone is one of irony and deflating of false sentiment. "Northanger Abbey", in fact, has been described by some as a "burlesque", or a "squib". But although it evidently started as a parody of Gothic romance, it developed in subsequent revisions its own dynamic of characterisation and moral dilemmas. "The intended parody," in Olivia Manning's view, "has become lost in reality."

2. How many siblings does Catherine Morland have?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" Challenge

Answer: 9

There are ten children in the family. She has three older brothers and six younger siblings. Her oldest brother is James, and George and Harriet are the youngest two.

3. What does Catherine Morland enjoy reading?

From Quiz 18th Century Literature in "Northanger Abbey"

Answer: Novels

In my favorite passage of the book, the narrator vindicates the heroine's preferment saying: "I will not adopt that ungenerous and impolitic custom so common with novel-writers, of degrading by their contemptuous censure the very performances, to the number of which they are themselves adding...Alas! If the heroine of one novel be not patronized by the heroine of another, from whom can she expect protection and regard?"

4. Who is the narrative character in the novel?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen

Answer: Catherine Morland

Catherine lives in a family of ten, along with her mother, father and many sisters and brothers.

5. From whom did Catherine learn that "Many a flower is born to blush unseen/And waste its fragrance on the desert air"?

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: Gray

"But from fifteen to seventeen she was in training for a heroine; she read all such works as heroines must read to supply their memories with those quotations which are so serviceable and so soothing in the vicissitudes of their eventful lives". *The filter automatically omits the word in the original quote.

6. Catherine Morland is __________.

From Quiz RR's 'Northanger Abbey' Quiz

Answer: naive

Witty Mr. Tilney seems to like her naivete.

7. Who is the novelist that Catherine Morland most admires?

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: Ann Radcliffe

Her favourite novel is 'The Mysteries of Udolpho'

8. What is the name of the heroine - or some would say the anti-heroine - of "Northanger Abbey"?

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: Catherine Morland

"No one," the novel begins, "who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy, would ever have supposed her born to be a heroine." Catherine grows up with her own awkward, slightly gawky, charm, amusingly at odds with the appeal of a conventional literary heroine. A country vicar's daughter, one of ten children, Catherine develops during her teenage years an exaggerated taste for the fashionable Gothic romances that the circulating libraries were bursting with. "From fifteen to seventeen," we read, "she was in training for a heroine; she read all such works as heroines must read." She embodies, however, as the story develops, her author's concern to point up, for all of us, what might be called the supremacy of "life" over "literature" in our daily affairs: as Dr Norman Sherry, in his excellent little book on the Austen novels, insists, "the novel moves from...concern with literature to a concern with life...Catherine has first to learn to distinguish literature from life, and then how to learn the difficulties of ordinary life." Miss Morland is generally believed - owing to a lot of inaccurate gossip when she goes to stay in Bath - to be an heiress, and she struggles half-comprehendingly with new social experiences and new moral dilemmas. "We see a child," writes Olivia Manning, "develop into a woman," as Catherine - not without great mental suffering - shakes off the false Romanticism which she had previously lapped up from her plethora of sensational reading. Jane Austen's own favourite novelist, the redoubtable Fanny Burney, seems to have shown her the way in many respects: of Burney, the "Oxford Companion" informs us that "her three major novels take as their theme the entry into the world of a young girl of beauty and understanding but no experience, and expose her to circumstances and events that develop her character; they display, with a satirical eye and a sharp ear for dialogue, the various social levels and the varied company in which she finds herself." This seems to be where "Northanger Abbey" - probably the first full-length novel that Jane attempted - takes its cue from.

9. What relation to Catherine are Mr. and Mrs. Allen?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" Challenge

Answer: Neighbours that are no relation

Mr. and Mrs. Allen own the chief of the property around Fullerton, but they are not related to the Morlands. They have no children of their own, but they like the Morlands and the offer to take Catherine to Bath with them.

10. According to the narrator, if a lady was caught reading a novel she would apologetically say "It is only a novel." What publication might a lady "proudly...have produced" instead?

From Quiz 18th Century Literature in "Northanger Abbey"

Answer: The Spectator

Joseph Addison - one of the writers of "The Spectator" - had a considerable literary reputation in the Eighteenth Century as can be shown by Austen's reference. Oddly enough, he is studied primarily today merely as a representative of his period.

