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Characters In Stephen King Novels Trivia

Characters In Stephen King Novels Trivia Quizzes

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Characters In Stephen King Novels Trivia Questions

1. Which story is the character Curtis Anderson from?

From Quiz
Name that Stephen King Character

Answer: The Green Mile

Curtis Anderson is the second in command at Cold Mountain Prison in Stephen King's serial novel, "The Green Mile". He only appears at a few executions throughout the book and for the film, the part was cut altogether.

2. In "It", which two main characters die?

From Quiz Who Died?

Answer: Stan and Eddie

Stan kills himself right after receiving Mike's phone call, not able to deal with what was to come. Eddie dies under the city of Derry fending off "It" with his inhaler.

3. In one of Stephen King's books (created in 1987), Paul Sheldon is trapped in Annie Wilkes' house with no escape. Paul Sheldon was a famous writer known for writing books about which title character?

From Quiz Writers in Stephen King Novels

Answer: Misery Chastain

After his car crashes on a slippery Colorado road, Paul Sheldon is taken in by an experienced nurse named Annie Wilkes, who recognizes him as she is his number one fan. She has him heal in her house while she reads his latest romance novel, "Misery's Child". When she realizes that he has killed Misery to end the series of books, she goes on a rampage, trapping him in the house to write Misery's return. "Misery" later won Kathy Bates the Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal of Annie Wilkes. James Caan played the role of the injured author, Paul Sheldon.

4. "I had some trouble with a werewolf. I also had a run-in with Paul Bunyan. I hate it when people say Beep-Beep. Who am I?"

From Quiz Stephen King Characters Guess Who?

Answer: Richie Tozier

Our friendly neighborhood "Man of a thousand voices", Richie Tozier from "IT"!

5. "Single white male seeks female for companionship. 6'6" 270 lbs. Police officer in a small town, likes coyotes and buzzards. Motorcyclists need not apply. Tak!" Which King character would place this ad?

From Quiz King's Lonely Hearts

Answer: Collie Entragian

Collie is the rather nasty police officer in "Desperation". He has been possessed by the spirit of Tak, who, it seems, came out of the "China Pit" mine, and caused Collie to kill everyone in town. He then starts collecting tourists from the highway and placing them in holding cells. Tom Gordon is a baseball player forom the book "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon", Johnny Marinville is an author who is travelling across America on his Harley when he pulls over to take a leak and is met by Desperation's friendly officer, and Ralph Carver is travelling with his family and runs over a piece of highway carpet which flattens all the tires on their RV. Collie later kills their daughter by pushing her down some stairs, and takes his wife away, where she becomes Tak's next host.

6. In which novel are Parkins Gillespie, Charles James, Pauline Dickens the first characters mentioned?

From Quiz Stephen King Characters

Answer: 'Salem's Lot

Vampires are afoot in the town of Jerusalem's Lot. Turned into a movie in 1979 starring, of all people, David Soul as Benjamin 'Ben' Mears.

7. A giant spider from outer space.

From Quiz Name The Villain

Answer: Pennywise the dancing clown

The "giant spider from outer space" is better known in its disguise as Pennywise the dancing clown. One of King's most frightening creations, from the novel "IT".

8. Which Stephen King novel was made into a musical?

From Quiz Stephen King - Fact and Fiction

Answer: Carrie

"Carrie: The Musical" was not one of the more popular musicals to be released.

9. In what book is Donald Elbert?

From Quiz Stephen King character book matching

Answer: The Stand

Donald Elbert was also known as Trashcan Man

10. Which story is the character Brent Norton from?

From Quiz Name that Stephen King Character

Answer: The Mist

Brent Norton is the annoying neighbour in the Stephen King short story, "The Mist". This short story is about a strange mist that traps a group of townspeople in the local supermarket. In the story, Brent Norton refuses to believe that there are any monsters in the mist but when he goes outside he is soon killed. He is a much more sympathetic character in the film version.

11. One of King's short stories from "Everything's Eventual" is about a writer of non-fiction books about haunted places. Which story is this?

From Quiz Writers in Stephen King Novels

Answer: 1408

"1408" is about Mike Enslin, who has written books like "Ten Nights in Ten Haunted Castles" and "Ten Nights in Ten Haunted Graveyards" to spook readers. He knows none of this is real, but he travels to room 1408 in the Hotel Dolphin for his new book and finds that there are some places that are truly haunted. What results is terror and a near-death experience for the author.

12. "I'm slow in the head. I once went under hypnosis and stood on my head. I went to spy on a bad man in the west. Who am I?"

From Quiz Stephen King Characters Guess Who?

Answer: Tom Cullen

M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen from "The Stand".

13. "Single white female seeks male who will be nice to her. Has tu-tone green and orange hair, badly scarred left ear and crooked nose. Bulls need not apply." Whose ad is this?

From Quiz King's Lonely Hearts

Answer: Cynthia Smith

Cynthia Smith appears in "Rose Madder"; she also appeared in "Desperation" and "The Regulators". In "Rose Madder", she is a resident at the battered women's shelter Daughters and Sisters. She had her left ear almost ripped off by one of her former boyfriends, and Norman Daniels (Rose's husband) broke her nose at a Daughters and Sisters picnic. Rose McClendon is the main character from "Rose Madder", Mary Jackson is from "Desperation" and "The Regulators", as is Audrey Wyler. Cynthia Smith also appeared in "Insomnia" in the woman's shelter (thanks Alliecat!)

