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Middle Earth Characters Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Middle Earth Characters Quizzes, Trivia

Middle Earth Characters Trivia

Middle Earth Characters Trivia Quizzes

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Hobbits, dwarves, elves, men, ents, wizards, dragons - they're all here, and more. These quizzes focus on individuals rather than on groups.
97 quizzes and 1,358 trivia questions.
  Four Dragons   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Although many are mentioned, only four dragons are named in Tolkien's Middle-earth. Choose between Smaug, Scatha, Glaurung and Ancalagon for your answers. See what you know of these Dragons.
Average, 15 Qns, LeoDaVinci, Apr 16 10
LeoDaVinci editor
2036 plays
  Tolkien Gallery #4: Sauron    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the Dark Lord Sauron, the eponymous Lord of the Rings whose actions shaped the history of Middle-Earth to a great extent. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Sep 20 15
DeepHistory gold member
432 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about Gandalf from "Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien. See how much you know about him!
Average, 10 Qns, kittygirl171, Nov 07 14
5778 plays
  Tolkien Gallery #1: Gandalf    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
One of the most intriguing and beloved characters of Tolkien's world is Gandalf the Grey, later White. This quiz, which draws material from the entire body of the author's work, is all about him. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Oct 24 20
DeepHistory gold member
Oct 24 20
423 plays
  "Lord of the Rings"- Tom Bombadil    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is on Tom Bombadil from 'Fellowship of the Rings' by J.R.R Tolkein. This is not from the movie. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, Elessar, Jan 08 04
4558 plays
  The Enemy II - Sauron    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
The servant and heir of Morgoth.
Tough, 15 Qns, VARDA, Jun 16 18
Jun 16 18
2226 plays
  The Enemy I - Morgoth    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
The most important character in "The Silmarillion".
Average, 20 Qns, VARDA, Jan 26 17
1828 plays
  Arwen and Aragorn    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about Arwen and Aragorn, two characters by J.R.R.Tolkien. Some questions are just about Arwen or just about Aragorn and some are about them together. Most of the answers you can find in the 'Lord of the Rings' books and movies.
Tough, 10 Qns, Elenriel, Aug 23 10
1287 plays
  The Tale of Tom Bombadil    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
"Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow; Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow." See if you remember this curious character from "The Fellowship of the Ring."
Average, 15 Qns, Brego, Jun 07 12
1361 plays
  Lord of the Rings - Bill the Pony    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
This quiz is based on the pony in 'The Fellowship of the Ring' by J.R.R. Tolkien named Bill.
Average, 5 Qns, Elessar, Sep 16 10
3837 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Only once thereafter he got out of his citadel to fight. With who?

From Quiz "The Enemy I - Morgoth"

Middle Earth Characters Trivia Questions

1. Although he is commonly referred to as Gandalf, this is not his real name. Which one was?

From Quiz
Tolkien Gallery #1: Gandalf

Answer: Olorin

Olorin was a Maia, one of the lesser Ainur who followed and served the Valar. We do not know who gave him the name Olorin, or what it means. Since the name is an Elvish one, we can speculate that it derives from the Quenya root "Olos", meaning "dream". In "The Silmarilion", we are informed that Olorin was the wisest of his order and that he often walked among the Elves assuming forms similar to theirs. Morinehtar and Romestamo were alternative names for the Blue Wizards, Alatar and Pallando, who journeyed to the East of Middle-earth and are absent from the tales. Aiwendil was the real name of Radagast the Brown.

2. This dragon was also known as 'the Black':

From Quiz Four Dragons

Answer: Ancalagon

He shares this title with Ulfang the Easterling. He was the most evil of Dragons, hence he earned the evil surname.

3. What happened in the year 2951 of the Third Age? (that has something to do with Arwen or Aragorn)

From Quiz Arwen and Aragorn

Answer: They first meet each other

When Aragorn was just 20 years old, he saw an Elf lady walking in the woods near Rivendell. She was so beautiful that he mistook her for Lúthien Tinúviel. He called her: "Tinúviel, Tinúviel!", but she was actually Arwen, the daughter of lord Elrond of Rivendell.

4. Which hobbit did not fall asleep in the Old Forest?

From Quiz The Tale of Tom Bombadil

Answer: Sam

Sam didn't feel right about all four of the hobbits getting tired all at once. He managed to keep his eyes open until Frodo fell into the Withywindle.

