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Mission Impossible Movie Trivia Quizzes

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Mission Impossible (1996)
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MI - Ghost Protocol (2011)
MI - Rogue Nation (2015)
MI - Fallout (2018)

5 Mission Impossible quizzes and 55 Mission Impossible trivia questions.
  Mission: Impossible 3   great trivia quiz  
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Directed by J.J. Abrams, this third movie in the "Mission: Impossible" series does not disappoint.
Average, 10 Qns, skunkee, Jun 12 18
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Jun 12 18
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  Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol   great trivia quiz  
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The fourth installment of the "Mission: Impossible" series brought back memories of the Cold War. What do you remember about the 2011 film which started with the murder of an IMF (Impossible Mission Force) agent in Budapest?
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Jul 15 18
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Jul 15 18
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  Mission: Impossible 2   popular trivia quiz  
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The Impossible Mission Force was sent to Australia to get a deadly virus and its antidote out of the hands of a rogue IMF agent. What do you remember about this 2000 John Woo-directed action film?
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Jun 20 18
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Jun 20 18
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  Mission: Impossible    
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This is my quiz on "Mission: Impossible", which I think is one of the best movies of all time! Have fun!
Tough, 15 Qns, jude87, Jun 19 18
Jun 19 18
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  Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation    
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A quiz on "Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation".
Average, 10 Qns, dubya64, Apr 03 20
Apr 03 20
434 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Sean Ambrose offered to sell the virus and the antidote back to Biocyte CEO John McCloy in exchange for what lucrative items?

From Quiz "Mission: Impossible 2"

Mission Impossible Trivia Questions

1. At the beginning of the film where specifically in Moscow was Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise)?

From Quiz
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Answer: Prison

Hunt was imprisoned in Moscow for the unsanctioned murders of six Serbians. When we first saw him, he was laying on a cot, tossing a lump of cement against a wall (ala Steve McQueen with the baseball in the cooler in "The Great Escape"). Hunt was surprised to find an IMF team had been sent to break him out because it turned out that he had deliberately been incarcerated so that he could get information from an inmate named Bogdan (Miraj Grbic). The team which consisted of Benji Dunn (Simon Pegg) and Jane Carter (Paula Patton) weren't aware of his operation; they thought they were on a rescue mission and were surprised when he insisted that Bogdan had to be extracted also. Hunt told them that if the IMF Secretary (an uncredited Tom Wilkinson) wanted him out, then something big must be happening.

2. Bio-chemical expert Dr. Nekhorvich was headed to Atlanta to deliver a virus and antidote to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), but he didn't arrive there. How did it appear that Nekhorvich died?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 2

Answer: Plane crash

Nekhorvich (Rade Serbedzija) had contacted the Impossible Mission Force (IMF) and asked for "Dmitri"(an alias of Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt) to escort him to Atlanta so that he could deliver the deadly virus and antidote to the CDC. But Hunt was on vacation, so the IMF sent agent Sean Ambrose (Dougray Scott), disguised as Hunt. On the flight, the pilot reported that the air pressure had dropped in the cabin and told passengers and crew to put on oxygen masks, but it turned out that the pilot was in cahoots with Ambrose, and the oxygen was actually a sleeping gas that knocked everyone out. Nekhorvich hadn't put on the mask, so Ambrose killed him by breaking his neck and took Nekhorvich's bag. Ambrose and his crew then parachuted from the plane before it crashed into the Rockies. However Nekhorvich's bag only contained the antidote, Bellerophon, because Nekhorvich had actually injected the virus, Chimera, into himself before leaving Australia. So although Nekhorvich was killed by Ambrose, it appeared to the world that Nekhorvich had died in the plane crash.

3. At the beginning of the film, we see the IMF at an airstrip in Belarus trying to stop a plane from taking off. There is a deadly package aboard the plane. What is the package?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Answer: Nerve Gas

The IMF remove the package from the plane before it lands. During the operations report, it is revealed that the plane is carrying weapons that contained VX Nerve Gas, capable of causing major damage to many large cities. It is used in chemical warfare.

