15. Beethoven's "Piano Concerto Number One in C Major" has in its first movement a number of stylistic references to which great Viennese composer, who died in December, 1791?
From Quiz Ludwig van, Piano Man
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart (1756-1791) had become famous for his compositions by the time Beethoven was a teenager; and Beethoven became an ardent Mozart fan. There are some accounts that they may have met in 1787 when Beethoven made a trip to Vienna, but these accounts are not supported by any contemporary documentation. It is certain, however, that Beethoven had studied Mozart, wrote cadenzas and variations on several of Mozart's works, and showed more indirect influence from Mozart in several of his other works, including "Piano Concerto Number One." This concerto was written in 1796-1797, nearly ten years AFTER his second piano concerto; but it was published first - in 1801, ahead "Piano Concerto Number Two" - thus meriting the "Number One" designation.