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Truman Capote's 'In Cold Blood' is often said to have created a new genre of literature, the non-fiction novel as (accompanied by his childhood friend Harper Lee) he explored the murder of four members of the same family in a small town in Kansas.
4 Truman Capote quizzes and 60 Truman Capote trivia questions.
  In Cold Blood: Part 1   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
The master quiz on Truman Capote's groundbreaking book.
Average, 15 Qns, rosadebon, Jul 25 14
2463 plays
  Breakfast at Tiffany's   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many will be familiar with the 1961 movie featuring Audrey Hepburn and "Moon River". This quiz is about the novella, which differs in a number of significant details.
Average, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Aug 03 17
looney_tunes editor
210 plays
  In Cold Blood: Part 2   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Continuation of the master quiz on Truman Capote's groundbreaking book.
Tough, 15 Qns, rosadebon, Mar 31 10
1429 plays
  Capote's 'Christmas Memory'    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
It's high time a quiz was written about this American Christmas classic by Truman Capote, author of 'Breakfast At Tiffany's' and 'In Cold Blood'. It ranks with Thomas' 'Child's Christmas in Wales'. I'll take it over Dickens any Christmas!
Average, 20 Qns, tjoebigham, Sep 14 18
Sep 14 18
634 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What, besides money and their lives, did Dick and Perry steal from the Clutters?

From Quiz "In Cold Blood: Part 1"

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Truman Capote Trivia Questions

1. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" was originally planned for publication in the magazine "Harper's Bazaar", but a new owner decided it was too racy for their audience. When was this first publication?

From Quiz
Breakfast at Tiffany's

Answer: 1950s

The novella had been accepted for the July 1958 issue of "Harper's Bazaar", but the magazine changed owners and editor-in-chief, and it was decided that the story was not suitable for their target audience. "Esquire" published the novella in its November 1958 issue, and Random House issued a book containing the novella and three short stories later that year. Since then, it has been released several times, in combination with different stories. The story in the book is set in the 1940s - it starts in 1943, and the fact that it was in the middle of World War II was an important element of proceedings. The movie changed the time to be the 1960s, when Holly's behaviour, while still outrageous, was somewhat more in line with the growing spirit of the times.

2. Perry Smith and Richard Hickock murdered the Clutter family in 1959. Capote's book dealt more with Perry Smith than Dick Hickock. Who were the members of Perry's immediate family?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 2

Answer: Tex, Flo, Jimmy, Fern and Bobo

His parents, Tex John Smith and Flo Buckskin, were rodeo performers. Perry and Barbara ("Bobo") were the only surviving children. Jimmy committed suicide after shooting his wife, and Fern (who changed her name to Joy) was an alcoholic who jumped or fell from a hotel window in San Francisco.

3. Who murdered the Clutter family?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 1

Answer: Dick Hickock and Perry Smith

George Dzundza played Detective Max Greevy on Law & Order. Clarence Duntz (begging your pardon, sir!) was part of the KBI team that arrested the murderers.

4. Where and in what decade does the story take place?

From Quiz Capote's 'Christmas Memory'

Answer: The 1930's South

Capote placed this autobiographical story in the 30's, in an unnamed part of the South (though based on his birthplace, Monroeville, Alabama).

5. What name does Holly use when addressing the narrator of the novella?

From Quiz Breakfast at Tiffany's

Answer: Fred

The narrator is never given a name, but she decides to call him Fred in honor of her brother, who is overseas fighting. Joe is the bartender with whom the narrator is conversing as the reminiscence starts. Doc is the husband she left behind when she moved to New York. Paul is the name of the character in the movie who more or less fills the role of the narrator in Holly's life.

6. Why did Perry get his picture in the paper?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 2

Answer: He returned from the Korean War

Specifically, he was the first Korean War combat veteran to return to the state of Alaska.

7. When and where were the murders committed?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 1

Answer: Sunday, November 15, 1959 in Holcomb, Kansas

8. Does the narrator's elderly but childlike cousin have a name?

From Quiz Capote's 'Christmas Memory'

Answer: yes & y

Her name is Cousin Kate. They call her by that when they come to yell at her about giving Buddy whiskey. She is based on Capote's real-life cousin Sook Faulk, with whom he lived with until twelve. Geraldine Page memorably played her in the 1966 TV version, narrated by Capote himself.