4. At the beginning of "Mission:Impossible 3", what is Ethan Hunt's job within IMF (Impossible Mission Force)?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 3

Answer: Trainer of New Recruits

Although it is never specifically stated, it is logical to assume that Ethan's withdrawal from field work is a direct result of his falling in love with Julia. Julia believes that he works for the Department of Transportation, analyzing traffic patterns. Hunt is convinced to go back into the field one more time, to rescue an agent he trained, and who was the first he recommended for field placement. Tom Cruise plays Ethan Hunt and Michelle Monaghan plays Julia.

5. In the opening scene of the movie, what is the name the Russian gives after Ethan Hunt (Under cover as another Russian criminal) persuades him?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible

Answer: Dimitri Miediev

This takes place in the first scene of the movie. As soon as the name is given, Ethan hands him a spiked drink, and the Russian promptly falls unconscious. Ethan than injects Claire with a drug to wake her up from her induced unconsciousness, which was enforced to give the impression to the Russian that she was dead.

6. Ethan Hunt and his team were sent to the Kremlin to obtain information about a renegade called Cobalt. What happened after Hunt aborted the mission?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Answer: Part of the Kremlin blew up.

Hunt and Dunn were disguised as a Russian general and his assistant and entered the Kremlin to obtain files that would reveal the real identity of Cobalt. But when they reached the archive room, Hunt found that the files on Cobalt were empty, and they then heard another voice transmitting over their radio frequency, ordering a bomb to be detonated. Hunt aborted the mission, and Dunn and he ran out of the building in different directions as the bomb exploded. Hunt was knocked unconscious, and when he awoke, he was handcuffed in a Moscow hospital. Although he had disguised himself as a tourist as he was leaving the Kremlin, his two-way jacket had a Russian general's coat on the inside, so the Russians thought he had infiltrated the Kremlin to set off the bomb. The apparent involvement of a U.S. agency in the bombing led to the "Ghost Protocol" being invoked, which meant that the IMF was disavowed and would have to operate on their own with no support. This also led to Hunt being chased by Russian agent Anatoly Sidorov (Vladimir Mashkov) for the remainder of the film.

7. Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) was on vacation as the film began. What death-defying activity was he pursuing?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 2

Answer: Rock climbing

Not just rock climbing but free solo climbing! The opening credits sequence to the film showed Hunt scaling a vertical cliff in Dead Horse Point Park in Utah. When he reached the top, a helicopter appeared and fired a small rocket into the ground; the rocket contained a pair of sunglasses which, when Hunt put them on, confirmed his identity through a retinal scan and then shared the IMF mission with him. Most of the climbing scenes were actually filmed with Cruise; according to cameraman Earl Wiggins: "Tom did all of the climbing except the slip off the overhang - his main stunt double, Keith Campbell, did that stunt." Although it appeared that Cruise was free climbing, he actually was wearing cables and a harness, which were edited out of the film print, but there apparently wasn't a safety net. According to Wiggins, no real climbing routes were damaged during the filming: "We were not on a climbing route but at an area that other filming has taken place. Filming climbing and doing climbing are very different beasts. We try never to film at true climbing locations due to the [environmental] impact."

8. What is the destination of the plane that is carrying the deadly package?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Answer: Damascus

Also included in the operations report is the destination of the aircraft. The plane travels from Belarus to Damascus. The crew of the aircraft are immediately arrested once the plane lands.

9. How does Jack describe the coffee Claire makes?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible

Answer: Cruel and unusual

This takes place when Jim is Briefing the IMF (Impossible Mission Force) team on the mission they are to undertake. Ethan then remarks that it tasted better than the sludge they had to drink in the barn in Kiev.

10. What was the mission of bad guy Kurt Hendricks (Michael Nyqvist) aka Cobalt?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Answer: Start a nuclear war

Although Hunt didn't get the files to identify Cobalt, as he was leaving the Kremlin, he passed a civilian man with a brief case whom he later realized must have been Cobalt. He described the man to the IMF Secretary's intelligence analyst William Brandt (Jeremy Renner), and Brandt recognized him as Kurt Hendricks. Hendricks was a Swedish-born nuclear strategist who believed that it was necessary for humanity to destroy itself periodically in order to survive, and he decided the best way to do so was to trigger a war between the U.S. and Russia by launching an apparent Russian nuclear attack on the U.S. Hendricks had triggered the Kremlin bombing to cover up his theft of a nuclear launch-control device.

