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Bag of Bones Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Bag of Bones Trivia

Bag of Bones Trivia Quizzes

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This novel about an author who, four years after the death of his wife, is coping with both writer's block and strange delusions as he resides in an isolated house won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel in 1998, and the British Fantasy Award for Best Novel in 1999.
5 quizzes and 50 trivia questions.
  Bag of Bones    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This 1998 Stephen King ghost story sees a writer in mourning coming to terms with the loss of his wife as he retreats to their Maine cabin to deal with his writer's block. What he finds waiting for him is more than just a memory. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Feb 17 22
kyleisalive editor
Feb 17 22
134 plays
  Not Just Another "Bag of Bones"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you enjoyed Stephen King's novel "Bag of Bones", then this quiz is for you! This is an excellent novel and a great read. Come see how much you remember!
Average, 10 Qns, AlienGoddess, Jun 09 10
1207 plays
  10 Questions: Bag of Bones Multiple Choice Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Bag of Bones" : random questions on this excellent book.
Average, 10 Qns, awkins, Jun 10 06
2096 plays
  Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome to my very first quiz on FunTrivia. It is about one of my favorite books by the fabulous author Stephen King.
Tough, 10 Qns, puzuzu1, Sep 10 09
422 plays
  Bag of Bones Quiz Challenge    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A haunted love story of revenge, lost love, rescue and romance, this is one of Stephen King's best stories.
Average, 10 Qns, griffthebird, Jul 04 14
151 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How did Max Devore make his fortune?

From Quiz "Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones""

Bag of Bones Trivia Questions

1. How many years has it been since the death of Mike's wife Jo?

From Quiz
Bag of Bones

Answer: four

Four years have gone by since Johanna Noonan died. Mike found himself suffering from serious writer's block ever since, until he returns to their summer home in 1998.

2. Who was driving the city works truck that caused the accident on the day that Mike Noonan's wife died?

From Quiz Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones"

Answer: William Fraker

He was in a hurry for some after work relaxation. He wanted a hot shower and a cold beer (not necessarily in that order). He caused the accident because he was in a hurry to get home and wasn't paying attention to his driving.

3. When Johanna Noonan died, she was about six or seven weeks pregnant with a baby girl. What was Mike and Johanna's baby's name supposed to be?

From Quiz Not Just Another "Bag of Bones"

Answer: Kia

Mike Noonan's wife died in a drugstore parking lot from a brain aneurysm. Mike found out that his wife had been pregnant with a girl when she died, after they had been trying very hard to have a baby. They had earlier planned to name their baby Kia Jane Noonan if it was a girl. When Mike met Mattie and Kyra Devore, he initially misheard Kyra's name as Kia.

4. What was the profession of Mike Noonan?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Novelist

Since his wife died, he has had writers block.

5. Sara Laughs is situated on what body of water?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Dark Score Lake

Mike is convinced into taking an actual vacation, and though he heads to Key Largo for six weeks, he comes to realize he might be afraid of being unblocked and writing without Jo. It's with this in mind that he makes the decision to face his fears (and his nightmares) and return to Sara Laughs, calling his housekeeper, Bill Dean, and anticipating making his return in time for the Fourth of July. When he left his house, he didn't know he would never end up going back. Arriving at Dark Score Lake, Mike finds that he arrives at Sara Laughs right at the proper time to align with his dream, right down to the colour of the sky and the amount of plant cover blocking the driveway. As he approaches, unlike his dream, nothing bursts from the door. That said, he catches a brief sight of something from the corner of his eye and, inside the house, he thinks he hears the fading cry of a child. He can't do much besides blame it on the air in the house's new pipes. He sleeps fine through the night with no nightmares to speak of.

6. What would Mike and Jo have named their baby if it was a girl?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Kia

The name would have been Kia. Jo was pregnant with a baby when she died and Mike didn't even know until afterwards. He would find out that that wasn't the only secret she kept from him. When Mattie introduces her daughter, Kyra, to Mike he mishears and thinks she said Kia.

7. What were the call letters of the television station Mike Noonan could pick up on his portable TV set?

From Quiz Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones"

Answer: WMTW

He talks about it when he is trying to get his mind off off Rogette's note. It was the local ABC Broadcast affiliate in the area.

