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Tamora Pierce Trivia

Tamora Pierce Trivia Quizzes

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Tamora Pierce is known for her fantasy novels featuring young female protagonists. Many of them take place in the fictional setting of Tortall.
87 Tamora Pierce quizzes and 1,218 Tamora Pierce trivia questions.
  All About Raoul!   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
This quiz is all about Sir Raoul, from Tamora Pierce's Tortall books. Because no one seems to take much interest in him, I thought I'd try to change that! Enjoy!
Average, 25 Qns, dreaming_queen, Sep 06 08
863 plays
  Books by Tamora Pierce!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hi! It would be a good idea to read all of the books by Tamora Pierce before taking this quiz, because they are really good and awesome, etc. (Babbling on and on)
Easier, 10 Qns, happiemukmuk, Feb 13 22
Feb 13 22
2709 plays
  Names in Tortall    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Have you ever noticed how many characters in Tamora Pierce's books are named after someone? Well, this is a quiz about them. I will give you the name of a character and you pick the description of who they are named after.
Easier, 10 Qns, Sarralyn, Apr 05 11
1784 plays
  Gods from Tortall    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These question all have to do with the Gods mentioned in both the "Song of the Lioness" quartet and "The Immortals" quartet.
Easier, 10 Qns, Qizzybosser, Dec 22 11
1158 plays
  Tamora Pierce Books    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about all of the Tamora Pierce books which are set in Tortall ("Song of the Lioness", "Immortals", and "Protector of the Small" along with one from "Trickster's Choice"). It will be sort of easy (I think) as it is my first one. Enjoy!
Easier, 10 Qns, i_luv_pascal, Dec 16 07
1378 plays
  Special Words in Tamora Pierce Novels    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Several different words are encountered in the Tamora Pierce universe that are from a TP created language or slang. See if you can figure out the meanings of these special words. *SPOILER WARNING*
Average, 10 Qns, purplearcher07, Apr 16 14
1299 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on one of my favourite Tamora Pierce characters: George. He is in "Song of the Lioness", "Trickster's Choice", and "The Immortals".
Easier, 10 Qns, elenden, Mar 10 11
752 plays
  How Well Do You Know Buri?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These questions come from all of the "Tortall" books, so watch out if you haven't read them all!
Easier, 10 Qns, Bloom-girl, Mar 26 06
809 plays
  The King of Thieves: A Quiz About George Cooper    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
George is my absolute favorite character by Tamora Pierce, or any other author. Here's a quiz about him!
Average, 10 Qns, 22721, Sep 10 10
322 plays
  Tortall Immortals    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on the immortals in the "Tortall" books by Tamora Pierce. Enjoy!
Easier, 10 Qns, elenden, Nov 10 07
837 plays
trivia question Quick Question
In the series 'The Song of the Lioness' who is the main character?

From Quiz "Totally Tortall"

  All About Tamora    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Tamora Pierce! What a BEAST! Here is a a question for every book.
Average, 20 Qns, citric, Nov 12 06
1186 plays
  Series by Tamora Pierce    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is dedicated to all the series, well, most of them, by Tamora Pierce. They are: "The Song of the Lioness", "The Immortals", and "The Circle of Magic".
Average, 10 Qns, goddess12, Sep 03 09
2171 plays
  Who is Thayet of Conté?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Tamora Pierce is just about my favourite author and Thayet is one of my favourite characters of hers. How well do you know Thayet of Conté and her background?
Average, 10 Qns, Bloom-girl, Nov 06 18
Nov 06 18
1230 plays
  Tamora Pierce Quotes    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well do you know your Tamora Pierce books? Let's see! I'll give you a quote, and you tell me who said it. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, bubbly_bimbo, Jun 19 04
2321 plays
  Tortall Books    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As the title says, this is a quiz about only Tortall books, by Tamora Pierce.
Average, 10 Qns, LadyKnight101, Mar 10 07
1184 plays
  Lesser Asked Questions On Tortall    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is on the books by Tamora Pierce set in Tortal. There is a question for each of the 13 books as well as a couple of quick ones at the end. Have fun!
Difficult, 15 Qns, bubbly_bimbo, Dec 16 07
1841 plays
  Young Warriors - Stories of Strength    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is about the anthology of stories Tamora Pierce and Josepha Sherman edited. Find out how much you remember about the stories (there's one question about each) and find out more about the authors.
Average, 15 Qns, tigergoddess, Jul 21 17
237 plays
  Totally Tortall    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hi everyone, this is my first quiz but I'm hoping to put more in about Tortall and its people. I hope you enjoy it.
Easier, 10 Qns, walking_dead13, Apr 17 10
1702 plays
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Tamora Pierce Trivia Questions

1. How old was George when he became the King of Thieves?

From Quiz
The King of Thieves: A Quiz About George Cooper

Answer: 17

When Alanna first meets George with Gary in 'Alanna: The First Adventure', he says he is seventeen and recently became the King of Thieves. Alanna says that he seems older.