11. Which Oscar-winning Welshman had an uncredited role in the film as Mission Commander Swanbeck, Ethan Hunt's point-of-contact?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 2

Answer: Anthony Hopkins

Anthony Hopkins appeared in only two scenes in the film and also provided the voice that read the mission message to Hunt at the beginning of the film. Hunt then met Swanbeck in Seville, Spain, to discuss the mission in person. During the meeting, Hopkins became the first actor in the "Mission: Impossible" series (TV or film) to actually say the phrase "mission impossible". When Hunt said that the mission would be very difficult, Swanbeck responded, "Well this is not mission difficult, Mr. Hunt, it's mission impossible." Reportedly, director John Woo originally wanted Ian McKellen for the role, but he turned it down. McKellen said that he was only allowed to see the lines for his character, not the whole script, so he wasn't sure about the film. It turned out to be a good decision for McKellen because he was offered the role of Magneto in "X-Men" the next day and Gandalf in "Lord of the Rings" shortly thereafter. Some sources list the potential role for McKellen as that of Dr. Nekhorvich or Sean Ambrose, although he would be a bit old to play Ambrose. Another "X-Men" connection: Dougray Scott who portrayed Sean Ambrose was originally supposed to portray Wolverine but had to withdraw due to his commitments to this film.

12. After they rescue Lindsey from the factory, they make their escape in a helicopter. They are pursued by another helicopter that fires missiles at them. How is the second helicopter destroyed?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 3

Answer: It is hit by the blade of a wind turbine and explodes.

They fly through a field of wind turbines, hoping to throw off the pursuit and avoid the missiles being fired at them. This is a successful maneuver because the missiles explode into the turbines, and the descending blade of one of the turbines destroys the helicopter that is pursuing them. While this chase is going on, Hunt is trying to charge up the defibrillator, so that he can short out the detonation device, that has been implanted in Lindsey's head, before it explodes and kills her. The defibrillator takes too long to charge, and she dies.

13. Where was the IMF team's mission?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible

Answer: American Embassy in Prague

It wasn't successful. As anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the movie knows, every member of the IMF team is killed, apart from Ethan and Claire, although it is later discovered that Jim was also never killed; he merely faked his own death.

14. The IMF team headed to the Burj Khalifa hotel in Dubai where Ethan Hunt needed to get to the server room on the 130th floor. How did he access the server room?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Answer: Smashed through an exterior window

Say what you will about Tom Cruise, but there's no denying that he does some incredible stunts. That was really him climbing on the outside of the Burj Khalifa tower, the world's tallest building at the time. Although it looked like he was free climbing the building with the aid of suction gloves, there were actually multiple cables on him that were digitally erased from the final print. Still, he was over 100 stories above the ground! In the scene, Dunn needed to control the elevators but couldn't get through the firewall, so he needed Hunt to access the server room, and the only way to do so was through the exterior window, eleven stories above their hotel room on the 119th floor. When Hunt reached the window, he scored the glass and then kicked through it to get inside the room. But he had to go out the same way he came, so he grabbed a cable and used it to run down the building. Unfortunately, the cable was a bit short so he had to propel himself through the air to reach his room, managing to just catch the edge of the window, with Brandt and Carter pulling him in.

15. When Ethan Hunt was given his mission, he was told to recruit Nyah Nordoff-Hall (Thandie Newton) as part of the team. What was her occupation?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 2

Answer: Thief

Swanbeck had told Hunt that Nyah Nordoff-Hall was "a civilian and a highly capable professional thief", and when Hunt first encountered her, she was attempting to steal an expensive necklace from a safe in a bathtub. But Hunt later found out that Swanbeck wanted her on the team because she was bad-guy Sean Ambrose's ex-girlfriend. Hunt stated, "You made it sound as if I was recruiting her for her skills as a thief," to which Swanbeck replied, "Well then I misled you, or you made the wrong assumption. Either way, we are asking her to resume her prior relationship - not do anything she hasn't already done." Tom Cruise's then-wife Nicole Kidman had recommended Thandie Newton for a role in the film, even before it was written. The two had performed together in the 1991 film "Flirting" - Newton's first film. Newton had also previously worked in a Tom Cruise film, 1994's "Interview with the Vampire" in which she played Yvette, the servant of Louis de Pointe du Lac (Brad Pitt).

