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Tolkiens Dwarves Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Shorter and stockier than humans and elves (and even hobbits), Tolkien's dwarves are based on Norse and German mythical characters. They are associated with mining and metalwork, and are fierce warriors whose weapon of choice is an axe.
4 Tolkien's Dwarves quizzes and 45 Tolkien's Dwarves trivia questions.
  All about Gimli    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
From 'The Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien. These questions focus on the character Gimili.
Average, 15 Qns, megn1, Dec 22 06
4842 plays
  Thorin Oakenshield - King Under the Mountain    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Thorin was an exiled King of Durin's Folk, who was killed trying to reclaim the lost kingdom of Erebor. This quiz is based on "The Hobbit," and "The Lord of the Rings" - "Appendix A III (Durin's Folk)".
Average, 10 Qns, bluemoosejmd, Oct 18 08
349 plays
  Gimli the Dwarf    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on Gimli the Dwarf from "Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien. See how much you know about him!
Easier, 10 Qns, kittygirl171, Dec 22 06
2715 plays
  Balin Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Balin helped reclaim the Lonely Mountain and became Lord of Moria just before he was killed. This quiz is based on "The Hobbit," "The Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Lord of the Rings" - "Appendix A III (Durin's Folk)"
Tough, 10 Qns, bluemoosejmd, Jul 12 10
332 plays
trivia question Quick Question
When Balin was killed, he was alone, looking at something. What was it?

From Quiz "Balin Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria"

Tolkien's Dwarves Trivia Questions

1. Balin was among the Dwarves that FIRST intended to retake the Kingdom under the Mountain from the Dragon Smaug. Who was the leader of this Company?"

From Quiz
Balin Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria

Answer: Thrain

Balin and Dwalin were with Thrain, then King of the Dwarves, as he made his way to Erebor. The expedition was lost when Thrain was abducted by servants of Sauron (the Necromancer) near his camp on the edge of Mirkwood. Thrain was taken to Dol Guldor where Gandalf found him. Then Thrain passed the key and map to Gandalf to give to his son Thorin.

2. What is the name of Gimli's father?

From Quiz Gimli the Dwarf

Answer: Gloin & gloin

Gimli, son of Gloin, was a Dwarf of Durin's line.

3. Of what race is Gimli?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: Dwarf

4. Thorin's grandfather, Thror, was killed by the giant Orc Azog. In the battle in which Azog was slain, Thorin earned his name Oakenshield. Where was this battle?

From Quiz Thorin Oakenshield - King Under the Mountain

Answer: before the Dimrill Gate of Moria

The Battle of Azanulbizar was named after the valley in which it was fought (known in Westron as Dimrill Dale). This was the final battle of a long and bloody war between the Dwarves and Orcs that was started because of the brutal murder of Thror. Thorin and his father, who was King at this time, fought fiercely side by side. Thorin is said to have wielded a freshly cut limb as a weapon after he lost his shield. Azog's son, Bolg and his bodyguard mortally wounded Thorin at the Battle of the Five Armies, 142 years after the Battle of Azanulbizar.

5. What year, of the third age, was Gimli born in?

From Quiz Gimli the Dwarf

Answer: 2879

Gimli was born in 2879 of the third age to Gloin, becoming a Dwarf of Durin's line.

6. Who is Gimli's father?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: Gloin

Gloin was one of the twelve companions of Thorin Oakenshield in 'The Hobbit.'

7. Balin was the look-out man for Thorin and Company, saying not even a mouse could creep past him, but he was very surprised when Bilbo snuck up on the Company. What did Balin say when he learned Bilbo used his magic ring to do this?

From Quiz Balin Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria

Answer: He laughed saying, "Good old Bilbo."

Balin was watching for Bilbo outside of the Green Dragon Inn just before Thorin and Company left Hobbiton. He was also look-out during the Barrel-Escape and was the first to announce the Troll's campfire and the arrival of the Host of Mirkwood Elves and Men of Lake-town before the Siege of the Lonely Mountain. (The other quote was said by Thorin after Bilbo confessed to stealing the Arkenstone).