5. In what age did Gandalf arrive in Middle Earth?

From Quiz Gandalf

Answer: Third

Gandalf, along with the other Istari, arrived in Middle Earth in about 1000 of the Third age in order to restore peace to the free peoples of Middle Earth.

6. The real name of Morgoth is:

From Quiz The Enemy I - Morgoth

Answer: Melkor

In the very first manuscripts it was Melko. Morgoth means "The dark enemy of the world".

7. Whom did the pony Bill belong to before he came to the hobbits?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings - Bill the Pony

Answer: Bill Ferny

Bill Ferny sold it for thrice its worth, but Mr. Butterbur paid the 12 silver pennies for them.

8. What was Tom carrying when he saw the four hobbits?

From Quiz "Lord of the Rings"- Tom Bombadil

Answer: Water lilies

Right before he helped the hobbits out of Old Man Willow, he was carrying white water lilies to Goldberry.

9. Which dragon's teeth were made into a necklace which was given as a gift to the Dwarves?

From Quiz Four Dragons

Answer: Scatha

When the Dwarves of the Grey Mountains claimed the hoard of Scatha as their own, even though it was Fram who had slain him, Fram made Scatha's teeth into a necklace. He claimed that: "Jewels such as these you will not match in your treasuries, for they are hard to come by" (LOTR Appendix A) This enraged the Dwarves, which started a war between them and the Éothéod, a war in which Fram was killed.

10. Who was Aragorn Elessar's father?

From Quiz Arwen and Aragorn

Answer: Arathorn II

His father was actually Arathorn II, because one of his forefathers was also called Arathorn. Also Aragorn is actually Aragorn II, but he was crowned king under the name Elessar.

11. Tom Bombadil is thought by many to be what kind of being?

From Quiz The Tale of Tom Bombadil

Answer: a maia

This is not said in "The Fellowship of the Ring," but Tom was there before anything else, so we can conclude that he was probably a Maia. Read more about Tom Bombadil and others in David Day's "Tolkien: The Illustrated Encyclopædia."

12. Where did they get Bill?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings - Bill the Pony

Answer: Bree

They got it in Bree from Bill Ferny.

13. What is the name of the fair lady at Tom's house?

From Quiz "Lord of the Rings"- Tom Bombadil

Answer: Goldberry

She sang to them when they came to Tom's house.

14. Soon after his occupation of the island of Tol Sirion in "The Silmarillion", Sauron was ordered by Morgoth to find and capture an outlaw who proudly defied him. What was his name?

From Quiz Tolkien Gallery #4: Sauron

Answer: Barahir the Bold

Barahir and his small band resisted Sauron for a long time. However, Sauron's spies found out that one of the Outlaws, called Gorlim, left the others occasionally, in order to search for his wife, who had gone missing and was presumed dead. So, one night when Gorlim ventured to his old home, he saw the form of his wife wailing that she had been abandoned. He was promptly captured, but refused to betray Barahir. He was brought before Sauron and Sauron promised Gorlim that he would reunite him with his wife, provided Gorlim gave away Barahir. Gorlim, unable to resist Sauron, betrayed his lord. Subsequently, Sauron told the poor man that his wife was already dead and had him killed cruelly by Orcs.

15. Approximately at the year 1000 of the Third Age of Middle-earth, the five Istari (or Wizards) arrived from the Uttermost West. However, as told in "Unfinished Tales", Gandalf was hesitant. Why?

From Quiz Tolkien Gallery #1: Gandalf

Answer: He was afraid of Sauron.

He told Manwe that he was afraid of Sauron, but his master replied that this was one more reason for him to go. He did as he was bidden, but he was the last of the five Istari to arrive in Middle-earth.

16. Arwen's grandfather on the father's side was Eärendil, but who was his grandfather on the father's side? (so he's actually the great-great-grandfather of Arwen)

From Quiz Arwen and Aragorn

Answer: Huor

Eärendil's father Tuor, was the son of Huor, who was the youngest son of Galdor, Lord of Dor-lómin. Huor had fair hair and blue eyes, like most Men of his house, and was one of the tallest of the Edain; only his son Tuor was said to be taller.

17. Goldberry is also called:

From Quiz The Tale of Tom Bombadil

Answer: River-daughter

The River-woman was Goldberry's mother, so she was called the River-daughter. She lived in the river until she met Tom Bombadil.