16. The CIA has the IMF shut down due to its mishandling in multiple prior events. The CIA now has control of the remains of the IMF. Which IMF agent decides to NOT work for or with the CIA following this?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Answer: Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt decides to continue to hunt for the Syndicate agents and bring them down without help from a government agency. Benji works in the cyber group running through metadata and code for the CIA. William Brandt also decides to work for the CIA, even though his loyalties ultimately lie with the IMF. Luther declares retirement, but Brandt calls him in for help in finding Ethan, to which he agrees.

17. Who was the first member of the IMF team to be killed?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible

Answer: Jack Harmon

After he lost control of the elevators, Jack was trapped on a quickly ascending one. He was slammed into the ceiling of the elevator shaft and was killed.

18. While Ethan Hunt was chasing Kurt Hendricks through the streets of Dubai, what made it difficult for Hunt to see Hendricks?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Answer: A sandstorm had blown in.

Not just a sandstorm, but a haboob - a massive wall of rolling dust well-known to people in the Middle East and in Phoenix, Arizona. Hunt first got a glimpse of the haboob while he was climbing the Burj Khalifa; he could see it in the reflection off the windows. By the time Hendricks (using the disguise of his henchman Wistrom) left the hotel with Hunt in pursuit, the dust had carpeted the city, and Hunt was largely relying on a tracking app on his phone to follow Hendricks. Although the sandstorm added a nice touch to the scenes, haboobs apparently aren't common in Dubai. Emirati meteorologist Ahmad Sajwani stated that "Dubai is more likely to get a shower than such a freaky sandstorm as seen in the latest 'Mission: Impossible' movie." According to video effects supervisor John Knoll, the approaching haboob was created using a "Plume GPU-accelerated simulation rendering application", while the chase scenes were filmed using blowing dust.

19. Once the IMF team realized that rogue agent Sean Ambrose didn't have the virus, they knew he would have to break in to the Biocyte laboratory to obtain it, so Ethan Hunt decided to get there first. How did Hunt enter the facility?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 2

Answer: Through roof louvers over the atrium

The building had a large center atrium that received sunlight from louvers on the roof, but the louvers closed at sundown and if they were opened for more than 40 seconds at night, it would set off an alarm. Luther Stickell (Ving Rhames) was able to access the facility controls and open the louvers while Hunt was lowered down by cable from a helicopter piloted by Billy Baird (John Polson). A security desk looked out onto the floor of the atrium, and when Hunt reached the floor, he had to avoid being seen, which delayed him releasing the cable. He finally managed to release the cable and have it extracted just before the louvers shut.

20. Ethan makes progress in bringing down the Syndicate, but realizes he needs help from Benji. Where does Ethan lure Benji to, in order to get his help?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Answer: Vienna State Opera

Ethan sends Benji two free tickets to the Opera in Vienna saying that he has won them. Once Benji gets off the subway in Vienna someone hands him a pair of smart glasses. He then converses with Ethan via smart glasses. Ethan believes the Leader of the Syndicate will be there and they plan to find him.

21. When Ethan called Kittridge after seeing the transport car explode, what did he do to the phone first?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible

Answer: Screwed a metal disc into the mouthpiece

Ethan then tells Kittridge that his team were all killed.

22. Although William Brandt (Jeremy Renner) was working as an intelligence analyst, it turned out that he used to be an IMF agent. Why did he quit field work?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Answer: He felt responsible for the death of Hunt's wife.

While Ethan Hunt and William Brandt were battling with Hendricks' team at the Burj Khalifa, it became apparent to Hunt that Brandt was more than just an analyst; his fighting skills were too good. Hunt later confronted Brandt in front of Dunn and Carter, but Hunt had to leave for a meeting with a contact so he didn't hear Brandt's story. Brandt told Dunn and Carter that he was part of a team assigned to guard a couple in Serbia. He wanted to warn the couple that they were in danger but didn't do so because it was against orders. The woman was abducted and only parts of her mutilated body were recovered; her grieving husband then killed six Serbians and ended up in a Moscow prison. The couple, Brandt said, was Ethan Hunt and his wife Julia. Brandt believed that if he had warned them, she would still be alive.

