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All sorts of things that go bump in the night appear in these quizzes.
10 Supernatural Subjects quizzes and 100 Supernatural Subjects trivia questions.
Magic in Literature
  Magic in Literature   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Magic has many definitions. Some refer to tricks performed onstage, but in a different vein, magic can refer to any seemingly impossible or extraordinary condition, quality or power. Can you divine the answers to these ten questions?
Easier, 10 Qns, austinnene, Aug 29 15
973 plays
  Better the Devil You Know   best quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
.. than the one you don't - do you know your devils well enough to match each of these literary works featuring devils and/or demons with the author responsible for each one?
Easier, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Feb 26 22
looney_tunes editor
Feb 26 22
813 plays
  Who the Devil Wrote It?   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
When it comes to personifications of evil, the Devil is the worst of them all, and has long played a notable role in English literature. But can you identify some of the writers who have written about him?
Easier, 10 Qns, poshprice, Nov 23 14
656 plays
  Wild Ghost Chase   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Ghosts and other eerie apparitions have 'appeared' in literature for centuries. Join me on this hair-raising quiz as we chase down these specters! Some are very well known, others are a little more obscure.
Average, 10 Qns, MikeMaster99, Feb 18 12
MikeMaster99 gold member
330 plays
  The Truth About Witches - Warts and All    
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A quick quest of literary witches
Average, 10 Qns, gme24, Feb 11 15
gme24 gold member
257 plays
  Books About Magic    
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From ancient times to the present day, there have been many books written about how to perform magic. Whether you're a believer or a complete skeptic like me, this is a fascinating if bizarre area of human endeavour.
Tough, 10 Qns, agentofchaos, Jan 01 22
agentofchaos gold member
Jan 01 22
130 plays
  Classic Books About The Paranormal    
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 10 Qns
Books on paranormal subjects are not usually found under the heading of "Classic Literature" in bookstores, but some of them are classics nonetheless. How many of these more famous books of the genre are you familiar with?
Difficult, 10 Qns, gretas, May 04 07
438 plays
  Ghostly Literature    
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 10 Qns
People have always been fascinated, and/or scared, with the idea of ghosts. Here are some questions about fictional ghosts.
Tough, 10 Qns, minch, Jun 10 17
minch gold member
1221 plays
  Tam Lin in Novels    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The traditional Scottish ballad of "Tam Lin" has been used quite often as a basis or theme for a novel. The following quiz talks about some of the books, their characters and events.
Tough, 10 Qns, Sallyo, Feb 26 22
Feb 26 22
264 plays
  Bite Me    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Vampires play big roles in many novels; can you link the plot to the title?
Average, 10 Qns, Jennie-Lou-96, May 01 11
230 plays

Supernatural Subjects Trivia Questions

1. The Egyptian "Book of the Dead" is an ancient text containing many magical spells to help a deceased person on their journey through the afterlife. What is a more literal translation of its actual name?

From Quiz
Books About Magic

Answer: Book of Coming Forth by Day

The Egyptians believed that the journey through the afterlife was difficult and dangerous. The deceased had to make their way past a series of monstrous creatures that would try to devour their soul, before entering the Hall of Judgment, where their fate would be determined. "The Book of the Dead" provided spells that could be recited at each of these steps to ensure a successful outcome. The Egyptians had rather complex and perhaps contradictory ideas about what happened once these obstacles were cleared, but one of their ideas was that one's soul could "come forth by day" to enjoy the pleasures of the living. They also believed that if the proper rites were performed, one's soul or "ba" could become an "akh," a magical entity that could journey with the gods. Whether the journey through the afterlife has become any less arduous in modern times is unknown, as those who have made the journey aren't telling!

2. Which tragedy by William Shakespeare features the "Weird Sisters"?

From Quiz The Truth About Witches - Warts and All

Answer: Macbeth

The three nameless witches appear in Macbeth. The three are not witches in the generally accepted form but they have the ability to see the future. The three appear in Act 1 scene 1 amid thunder and lighting and, after each one speaks three times, they say all together the lines, "All fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air."