11. What does Sally Morland change her name to?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen

Answer: Sarah

Like many young girls, Sally deems it part of 'growing up' to attempt to change her name as an 'improvement' from that which her parents gave her.

12. According to Henry Tilney, "the usual style of letter-writing among women" is what?

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: "faultless, except in three particulars."

"As far as I have had opportunity of judging, it appears to me that the usual style of letter-writing among women is faultless, except in three particulars." "And what are they?" "A general deficiency of subject, a total inattention to stops, and a very frequent ignorance of grammar."

13. James Morland falls in love with __________.

From Quiz RR's 'Northanger Abbey' Quiz

Answer: Isabella Thorpe

Isabella is the sister of Morland's friend Mr. Thorpe. Eleanor Tilney is Mr. Tilney's sister. Elizabeth is in a whole different book. There is no Miss Allen though there are a Mr. and Mrs. Allen.

14. Where is the Morland's home?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" Challenge

Answer: Wiltshire

They live in Fullerton, a village in Wiltshire. Mrs. Allen mentions they are eight or nine miles from Salisbury.

15. What sort of literature does Catherine detest?

From Quiz 18th Century Literature in "Northanger Abbey"

Answer: History

Of history she says: "I read it a little as a duty, but it tells me nothing that either does not vex or weary me. The quarrels of popes and kings, with wars or pestilences, in every page; the men all so good for nothing, and hardly any women at all-It is very tiresome: and yet I often think it odd that it should be so dull, for a great deal of it must be invention."

16. Why does Catherine accompany the Allens to Bath?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen

Answer: Her mother wanted her to 'seek adventure'

Mr Allen 'was ordered to Bath for the benefit of a gouty constitution', and the Allens being close friends of the Morlands, Catherine's 'uninteresting' life was to be improved.

17. Isabella Thorpe is __________.

From Quiz RR's 'Northanger Abbey' Quiz

Answer: a fair-weather friend

Isabella drops James (and Catherine) when she thinks she's snagged Captain Tilney. As soon as he drops HER, she tries to slither back into the Morlands' good graces to no avail.

18. What is Henry Tilney's brother's name?

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: Frederick

He is an Army Captain

19. Who is Isabella Thorpe?

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: a vain young woman with two younger sisters

Our heroine is introduced to Isabella, her doting mother and her two younger sisters in the Assembly Rooms at Bath. (She discovers later that, in one of those not-so-unusual coincidences in life which Jane manages so adroitly to help along the plots of her novels, Isabella has formed an attachment while visiting her brother at Cambridge to none other than Catherine's own brother James.) Catherine is, on the face of it, completely taken in by her new friend's glitter, personal dynamism and apparent worldliness. I have found an excellent comment on Google, on a website called "schmoop flashcards", to the effect that "Isabella's artifice highlights Catherine's artlessness." Isabella is unenviably knowledgeable about the fashionable literature of the day, and happily recommends a whole list of "horrid" Gothic novels for Catherine to read, including Mrs Radcliffe's "Italian". Isabella is presented to the reader by Jane Austen as selfish, false-hearted and manipulative, but for a long time Catherine does not see this. When her blinkers are finally taken away Catherine is, understandably, unforgiving. Yet there is in the end, a sadness about Isabella. After all, it is she - and not the artless Catherine - who is taken in and betrayed (and her reputation ruined) by a false suitor. Admittedly she was in the wrong to encourage a man when betrothed to someone else, but we can be sure that she suffers (off-stage) for her folly. There is no place for her in the happy ending to the story.

20. Where did Catherine Morland meet Henry Tilney?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" Challenge

Answer: Lower Rooms

They met at a dance in the Lower Rooms.

21. What reading does Mrs. Morland recommend to Catherine in order to be more contented with her home?

From Quiz 18th Century Literature in "Northanger Abbey"

Answer: The Mirror

In a very endearing passage, Mrs Morland says to Catherine "I did not quite like, at breakfast, to hear you talk so much about the French bread at Northanger." This is an utterly charming moment, because we have not witnessed this breakfast. Mrs Morland's words give us the idea that Catherine has been making comments here and there of what wonderful things they had at Northanger Abbey. Some mild web research leads me to believe Mrs. Morland is referring to Henry Mackenzie's Scottish publication which was comparable to "The Spectator." If there are any 18th-Century Scholars out there who have a copy of the essay Mrs. Morland is referring to, do email me.

