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This collection of stories and essays by J. R. R. Tolkien that were never completed during his lifetime was edited by his son Christopher Tolkien and published in three volumes in 1980.
4 Unfinished Tales quizzes and 45 Unfinished Tales trivia questions.
  Tuor and Turin    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Tuor and Turin were cousins, sons of famous warriors from the house of Hador. From Tuor sprang hope for the children of Illuvatar, whereas Turin's is a tragic tale of loss and misdirection. This quiz focuses on the stories from "Unfinished Tales".
Tough, 10 Qns, gogeta_barahir, May 20 18
May 20 18
437 plays
  Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my first quiz, and it is based on the Professor's "Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle Earth". Think and Enjoy!
Difficult, 10 Qns, Nienna42147, Sep 29 07
489 plays
  Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is on the first and second ages of the sun. There will be six questions from the first age and four from the second age. Of the first six, three will be on Tuor and his coming to Gondolin and three on Narn Ni Hin Hurin.
Tough, 10 Qns, fingolfin7lotr, Jun 04 05
390 plays
  Unfinished Tales: Part II    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Part two of the 5 part saga of quizzes about Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth". Again, if you haven't read this book, it might be a little bit tough. But otherwise, HAVE FUN!
Tough, 15 Qns, modog97, May 28 04
398 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who built the seventh and last of the mighty gates of Gondolin?

From Quiz "Tuor and Turin"

Unfinished Tales Trivia Questions

1. Twice during the tale "Of Tuor And His Coming To Gondolin", characters from both this story and "Narn I Hin Hurin" share the same space and time. Where do these events happen?

From Quiz
Tuor and Turin

Answer: Annon-in-Gelydh and The pool of Ivrin

Annon-in-Gelydh is an elvish name for the gate of the noldor that Annael, Tuor's foster father, told him of. Tour had followed a spring of water here and met Gelmir and Arminas, two elves sent by Ulmo to Nargothrond to give Orodreth a warning and advice about the impending attack. When they delivered the message, Turin, Tuor's cousin, did not heed them, and so Nargothrond fell to Glaurang. Turin was the second character to enter Tuors tale. after the sack of Nargothrond while seeking Finduilas, Orodreth's daughter, he passed by the Pool of Ivrin at the same time as Tuor and Voronwe and cried "Ivrin, Faelivrin! Gwindor and Beleg. Here once I was healed. But now never shall i drink the draught of peace again". Although they where cousins Tuor and Turin had never met and that is the only time their paths crossed.

2. What is the English meaning of "Entulesse", the ship of Veantur the Numenorean?

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Return

After six hundred years had passed from the beginning of the Second Age, Veantur the captain of the King's ships under Tar-Elendil, was the first to sail to and back from Middle Earth with this ship. After this, seafaring became the primary enterprise of Numenor and travels to Middle Earth were done frequently.

3. What is the name of the mother of Tuor?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Rian

Tuor's father was Huor, who died in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Tuor was then fostered with the Elves of Mithrim.

4. Which battle did Hurin, Turin's father, go off to, to fight Morgoth's hosts?

From Quiz Unfinished Tales: Part II

Answer: Battle of Unnumbered Tears (Nirnaeth Arnoediad)

Hurin left Turin and his mother to go to battle against Morgoth's hosts, and at the Nirnaeth, he and thousands of men and elves were slaughtered by the armies of Angband.

5. At the entrance to Gondolin, to whom does Voronwe say "know you not whom you see?"

From Quiz Tuor and Turin

Answer: Elemmakil

It seems that Elemmakil and Voronwe were old friends. Elemmakil was troubled thinking that he may have to condemn his friend for leading Tuor to Gondolin. "This is strange in you, Voronwe," he said. "we were long friends. Why then would you set me thus cruelly between the law and my friendship?"

6. What were Galadriel's given names (essi) from her father and mother respectively?

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Artanis and Nerwen

Alatariel means Galadriel in Quenya while Nuneth was the mother of Erendis. Amarie was a Vanyarin Elf and Nerdanel was Feanor's wife. Ar-Feiniel was in fact Aredhel sister of Turgon. Finally Nimloth was the wife of Dior and mother of Elwing.

