1. Twice during the tale "Of Tuor And His Coming To Gondolin", characters from both this story and "Narn I Hin Hurin" share the same space and time. Where do these events happen?
From Quiz Tuor and Turin
Annon-in-Gelydh and The pool of Ivrin
Annon-in-Gelydh is an elvish name for the gate of the noldor that Annael, Tuor's foster father, told him of. Tour had followed a spring of water here and met Gelmir and Arminas, two elves sent by Ulmo to Nargothrond to give Orodreth a warning and advice about the impending attack. When they delivered the message, Turin, Tuor's cousin, did not heed them, and so Nargothrond fell to Glaurang.
Turin was the second character to enter Tuors tale. after the sack of Nargothrond while seeking Finduilas, Orodreth's daughter, he passed by the Pool of Ivrin at the same time as Tuor and Voronwe and cried "Ivrin, Faelivrin! Gwindor and Beleg. Here once I was healed. But now never shall i drink the draught of peace again". Although they where cousins Tuor and Turin had never met and that is the only time their paths crossed.