3. Which Nobel Prize-winning English author is best remembered for the novel "The Lord of the Flies", a title which is, in itself, an allusion to the Devil?

From Quiz Who the Devil Wrote It?

Answer: William Golding

Written by William Golding, "Lord of the Flies" is a dystopian novel which centres on a group of young English boys, who find themselves stranded on an uninhabited island. Published in 1954, "Lord of the Flies" is Golding's first novel, and has much to say about humanity's struggle with good and evil. The island itself can be seen as a metaphor for the Garden of Eden, especially in the early chapters, in which the island is largely described as a paradise, with its very own "lagoon", and a shore that is "fledged with palm trees". However as with its biblical counterpart, evil also invades this paradise and this directly coincides with the boys' arrival. Indeed their arrival on the island, which is due to a plane crash, tarnishes it forever, leaving a "long scar smashed into the jungle", which is a permanent reminder of man's capacity for spreading evil, a theme that runs throughout the entire novel. In this particular novel the figure of the Devil is wholly metaphorical, with multiple characters succumbing to his influence. Yet there is no doubting the fact that the Devil is present, and we need only look to the title of Golding's novel for proof of this. The Devil has many names, one of which is Beelzebub, and the novel's title, "Lord of the Flies", is a literal translation of this name. Lord of the Flies, along with numerous other terms, is therefore a synonym for Satan, the Devil himself. As anyone who has read the novel knows, the influence of the Lord of the Flies runs through the novel, and is instrumental in the deaths of Simon and Piggy, as well as the corruption of the rest of the boys. Many also argue that it is the force that allows Roger to reveal his true self, so that he goes from being "a slight furtive boy whom no one knew", to one who wants to harm others in the middle of the novel, only to be restrained by the "invisible yet strong" taboo "of the old life". However by the final chapters of "Lord of the Flies", Roger has revealed his inner devil, and the torturer within, who launches the boulder that kills Piggy, and hunts for Ralph with a stick that has been sharpened "at both ends".

4. Macbeth is worried that this man's heirs may take the throne of Scotland and hence has him murdered. His ghost appears later in the play. Who is this man, the father of Fleance?

From Quiz Wild Ghost Chase

Answer: Banquo

Banquo and Macbeth both meet the Three Witches, where Banquo learns that his heirs will be future kings of Scotland. Macbeth is so concerned that he sends men to kill both Banquo and his son, Fleance. Banquo is killed but creates a sufficient diversion for Fleance to escape. Banquo's ghost appears during a banquet and is a device to explore Macbeth's reaction to (and guilt for) his own actions.

5. Isabella Swan dangerously falls in love with a vampire and becomes best friend with a werewolf;

From Quiz Bite Me

Answer: Twilight

There are three sequels to this book: 'New Moon', 'Eclipse' and 'Breaking Dawn'. The series is written by American author Stephenie Meyer.

6. How many ghosts does Scrooge meet and speak to in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"?

From Quiz Ghostly Literature

Answer: Four

They are the ghost of Jacob Marley, the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

7. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa was a Renaissance occult scholar who wrote an influential work concerning ritual magic. What was its name?

From Quiz Books About Magic

Answer: Three Books of Occult Philosophy

Agrippa's work, which covered natural and demonic magic within a Christian framework, had a major influence on Renaissance occultists. "A system of magick" was by Daniel Defoe, and, despite the name, was not an instruction manual, but a history concerning what he claimed was "mankind's dealings with the Devil." "Magick in Theory and Practice" is a well-known 20th century work by Aleister Crowley. "Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path", despite the funny sounding name, is a real book published in 1999 by a prominent member of the Temple of Set.

8. Not to be outdone by Shakespeare, which English author came up with a novel about "Wyrd Sisters"?

From Quiz The Truth About Witches - Warts and All

Answer: Terry Pratchett

Pratchett's witches, unlike Shakespeare's, do have names. Their names are Gytha (Nanny) Ogg, Granny Weatherwax and Magrat Garlick. The book is the sixth in the "Discworld" series and features lots of magic, because, as the author writes, "Magic glues the Discworld together".