7. What is the name of the Elf that fostered Tuor?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Annael

When Annael, his Elves, and Tuor left Hithrim they were ambushed by a group of Orcs and Easterlings. The Elves fled because they were greatly outnumbered, but Tuor fought anyway. However, because he was still young he was taken and held captive for three years.

8. Name the Lord of Harrowdale in Rohan (nephew of Erkenbrand) who fell in the Battle of Pelennor.

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Dunhere

Elfhelm was King Eomer's lieutenant. Ceorl was a Rider or Rohan who brought the news of the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen to Gandalf. Frealaf was the tenth King of Rohan.

9. What are the names of the Elves of Finarfin's people whom Tuor met while searching for the Gate of the Noldor?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Gelmir and Arminas

They tell him that they have just passed through it, and that they will guide him through part of it. According to an interesting note from fogeltje, in the notes they are accounted as part of Angrod's people rather than Finarfin's people as I stated in the question.

10. Which two brothers held the northern border of Dorthonion before they were killed?

From Quiz Unfinished Tales: Part II

Answer: Angrod and Aegnor

Angrod and Aegnor were very brave to hold the northern front against Morgoth's hosts, but could not do it for long, as they were both overrun. They were slain in the Dagor Bragollach when they tried to defend Dorthonion.

11. What did the woodsmen name the outlaws, of whom Turin became the captain?

From Quiz Tuor and Turin

Answer: Gaurwaith

The Gaurwaith were a band of outlaws from different places, including the House of Hador. The men of Dor-lomin were the most ready to accept Turin as captain of their band.

12. What was "Hirilonde" a name for?

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Ship

Tar-Aldarion built this great ship eight years after his marriage to Erendis. Its name means "Haven-finder"; also called "Turuphanto" - "The Wooden Whale".

13. What are the names of Turin's younger sisters?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Lalaith and Nienor

Laliath died when Turin was still in Dor-lomin. Nienor moved to Doriath with Morwen, and they later went to search for Turin in Nargothrond. On the way there Morwen is lost, and Nienor is set under the spell of the Dragon.

14. When Tuor met Gelmir and Arminas, Gelmir was the last to speak to Tuor before he left. What did he say?

From Quiz Tuor and Turin

Answer: Anar kaluva tielyanna!

This means 'the sun shall shine on your path'. Gelmir and Arminas are said to be people of Angrod, Finarfin's son who lived with Cirdan the shipwright in the south. 'Lacho calad! Drego morn!' was the battle cry of the Edain of the north and means 'Flame light! Flee night!' 'Haudh-en-Elleth' is the name of the burial mound where Finduilas was buried and means 'the mound of the elf maid'.

15. Who was the Elf-maiden bidden by Melian to watch over young Turin Turambar when he wandered off in the woods of Doriath?

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Nellas

She was also the person who helped clear Turin's name; at Thingol's trial regarding the death of Searos, she bore witness in favour of Turin for she had seen the whole incident. Mithrellas was a Lorien Elf, wife of Imrazor and mother of Galador first Lord of Dol Amroth. Erelas was the name of the fourth beacon of Gondor. Hallas was actually a Man; the son of Cirion, and the thirteenth Ruling Steward of Gondor.

16. What was the true name of the friend of Turin when he was young in Dor-lomin?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Sador

Turin called him Labadal, though it wasn't his name. Labadal means "Hopafoot," but Turin called him this in pity and not scorn. He was wounded by his own axe, and his right foot was hewn.

17. What was Feanor's name originally going to be?

From Quiz Unfinished Tales: Part II

Answer: Curufinwe

Supposedly named after his father, Curufinwe was to be Feanor's original name, but it wasn't, and Feanor was kept as his true name.

18. "Simbelmyne" was a white flower which bloomed on the burial grounds of the Kings of Rohan. Gandalf named it so in the Rohirrim language meaning "Evermind". What is it called in Sindarin?

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Uilos

It is also called "Alfirin". Mitheithel is a river in Eriador. Mallos is a golden flower found in Lebennin, and Niphredil a white flower in Doriath.