8. Frodo first meets Gimli in Rivendell. Why had Gimli come there?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: To bring a message from Dain and to seek counsel

King Dain had been troubled by messengers from Mordor who were seeking Bilbo and the ring. Gimli and Gloin were sent to Rivendell to learn the meaning of the Enemy's questions.

9. Just before he died in Dol Guldor in 2850, Thrain gave Gandalf something to give to his son, Thorin. What did Thrain give Gandalf?

From Quiz Thorin Oakenshield - King Under the Mountain

Answer: a map and a key to the Lonely Mountain

Thorin hadn't seen his father in almost a century when he learned of his death. Gandalf had possession of the map and key for more than 90 years before giving it to Thorin at Bag End. The last of the Seven Rings was taken by Sauron before he tortured Thrain to death over a five year period. The Arkenstone lay in the dragon hoard in Erebor until Bilbo took it. Orcrist was found in the troll Hoard after Thorin and Company left Hobbiton.

10. Why was Gimli chosen to be part of the Fellowship?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: To represent his race

Elrond desired that all the enemies of Sauron be represented in the Fellowship. Gimli went to represent the dwarves.

11. Thorin re-entered the Lonely Mountain using the Secret Passage. Which two relatives of Thorin used this Secret Passage to escape Smaug's first attack on Erebor 171 years earlier?

From Quiz Thorin Oakenshield - King Under the Mountain

Answer: Thrain and Thror

Thorin never knew how his father and grandfather had been able to escape Smaug, until Gandalf gave him the map at Bag End.

12. Gimli developed a surprising friendship with which other member of the Fellowship?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: Legolas

Such a friendship between elf and dwarf is rare.

13. Which member of the Fellowship did Gimli become very good friends with?

From Quiz Gimli the Dwarf

Answer: Legolas & legolas

Gimli was called Elf-friend because of the friendship between him and Legolas.

14. Balin's expedition to retake Moria was successful, for a time, because most of the Orcs of the Misty Mountains were gone. Why was this?

From Quiz Balin Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria

Answer: They were destroyed in the Battle of the Five Armies.

Most of the Orcs were gone when Balin came to Moria, but by that time Sauron had risen again and soon sent Orcs from Mordor up the Silverlode to take the East side of Moria. So with the Watcher in the Water blocking the West gate, and a Balrog in their depths, the retaking of Moria by Balin's colony was pretty much hopeless.

15. Thorin gave Bilbo something he carried all the way from Bag End to Erebor. Bard the Bowman, the Elvenking, and Gandalf had all seen it. What was it?

From Quiz Thorin Oakenshield - King Under the Mountain

Answer: Thorin's contract with Bilbo

Bilbo shows the contract to Bard and the Elvenking before he gives Bard the Arkenstone (the Arkenstone was not given to Bilbo - he took it and hid it from Thorin in his pillow case!). Gandalf showed the letter/contract to Bilbo at Bag End. Bilbo acquired the Arkenstone and the mithril armour after he left Bag End as well as the dark green hood and cloak, which he "borrowed" from Dwalin outside the Green Dragon Inn.

16. What was the history of Gimli's axe?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: It is unknown

We are never given a history of this weapon.

17. Gandalf describes Balin's attempt to retake Moria as what?

From Quiz Balin Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria

Answer: valiant but foolish

At the Counsel of Elrond, Gloin told of how Balin had "listened to the whispers" and rumors of the lost wealth and glory which could be reclaimed in Moria, but Gandalf knew, even then, that Moria was a death trap (but he did not say that Balin was foolish until after he had seen his tomb).

18. Thorin II (Oakenshield) was named after the original Thorin I (the Second Dwarf King of Erebor). WHO named their SON Thorin III?