9. Madam Helena Blavatsky, Russian medium and co-founder of The Theosophical Society, wrote this best-selling tome on spiritual arcana only a few years after she first emigrated to America in the late 1800's and learned to speak English. What is it?

From Quiz Classic Books About The Paranormal

Answer: Isis Unveiled

Helena Petrova Blavatsky (HPB to her closest friends) was actually more of a "large" than a "medium", in both physical presence and strength of personality. Nearly penniless when she first arrived in New York City in the late 1800's, she soon became one of the nation's most well-known leaders of alternate spiritual culture, counting among her followers Annie Besant and W.B. Yeats. The Theosophical Society, which she co-founded with Col. Henry Olcott, is still extant today, as are many of her books, including both hefty 600+ page volumes of "Isis Unveiled."

10. In "Thursday", by Catherine Storr, who is Thursday's girlfriend?

From Quiz Tam Lin in Novels

Answer: Bee

Bee is fifteen, and she gets into considerable trouble at home for staying out all night rescuing Thursday. The other girls are all girlfriends of Tam Lin-type characters, but not from this book.

11. To whom does the ghost of Hamlet's father first appear?

From Quiz Ghostly Literature

Answer: Soldiers

Shakespeare's "Hamlet" opens with the scene on the battlements where soldiers are keeping watch. The soldiers have seen the ghost before, but in this first scene Horatio is with them when the ghost appears.

12. SL MacGregor Mathers, a famous magician of the Golden Dawn society, translated a medieval grimoire from French into English. Complete the title: "The Book of the Sacred Magic of ______________ the Mage."

From Quiz Books About Magic

Answer: Abra-Melin

Abra-Melin was said to be an Egyptian magician. This book describes a months' long operation by which the practitioner can contact their "Holy Guardian Angel". This angel will not only endow the successful practitioner with wealth, but teach him or her how to evoke the Crown Princes of Hell and command them to do the practitioner's bidding. The book also contains a collection of talismans in the form of magic squares that can supposedly be used to perform miraculous feats, including flying instantly to any destination one desires!

13. What is the name of the children's book, written by World War II flying ace Roald Dahl, that is about English witches?

From Quiz The Truth About Witches - Warts and All

Answer: Witches

The book "Witches" was published in 1983 and, as Dahl writes, it is about "REAL WITCHES". It tells the story of a boy that loses both parents and goes to live in Norway with his grandmother. Dahl's witches hate children and they like to get rid of at least one child every week.

14. Which Elizabethan, English dramatist, whose own life also (reportedly) ended in violence, is responsible for writing the play "Doctor Faustus", in which Lucifer literally drags the play's protagonist down to Hell at the end?

From Quiz Who the Devil Wrote It?

Answer: Christopher Marlowe

"The Tragic History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus", or simply "Doctor Faustus", is a sixteenth-century play written by English dramatist, Christopher Marlowe. The events of the play are centred on Faustus himself, who turns away from medicine and the law, to the more appealing and more dangerous art of necromancy. Soon enough, Faustus is visited by Mephistopheles, "a servant to great Lucifer", who having heard Faustus "rack the name of God/ Abjure the Scriptures and his Saviour Christ", has appeared in the hope of claiming "his glorious soul". Unafraid, Faustus pledges allegiance to Beelzebub, and so makes clear his worship of the Devil. Not content with this, Faustus then quite literally then makes a deal with the Devil, by promising his soul to Lucifer, if he will let "him live in all voluptuousness" for another "four-and-twenty years". Over time Faustus begins to regret his blood oath to Lucifer, but all to no avail, as he is eventually made to pay his debt to the Devil himself. The A-text version of the play has the doctor being dragged down to Hell by Lucifer and Mephistopheles, who do not heed his pleas for mercy. However the B-text version of the play ends with more graphic detail, as several scholars see "Faustus' limbs/ All torn asunder". This serves to emphasise the power and viciousness of Lucifer and can be seen as a warning to Faustus' devoted students, against following the same path as their mentor.

