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The 'Protector of the Small' series features Keladry of Mindelan, the first girl to train for knighthood legally after the passing of a law to allow female knights. It is not all smooth sailing.
15 quizzes and 160 trivia questions.
  "The Protector of the Small" Series    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well do you know "The Protector of the Small" series By Tamora Pierce?
Average, 10 Qns, deepestshadows, May 13 06
689 plays
  Protector of the Small: First Test    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on the first book in a series by Tamora Pierce. I hope that it doesn't give anything away to those people who haven't read the book. Have fun :)
Easier, 10 Qns, FanOfRowling, Sep 23 07
728 plays
  First Test: 10 Questions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the book by Tamora Pierce, "First Test".
Easier, 10 Qns, elenden, Nov 10 07
404 plays
  Kel Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hey! This is now my third quiz about Tortall. It will probably be ridiculously easy, but please try it anyway!
Average, 10 Qns, DJ_khen, Feb 14 10
591 plays
  First Test Test    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is one of my favorite Tamora Pierce books. I hope it is fun for you.
Tough, 10 Qns, kaddarsgirl, Aug 12 08
kaddarsgirl gold member
308 plays
  The Life of Lady Knight, Keladry of Mindelan    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Okay. This is all about Keladry of Mindelan. If you haven't read the books by Tamora Pierce, you should read them first.
Average, 15 Qns, smart_girl123, Dec 04 10
1704 plays
  Protector of the Small - "First Test"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Keladry (more commonly known as Kel) is one of my favourite Tamora Pierce characters so I wrote this quiz all about her. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, i_luv_pascal, Dec 31 06
641 plays
  Page   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is meant to test your knowledge of the little known facts of the book "Page" by Tamora Pierce. I hope you enjoy it!
Difficult, 10 Qns, kaddarsgirl, Dec 11 06
kaddarsgirl gold member
727 plays
  Test yourself! First Test Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is all about the first of the "Protector of the Small" books by Tamora Pierce.
Average, 10 Qns, smart_girl123, May 13 06
1196 plays
  Who Said It? - "Protector of the Small" Edition    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Quotes from Tamora Pierce's "Protector of the Small" series.
Tough, 15 Qns, kaddarsgirl, Jun 07 12
kaddarsgirl gold member
137 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What type of immortal does Kel help the King's Own get rid of?

From Quiz "Protector of the Small: First Test"

Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I hope you find this quiz challenges how much you know about this book.
Average, 10 Qns, kaddarsgirl, Aug 08 06
kaddarsgirl gold member
675 plays
  Lady Knight    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my favorite book and I hope you find this quiz really tests your knowledge of the book.
Tough, 10 Qns, kaddarsgirl, Feb 16 07
kaddarsgirl gold member
710 plays
  "Lady Knight"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The fourth book in the "Protector of the Small" series by Tamora Pierce.
Average, 10 Qns, Dawnbringer, Nov 15 14
1438 plays
  Keladry of Mindelan    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
An in-depth quiz about our favorite Lady Knight from Tamora Pierce.
Average, 10 Qns, xKoMx, Mar 12 11
158 plays
  The Lady Knight    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I love these books and I tried to make the quiz challenging. Have Fun!
Difficult, 10 Qns, KelMindelan, May 13 06
1252 plays

Protector of the Small Trivia Questions

1. In 'Lady Knight', which soldier explains, "And you what nearly ruined the embroidering"?

From Quiz
Who Said It? - "Protector of the Small" Edition

Answer: Corporal Fulcher

The sentence looks like it is written incorrectly, but that's only because Corporal Fulcher doesn't know how to speak. In this case, he is talking to his fellow Corporal, Wolset, about the flag that was made for Kel at Haven, with her personal badge on it. Dom begins the conversation by asking Kel if she likes her flag. Kel says she loves it, and Wolset informs her that it was actually his idea to make the flag, not Dom's. Fulcher then reminds Wolset that it was he who almost ruined the flag.