2. In "The Gift of Rain Mountain", what does the main character Mactun call the boar?

From Quiz Young Warriors - Stories of Strength

Answer: Peccary

"The Gift of Rain Mountain" is by Bruce Holland. The 'gift of Rain Mountian', by the way, is everlasting peace and quiet. Fun Author Facts: Bruce speaks Spanish, he has won four awards (one Pushcart Prize, two Nebula Awards and one Bram Stoker Award) and is married to Holly Arrow.

3. When does George first meet Alanna?

From Quiz George

Answer: When Coram and Alanna are riding in the city

When they see him, Coram calls him a thief but George goes all innocent and says "What? Me?". Alanna thinks he looks nice and can't be a thief.

4. There are lots of immortals; giants, stormwings, griffins, basilisks, tauroses, coldfangs, dragons, centaurs, unicorns, winged horses, winged apes, and what else?

From Quiz Tortall Immortals

Answer: Ogres

Ogres are immortals. Marmosets are monkeys, like Zek in "The Emperor Mage". Duckmoles are animals. Puffins are birds.

5. What is the name of Raoul's family and their land holdings?

From Quiz All About Raoul!

Answer: Goldenlake

Goldenlake is the name of the fief that Raoul's family owns. Malorie's Peak is the lands that Raoul receives after he is elevated to the peerage. Golden Lake is incorrect as there is no space in the Fief name. And of course, Naxen is the home fief of one of Raoul's friends, Gareth the younger.

6. What is Alanna's adoptive father's name?

From Quiz Tortall Books

Answer: Sir Myles of Olau

You learn that in the second book, "In the Hand of the Goddess", when Myles is going to war against Tusaine. He has plate armor and he is keeping Jonathan and his friends safe. You also learn it in "Alanna: The First Adventure".

7. "Song of the Lioness"- What Bazhir tribe did Alanna and Coram get accepted in to?

From Quiz Tamora Pierce Books

Answer: Bloody Hawk

Not very many people in the tribe accepted Alanna and Coram, so Alanna had to fight a tribe member to be let into the tribe. After that the woman still didn't accept her or Coram. That is, until Mari Farah became friends with Alanna, then most people accepted them.

8. Where does Alanna first meet the Great Mother Goddess?

From Quiz Gods from Tortall

Answer: under a tree

It is in the First Chapter of "In the Hand of the Godess" that this conversation takes place. She tells Alanna that she needs to learn to love. Alanna rips through Roger's spell during her ordeal. She meets the Ysandir in the black city. Daine talks to the badger in her dreams.

9. What country was Thayet born in?

From Quiz Who is Thayet of Conté?

Answer: Sarain

Sarain is very far east of Tortall.

10. "Alanna: The First Adventure" - What did Alanna see in Maude's fire?

From Quiz All About Tamora

Answer: A black city

She saw the black city of the Ysandir. She was afraid of what she saw.

11. In the series 'The Song of the Lioness' who is the main character?

From Quiz Totally Tortall

Answer: Alanna of Trebond

Alanna comes from the fief of Trebond. Trebond is the first attack that people would make in coming over the mountains. Both she and her brother Thom were born there.

12. "Alanna: The First Adventure". When Prince Jonathon snuck off to the Black City, Alanna went with him. However, when they got there they had to face the Ysandir - "immortals" who feed on the lives of mortals. Which Ysandir did Alanna fence with?

From Quiz Lesser Asked Questions On Tortall

Answer: Ylon

Almost everyone thought Alanna was a boy. During their battle with the Ysandir, Ylander stripped Alanna of her clothes and exposed her true identity. Jon was shocked, but enough of a gentleman to give Alanna his tunic to wear.

13. Who is the main character in the *first* quartet by Tamora Pierce?

From Quiz Books by Tamora Pierce!

Answer: Alanna of Trebond

Keladry of Mindelan was the heroine in the quartet "Protector of the Small". The other two choices are made up. Alanna grew up in Fief Trebond with her twin brother Thom. Thom becomes a sorcerer and gets killed during Alanna's years as a knight.

14. The series take place in which places?

From Quiz Series by Tamora Pierce

Answer: Tortall and Summersea

"The Song of the Lioness" and "The Immortals" both take place in Tortall and the surrounding countries of that world. "The Circle of Magic" takes place in Summersea in Emlan, and in the surrounding countries/cities. I used Summersea and Tortall because they are the main settings.