15. The ghost, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington, was a frequent and unremarkable sight around Hogwarts School of Magic. What was his more informal and commonly used name?

From Quiz Wild Ghost Chase

Answer: Nearly Headless Nick

Nearly Headless Nick is the Gryffindor House ghost, created by J.K. Rowling in her phenomenally successful "Harry Potter" novels. Nick's head was almost severed in an encounter with Lady Grieve.

16. Poppy is diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. Best friend James, a secret vampire, risks everything to make her immortal.

From Quiz Bite Me

Answer: Secret Vampire

'Secret Vampire' is part of the 'Nightworld' series, written by L.J. Smith.

17. Thomas Lane, the Tam Lin character in Pamela Dean's "Tam Lin" was originally one of Shakespeare's actor colleagues.

From Quiz Tam Lin in Novels

Answer: No, but some of the other characters were.

Nick, Rob, and Robin all acted with Shakespeare. They were beguiled by the fairies and now appear to be ageless.

18. Who wrote the play "Ghosts"?

From Quiz Ghostly Literature

Answer: Henrik Ibsen

Henrick Ibsen, the Norwegian playwriter, wrote "Ghosts" in 1881. He is also known for "Peer Gynt" and "A Doll's House".

19. The "Goetia", a famous manual for evoking 72 demon princes, was actually book one of what larger five-part work?

From Quiz Books About Magic

Answer: Lemegeton, or The Lesser Key of Solomon

King Solomon was reputed to have been a magician who sealed 72 demons into a brass vessel. This legend inspired the creation of many grimoires attributed to Solomon that described how to evoke demons and other spirits. While the "Goetia" describes demonic evocation, the other books of the "Lemegeton" focus on evoking angels. "The Grand Grimoire", also known as "Le Dragon Rouge", is another medieval grimoire of a much darker nature concerning making a pact with Lucifer.

20. What is the cardinal direction that completes the name of the Wicked Witch in L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?"

From Quiz The Truth About Witches - Warts and All

Answer: West

The witch is the ruler of the Western sector of the magical world of Oz. She lives in a castle with long corridors and yellow carpets. She is described as having only one eye, but, even so, she can watch over her land.

21. "The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner" employs the doppelgänger motif as a means of suggesting that its protagonist is plagued by Satan himself. What is the name of the author who does this so skilfully?

From Quiz Who the Devil Wrote It?

Answer: James Hogg

"The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner" is a nineteenth-century novel written by Scottish writer, James Hogg. The plot of the novel focuses on Robert Wringhim, a tormented man who, under the influence of an enigmatic "stranger", widely accepted to be Satan himself, murders his brother, before then killing himself. During a revealing conversation with his mother and father, who both claim that their son has "transformed since the morning", Robert mentions a mysterious stranger. Though initially Robert believed the man to be an ordinary fellow, in light of his parents' comments he does consider "the idea that he might be an agent of the Devil". From then on, Robert cannot escape the possibility that his "illustrious friend", known as Gil Martin, is Satan himself, irrespective of his seemingly human form. Indeed Gil Martin is undeniably a bad influence on Robert, constantly leading him away from prayer, and possessing the uncanny, "chameleon art of changing" his appearance. Though this character may well be a figment of Robert's imagination, it is nonetheless clear that the Devil features heavily in this particular novel.

22. Zoey Redbird is marked by a tracker, and forced to attend the Vampyre finishing school, where she realized she has been marked by vampyre Goddess Nyx.

From Quiz Bite Me

Answer: House of Night

'House of Night' is a series of novels by P.C. and Kristen Cast.

23. Tom's relationship with Laurel is a complicated one in "Fire and Hemlock" by Diana Wynne Jones. In what way are the two connected?

From Quiz Tam Lin in Novels

Answer: Tom is Laurel's ex-husband.

Tom divorced Laurel before the book began, but he takes some time more to escape her influence. Laurel has a liking for the name Thomas, but will take other men if necessary.