2. Who are Kel's sibling, in order of age?

From Quiz Keladry of Mindelan

Answer: Anders, Patricine, Inness, Conal, Demadina, Adalia, Oranie, Avinar

Order of siblings is not directly stated in the books, but is posted on Tamora Pierce's website.

3. Where does Kel stay for six years before she comes back to Mindelan?

From Quiz First Test

Answer: Yamani Isles

She has Yamani training, which makes her as good as or better than the boys at some kinds of fighting. She knows the language, and was there for about six years. She often mentions the Yamani gods and prays to them in later books.

4. While Kel is still at Mindelan, she runs into a man-at-arms who tells her to carry what with her if she goes out alone?

From Quiz First Test

Answer: A horn

As Kel is leaving the gates of Mindelan -'"Miss?" called a voice as she strode through the inner gate in the castle wall. "Where might you be going?" Kel turned to face the man-at-arms who had called to her. "I don't know." The man held out a small horn. "If you're not going to the village, you need one of these."' The horn is used to call for help in case she meets an immortal.

5. What is Salma's last name?

From Quiz Page

Answer: Aynnar

Kel says, '"Go to Salma Aynnar, in charge of the pages' wing"...' when she is talking to the cook that wanted to butcher Jump.

6. What kind of wooden practice ring does Kel tilt at in the beginning of this book?

From Quiz Squire

Answer: Willow

The ring she uses is willow; the ring Lord Raoul uses is oak. Raoul says '"Willow? I don't think I could nail it--the ring I use is oak."'

7. What is the only thing Kel is able to call her former knight-master, now taskmaster?

From Quiz Lady Knight

Answer: Sir

The book says 'Shortly after her Ordeal and knighthood, Raoul had commanded her to address him by his first name, but "sir" was as close as she could bring herself.'

8. Why is Lord Wyldon's arm in a sling in the beginning of the book?

From Quiz Kel Quiz

Answer: He was raked by Hurroks

"He's a hero, then." "Oh, he's as brave as brave can be. That doesn't mean he isn't a stump."

9. In "Squire" it is mentioned that Keladry of Mindelan lived in the Yamani Islands. How many years did she live there?

From Quiz "The Protector of the Small" Series

Answer: 6 years

Lord Raoul mentions this after he asks Kel to be his Squire.

10. What is Kel's full name and what is her fief (example: King's Reach, Trebond, ect)?

From Quiz Protector of the Small - "First Test"

Answer: Keladry of Mindelan

Kel spent most of her life on the Yamani Islands and has only just returned to Tortall and Mindelan. Her favourite place in Mindelan used to be at the top of the highest tower. That was before her older brother held her, by her ankles, over the side.

11. As "First Test" opens, we see the King and Alanna talking to someone about Keladry of Mindelan. To whom are they talking?

From Quiz First Test

Answer: Lord Wyldon

Alanna and the King were talking to Lord Wyldon of Cavall. He is the training master for the pages and he was not eager to allow Keladry entrance to the training. He finally relented, if only partially. Kel was still put on probation.

12. What was the name of the midwife who raised Tobe before he went to the inn?

From Quiz The Lady Knight

Answer: Eulama

She was the midwife of Queensgrace who "cried when the drink was in her".

13. What is the main character's name?

From Quiz Protector of the Small: First Test

Answer: Keladry & Kel & Keladry of Mindelan

Keladry is called Kel most of the time.

14. In this book, what is the name of Keladry's fief?

From Quiz "Lady Knight"

Answer: Mindelan

Keladry comes from a large family with a small, newly commisioned fief; had she not become a knight she would have been a burden to her family because they had other daughters to marry off and could not afford any impressive dowries. Since Keladry is a knight, however, she has a chance to earn money for herself.

15. What is Kel's father's name?

From Quiz The Life of Lady Knight, Keladry of Mindelan

Answer: Piers of Mindelan

It was not Baron Piers that Kel had to talk around when she wanted to be a knight, it was her mother, Ilane.