8. Mike encounters Kyra Devore for the first time under what circumstances?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: When he's driving down the road

On his first day back on Dark Score, Mike drives into town bound for the local diner when he comes across a young girl, Kyra Devore, walking alone down the center line of the local road. He pulls over and pulls her out of the street just in time for her mother, Mattie, to arrive and introduce herself as one of his neighbours from around the lake. Of particular interest, at least to Mike, is that Kyra has a name similar to the little girl he and Johanna planned to have-- Kia. The encounter proves to be more complicated than it seemed from the outset when local billionaire Max Devore, Mattie's father-in-law and Kyra's grandfather, calls Mike late at night to ask what he was doing with his relatives. The Fourth of July fireworks go off around the lake as Mike stands up for himself on the intimidating phone call. When Bill arrives at Sara Laughs with some local gossip, he warns Mike not to get too involved; Max Devore is mad, like a Howard Hughes type of crazy, and he's probably in town to claim his granddaughter. In the days to follow, Mike sets up his writing nook and gets the sense he's not alone. As he finds his old IBM Selectric in Jo's nook, he starts hearing more voices in the cabin, seeing apparitions on the local docks, and feeling that he's not quite alone when he steps into the cellar.

9. What is the name of Kyra's dad?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Lance

Roger and Lance are the two sons of millionaire Max Devore. Lance is the one that had a baby (Kyra) with Mattie and the one who will later die from a fall during a storm.

10. Who was Kyra Devore's guardian ad litem (A court appointed person with the best interests of a child in mind)?

From Quiz Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones"

Answer: Elmer Durgin

Mike Noonan got a chuckle out of his transcriber in their interview. He wore an old school Stenomask. Mike thought he looked like the world's oldest fighter pilot.

11. How old was Carla Dean (Bill Dean's twin sister) when she died?

From Quiz Not Just Another "Bag of Bones"

Answer: 3 years old

Bill Dean's twin sister Carla died when she was three years old. The official cause of death was that she died in the big forest fire, but what really happened was that her father drowned her in the lake. It was part of Sara Tidwell's revenge that the men who had killed her and her son would be forced to kill their own children. Bill Dean grew up to become Mike's caretaker for Sara Laughs.

12. How did Lance die?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: He fell from a ladder

He went up on top of their trailer to retrieve a wrench he had left up there. There was a lightning strike close by and they believe that is what caused him to fall. He broke his neck.

13. Mike finds that messages are being left for him in what spot in Sara Laughs?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: On the fridge

Mike is served a process by the deputy sheriff who, appearing at Sara Laughs, summons him to town to discuss Kyra's well-being with Devore's legal team. It's for this reason that he hires a child custody lawyer, John, through his agent. Mattie, coincidentally, invites Mike for dinner, and it's through this that he decides to help her out by paying for her legal aid. After dinner, the two chat and Mattie reveals that she believes she might be haunted by ghosts due to some weird occurrences. Mike doesn't tell her, but similar events have been happening in his cabin; letter magnets on his fridge seem to be spelling out small words. He buys more before the end of the evening. All the while, Mike starts to discover that in her final months, Jo visited Dark Score several times without his knowledge, on one occasion dropping off owl statues and, on another, being spotted with another man at a local baseball game. He has no clue about this though; Jo wasn't the type to cheat, but he has no explanation. One night, Mike has a dream that he can only compare to a delirium. Sara Tidwell, the woman who the cabin was named for, laughs furiously as he experiences lust and death in his sleep. He wakes up in the upstairs hall with his typewriter by his side, and when he brings it to his office, he finds that he's compelled to start writing.

14. According to Mattie, what does the name "Kyra" mean?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Ladylike

Kyra's name is similar to those of several children who all met death. Mattie tells Mike the meaning of the name when they meet, and he references it a few times later on.

15. How does Mattie die?

From Quiz Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones"

Answer: Drive-By shooting

She gets shot as she is leaving her house. She and Mike had just shared an intimate moment that was going to change their lives (or so they had hoped). She was shot by a couple of hired-hand locals that wanted her out of the area.

16. Where were the fake owls that Johanna bought located?

From Quiz Not Just Another "Bag of Bones"

Answer: Under Johanna's studio

Mike had been trying to find Johanna's owls, and they ended up being under her studio. He discovered this when he realized that the message "owls under studio" appeared in the book he had been writing. When he found the owls, he found all of Jo's research about the TR and Sara Tidwell.

17. What was the name of Mike's summerhouse?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Sara Laughs

18. Where is Mattie employed when Mike meets her?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Library

After his first morning of writing at the old typewriter, Mike finds that he has eight pages of a book that could be, and their creation is a deeply cathartic act. He cries when he realizes that he might, after four years, be through the worst of his mourning. His progress is hampered a bit, however, since he's brought in for the deposition and questioned by local attorney Elmer Durgin, a man later discovered to be paid a significant sum by Max Devore. Fortunately, with John Storrow representing Mattie and Romeo Bissonette coming in from Lewiston for Mike, they're well cared for in the unexpected circumstance. What Mike can't prepare for, however, is the notes left on his fridge ('HELP IM DROWN') and the shrieking he experiences when he returns to Sara Laughs. Over the coming days, Mattie is forced to cut ties with many of her local friends as gossip spreads and Devore pays off officials. She ends up losing her job at the library as a result. In the meantime, Mike asks his housekeeper, Brenda Meserve, about the local area, hoping to understand if its history might be contributing to the odd goings-on in the cabin. Sure enough, she claims the lake might be haunted from all the way back to when Micmacs resided in the woods nearby. His research into Jo's last months also hits a new obstacle when he discovers that she quit all of her community events and groups in the months leading to her death. He knows she was at Dark Score Lake, somehow, during that time.