24. Who is the author of the children's series "Goosebumps", one of which is "The Ghost Next Door"?

From Quiz Ghostly Literature

Answer: R. L. Stine

This series of children's books focuses on stories of ghosts, monsters, and other scary things. Many children who do not read much of anything else will read these books.

25. A medieval Arabic book of magic and astrology originally written under a name that translates as "The Goal of the Wise" was later translated into Latin in the 13th century under what tricky name?

From Quiz Books About Magic

Answer: Picatrix

This book describes the practice of planetary (astrological) magic and had an important influence on Western esoteric thinkers. The origin of the name Picatrix is unclear, although one theory suggests that it is a loose translation of the name of the alleged original Arabic author Maslama al-Majriti. Maslama derives from an Arabic word that means "to sting" and Picatrix is a variant of the Latin picator, "one who stings or pricks." "De Heptarchia Mystica" was a work by John Dee, an Elizabethan occultist, concerning the art of summoning angels. "Steganographia", written in 1499, was a book that appeared to be about magic, but was actually about codes and secret forms of communication. The Voynich manuscript is a mysterious text written in a code that no-one has ever succeeded in deciphering.

26. What kind of magic did Alice Hoffman write about in 1995?

From Quiz The Truth About Witches - Warts and All

Answer: Practical

"Practical Magic" is about two orphaned sisters, Sally and Gillian that are raised by their two aunts that live in a very strange house. The aunts have magical powers that eventually appear in the two sisters. The book was made into a film in 1998.

27. The popular, American classic, "The Scarlet Letter" symbolically points towards the Devil's influence through the euphemism of the "Black Man". Who is the man responsible for writing this beloved, American classic?

From Quiz Who the Devil Wrote It?

Answer: Nathaniel Hawthorne

"The Scarlet Letter" is a nineteenth-century novel written by American author, Nathaniel Hawthorne. The novel focuses on adulteress Hester Prynne, who bears the child of her secret lover, Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister of her church, and is forced to wear a scarlet A as a reminder of her sin. To make matters worse for Hester, her husband, known only by his alias, Roger Chillingworth (who has long been thought lost at sea) vows to take his revenge on his wife's lover. Symbolically, the Devil appears throughout this particular novel, and is often referred to as the "Black Man". Hester herself uses this same euphemism several times throughout the novel, particularly when referring to the scarlet A she is forced to wear. Indeed she believes it to be the stamp of the Devil, and tells her illegitimate daughter, Pearl, so, explaining "Once in my life I met the Black Man...This scarlet letter is his mark." However Hawthorne also frequently compares the vengeful Chillingworth to the Devil. In chapter 4, Hester refers to him as "the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us". She is also seen making a deal with this devil, by agreeing to keep her husband's real identity a secret. All in all, in this novel the Black Man is seen as the Puritans' symbol of all evil - the Devil himself.

28. Most ghosts are portrayed as frightening and fearsome. But not this 'friendly' ghost found in a story book and then on TV and in the movies! Who was this amiable apparition?

From Quiz Wild Ghost Chase

Answer: Casper

Casper first appeared in a 1939 children's story written by Seymour Reit and illustrated by Joe Oriolo. The first cartoon featuring Casper was released by Paramount Pictures in 1945. Casper first appeared in the progenitor of Harvey Comics in 1949. Since these early days, Casper has been seen in numerous cartoons, comics and even movies.

29. Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to conclude a real-estate transaction with a local nobleman.

From Quiz Bite Me

Answer: Dracula

'Dracula' is a well-known novel written by Bram Stoker.

30. In Elizabeth Marie Pope's "The Perilous Gard", who saves whom from the fairies?

From Quiz Tam Lin in Novels

Answer: Kate saves Christopher.

Christopher Herron is the younger brother of Geoffrey, who has inherited an ancient manor from his wife, Ann Warden. Geoffrey's daughter Cecily was stolen by the fairies, and Christopher gave himself instead. Kate rescues him, eventually.

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