14. In which novel are Mrs Margaret White, Carrietta White, Miss Desjardin the first characters to be mentioned?

From Quiz Stephen King Characters

Answer: Carrie

Carrie White is no ordinary girl, she has a gift - telekinesis. Her dream is to be accepted by her school colleagues. She thinks this has happened when she is invited to the school prom. When her dreams are shattered, then she uses her gift to get retribution. Made into a movie in 1976 starring Sissy Spacek as Carrie.

15. An abusive bull of a husband

From Quiz Name The Villain

Answer: Norman Daniels

Norman Daniels was a living, breathing nightmare in the novel "Rose Madder".

16. In what book was John Coffey?

From Quiz Stephen King character book matching

Answer: The Green Mile

John Coffey was the man wrongly put on death row with mutant type powers

17. Which story is the character Vic Donatti from?

From Quiz Name that Stephen King Character

Answer: Quitters, Inc.

Vic Donatti is a worker at Quitters, Inc. in the short story of the same name. In the story he deals with the main character Morrison and reveals that if Morrison goes over a specified weight, than the company will take one of his wife's fingers.

18. Who is the only main character in "The Shining" to die?

From Quiz Who Died?

Answer: Jack

Jack is still in the hotel when it explodes. He had forgotten to dump the boiler; they all had. Dick gets away with Danny and Wendy at the last moment.

19. Jack Torrence is the antagonist and one of the main characters of "The Shining" who ultimately loses his sanity. Where did the story of "The Shining" take place?

From Quiz Writers in Stephen King Novels

Answer: The Overlook Hotel

The Overlook Hotel, built on an ancient Indian burial ground, is able to trap Jack and cause him to try and destroy his wife and son. Danny Torrence, Jack's son, has the mysterious 'shining' that allows him to communicate using telepathic powers. After he's passed over for a job with a renowned school, Jack takes the family to Colorado where he acts as the caretaker for the Overlook Hotel and begins writing a new book.

20. "I'm a black male, and am in two of Mr. King's novels. I've spent time in Derry, Maine where a fire almost killed me. Who am I?"

From Quiz Stephen King Characters Guess Who?

Answer: Dick Halloran

Dick Halloran shined on in "The Shining" and escaped the fire at the black spot in "IT".

21. Gage Creed is the boy who comes back to life in 'Pet Semetary' after he is run down by a truck. In which other book does he have a mention?

From Quiz Stephen King's Favourite Characters?

Answer: Insomnia

Ralph finds his shoe in the home of Atropos, the bald little doctor who works for the Random (and the Crimson King).

22. "Young girl seeks companion. Must like horses and be able to withstand the heat. Shop employees need not apply." Who might place an ad like this?

From Quiz King's Lonely Hearts

Answer: Charlie McGee

Charlie McGee is the "Firestarter". One of the rewards she received from the Shop for lighting fires was rides on a horse named Necromancer. They kept promising her that she could see her father, but they never had any intention of letting her. Norma Manders is the lady whose farm Charlie and her father stayed at, Susannah Dean is the lady in the wheelchair from "The Dark Tower" series, and Beverly Marsh appears in "IT".

23. In which novel are Jack Torrance, Stuart Ullman, Daniel Torrance the first characters to be mentioned?

From Quiz Stephen King Characters

Answer: The Shining

When the Torrances take up residence as caretakers for the Overlook Hotel strange visions befall Daniel. Is this due to his high psychic ability? The hotel is supposed to be empty, so who is using the elevator? Who can forget Jack Nicholson's performance as Jack Torrance in the 1980 movie.

24. In what book was Brian Rusk?

From Quiz Stephen King character book matching

Answer: Needful Things

Brian Rusk was the boy on the bike who first went in Leland Gaunt's store

25. Which story is the character Charles Ardai from?

From Quiz Name that Stephen King Character

Answer: Cell

Charles Ardai is the headmaster of Gaiten Academy in King's novel, "Cell". The heroes of the novel come across him during their quest to find Clayton's son but his mind is infiltrated by the zombies and they force him to kill himself.

26. What is the name of the little boy who dies in "Pet Semetary"?

From Quiz Who Died?

Answer: Gage

Gage Creed is run over by a semi-trailer truck on the main highway.

27. "Secret Window, Secret Garden" is a short story from "Four Past Midnight". What is the name of the writer/protagonist of the novella?

From Quiz Writers in Stephen King Novels

Answer: Mort Rainey

When a mysterious man visits Mort regarding a manuscript, Mort's life is changed. The man claims that Mort copied his ideas. It later turns out that the man is actually Mort's alternate personality, who performs tasks while Mort is suffering from nightmares in his sleep. "Secret Window" later became a movie starring Johnny Depp as Mort Rainey.

28. "I'm a writer. A man comes to me and claims I stole his story, although there is more to this man than meets the eye. Who am I?"

From Quiz Stephen King Characters Guess Who?

Answer: Mort Rainey

Mort Rainey . . . (aka John Shooter!) was a crazy writer in "Secret Window, Secret Garden".

29. Andy Dufresne is the main character in 'Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption'. In which other story from 'Different Seasons' does he feature in?

From Quiz Stephen King's Favourite Characters?

Answer: Apt Pupil

He set up a stock portfolio for Dussander in 'Apt Pupil'. 'Rainy Season' is actually a story from 'Nightmares and Dreamscapes'.

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