15. In "The Magestone", what are the merpeople's enemy called?

From Quiz Young Warriors - Stories of Strength

Answer: The Creesi

"The Magestone" is by the husband and wife team S.M. and Jan Sterling. The Creesi and humans are two different peoples, just to clear that up. Fun Author Facts: The 'S' in S.M. stands for Steve. Jan's first story was published in a "Chicks in Chainmail" anthology.

16. What is George's surname?

From Quiz George

Answer: Cooper & cooper

George Cooper of Pirate's Swoop is the king of thieves. He steals, spies, fights and manages the thieves at his hide out.

17. Although spread throughout the Totallan universe, KUDARUNG, either miniature or full size, are most often seen in the Copper Isles. What is a KUDARUNG?

From Quiz Special Words in Tamora Pierce Novels

Answer: winged horse

In the Copper Isles, The Kudarung, or winged horse, is seen as a sign of the Raka ruling line. The term KUDARUNG is Kyprish, or from the Copper Isles.

18. What is it that marks an animal as an immortal?

From Quiz Tortall Immortals

Answer: Silver claws

Kitten (Daine's dragon) has silver claws and that is what marks her as a immortal. The badger also has silver claws.

19. Who was called 'Raoul's shy blonde shadow' in "Alanna: the First Adventure"?

From Quiz All About Raoul!

Answer: Francis of Nond

Francis was a very minor character within "Alanna: the First Adventure", he was part of the group of friends that Alanna belonged to. Francis seemed to be closest to Raoul out of the group though. He died of the Sweating Sickness when it struck the Palace.

20. What are Numair and Daine's childrens' names?

From Quiz Tortall Books

Answer: Sarralyn and Rikash

Rikash is for the Stormwing that had accepted Daine and who Daine accepted, and Sarralyn is after her mother.

21. "Protector of the Small"- Who was the first person that Keladry had 'feelings' for?

From Quiz Tamora Pierce Books

Answer: Neal

She then had feelings for Cleon, then Dom (although she doesn't know it yet) and she has never had feelings for Merric. During the time that she liked Neal he didn't know this. When she liked Cleon they liked each other. Now, that she likes Dom we haven't yet found out if he likes her back.

22. The Master of all Death is also known by another name. What is this name?

From Quiz Gods from Tortall

Answer: Black God

Both Daine and Alanna have conversations with this god. Alanna to save Jonathan from the sweating sickness, and Daine while she is visiting her mother in the Realm of the Gods. Hades is the Greek God of the underworld.

23. Jonathan and Thayet's first daughter is named Kalasin. Who is she named after?

From Quiz Names in Tortall

Answer: Thayet's mother

Kalasin is named after her grandmother, who was known to be the most beautiful woman in the world. She tried to make the warlord stop treating her people, the K'miri, badly and pleaded for him to stop but he didn't. So, she sang a death chant and committed suicide after sending her daughter to a faraway convent.

24. Who does Buri serve?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know Buri?

Answer: Thayet

Buri personally serves Princess Thayet, and her family served Thayet's family which included Queen Kalasin.

25. What feature did Thayet inherit from her father?

From Quiz Who is Thayet of Conté?

Answer: Her nose

There is a bump in Thayet's nose that she attributes to the bad blood of her father's line.

26. "In The Hand Of The Goddess" - Why did George kiss Alanna?

From Quiz All About Tamora

Answer: She had her hands full

Alanna was holding all of Jon's birthday presents.

27. When she arrives in Corus with Coram she sees a man in the city -George - Coram says to keep an eye on the pack's because 'Some people here, would sell their own mother's teeth'. he directed this comment at George who said in reply, ________?

From Quiz Totally Tortall

Answer: Who me?

George looks up his hazel eyes flashing and says mischieviously, 'Who me?'

28. Alanna: The First Adventure. "The ground bloodied yer nose, spilt yer lip, and punched ye in th' eye, all at once. Would ye prefer to say 'twas yer pony?"

From Quiz Tamora Pierce Quotes

Answer: Coram

Alanna was thoroughly beaten by Ralon several times during her first year as a Page. When asked who she had fought with, she always used the traditional excuse "I fell down."

29. Of what species is Tkaa?

From Quiz Books by Tamora Pierce!

Answer: A basilisk

We first meet Tkaa when he saves Daine and the Long Lake Pack from a Coldfang by turning it to stone. Basilisks often eat stone, and like the taste of black opals the most.

30. This one is on "The Song of the Lioness". Whom did Alanna eventually marry?

From Quiz Series by Tamora Pierce

Answer: George Cooper, Baron of Pirate's Swoop

Alanna ended up marrying George. She did not want to be queen of Tortall, and Liam ended up dying, protecting Jon from assassination.

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