From Quiz Thorin Oakenshield - King Under the Mountain

Answer: Dain Ironfoot

Thorin III was known as Thorin Stonehelm and, after his father, Dain Ironfoot, was killed in the War of the Ring, Thorin III became King under the Mountain. He lead the forces that eventually routed Sauron's armies in that area at the end of the War of the Ring. Gloin's son was named Gimli, of course.

19. When Galadriel asks Gimli what gift he would desire of her, what does he name?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: A strand of her hair

Gimli is struck by the beauty of Galadriel. He is deeply moved at their first meeting when she speaks with feeling of the beauties of Moria, and names the places in his own tongue.

20. Why was Gimli called Lockbearer?

From Quiz Gimli the Dwarf

Answer: He had a lock of Galadriel's hair

When the Fellowship was leaving, Lorien Gimli asked for a lock of Galadriel's hair. This is why he was called Lockbearer.

21. Gimli has a dispute with a person who speaks slightingly of Galadriel. Who is that person?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: Eomer

Eomer speaks out of ignorance. Gimli sets this dispute aside until Eomer has an opportunity to see the lady Galadriel for himself.

22. When Balin was killed, he was alone, looking at something. What was it?

From Quiz Balin Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria

Answer: the Kheled-zarum

The description of what Gimli, Sam and Frodo see when they look into the waters of the Mirror mere is a beautiful passage at the beginning of the "Lothlorien" chapter of "Lord of the Rings." The "Book of Mazar-bul" sets the date of Balin's date at November 10th 2994.

23. After Thorin's death the Lonely Mountain was warned against sneak attack by the glow of which item that lay upon his tomb?

From Quiz Thorin Oakenshield - King Under the Mountain

Answer: Orcrist (Goblin-Cleaver)

The Arkenstone was entombed with Thorin. Glamdring, was kept and used by Gandalf throughout the War of the Ring. Orcrist was known as "Biter" to the goblins of the Misty Mountains, it was found in a set with Sting and Glamdring, and like them shown with a blue light when Orcs were near. I'm not sure but I don't think Thorin used this sword during the Battle of the Five Armies, because it was taken from him when he was captured by the Eleven King, and then returned to him after the battle at least, maybe even after his death.

24. Only once does Gimli's courage fail him. When is it?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: On the Paths of the Dead

On that road, Gimli 'stumbled on until he was crawling like a beast on the ground and felt that he could endure no more: he must either find an ending and escape or run back in madness to meet the following fear.' He says later 'I was held to the road only by the will of Aragorn.'

25. After the final battle, what part of Pippin does Gimli spot sticking out from beneath a fallen troll?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: His foot

Recognizing the foot, he heaves the troll off of Pippin, thus saving him.

26. On the return journey, Gimli keeps his bargain with his friend, and together they visit two locations. What are they?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: The caves of Helm's Deep and the woods of Fangorn

27. In the years after the War of the Rings, what title does Gimli acquire?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: Lord of the Glittering Caves

Gimli brought some of the dwarves of Erebor south with him. They went to Gondor, and rebuilt the gates of Minas Tirith. They set up their home in the caves of Helm's Deep, which Gimli had fallen in love with during the battle there.

28. What is the last thing we know about Gimli (including information in the Appendices)?

From Quiz All about Gimli

Answer: He sailed over the sea with Legolas.

From Appendix A: 'When King Elessar gave up his life Legolas followed at last the desire of his heart and sailed over the Sea. We have heard tell that Legolas took Gimli Gloin's son with him because of their great friendship, greater than any that has been between Elf and Dwarf. If this is true, then it is strange indeed: that a Dwarf should be willing to leave Middle-earth for any love, or that the Eldar should receive him, or that the Lords of the West should permit it. But it is said that Gimli went also out of desire to see again the beauty of {Galadriel;} and it may be that she, being mighty among the Eldar, obtained this grace for him.'

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