19. What is the name of the man who was lord of Brethil in the time that Turin and Niniel resided there?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Brandir

Brandir was crippled and loved Ninel, but she gave her heart to Turambar. Dorlas was the leader of the woodmen in Brethil. Brodda was the leader of the Easterlings in Dor-lomin, and he took Aerin for a wife.

20. What is the name of Fingolfin's sword?

From Quiz Unfinished Tales: Part II

Answer: Ringil

Ringil hewed the foot of Morgoth before it was crushed, along with its owner, High King of the Noldor, Fingolfin.

21. Which companion of Barahir relates Turin to Beren Erchamion?

From Quiz Tuor and Turin

Answer: Baragund

Baragund was the cousin of Beren, and was one of the 12 companions of Barahir in Dorthonion, who were betrayed by Gorlim the unhappy. Baragund was the father of Morwen, Turin's mother.

22. What did the Druedain call themselves? (In their own language).

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Drughu

All answers mean the same, "Wild Men", but in different languages. Druedain is Sindarin, Rogin is in Rohirrim, Ruatani is in Quenya,and Oghor-hai was the name used by the Orcs.

23. Who was Aldarion's father?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Meneldur&Tar-Meneldur & Tar Meneldur & TarMeneldur

Meneldur did not like boats and the sea as his son, Aldarion, did. Aldarion liked boats, taking after his mother's father, who was Veantur, a sea captain under Tar-Elendil.

24. This is where the Host of Nargothrond was defeated.

From Quiz Unfinished Tales: Part II

Answer: Battle of Tumhalad

Morgoth's armies swarmed across Beleriand and came to the field of Tumhalad, where the army from Nargothrond was waiting. The orcs swooped across the field and annihilated the elves of Finrod's old city, and then Glaurung the Golden came forth.

25. Who built the seventh and last of the mighty gates of Gondolin?

From Quiz Tuor and Turin

Answer: Maeglin

There were seven gates leading into Gondolin: the gate of wood, the gate of stone, the gate of writhen iron, the gate of bronze, the gate of silver and the gate of gold. These six were the ancient gates. The last was the gate of steel and was built by Maeglin after the Gondolindrim returned from the Nirnaeth.

26. What was the "Hill of Awe" originally called?

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Eilenaer

Eilenaer was the place where Isildur buried his father Elendil. It became, later on, the seventh beacon of Gondor in Ered Nimrais and had many names: "Hill of Awe" was the translation from the Sindarin "Amon Anwar". The Rohirrim called it "Halifirien" (Holy Mount). Ered en Echoriath are mountains in Gondolin, in the plain of Tumladen. Emyn Beraid are hills in West Eriador on which the White Towers were built. Amon Lanc is the "Naked Hill", south of Greenwood the Great afterwards called Dol Guldur.

27. Which king of Numenor got the sceptre because his two older sisters refused it?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Tar-Surion

Tar-Ancalime was the first ruling queen of Numenor, and her son, Tar-Anarion, had two daughters and later a son. His daughters disliked and feared Tar-Ancalime, and refused the Heirship.

28. Sauron was a Maia of whom?

From Quiz Unfinished Tales: Part II

Answer: Aule

Sauron was originally a Maia of Aule the Smith, but was persuaded to join Melkor in his search for darkness. Sauron then became perveted by the works of Morgoth, and was his greatest servant.

29. "Balchoth" were an Easterling people akin to the Wainriders; a mixed word combined from "Balc" meaning horrible and "hoth" meaning host or horde. To which two languages do these two words belong respectively?

From Quiz Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales"

Answer: Westron and Sindarin

In 2510 of the Third Age they invaded Calenardhon but they were defeated by Eorl the Young and the Rohirrim (Battle of the Field of Celebrant) who came to the aid of Gondor.

30. Who did Galadriel hate for the merciless assault upon the Teleri and for stealing their ships?

From Quiz Names from Unfinished Tales-parts 1&2

Answer: Feanor

Even after this event, Galadriel would not turn back, and fell under the Doom of Mandos with the rest of the rebellion. Nor did she accept the pardon of the Valar and return after the War of Wrath.

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