18. What other name does Morgoth have?

From Quiz The Enemy I - Morgoth

Answer: Bauglir

It means "the Constrainer"; most often used together with "Morgoth" (Morgoth Bauglir).

19. Out of the fellowship, who loved Bill the most?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings - Bill the Pony

Answer: Sam

Sam grew to love the pony and when it left, he was heart broken.

20. What happened when Tom put the ring on?

From Quiz "Lord of the Rings"- Tom Bombadil

Answer: Nothing

When Tom spun the ring in the air it vanished with a flash and then he gave it back to Frodo.

21. However, even evil moments have their end. Sauron's command of Tol Sirion ended eight years after he had captured it. Who were responsible for ousting him from the island, as "The Silmarillion" says?

From Quiz Tolkien Gallery #4: Sauron

Answer: Luthien Tinuviel and Huan, the Hound of Valinor

Despite the fact that Barahir was slain after Gorlim's betrayal, his son, Beren, had been sent away on an errand by his father, and thus escaped. For four years he wandered in the lands of Dorthonion, a lone outlaw. However, so tight was he pressed by the hosts Sauron and Morgoth sent against him, that he fled the land and crossed the Ered Gorgoroth, that no Man or Elf had dared to cross and ended up in the hidden realm of King Elu Thingol, Doriath. There, he saw and fell in love with the King's daughter, Luthien Tinuviel. The King demanded that Beren bring him a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown in order to take Luthien as his wife. Beren enlisted the aid of Finrod Felagund, an Elven king who was indebted to his father and, with a small band, they began their Quest. However, Sauron saw them from his tower and captured them. Although Finrod fought him, he lost, and the lot was thrown into a pit in order to be devoured by a werewolf. At the grim hour where only Beren remained alive, Luthien and Huan, the Hound of Valinor, stood upon the bridge of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Sauron knew that she was the daughter of Thingol and wanted to turn her over to Morgoth, but neither he nor his lackeys could withstand the Hound of Valinor. Thus, Sauron was forced to flee his island and he went to the forest of Taur-nu-Fuin, filling it with horror.

22. Which dragon was the only one slain in the course of a war?

From Quiz Four Dragons

Answer: Ancalagon

Scatha, Smaug and Glaurung were all slain in battles that were unrelated to a greater war. Eärendil was the one who slayed Ancalagon in the midst of the War of Wrath, casting him down on the Towers of Thangorodrim and breaking them. Scatha the Worm was killed by Fram son of Frumgar, Bard the Bowman felled Smaug the Magnificent, and Turin Turambar slew Glaurung the Golden.

23. What did Tom pick out for each of the hobbits from the Barrow-wight's treasure?

From Quiz The Tale of Tom Bombadil

Answer: dagger

"For each of the hobbits he chose a dagger, long, leaf-shaped, and keen, of marvellous workmanship, damasked with serpent-forms of red and gold." Tom knew the hobbits would run into trouble, and he wanted them to have some protection.

24. What was Gandalf's color in the beginning of "Lord of the Rings"?

From Quiz Gandalf

Answer: Grey

Gandalf's color was grey, Saruman's color was white, and Radagast's color was brown. The other two Istari were blue.

25. The other name of Sauron is:

From Quiz The Enemy II - Sauron

Answer: Gorthaur

Gorthaur the Cruel, Thu the Hunter - these names he was given by the Sindar, because he would hunt down his enemies and torture them. Sauron was known also as Annatar (see Q8), the Necromancer, the Sorceror of Dol Guldur, the Lord of the Rings, the Dark Lord and the Enemy (the last two were used for Morgoth too).

26. When was Bill forced to leave the company?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings - Bill the Pony

Answer: Moria & mines & mines of Moria

Bill would not be able to maneuver through the mines of Moria so they had to leave him.

27. What color are Tom's boots?

From Quiz "Lord of the Rings"- Tom Bombadil

Answer: Yellow

His boots were yellow and his coat was blue.

28. What did Eomer call Aragorn?

From Quiz Arwen and Aragorn

Answer: Wingfoot

When Aragorn first met Éomer, he had searched for Merry and Pippin across the wide fields of Rohan for four days. In that time, he and Legolas and Gimli had travelled about thirty-four miles each day. Éomer was so astonished by this that he gave Aragorn a new name: Wingfoot.

29. Where did Bill go after he left the company?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings - Bill the Pony

Answer: Bree

It went back to Bree awhere Nob looked after it.

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