9. When Dick and Perry were on the run in their stolen car, who were the interesting hitchhikers they picked up?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 2

Answer: Bill and Johnny

Bill was the boy and Johnny was his grandfather. After Johnny's sister died, they had no home and were wandering Texas in search of family, though they had no idea which city their family would be in. What was so interesting about them? See the next question.

10. Who were the victims?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 1

Answer: Herbert, Bonnie, Nancy and Kenyon Clutter

Beverly and Eveanna were the surviving daughters.

11. What name does the cousin call the narrator?

From Quiz Capote's 'Christmas Memory'

Answer: Buddy

She calls him 'Buddy' after a boy in the 1880's who was her friend but who died early. 'Fred' is what Holly Golightly calls the narrator of 'Breakfast At Tiffany's' after her brother in the Army who dies in WW2. 'Dill' is from 'To Kill A {Mockingbird';} Harper Lee based him on Capote, whom she knew in childhood.

12. In what state was Holly born?

From Quiz Breakfast at Tiffany's

Answer: Texas

That is where she married Doc Golightly at the age of 14. Her "poor trash" background is an essential component of her personality, and her desperate desire to escape from the chains in which she felt it confined her motivates much of her reckless behavior.

13. Bill financed his and Johnny's travel by collecting bottles and turning them in for refund money. What kind of bottles did he say were "sure fire"?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 2

Answer: Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Coke, White Rock and Nehi

They filled Dick and Perry's car with bottles and split the refund money with them. Bill used the money "to blow us to a real feed". Johnny ate pancakes all night and Bill gorged on potato chips and ice cream.

14. What is the cousin's dog's name?

From Quiz Capote's 'Christmas Memory'

Answer: Queenie

Queenie is a 'tough little orange and white rat terrier who has survived distemper and two rattlesnake bites.'

15. What was the occupation of Doc Golightly, the husband she abandoned to search for a new life in New York?

From Quiz Breakfast at Tiffany's

Answer: Veterinarian

He introduces himself by saying, "I'm a horse doctor, animal man. Do some farming, too. Near Tulip, Texas." He arrives to take Holly back home, to look after her four step-children the way she was expected to. Doc gave Fred and Lulamae a home after their mother died, taught her to play guitar, indulged her desire for magazines and expected little in return. She was still fond of him, but refused to be tied down, as she explained to Joe, the barman. "Never love a wild thing, Mr. Bell," Holly advised him. "That was Doc's mistake. He was always lugging home wild things. A hawk with a hurt wing. One time it was a full-grown bobcat with a broken leg. But you can't give your heart to a wild thing: the more you do, the stronger they get. Until they're strong enough to run into the woods. Or fly into a tree. Then a taller tree. Then the sky. That's how you'll end up, Mr. Bell. If you let yourself love a wild thing. You'll end up looking at the sky."

16. How much money (approximately) did the killers get from the Clutter family?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 1

Answer: Between $40 and $50

Based on stories from a cellmate who worked for the Clutters that Mr. Clutter went through thousands of dollars every month, the killers had expected to find a very full wall safe in the house. They didn't realize Mr. Clutter did all his business by check and the money he was referring to was the value of the crops and labor.

17. What food do they make during the season?

From Quiz Capote's 'Christmas Memory'

Answer: fruitcakes

It is late November when they begin to make Christmas fruitcakes for distant friends. The cousin calls it 'fruitcake weather'.

18. Holly loved to play the guitar and sing. From what musical is she mentioned several times as performing the then-contemporary hits?

From Quiz Breakfast at Tiffany's

Answer: Oklahoma!

The narrator reports that she was also fond of Cole Porter and Gershwin, and also included country songs in her repertoire. The choice of music depended on her mood. Given the variety of songs she performed, she must have been either a very accomplished guitar player, or a singer who was satisfied with absolutely minimal chord strumming.

19. Who discovered the murders?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 1

Answer: Susan Kidwell, Nancy Ewalt and Larry Hendricks

The Ewalts had driven over to the Clutter house so that Nancy could ride to church with the family. Spooked that the house was silent, they fetched Nancy Clutter's friend, Susan Kidwell and Larry Hendricks, a teacher who lived in her building, to look inside. Even though the doors were unlocked, Mr. Ewalt felt the Clutters wouldn't appreciate him "just barging right in." Wendell Meier was part of the sheriff's party.