22. How many children do the Allens have?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen

Answer: 0

The Allens possess great wealth, but no children to pass it to, perhaps another reason for the Morlands' close connections with them...

23. Whose skeleton did Catherine feel must be behind the dreadful black veil in "The Mysteries of Udolpho"?

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: Laurentina's

"The Mysteries of Udolpho" was written by Ann Radcliffe.

24. Mrs. Allen seems most concerned about __________.

From Quiz RR's 'Northanger Abbey' Quiz

Answer: her own clothing

Mrs. Allen seems pleasant but vain and empty-headed. She a bit like Lady Bertram in Mansfield Park.

25. What Castle is Catherine tempted to visit before she remembers that the outing will clash with a walking engagement she made with Miss Tilney?

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: Blaize

It still exists as a perfect example of mock - gothic arcitecture

26. Which minor character is described in the following terms? "She was one of that numerous class of females, whose society can raise no other emotion than surprise at there being any men in the world who could like them well enough to marry them."

From Quiz Northanger Abbey

Answer: Mrs Allen

"The minor characters in "Northanger Abbey," remarks Norman Sherry, "portray all the customary targets of Jane's irony - stupidity and indolence, deceit, vulgarity, shrewdness, vanity and mercenariness." In Mrs Allen's case, it is a complacent indolent stupidity which excites her creator's scornful wit. The "schmoop flashcards" website acutely remarks that "she helps the plot along by doing nothing at all." She is supposed to be Catherine's chaperone in Bath, but in practice simply leaves Catherine to sink or swim for herself: Norman Sherry delightfully calls her an "anti-chaperone," just as he calls Isabella an "anti-confidante." She is preoccupied with fashionable clothes, to the extent that not much else can penetrate the mists surrounding her brain. Her fatuous contributions to would-be intelligent conversations are often quite hilarious as Jane reports them, and the dialogues in which she takes part - I am certainly not the first to notice this - are endowed with an absurdist and positively Pinteresque flavour by her participation in them: "'Oh dear, I do believe it will be wet,' broke from Catherine in a most desponding tone. 'I thought how it would be,' said Mrs Allen. 'No walk for me today,' sighed Catherine; - but perhaps it may come to nothing, or it may hold up before twelve.' 'Perhaps it may, but then, my dear, it will be so dirty.' 'Oh! that will not signify; I never mind dirt.' 'No,' replied her friend very placidly, 'I know you never mind dirt.' After a short pause, 'It comes on faster and faster!' said Catherine, as she stood watching at a window. 'So it does indeed. If it keeps raining, the streets will be very wet.' 'There are four umbrellas up already. How I hate the sight of an umbrella!' 'They are disagreeable things to carry. I would much rather take a chair at any time.'" Perhaps, after all, it would be fairer to call Harold Pinter's dramatic dialogues "Austenesque".

27. Who introduced Catherine Morland to Henry Tilney?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" Challenge

Answer: Mr. King

Mr. King was a real Master of Ceremonies in Bath. The Master of Ceremonies was an acceptable way to be introduced to someone, and since the Allens didn't have many acquaintences in Bath it was a way for them to meet new people at the public balls.

28. Catherine believes that she has uncovered an old manuscript in the black cabinet in her bedroom at Northanger Abbey? What did she really find?

From Quiz 18th Century Literature in "Northanger Abbey"

Answer: An inventory of linen

After losing several hours of sleep imagining what the manuscript would contain, Catherine is horrified to find the inventory of several household items and also a farrier's bill for poulticing a chestnut horse.

29. Why were Catherine and Mrs Allen at first uncomfortable in Bath?

From Quiz "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen

Answer: They had no acquaintances

At this point in the novel, Mr Allen was seemingly not with his wife and their young acquaintance, and so the two women were fearful of being seen as 'unsociable nobodys.'

30. Mr. Allen is __________.

From Quiz RR's 'Northanger Abbey' Quiz

Answer: more sensible than his wife

Luckily, Mr. Allen watches out for Catherine a bit better than Mrs. Allen does.

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