16. In 'Squire', who complains that "Some people are annoying"?

From Quiz Who Said It? - "Protector of the Small" Edition

Answer: Dom of Masbolle

This is said on Progress when Dom spots the Yamani ladies. He is speaking to Lerant and Kel about the use of Kel's spyglass to look at the ladies. It is made in response to a comment Lerant made about Kel being cocky because she killed a centaur.

17. What is the Mindelan coat of arms?

From Quiz Keladry of Mindelan

Answer: a gray owl on a blue field with a cream border

Owl and glaives is Kel's personal crest, sword and gavel is that of the Magistrate's court, and lioness is of Alanna the Lioness.

18. How is Kel different from Alanna?

From Quiz First Test

Answer: Kel is tall

Alanna is extremely short where as Kel is really tall. Kel is 5 foot 1, and grows even taller in the other books in "Protecter of the Small".

19. Salma, a palace servant, tells Kel she arrived at the palace just in time to meet which of Kel's brothers?

From Quiz First Test

Answer: Conal

When Salma, a palace servant is leading Kel to her rooms she says, '"I was brought in five years back-just in time to meet your brother Conal. Don't worry. I won't hold it against you."' Kel smiled and thought 'Conal had that effect on people.'

20. What color are Seaver's eyes?

From Quiz Page

Answer: Black

'The quiet remark came from black-haired, black-eyed Seaver.'

21. How many horses are men of the Own supposed to supply when they join?

From Quiz Squire

Answer: 2

The book says 'Each was required to supply two horses when they joined, though the company replaced those killed on duty.'

22. To make other pages laugh, Cleon remarks that Scanra has an abundance of something. What?

From Quiz Kel Quiz

Answer: rocks

In the first book, Cleon isn't very important. That changes later, but for now he's just an idiot.

23. When Keladry reads her letter from the palace with regard to her page training, she thinks that she might return to the islands, where she had spent the last six years. What are the islands that are being referred to?

From Quiz First Test

Answer: the Yamani Islands

Kel and her parents spent six years in the Yamani islands while her parents were the Tortallan ambassadors trying to draw up a marriage contract.

24. What fief is the girl who is to marry Cleon from?

From Quiz The Lady Knight

Answer: Aminar

Cleon has to marry Ermelian of Aminar so that Kennon will not starve after the floods.

25. What type of immortal does Kel fight at the beginning of the book?

From Quiz Protector of the Small: First Test

Answer: Spidren

A spidren is a huge, hairy spider with a human head. She has a teacher, Tkaa, who is a basilisk. Centaurs are half horse, half person. Hurroks are winged horses with claws and fangs. Nasty! :0

26. Who has chosen Keladry to be the Protector of the Small?

From Quiz "Lady Knight"

Answer: the Chamber of Ordeal

"'Yes, we are finished. Do you think this makes you free of your fate?' asked the Chamber. 'You are the Protector of the Small. You see real people in the humans and animals overlooked by your peers. There will always be work for you.'"- "Lady Knight"

27. What happens in Kel's favorite dream?

From Quiz Keladry of Mindelan

Answer: She is five; invaders attack her Yamani town, and she and her mother save the sacred swords

In "First Test", Kel wakes up from a dream of the events that inspired her desire to become a fighter. It is her favorite because it actually happened.

28. Who does Kel meet when she is viewing portraits with Neal in the Gallery?

From Quiz First Test

Answer: Tkaa

Neal takes Kel on a tour of the palace her first day and says, '"I bet you'll enjoy the portrait gallery. If you're showing visitors around, it's one of the places they like to go."' 'In the hall Kel 'whirled, startled, and found she was staring at an expanse of pearl-gray material, as nubbly as if it were a mass of tiny beads melted together.' Neal introduces Kel and the basilisk. '"Tkaa, this is Keladry of Mindelan," said Neal. "Kel, Tkaa is a basilisk. He's also one of our instructors in the ways of immortals."'

29. Who is Joren hurting when Zahir leaves because he's tired of hazing?

From Quiz Page

Answer: Owen

'"This is a waste of time." The new voice belonged to Zahir ibn Alhaz...Ten yards away one of the new first-years, Owen of Jesslaw, lay on the floor.'

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