20. What are they doing the morning the story starts?

From Quiz Capote's 'Christmas Memory'

Answer: gathering pecans

Cranberries don't grow in the South! The pecans are for the cakes, natch.

21. What news caused Holly to erupt in a destructive frenzy?

From Quiz Breakfast at Tiffany's

Answer: Her brother's death

The news of her brother's death in action was delivered by means of a telegram from Doc. After Holly had virtually destroyed her apartment in a mixture of rage and sorrow, she seemed to return to her usual behaviour, but there were permanent changes. She never called the narrator Fred again. Although a Hollywood career had been dangled in front of her by her agent, she was never promised a specific role. Rusty's marriage was of no concern - she had moved on before it happened. Her pregnancy was initially welcomed, as being a way to secure the affections of her diplomat lover, and she laid plans to marry him. She seems to have had second thoughts, though, as her miscarriage in the course of a riding accident immediately prior to her arrest is suggested as being possibly intentional.

22. What happened to Susan Kidwell that made her become Nancy Clutter's closest friend?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 1

Answer: Susan's father had abandoned the family

Nancy Clutter "adopted" Susan almost as soon as she arrived in Holcomb. It was only with Susan that Nancy felt comfortable discussing her family problems. The 4-H Club is an educational and service organization. It's motto is "We learn by doing," and the four H's stand for "Head, Heart, Health and Hands."

23. What do they take with them when doing so?

From Quiz Capote's 'Christmas Memory'

Answer: an old baby carriage

It is the narrator's old baby carriage of worn wicker with wheels that 'wobble like a drunkard's legs', used to carry the gathered pecans.

24. What was the occupation of Salvatore "Sally" Tomato, to whom Holly made weekly visits?

From Quiz Breakfast at Tiffany's

Answer: Convicted racketeer

Holly took the train to visit him in Sing Sing every Thursday. She was paid $100 to pretend to be his niece and deliver messages on his behalf. Although she was aware that something fishy was going on, she had no idea what it was, and was happy to get the easy money. The other occupations apply to some of the other men in Holly's complicated life. José Ybarra-Jaegar was the Brazilian diplomat with whom Holly planned to leave the country. O. J. Berman was a Hollywood agent, the man responsible for turning Holly from a country hick into a social butterfly with a promising future in modeling and (possibly) movies. Mr. I. Y. Yunioshi, a photographer, who lived on the top floor of the brownstone where Holly and the narrator lived. Early on, he was the one whose bell she rang to be let in when she had lost her key, and he was the one who took the photograph which is discussed in the opening part of the story.

25. What was Mr. Clutter doing in his office the day he was killed?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 2

Answer: Buying life insurance

It was pure coincidence that he was buying life insurance the day he was killed. When the salesman, Mr. Johnson, heard of the murders, he still had Mr. Clutter's uncashed first premium check. He "did the honorable thing and deposited the check". The investigators quickly discarded the insurance payout as a motive.

26. Why was it complicated for Nancy Clutter and Bobby Rupp to be boyfriend and girlfriend?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 1

Answer: Bobby was Catholic; the Clutters were Methodist

The religious difference was of great importance. Capote describes this part of Kansas as being that part of the Bible Belt where a man took his religion seriously, if only for business purposes.

27. Name the one thing they don't do to raise money.

From Quiz Capote's 'Christmas Memory'

Answer: rob a bank

They sell canned jams and preserves, hand-picked blackberries, gather flowers for funerals, enter contests from football to coffee slogans (theirs is 'A.M. Amen!'). They also ran a 'Fun and Freak Museum' with a stereopticon of tourist sites and a three-legged biddy hatched on their farm (it later died).

28. What did Holly think was in the messages she delivered from Sally to Mr O'Shaughnessy each week?

From Quiz Breakfast at Tiffany's

Answer: Weather reports

She offered as examples, "There's a hurricane in Cuba" and "It's snowing in Palermo". These messages turned out to be coded instructions for the operation of Sally's narcotics ring, which led to Holly's arrest and subsequent precipitate flight to Rio de Janeiro.

29. Why didn't the Clutters' dog, Teddy, bark at the intruders?

From Quiz In Cold Blood: Part 2

Answer: He was afraid of guns

The Clutters had a lot of pets. Besides Teddy, who was a stray Kenyon adopted, Nancy had a horse named Babe and her "closest cat friend, Evinrude".

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