19. Sarah Laughs is named after a famous singer named Sarah. What is this Sarah's last name?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Tidwell

Sarah Tidwell plays a major part in this story. She was a part of the group Sarah and the Red Tops. At the end of the story Mike finds her bones.

20. How did Mattie meet her husband, Lance?

From Quiz Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones"

Answer: She was a refreshment server where he played softball

She would still go there to watch softball occasionally. She would run the kegs of beer out to the softball field on a handcart. She got stuck in the mud on one occasion, and Lance helped her out of the situation.

21. Who was Mike's housekeeper at Sara Laughs?

From Quiz Not Just Another "Bag of Bones"

Answer: Brenda Meserve & Meserve & Brenda

Brenda Meserve was Mike's very competent housekeeper at Sara Laughs and was one of the few who didn't shun Mike after he befriended Mattie. She told Mike a little about some of the town's history, but she couldn't go to Sara Laughs anymore when she had a dream that something bad would happen to her if she did. She believed that something evil was very angry with her.

22. Where did Mattie work?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: The library

She had also worked at Warrington's, which is where she had met Lance.

23. What becomes of Max Devore?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: He commits suicide

Mike starts having weird visions in waking life not long after his writing takes shape. On one evening he has a vision of a boy drowning in Dark Score Lake. It's the worst time for coincidence; that's exactly when Max Devore and Rogette Whitmore arrive, taking what seems to be an innocuous stroll along the road. Though Mike warns them away, he finds himself unable to fight back against the older pair, Max with a cane, able to knock the writer into the lake, and Rogette with a strong pitching arm, hurling rocks at him from the shore. The only way Mike can escape and avoid drowning is by swimming out to the float in the water and waiting for them to leave. The following day, Mike receives a note from Rogette, delivered by local man Richard Osgood. He ends up calling instead of responding to the messenger, speaking to Rogette about the circumstances which, to his surprise, come down to Devore ending the legal battle and heading to California, never to return. It sounds too good to be true... and perhaps a little bit more so when he wakes up to find that Devore committed suicide in the night, suffocating himself in the bathtub with a plastic bag.

24. What nickname did Kyra use to address Rogette?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: White Nana

Rogette and Max work together to try to gain custody of Kyra. Kyra is warm to the two at first, but later grows to fear them. A game Kyra and Rogette play is one where a word is said and Kyra has to say another word that rhymes with it.

25. How did Max Devore make his fortune?

From Quiz Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones"

Answer: Computer software guru

He owned a computer company called "Visions". He also owned a lot of forest in the Maine area. He bought the land as an investment in his son Lance, who had taken an interest in forestry.

26. What was the title of the last book Mike ever had published?

From Quiz Not Just Another "Bag of Bones"

Answer: Helen's Promise

After Johanna died, Mike suffered from extreme writer's block. He was able to finish the book he had been writing when she died, but after that, no more. Yet his agent wanted books from him, so Mike submitted four novels that he had written in the past and never published. The first of these was "All the Way from the Top", followed by "Threatening Behavior" and "Darcy's Admirer". The last book Mike had published was "Helen's Promise". Mike worked on a book at Sara Laughs, but it wasn't finished, and he never wrote again.

27. Who was the multi-millionaire opposing Mike?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Max Devore

Elmer was appointed Kyra's guardian 'ad litem'. Romeo was the lawyer representing Mike Noonan at the hearing on Kyra. John was the lawyer representing Mattie.

28. What is the name of the moose with the bell?

From Quiz Bag of Bones

Answer: Bunter

The moose head is in the summer home. He has a bell that the mysterious ghost rings from time to time.

29. What bumper sticker did Max Devore have on his motorized wheelchair?

From Quiz Stephen King's Masterpiece "Bag of Bones"


Mike thought this wheelchair looked like something out of a Tom Clancy novel. It had a satellite dish on it. It had a green oxygen mask holstered on it. The armrests were covered with a wide variety of controls.

30. How was Rogette Whitmore related to Max Devore?

From Quiz Not Just Another "Bag of Bones"

Answer: She was his daughter

Officially, Rogette Whitmore was Max Devore's personal assistant. She did everything for him and was his staunch ally. However, Mike later discovered that Rogette was actually Devore's daughter, and that she had leukemia.

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