23. While in the Biocyte laboratory, Ethan Hunt managed to destroy all but one of the virus samples. What happened to the last sample?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 2

Answer: Nyah injected it.

While in the facility, Ethan Hunt lost contact with Luther Stickell, who was monitoring activity in the facility from a van parked outside, so Hunt didn't know that Sean Ambrose and his team had entered the facility, bringing Nyah with them. Hunt destroyed all but one of the samples of the virus before Ambrose's team attacked, and the last sample, which was contained in an injection gun, ended up on the floor between them. Ambrose sent Nyah out to pick it up, but instead of bringing it to him, she injected herself with the virus. Ambrose had discovered that Nyah was working with Hunt, so she figured that he'd kill her once he had the virus. She knew that he wouldn't shoot her if she injected the virus because he needed it alive.

24. The rabbit's foot is being held in a building that is difficult to access, as well as being heavily guarded. How do they distract the guards, allowing Hunt to swing over from an adjoining building?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 3

Answer: They shoot baseballs at them.

Using an automatic pitching machine, they fire baseballs at the roof of the building that houses the rabbit's foot. As the balls rain down around them, the guards are understandably puzzled, and distracted, which gives Hunt an opportunity to swing across, using a pendulum. We do not see what he has to do to actually get his hands on the rabbit's foot, we just see him breaking through a window and parachuting out, with guards in hot pursuit.

25. What did Kittridge accuse Ethan of doing, and why?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible

Answer: Leaking information to get money as his family was poor after his fathers death?

Ethan then proceeded to blow up the oversize aquarium in the restruant with the explosive "Chewing gum" Jack had given him earlier, and escaped.

26. Sean Ambrose offered to sell the virus and the antidote back to Biocyte CEO John McCloy in exchange for what lucrative items?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible 2

Answer: Stock options

He didn't want cash or a jet, he wanted stock options which would make him the majority shareholder in the Biocyte Corporation. He figured that the stock price would take off due to demand for the antidote after the virus was released. Dr. Nekhorvich had stolen all of the antidote from Biocyte, and since Hunt had destroyed the remaining virus samples at Biocyte, CEO McCloy had offered to pay $30 million to get the virus and antidote back. But Ambrose wanted the stock options, and when McCloy objected to giving up control of his company, Ambrose responded, "You'll be a billionaire. It's better than being broke. And I have terrorists and other pharmaceutical companies waiting in line." Ambrose had a gun pointed at McCloy for extra motivation, and McCloy finally agreed to the transfer.

27. An altercation soon occurs at the Opera House. Who is NOT shot or killed in the fight?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Answer: Ilsa Faust

First, The Flautist Assassin and Ethan get into a fight above the stage, resulting in the former falling to his death. Realizing the Syndicate is there to kill the Chancellor, Ethan shoots the Chancellor only to wound him, trying to take him out of harm's way. A car bomb was waiting for the Chancellor as insurance, which ends up killing him. A syndicate leader works for the Opera House and tries to kill Benji, but Ilsa shoots the Opera guard before he can kill Benji. Ethan and Ilsa then escape from the Opera House together with a rope from the rooftop.

28. At what time did Jim call the abort?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible

Answer: 12:00 midnight

This is mentioned when Ethan is checking Claire for weapons. She tells him she was at the safe house because Jim called the abort. Ethan then tells her that was four hours ago. This all happened at four am-the time when they were all supposed to meet in the safe house, four hours after twelve midnight.

29. Despite the efforts of the IMF team, a missile had been launched towards which city?

From Quiz Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Answer: San Francisco, USA

By the time Carter got the override code from Nath, it was too late; Hendricks had used the satellite to send a launch message to a Russian nuclear submarine in the central Pacific ocean, and after a confirmation call from the submarine commander, a missile had been launched towards San Francisco. As Hendricks and Wistrom exited the studio, Hendricks stated, "May there be peace on Earth." He then saw Hunt and Carter approach the station so Hendricks told his assistant Wistrom disable the broadcast studio's satellite relay, while he (Hendricks) escaped with the briefcase containing the launch device. Wistrom disabled the system and then turned off the power at the station. While Dunn, Carter and Brandt worked to get the power back on, Hunt went after Hendricks.

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